Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 7 replies
here is the model for my futuristic movie and no it is not modeled but it will be soon
Last reply by case, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Space pod Im beating myself up with how anguler to me it makes me want to shove an axe through my brain anyway comments welcome tips would be so nice!!! BELOW ON LEFT THE MODEL ON RIGHT TURRENT GUN
Last reply by the_black_mage, -
- 10 replies
Hi all! This thread will, hopefully, document the development of my series that I've been working on for years and years. I've been drawing these grape characters most of my life and I had a storyline that I tried on many occasions to draw/model and animate. As hard as I tried, nothing really "clicked" with me. Until two weeks ago. I was sketching a grape character and suddenly had a Breakthrough moment when I adjusted the porportions of the generic grape person and had a drawing that clicked with me. And then I had a rush of inspiration of the world that these characters live in and its history.It was as if all these ideas were just under the surface and waiting for…
Last reply by case, -
- 4 replies
This has been on AM Films for some time, but I recently updated it to include the title and credits. (This expanded it to 6M instead of the posted 4M, so be warned.): Marshmallow Lecter It features a marshmallow character I designed for a series of short films in the works I call the "Marshmallow Safety Films". Being rather vulnerable, it's rather easy to invent many kinds of humorous "accidents" for them to experience. Not much action in this one. More of an exercise in lip syncing, based on Jason Osipa's excellent methods from his book "Stop Staring--Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right". (I very highly recommend this book! A must have for anyone …
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
NEW NEWS! Crumblenet will start out a short and then turn into a show/movie. Here is what we have so far
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I have created a path in the chor and have tied a character to the path and then applied an walk action to the character. I have set the time of the action/walk. The time only goes 3/4 of the path. I have render the chor. My question is this, why does the character continue to move on the path with out the action the last 1/4? What I want is to apply another movement before the character moves on the path later in the chor. Steve
Last reply by andyg, -
- 16 replies
While I'm putting along on Captain Splines in the David Rogers book, I've undertaken my own learning experience model. Here is the first round of modeling. I'm aiming for an end result that will look as much stop motion as computer animated, animating virtual maquettes with the software. This particular model is a Svankmajer/Giacometti/Bellmer beastie: a virtual paper cutout of Georges Bataille's face, torso, and hands, scotch-taped to wire limbs. (Man: modeling scotch tape over bent wires is not easy, at least to this neophyte!) Here are some renders and a turntable. One criticism I invite is what do I need to do to make my turntable more "industry stan…
Last reply by someawfulbridge, -
Man this takes way to long to do tell me what you think i just started -it equals 708 patches
Last reply by the_black_mage, -
- 5 replies
i'm working on my own version of the cyberman i have the head mostly done comments/suggestions are welcome and heres a turntable .GIF
Last reply by cuboos, -
- 6 replies
My wife and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary today, so I'm created a bouquet for my wife. Actually this will be part of a card I'll be printing shortly. Yes, I am indeed prone to bad puns! But fortunately my wife has the same brand of humor. The card will explain that the result is due to a bad cell phone connection when I called the florist... Bill "Bad Pun! Bad Pun!" Gaylord
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
hey guys been kind of slow lately working on models and such but my friend asked me to make him a logo and splash screen for his updated website tell me what you guys think The final dimension logo
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 3 replies
This is a model that I started a couple years back for the Siggraph cloth demos, however I didnt have enough time to get a successful project going but I kept him around because I liked the posture. Well here he is now with a full set of wings, new schnoz and tail. I will post more replies later with wireframes and progression pics. I hope you enjoy. The wing skin isn't quite attached yet. I just threw it in there so it wouldn't look so bad. The slow process of stitching it into the wings will eventually be done. [attachmentid=21341]
Last reply by case, -
- 61 replies
This is a quick render I did. [attachmentid=19353] It's based off of this image I found on the Internet. [attachmentid=19354] I wanted to see if I could get any better quality with A:M. I should have used a larger resolution map for the Sun, but it's allright for what it is. I'll probably add a bit of Specular to the next render I do, and may move the planets closer together, but it's basically finshed here.
Last reply by jpappas, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Old 'little' project that I never finished and since I was itching to do some animating again after a bit of a break (holidays, fixing things and such) I thought I would start finishing it off. Here's the flick: Flower Sniffin I still have a problem with the feet skidding (I have never fully worked out how to avoid this, or if I did I have forgotten how to do it) and a few other glitches. I have basically put Bella in her Igloo nad changed camera angles on her - not sure if I have done too many though... It's great to be doing some AM again!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
This model came about when late in the month I decieded to try and enter the Hash mascot contest and the only thing that was occupying my mind at the time was Steve Erwins death ,and I had been googling stingrays, I hope no one thought it was in bad taste, I did worry about that. It semed to be a model I could somewhat attempt (spline layout is horrific) , I'm not much with non mech models and weak at mech modeling..........The boneing is terriable, I did what I could just enough to get it to a pose I could live with. I did learn alot about materials when doing the texturing and had a version that used decals done with 3D painter (what a great program!!!) but went with th…
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 9 replies
While I was continuing work on my Superman model I had a stop at Image comics booth during the San Diego Comic Con, and got to talking to the great creative team that makes a superb comic called "Invicinble". As a study in how quickly I could take my Superman and turn him into Invincible's dad, "OmniMan" (he's their worlds Superman) I created this image. About 3 hours work. He's got a new face sculpt and new face map (based on my face this time). The funny thing is, he kinda reminds me of my dad...with a mustache...<<image missing>>...hopefully the guys at Invincible will dig it and put it in their book...fingers back to Superman. - pjc
Last reply by patrick_j_clarke, -
Eskimo Boy
by T-Dogg- 0 replies
The mascot contest is over and I am trying to go back and fix a lot of the mistakes I made on this character: My Losing Mascot Entry HERE is a short quicktime file. It uses the h264 codec, so you'll probably need the newest version of QT to view it. I need to add some bones to help with forearm rotation. I also need to do more with the hair and eyebrows. They just don't look right being flat when his coat is so furry. On the other hand, I might remove the fur and try toon rendering him. I may or may not go back and try to model the face differently. I've also been fixing the fur. In my rush to make the deadline, I forgot to tweak a lot of the…
Last reply by T-Dogg, -
- 14 replies
since everyone is so crazy about video games that i thought i model some so i started with the basics starting with: NES SNES Genesis N64 gameboy gameboy advance gamegear for all the cartridges then ill just do general CDs for all the other systems so far started with NES game used castlevaina as a roto (best game ever!) [attachmentid=21137]
Last reply by thejobe, -
by case- 10 replies
well here is a small project im working on! This is the start what do you think?
Last reply by Jeetman, -
- 15 replies
I've posted about this before, only then it was supposed to be a CGI film. It's live action now, and it is very CG heavy. I'm in desperate need of two or three volunteer modelers who are talented enough to create photo-real creatures and environments. You also need to be able to rig the models you creature. Basically, a lot of our sets will be digital due to the expense of building them in reality. There castles and medieval homes and things like that that will have to be digital due to cost. Also, I could use one or two people in the animating section, but that won't be needed until probably the end of 2007 or better. So, anyone up for the task? It won't b…
Last reply by SapphireAnimation, -
I'm getting back to my own projects for a while and making another character. This guy is going to get the works. I'm going to concentrate on his head first (and maybe last) and I'll be using 3DPainter to do his texturing and bump maps. I'm adament to make this my best character yet. So, here's the first stages of the head. I haven't got great references and so this thread is to ask if anyone has good ones I can use. Or knows of a good website.
Last reply by KenH, -
Heres a quick little character thats really fun to animate! His name... Odd Ball. [attachmentid=21237][attachmentid=21246] So far I have rigged him, abd gave him a few mouth poses. I am not sure if i should texture him or not. oh, i almost forgot heres a 360 view of him.[attachmentid=21241]
Last reply by Jeetman, -
- 4 replies
This is a test animation of the P51-D Mustang I built for Exercise 10. I wanted to see how the propellors would look spinning as well as play around a bit with the motion blur. The movement of the plane is not quite as smooth as I would like (still need lots of practice). The third plane moves a bit too fast when it dives. I have posted the model for download in the Exercise 10 post (it is down a ways on the page). Feel free to use it however you like. C&C always welcome... Thanks... Al [attachmentid=21254]
Last reply by jpappas, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi all, Please check out Miss stork. She and the Brando Tiger are getting set for a new story. Satyajit
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 40 replies
it started out with me wanting to make some wings... then someone said 'sphinx' sophie was conceived! [attachmentid=9457] challenges: balance between chibi and paedo-creepy (beware baby bratz!) push the stylistic (as little detail/realism as possible) articulated wings (scary!) wish me luck! -jon
Last reply by jon, -
- 1 follower
- 150 replies
hi there,i'm new at this forum. still a noob and wish to get help i'm modeling a pourche car in AM, and wish to share my current step with you, i tried to find a tut about car modeling for AM but didn't find any....if someone has comments, ideas, or suggestions i will be very happy...thanks
Last reply by Jin-Kazama, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
found another of my old models the first with a bunch of poses but without the original materials so I quickly made some [attachmentid=21249] to learn from my mistakes here is the project file [attachmentid=21250]
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 39 replies
My first dialog test was about tasteful and restrained acting choices. Not this one. I did this last year but I'm only now getting around to trying to light it and add a "background". Before you had to pretend it was night and that the car was moving. The dialog is Frederic March and Myrna Loy in The Best Years of our Lives. The sound effect was taken from The Palm Beach Affair. [attachmentid=20481] Pickupcafe504_h264300.mp4 I never quite got it to look like my "vision" of how it would all work, but I'm pleased with it. Update: I don't want to leave the impression that I did this in one sittin…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Tried v14 again terrain wizard, treezs.. distributed on terrain with sweeper then added some dark tree material and some hair [attachmentid=21082] wireframe side view [attachmentid=21083] project file [attachmentid=21084] hair image is sprite on cd and darktree materails not included but free ones avaiable from dark trees site [attachmentid=21088] turned off hair to speed up rain test not in project file unless there is interest
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 13 replies
Hi, Back in July I posted the ‘first take’ of the battleship model and got some good feedback. I had already turned my attention to improving character eye movement (see videos 1 and 2), then designed a uniform (for the battleship) (images 1 and 2) and started rigging it. Then, finally, I got back to the ‘Battleship’. The most common comment was that it needed to be bigger. It’s way bigger… [attachmentid=21114] And way meaner…. [attachmentid=21115] Detailed images here. And it has a kick-ass bridge… [attachmentid=21116] Detailed images here. The ship is broken into 9 models to keep it manageable. These are assembled in a chor …
Last reply by CRToonMike, -
this is a project i was working on for a friend it is a START comments are welcome And there was one bug,when i was setting were it was going and it painted the whole thing the wrong color does anyone know how to fix????
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 reply
I found this on my hard drive and decided it should be shared..not sure why I made the model using the font wizard and I think the font is called little creatures [attachmentid=21188] for people with slow connection [attachmentid=21189] project v13j [attachmentid=21187]
Last reply by case, -
[attachmentid=20995] Applied eye material to light and add a few primitves in a timely manner while messing with the material settings and got this. When I went to save the project it said I was denied access and it appears that it did not save..weird
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 5 replies
Holy Thor, I've finnally finished robot number 7. My first fem-bot. She's not perfect, but she'll do. She's Miss Right Now. I have a cold. I hope Saturday's dungeon crawl isn't cancelled because of a sick DM. Click Here Darn You!
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi all I made this mike as part of my music video project. and have run into a problem. The top and bottom mesh's are the exact same decal, it kame out pretty well at first and looks quite cool, until I decided to make it a bump map, as I wanted the wire mesh to stand out to add detail. so top part bump mapped, bottom part is just the decal. [attachmentid=21147] now for the question: Do I forget about the bump mapping and just leave the top section same as the bottom half. Or: if someone can explain to me what I'm doing wrong that the decal comes out white? (It is originally a grayscale .tga image) And please as always, comments will be ap…
Last reply by Duke, -
- 79 replies
hi all i was working on a project where i needed a stadium....i faced many problems modeling it..i couldn't find a good refrence for the stadium structure...this one was made without measurment ...this is the stadium number 5.....i think this is the result i wanted but still under progress....i hope to get some comments
Last reply by martin, -
- 6 replies
Here's a quick bathroom I made. Took no time to render at all. I just used progressive render in a radiosity scene and used neat image to give it a gloomy look. [attachmentid=21112]
Last reply by dre4mer, -
- 11 replies
hey guys i though with the little free time i had today i would go back to a few models and update them a bit with V13 first one i updated was the spider also all my renders will be done with AO and HDRI pictures sipder fixes: changed the eye color proprties made the hair thiner and changed the color fixed the frontal claws to make them have a bit more texture and some cp tweaks this was before:[attachmentid=21027] this was after:[attachmentid=21026]
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 0 replies
[attachmentid=21054] This test constrained to path, lens flares, toonation xray material, and simple expression causing random light flashes. [attachmentid=21055] TG
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 65 replies
Well, here is the 'in progress' renders of a section of the roadway deck and of the south tower. Lots of detail to add to the top of the south tower and more for under the road deck. Also there are many MANY other lights that are designed to illuminate the towers at night, so I'll be adding those as well. This model will have the lights added. I will probably need some help with that as I'm not quite sure how Yves did his skylights with only one light and the action added it numerous times to the skydome. I'd like to do the same thing here, where all the regular street lights are copies of one 'type' of light and the spot (klieg) lights for the tower i…
Last reply by case, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
I wanted to take a break from the tutorials and put some of what I have learned into practice. So far, I have modified Schlitzy by getting rid of most of the hair. Built a room, still need to put trim around the window. Added a layer behind the window for the moonlit background. Added a decal to the floor to simulate hardwood, and added some reflection to it. Finally, played around with the lighting (although, I'm still not sure what I'm doing with them). C & C always welcome. Thanks... Al [attachmentid=20568] [attachmentid=20569]
Last reply by Dhar, -
- 8 replies
[attachmentid=20935] Just wanted to see if this would work
Last reply by case, -
- 2 replies
It has been a while since I did animation. I made this yesterday in about an hour just to see where I stood in terms of weighting. I am disapointed with some aspects, but tell me what you think.
Last reply by Heath_Naylor, -
- 4 replies
Sorry only 24 frame but I got to get some sleep [attachmentid=20982] here's the project file [attachmentid=20983] Basically one light some materials and a transparent screen distorted
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Machine Gun
by dude- 15 replies
Last night I started a model of a machine gun. I am using the Colt M4 as reference. I've got most of the basic splining done and I'm now working on details. But for some reason it dosnt look right, anybody have any ideas on how to make it better?This isn't for any kind of project or anything, just for practice/fun . [attachmentid=20728] Wire frame: [attachmentid=20729]
Last reply by always_a_kid, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi all. I'm busy making a hoverboard for a project I'm doing. I applied a decal onto the top section of the board and gave it a quick render to see what it would look like. its far from finished but I wanted to see what the wood would look like. these strange markings have come up on the render is there someone that knows what could cause this. no matter what render settings or lighting, it appears everytime. [attachmentid=20916] Leo
Last reply by Duke, -
- 2 replies
It's been a while since I posted anything in this area. Here is a clip of a case we have been working on for a long time. The Lawyer had to go off for military duty, so it was on hold. We were not happy with the vehicle interaction from the image perspective we had, so we decided to try a different image. Originally I had modeled the environment from a satellite photo and was able to use it for multiple views in Live action. It was a compromise all around. I decided to model the environment to suit the image, which results in strange looking modeled topography, but looks right in the final product, which leads us to where we are today. The …
Last reply by case, -
- 24 replies
It's been a while, but I had this image of the playing card knights from Alice in Wonderland, and I wanted to put 3D Painter through its' paces. I have to say I really like 3D Painter and its integration with AM. That plus the fact that there's a new version of Mirrorsplines for AM13 really made my day. And when did Hash add the mirror all smartskin option? It's really cool too. Currently the model only has a color and a displacement map, I'll probably add a reflectivity map tomorrow.
Last reply by case, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello all, This is Simon, president of Small Island Productions and Director of Against The Author. We have been working on a 3D Animated Motion Picture Event since April 2004. I have posted before, yet not often, as I usually am too busy actually working on it. The good news is, we are almost finished, and actually plan on releasing it Winter this year. We recently premiered an Interactive Trailer at the Osceola Performing Arts Center in Florida, in front of over 700 Arts Students from Central Florida. If you wish, you may visit the Against The Author Official Website at , where it is also possible to watch the entire footage reel from…
Last reply by guernseyfreak, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi. I don't have problem with making faces or other object. When it came to making a car model I thought that would be dead easy as I have all my rotoscopes matching evenly. But when I get to Extruding Splines ( example the car wind screen) I find I cant get the splines that make up the part to spread or curve evenly. I cant post a WIP as I keep deleting and starting all over. Some were they has to be an example of a curved object made from a Rotoscope showing what to do as one extrudes from on edge to another. Most of the WIP on car modeling have models that are complete. I am sure that I am missing out something very subtle. After all I figured out how to get all …
Last reply by John Bigboote,