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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, I started a FAQ using It seams to be what i was looking for. I'm open to software suggestions for FAQ's but more what i'm looking for here is categories and things you would like answered. Lets start out small install questions, Systems requirements, And getting started things. If you want to help with this and be a user that can submit info to that you can sign up here I think i get a Email when this is done and i will approve the names i know. Of you can post your FAQ's and answers you and i will add them to to faq at Thanks Again All, Just remember t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 305 replies
Last reply by martin, -
- 88 replies
As a break from the animating, thought it might be time to make a teddy Bear for the long term project underway. Modelling is not a strong skill and materials even less so. In that light can anyone suggest suitable material properties, or where to look for them, to use for the Teddy? Any help gratefully received. He will end up being tested on the Unicycle though ! regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 60 replies
Hi, I'm not sure this is a bug or a restriction or due to a model creared in an eariler version or model corruption or perhaps the way I'm doing it. Anyone seen, know anything about or have a work around for chor constraints that won't work after you save/close/reopen. These constraints are from one model to another model to bones deep within a char rig. This is a huge deal with my current project and any help from the community would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks! Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 58 replies
So, I'm determined to model a character in A:M. I went on Google and found a character reference that has simple, sharp enough lines for me to follow, and decided to just do it. It has front, side and back views, so I have that covered. I've seen a few different tutorials now, and it seems each one has its own style/approach, and so there's not "one right way". So, I'm picking up things from each that I like and make sense to me. For example, using a sphere as an eyeball proxy to model around, from t he Bill Young face modeling CD. Not very far in at all, yet, and I'm expecting to have lots of mistakes along the way, but I'm saving a lot, so I should be okay. Just going…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Hey Gang, I finally got a chance to try out the new V17 Retopology Tool, and I think it is pretty well thought feature. Kudos to Steffen! I know at this time V17 is in alpha and a lot of people don't have access, but will eventually and here is my 'illustrated' guide to getting the tool up and running. I started with Fuchurs useful instructions from the V17 thread: 1.) Import a Prop (for instance an OBJ) into the chor-window. 2.) Create an empty model in the PWS and drag and drop it into the chor too. 3.) Good practice is to make everything but the empty model in the chor unpickable. 4.) Now select the model and go to the modeling-mode in the chor. 5.) C…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Hello All, We are on the new server. Everyting I think is working but stills. I'm just to tired to work on that and the data is still moving so I'm not going to beable to get to that till after I sleep for a bit. And uploads other then admin will take some time too. If you find anything wrong you can post it here or email My Night.mp4 First thing when I wake up I will get on stills, Then ssl(but we do not really need that for users)
Last reply by Rodney, -
AM Marketing? 1 2
by strato- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Does it exist? Why is AM increasingly unknown by the upcoming kids that should use it? Everybody knows Blender by now, and of course its free, but for Character animation its still a big pain to learn. Looking at the Hash forum, it tops at 300 viewers. AM community has reduced to a club of a few contributors, and I believe its a political issue. First, it is not opening itself to new talent, it barely offered a trial version (way too late). It left all the public forums, or their moderators had a falling out. It presents itself as a basic intro to character animation but misses to convey its sophistication. On the other hand it has a slow render and it doesn't play w…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 54 replies
for test
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
I just renewed my subscription for 2011 and want to comment on the steps for those going through the same process. Subscribing may not be the preferred method for everyone but there are benefits for those that do. Subscribing to A:M is a very straightforward process: - Visit the A:M Store. - Purchase a subscription. - Install A:M. - (If renewing remove the master.lic file from your master folder) - Activate your new subscription. If troubleshooting is needed here are some general tips: - You won't need to uninstall, just delete or remove the .lic file from your master folder. It will most likely be named master0.lic - You can verify your exp…
Last reply by Tore, -
v17 features? 1 2
by serg2- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Where can I find description the new features and additions to the new version?
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 47 replies
Not sure if others have this but when I make a material transparent, it doesn't display transparent. Might be my quadro card, not sure. Basically I have to keep hiding the underlying mesh that I am doing a retopo to see where my patches are. Any tips?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 47 replies
I know most of you just come to the forums but Hash, Inc. has a new site check it out HERE! Thank you, Fuchur For all your Help and Hard Work!
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 46 replies
So that the "Starting to write hxts" ( topic isn't flooded by what is wanted, I created this topic. Feel free to post things that you'd like to see developed here.
Last reply by PopaR, -
- 44 replies
Working in V17g with OSX 10.68 Still trying to finish this project ( in amomgst a lot of other thing ) Presently putting in some blink poses an odd render problem seems to have occurred ? You can see that theres a non white sector in the Left eye ? and the boundary box around the selected CP's. If I hid the other cp's and render again this happens, No miscoloured patch. Nothing else has been changed, only the other cp's are not there. Can anyone kindly suggest a cause and solution ? simon
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 42 replies
is it possible to say wat are the improvement of the uv editor? And how to use it?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 42 replies
Hi everybody, I recently showed off my new computer system based on a AMD Ryzen 1700 (see more here). To show what it can do, I created a new Benchmark for Hash Animation:Master which I call "A:M Bench 2017". Download it here now: - A:M Bench 2017 - A:M Bench 2017 & A:M teapot 2009 in one file There already is one other Benchmark which is called "ThreeTeaPots" (you can find it here) from 2009 so why creating a new one? The problem with ThreeTeaPots is, that it does not really use any of the newer features of A:M and will only use one thread to render. Before it did not make much sense to get all the bells and whistles of A:M in a benchmark, simply beca…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
In this (non-A:M) rendering, depth of field is achieved as postrender blurring via a generated depth buffer. I wonder of this same technique can be used in A:M? This would for me be preferrable to the standard way of doing dof in A:M, which involve loooong (sometimes up to 20 minutes) rendertimes to look good (as comparison the above picture rendered in a little under 2 seconds, including the blurring process). Apparently there IS a depth buffer present in A:M, but I have never come to grips with how to use it. It would be so nice if this could be done inside A:M itself without having to use some compositing software like After Effects (which I cannot a…
Last reply by Tore, -
- 39 replies
The 2019 Summer Image Contest is here! Entry date extended to... December 20! It's... Topic: Prehistoric! Prizes: Every entrant gets a Texas Lottery Card for The Big Scratch-Off! Fourth thru tenth place finishers will receive a Top Ten certificate so suitable for framing you get a dollar to buy a frame. The elegant Image Contest Medal is awarded to the top three finishers. Hash Store Gift Credits. $150, $100 and $75 for the top three finishers, two $25 credits randomly awarded among 4th -10th place finishers and one $25 randomly awarded among the remaining entrants. Big thanks to Hash for providing these…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Hello, Do you have on youtube (or other), a simple example of UV unfolding with a cube? I understood a procedure but I am not sure: 1 - Create groups 2 - create poses where we unfold these groups 3 - Grabbing the unfolding screen 4 - create your UV from the grab 5 - place the image as a decal on the "open" pose. 6 - remove the pose so that the character returns to its initial shape. It would seem logical but relatively ... artisanal greats
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 37 replies
Hey Everyone. I tried to find my old thread about this but could not locate it. I inquired previously as to if there is a way to snap a bone's base to a cp. Has that been figured out? Or is it still not possible? Sorry about the re-posted subject. Cheers, William
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 37 replies
How can I change the frequency Rand()? inspired by johnl3d post - "expression RGB(r,g, has anyone used this, or has instructions"
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 36 replies
Hi all, Is anyone else having issues with decals in v18a? In real-time they don't display properly on the screen but do render out correctly. Each time a model is loaded the misrepresented decals change. Here are some shots for your amusement. The images that get mixed into the decals can be from anywhere I have found; bits from my email window, bits of web browser window, Finder windows, or just random noise, anything really. I've tried all the usual resets and reinstall of v18a, but it persists.
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
When looking at the change log page at Mantis/Reports, it appears there allready is a version 18 e? But the latest downloadable version is 18 d... I just wanted to test if the fixes in 18 e, has made the ugly d-version crashes go away on my computer. Is there an adress where I can download 18 e (maybe as a beta)?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 34 replies
A:M won't launch. The splash screen appears for a few seconds, then disappears and the software is no longer active. A:M version: 17.0g Mac OS 10.6.8, Macbook Pro 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB ram Tried trashing prefs, tried a fresh install, and tried rebooting. Don't know what else to try. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 33 replies
I dropped my rotoscope into model window and when I try to open a second window for side view and drop the rotoscope in it does not show up. I want to know what I am doing wrong and if I can have the second window be model instead of choreography? God I hope this made sense.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 33 replies
Hello Animation Master.., recently I formatted my computer again, I'm on WinXP, remembered my last I received from you, started the procedure and ended up in a corrupted zip file. No, it's the last winzip,so that's not the problem. So I sended an email to the same person I did two years ago, yes, my archive is OK, and was backdated to the question who I am? Which program do I use, what's the serienumber, do I have a license? I'm sorry for the trouble I cause, but my simpel question is, Could you please be so kind to send me a new file so I can return it to you for a lick.file. I know my email adress is changed, du…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 33 replies
I bought some extra nodes. Now... where do i find the instructions on making them work with an additional networked computer?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 31 replies
Hi Freaks! I wondered if someone already knows what new features AM V.19 will have? Best, Elm.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
I've used cookie cutters before and it was the alpha chaanel that did the cutting. Is it possible to do it with a designated colour or does it rely on the alpha channel ? simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 30 replies
Building a townscape for the new. Happy Families, project I'm hoping to set up the lighting this evening. In 3ds max ( many moons ago ) there was a "sun" seting so you could specify where the location was and what time of day, then the software would produce a sun effect for those settings. Working in V17, is there an equivalent in AM or, is there a global illumination setting. If so, could somebody kindly point me in the direction of the info on how to set it up and use it? What I'm after is a single light source, giving a, very rough, approximation of daylight. Rather than have to introduce lots of lights. simon
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Following some feedback. I'm applying some more details to the hair areas of my figures. As you may have noticed, mapping is not one of my strengths. Is there a guide to the UV editor and how to us it available that someone could point me to ? thank you simon Working in V17 or V18
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 30 replies
I opened A:M at work for the first time since I'd updated the OS to High Sierra 10.13.4. When I did, I got this message box: Clicking on the "Learn More" button takes you this this page. It basically warns that macOS is transitioning to 64-bit applications only. They aren't saying when, but they've made it so that if you open a 32-bit app, you get a one-time alert. Is porting A:M to macOS as a 64-bit app possible?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 29 replies
For those of you with some experience with this feature perhaps you can elaborate on the snapshot feature a little more so I can better incorporate it into my workflow. First, let me say that I am fascinated by how this snapshot feature can do more than a standard Print Screen of the current screen. I do wonder however if I am missing something so let me postulate the following and see if it matches with what you know: - Snapping a Shot will grab a wireframe or shaded wireframe image of the current window (what you get will depend on what View settings currently being used (Wireframe/Shaded Wireframe) - Control Snapping a Shot will pull up the dialogue to allow …
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 29 replies
I just noticed this earlier yesterday but wasn't able to test until now. Perhaps someone else can confirm if they are having similar issues in v18b? When drawing (any interconnecting) splines in v18b and creating a new spline by attaching to a previous spline A:M goes into 'thinking mode' and a pause spinner initiates like it's searching memory in order to complete the task. A:M is then locked up at this point until a forced close. I checked in both 32bit and 64bit and am getting the same results. I figured this might be something I changed recently but checking in v17g... no problem drawing with splines noted. Very odd. Perhaps I toggled something on/o…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 29 replies
I'm working with the 2008 rig in V17 ( although also use V18 ) and I'm having real trouble getting the cp weighting done correctly. Whatever I seem to do goes wrong after a short period, leading to all sorts of distortions and bulges. Is there a table anywhere which suggests suitable settings ? or, Can I pay someone to do a figure for me so I can use that as template to setup the other figures ? Its driving me crackers. simon Grandson Shirted 01.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 29 replies
One last question....completely unrelated to the decal mapping question. I am trying to create a plume of smoke like the kind that happens when a rocket is about to launch. (see the "red line" in the picture below) I am struggling to understand how the sprites can react to the force AND gravity and create that cool looking plume that rolls in on itself. In the zipped Project I attached I create an invisible channel to help shape the plume ........but my smoke is a dud. The project file is zipped (but it is in V. 18) so if any adjustments are made, please do them in V. 18...thank you, Any suggestions are welcome... Tom …
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 29 replies
A few experiments toward getting a nice human Sub Surface Scattering result. "Loyd" model by Steve Shelton. Default surface (no SSS) render... Sub Surface Scattering renders. Pink and less pink... I've turned on some Surface "noise" to suggest the pores in the skin. SSS with Ambient Occlusion... Separate AO render... Curve-Adjusted AO... SSS render composited with adjusted AO... Separate specular render... Composited SSS+ AO +Specular...
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
I let 50,000 pass without a ruckus but for the occasion of 60,000 views I'll ruckus... has passed 60,000 views! It's probably the only thing I'll ever do that will get 60,000 views. <_>
Last reply by Roger, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
I have heard alot about it,but never really knew what it was for ,surfing on youtube ive seen alot of programs exporting from one program to another and back,and I saw John Bigboote had just posted something about it for v17 ,and is it new in v17? ( Most videos were just timelapsed and did'nt explain anything)
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 28 replies
Hi there, I have some trouble using the "Mirror all Smartskin". I made my smartskins on the characters left side, and when I try to use the "Mirror all Smartskins" nothing seems to happen. Unfortunateley i am not able to install the help file (downloaded and unpacked it, but it does not open). How is the "Mirror all Smartskins" working? Regards Heiner
Last reply by Heiner, -
- 28 replies
Hey, I've downloaded and installed my trial version and getting back into AM is as easy as falling off a bike! However, on the Mac side how do you import images? I remember there was some workaround, which I haven't been able to figure out. But the usual "Import" window opens all grayed out.
Last reply by largento, -
- 27 replies
So I installed a new skin. Black Chrome! you can check it out by picking 'Change Theme' In the lower left. If you see any themes you like Just post the link here and I will look into it. If you want to edit the banner you can download this. logo.psd Also having fun with emotions
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
New user here. When I select multiple bones in choreography and rotate them, and then try to undo the rotation, A:M's behaviour is very strange. It takes lots of steps to revert to the original state, like this: little nudge, nothing, nothing, little nudge, nothing, nothing, little nudge, etc. The program may also crash in the process. Can anyone reproduce this? Is this a known issue? Generally, A:M (32-bit) is very unstable on my system.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 27 replies
For the next unit on the course I'm doing I would like to use frame rate of 50fps ( Pal x2 ). I think this is possible in AM but, are there complications playing it back afterwards on other peoples equipment ? I don't play games mysef but do know (?) that quite a few play at 50fps or higher, is that dependent on the graphics card fitted, the compression codec, both or something else altogether ? simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Couldn't find any thread on this subject (?), so I'll start one here: 1) Ability to auto unwrap and save real UV-maps, including ability to mark seams. (Would save so much time and work) 2) Option in preferences to select default spline interpolation in action/choreography (Indispensable!!) 3) Option to select the visual representation of bones. Especially to stick-look. (Less cluttering when animating) 4) Ability to utilise multicore processors inside A:M. (Greater speed all around) 5) Ability to do graphics processor/GPU rendering. (Much greater render speed in some instances)
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 26 replies
I was over at CGtalk an somebody asked about a secondary modeling program and I pointed them towards Hash. This is a response from one of the forum members there. I had to attach the file because it would not let me copy and paste. I am not trying to go into a what products is the best but I thought his answer was not really truthful about what AM can achieve. Hash A.docx
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 26 replies
Hello! Two questions in a single hour! Crazy! Anyway, I'm trying to create a beach ball sort of coloring pattern, and am running into a problem. I've tried selecting alternating columns, using the patch select tool, and by selecting CPs, but when I assign a color, it's affecting the entire ball. So, I tried applying the color to just one group, and then adding more patches to that group, and I can't seem to make that happen, either. When I select a patch on the next column, it does a kind of "select everything in between original group and new selection", kinda like shift-selecting an entire line or paragraph of text in a word document. Does the same thing if I try …
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 25 replies
If you haven't gone through the online videos that come with The Art of Animation:Master book you should begin your journey into computer animation with Animation:Master there: The Art of Animation:Master Video Tutorials You can work through these exercises alone but it's always better to seek feedback. To help you there is a dedicated TaoA:M forum and also a chat window right inside Animation:Master where you can discuss all the latest and greatest progress you've made and seek assistance in real time. If you ever login to chat and no one is there just drop a note here in the forum to let others know you are looking to chat! And don't forget to download th…
Last reply by KJ'd Beast,