A:M Tutorials & Demos
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148 topics in this forum
- 75 replies
The Software Tutorials Forum is constantly adding new resources. Thanks to all contributors! We couldn't do this without you. Recently added to A:M Tutes: Realistic Edges (Bias) Subject: Modeling - Level: Basic - Author: Ken Heslip Changing a Cartoon Horse into a Zebra Subject: Materials - Level: Basic - Author: JohnL3d Quick Videos (Qvids) Subject: Various - Level: Basic - Author: LarryB Animation Bootcamp and related Tutorials Subject: Animation - Level: Basic - Author: Alonso Soriano FACE Rigging Subject: Rigging - Level: Basic through Advanced - Author: Mark Strohbehn Using The Squetch Rig Subject: Animating - Level…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 22 replies
This is a collection of links to various explanatory posts I have made over the years on the forum. Some are full stand-alone tutorial presentations but most are answers to an A:M user's question or sometimes mere interjections in a thread and you may need to read above and below for context. They may be videos, annotated screen capture stills, example projects or just text explanations. Some videos may require installation of the free Ensharpen Codec (bottom of page at link) They are arranged only roughly in broad categories below and not in any particular order beyond that. Some might fit in more than one category but none are listed more than once. I may…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 64 replies
We begin "It Can't Be Done", a tutorial thread in which we try to do the undo-able... with Animation:Master! Part1 This month's topic is revealed and we get started. PRJ of example in video ICBD_2_2014_02_line_test.prj The photograph shown in the video is used with the permission of the artist, Rob Walker. Part 2 ... With comparative analysis we learn to cook our own A:M files. I recommend you Fullscreen it and use the "Settings" button at the lower right of the Youtube player to choose 480p or 720p. If anyone can't view Youtube, let me know. Error: at 7:45 I say "…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 28 replies
Jason Hampton Video Tutorials links 13 Video Tutorials total so far. - Create Material from Surface property group Tutorial, Video Tutorial - Motion control Video Tutorial or http://www.cameracontrol.com/reels.html - Technocrane Camera Rig and tutorial - SSS demystified Video tutorial The following currently have broken links: - Snap group pivot to grid video tutorial: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...+video+tutorial - Screen Capture Video Tutorial: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...+video+tutorial - Quicktime pro video tutorial compression settings: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...video+tutorials …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Here is an working index to some of the A:M Forum's Tutorials. Featured: Holmes Bryant's Featured Tutorials Pinned: Featured Tutorials (3 replies) Pinned: Useful Links (Archive) (75 replies) Other/older classic tutorials: Making a Tutorial... (21 replies) Championing Video Tutorials (1 reply) Camtasia Decoder not Working (1 reply) Holmes Bryant Tuts (1 reply) Dink3D tutorial - Ribbed surface (7 replies) Screw head tut with keyboard shortcuts (5 replies) My first video tutorial (11 replies) What is the best free software for making (3 replies) lighting tuts from movie short (2 replies) exploding tut mov (6 replies) …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Hi! so here it is: Another beginner Tutorial for A:M... PatchWork3d: Beginner Tutorial It is quite large (mp4, about 50 min. 1024px * 604px resolution). Filesize is about 160 MB, but I think it is worth it for a beginner! Let me know what you think. I am covering different things like: - user interface - basic spline / patch principles - some comon questions like: how to connect a shape to an arm > explaining when to use which patches, etc. - what are and when to use hooks - the advantages and disadvantages of peaked vs smooth splines - hooks, lathe, extrusion, copy/flip/attach, a little bit about normals - many many helpful little t…
Last reply by stefff285, -
- 3 replies
This post has two video tuts. Modeling a simple missile and making it fly! http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=338964 (But don't skip the tutorials in your TAoA:M booklet )
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
Hi Spliners : ill tell about MUFOOF Exist countless uses for the passes, one of them, is the capacity to work with Multiple Frames in Only One Frame ( MUFOOF ). Here i will show you, how to set parameters.. I use it to simulate a fast movement, GI, fire .......... The general concept is to produce an action (it doesn't import how many frames it has) that will be executed in one frame .... The secret for that is to alter the properties of the action inside CHO. First project -> Create a fast spinning helix -> model a simple helix and setup bones ( or download it here ) -> Create a new action , select the bone and select…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 24 replies
So I downloaded Camstudio and did a real quick tut on making a ball to see if it would work. It worked and lasted about a minute. But the size of the avi file is like 15 megs and the swf isn't much better. How do I get those file sizes down? I'll never be able to make tutorials with file sizes that huge . Thanks for any answers you may give.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 64 replies
Hi guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that there is a new tutorial on how to export from A:M to Unity (a gameengine using the FBX-format) on my website. Video-Tutorial: A:M2Unity3d. Another tutorial can be found here about how to export from A:M to Quest3d. (a 3d engine using the directX-format) Video-Tutorial: A:M2Quest3d. Hope you find them useful! See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 56 replies
You can use some photo and lipsynch the person on the photo having recorded some sound to use. Here is an example on how ot lipsync President Lincoln! To do the lipsync of a photo you have to start out with the lipsynced mouth you can find in the project file belonging to Four Basic Lessons. And you better have a look through of PART 4 belonging to the Four Basic Lessons to understand a little more about how to lipsync. Here you will find the project file and PART 4 to study: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15027 lincoln_lip_synced.zip
Last reply by seven, -
- 41 replies
This tutorial explains lighting in depth. Its extremely long but stick with it because it gets more informative as it goes on. The tutorial has instructions on how to instal this updated default chor. Default_Chor.cho Realistic_Lighting_P1.mov Realistic_Lighting_P2.mov Realistic_Lighting_P3.mov This version of the tutorial has poor audio quality. I will upload another version that has clear audio soon. Vid tutorial chapter list 1. examples of the the new default chor lighting scheme 2. how to instal the updated default chor ino am 3. breif intro to the tecknocrane. for an in depth tecknocrane tutorial watch this. http…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 6 replies
Hi there folks, since Neymax script established a pipeline between A:M and Blender, you can now do your UVing much more comfortable in Blender and bring the model then with the UV layout as decal stamp back in A:M. The attached picture, which is taken in A:M, shows the kind of UVing you can do in Blender. At the first glance the process is quite complicated, but it is in fact not as difficult as it seems. This is a short tutorial which shows the very basics of the process. If you have questions, just ask. xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oRehwuOSqI&feature=youtu.be
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
This started out as "light" version of Jim Talbot's method to flatten a face and apply a decal but it's already running long... Episode 1 is on Youtube. How to flatten a face? errata: at about 5:35 you can see a bit of distortion happening on the screen-left edge of the mesh. That is because those patches are right next to the hidden stretched patches. Those will decal oddly at that edge. Ideally we would have one more column of patches between those and the stretched patches to hide and exclude from decaling. Then none of the decaled patches would be adjacent to the stretched patches. Episode 2 is on YouTube. Fixing the overlaps. errata:…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 58 replies
Someone was missing this one. Here it comes! You can use hair to make grass! This WINK-tutorial describes how to makes grass in a simple way. A more advanced way you can find here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ffave/e_herbes.htm To learn more about hair you can listen to this tutorial: http://www.s1.hashmirror.com/ftp/pub/movies/RandyHair.mov And a web page to learn about hair: http://www.hash.com/am2004/Modeling/Hair/ Hair can be used in many ways so moore tutorials on hair is needed to describe all the possibilities. cfree68f introduced the topic - experiment in Paint strokes, or pointillism? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?sho…
Last reply by Coggs, -
- 13 replies
Not sure if this has been covered before or not, but Anzovin Studios produced a large number of CD and VHS based tutorials for AM but they no longer support or distribute them. I think I have them all (or at least nearly all). The TSM2 one has already been released on this forum so I contacted Anzovin Studios to find out the status of the others. Anzovin Studios has graciously allowed all their tutorials to be freely distributed (there are a couple where copyright rests with the presenter and can't be distributed yet so if anyone knows how to contact Justin Barrett and Simon Buntrock please let me know) These include: Non Linear Animation …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
Learn how to tell stories with Animation Master using your own models, sounds and bitmaps in four basic lessons. I believe you can learn it in four hours and then you have to practise for four more hours. Then you can teach it to others! Animation Master is a professional program but possible to use in schools for students from 10 to 100. Other professional 3D programs you have to work with daily - not A:M - not having all those buttons and commands instead just the basic ones to use for whatever you want to do. And everything aimed at animating not just doing nice images - but that is of course possible too. These four lessons are for telling stories with lipsynche…
Last reply by seven, -
- 26 replies
Wow. Wow. Wow... and Wow! If you have'nt seen (or recently revisited) Matt Bradbury's Animation:Master Features wiki you must go there now! A:M Features by Matt Bradbury Matt has been systematically working his way through A:M and putting the information about A:M's features in his wiki for all to enjoy. Beautifully presentated with great information. Thanks to Matt for all his hard work on this fine resource. ..and since they will fit right in here as well we'll add the links to information about Sweeper, Treeez and the Newton Physics plugins. These are the pages, projects and presentations from Emilio, Marcel and Steffen who have so masterfully …
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
These tutorials show you how to create this type of lighting and reflections. Update. See this short video. Although the video shows what is not working it also clearly shows what is working. The work around to using the probes meaning spherical maps is to just make them upside down in Photoshop. IBL_in_AM.mov This is 1 of 4 more tutorials. IBL_HDR_LIGHTING_AND_REFLECTIONS_Part_1of4..mov Here is the link to part 2 of 6 Tutorial 3 of 6 unwrapping_probes.mov Download hdrshop below under tools. I was unable to upload the quicktime to this site so I had to put it on youtube. …
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Recently, I am researching ways to process 2-dimensional animation, line drawing animation, illustration of manga and game, commercialize material outputted from Animation Master. Little by little, I think I will announce the results. I want users who can approve actively participate. Let's make "A: M" exciting. At least I want to make this tool known to the world. It is a wonderful animation tool. Thank you.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 30 replies
All, There is information in the A:M Forum on just about every subject matter related to Animation:Master. For many forum members finding and organizing this information can be a difficult task. The A:M Forum provides for the collection, editing and dissemination of information to a variety of formats through the [Print Topic] option and basic/advanced search functions. In short, personalized/customized tutorials are only a mouse click away. Its even easier than it sounds. As such we are looking to collect, edit and format some of these treasures, format them and ultimately make useful information available to the A:M Community. Once enough material is a…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by seven, -
- 18 replies
Here is a place to talk up your software of choice for making Tutorials. Tell us about what you use to make tutorials, what the pros and cons may be and where possible show us examples of tutorials created with those tools. Of special interest are those tutorials that demonstrate use of Animation:Master. For the record Hash Inc's preferred software for video tutorials is Camtasia. For freeware the Tutorials Forum currently suggests Wink as the standard for .swf tutorials. Please note that the forum can generate HTML tutorials based on discussions here in the forum via the 'Print this Topic' option. See THIS TOPIC for more information. Formats of interes…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Here is a tutorial showing some uses for the "Clone CP Weights" plugin. Included in the ZIP file is the video tutorial and the assets used in the tutorial. The latest Squetch Rig can be found using the link in my signature at the bottom of this post. Clone_CP_Weights_tutorial.zip
Last reply by Malo, -
- 34 replies
Why not a new Forum called Tutorials? To this Forum you can send your tutorials and/or links to tutorials on the web. And it will be easy to find tutorials on different subjects knowing where to search for tutorials. A:M is an easy program mostly - but sometimes there are a lot to explain. Text and Images are good - but being able to show some more action - it will be easier to explan and understand. There is a free program called WINK you can use to make a little more Action Tutorials with Screen Capturing. Download it from here to test it: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ Thanks to Emilio Le Roux I discovered the program. He has done a great tut…
Last reply by seven, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone have a link to a Photoshop Tut for making wrinkled Cloth Decals/Maps?
Last reply by thejobe, -
My skies are boring. I would like to know how to make white fluffy clouds, storm clouds, cirrus clouds, pink apple blossom clouds, etc. Is there a tutorial that deals directly with this question?
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 19 replies
So you want to snap bones to CPs? This is how it can be done... Episode 1 is on YouTube. A little bit of set-up is done Episode 2 is on YouTube. Pose export magic. Ta-Dahhh!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Dione is one of Saturn's many unusual moons. It always presents the same face in its forward direction leaving one side light and the other side dark. You can examine this result from any angle if you make your own Dione model! Download the rectangular projection of Dione's surface that was recently featured at Astronomy Picture of the Day... http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap141107.html Then apply it to a sphere to make you own model of Dione. Choose either "cylindrical" or "spherical" application and compare the visible result. I suspect spherical will be the most correct one. Unfortunately it is not an elevation map so you can't make actual mountains and…
Last reply by markw, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
hi, not much traffic 'round these parts? let's see what happens; nearly-newbie-to-a:m filmmaker/animator wishes to get going with a very first 3D project in a month - 6 weeks. looking for a technically skilled person who knows this program well, and who enjoys the absurd, willing to build and rig a deceivingly simple-looking character. there's already one boneless character =the basic finished shape to start from. your job would be to add detail if needed to facilitate future use, hair etc; duplicate the character then connect the two; resulting in one character, one IK, breakable to FK. there's also a turning-scenario, which in the rather 2D wor…
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 18 replies
This new "It Can't Be Done!" tutorial series will be somewhat more general interest and briefer than "Painting with Light" so don't be afraid to give it a look! Part 1 is on YouTube. How to make a smooth, glass-like heart shape? We preface our attempt with some discussion of A:M tools. Part 2 is on YouTube. We begin our heart with Lathing and make an unusual use of the Rotation tool. Part 3 is on YouTube. To the center of the heart! Part 4 is on YouTube. CFA early, CFA often. Part 5 is on YouTube. You get the Hook. Here is the image used as a rotoscope in Part 2
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Most A:M users will never need to do something like this, but it is possible to investigate and make useful changes to an A:M file with a text editor. You'll need your close-up glasses for most of this. AMTextEditing.mov Things I have done with text editing -fixing the "dragged bone in a chor" problem (shown in this video) -changing the name of an item throughout a PRJ -changing a bone to a null -finding and fixing name spelling capitalization mistakes. ("Left" instead of "left" -fixing a corrupted file or saving some portion of it. -finding and deleting an external link to something that is not really needed in a PRJ yet is not easily findab…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Using MakeNormalMap001.atx plugin Enjoy Make_normal_map_Tutorial_h264.mov Part_2 Addendum I missed 2 important steps in the first video. Its a good refresher after viewing the first video. Updated this should play now Addendum_To_Normap_plugin_video_tutorial.mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Bump maps creates the illusion of surface shape details but only in a simple shading manner. They don't change the surface shape. AO and Fake AO depends on actual surface shape to create its shading effect in the recesses and crevices of a model. Here's a surface with a bump map applied. The shading in the recesses represents the direct light only and not the environment illumination By processing the bump map we can make another map that shades the recesses approximately the way the ambient light would. Here's that map added as a Diffuse Map to the surface. Here's the original test image... Now blurred with Gaussian Blur.…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 26 replies
Well... here we are in the new spacious living quarters of the Software Tutorials Forum. Anyone have any specific requests for tutorials? Anyone care to take on a challenge and help build the tutorials of the future? Example: I've long wanted to make a tutorial about putting three segments of animation together into one inside A:M. "Splicing in A:M" on the basic side, or "Film Editing" as a more complex set of instructions I guess you could call it. There are several ways to approach this but I think perhaps that I don't know the best way. -Rodney
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi I dl this http://www.jpatch.com/ that has the same modelling features of AM. I have to evaluate if I can modelling something with the patches or not. If I can and it is easy than the box modelling , then I'll buy Am. Is there a basic character tutorial? I mean , a tutorial for modelling an figure, for scratch. I am a newbie, I create only low low low poly models using milkshape . I tryed to do something with jpatch but I need a startup..
Last reply by oakchas, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Is it magic? Is it a trick? I will note that Transfer AW is not a one-button solution and sometimes makes mistaken assignments that are rather odd. But if you had to get a body moving quickly... it's there.
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 12 replies
OpenEXR buffers make it possible to change lighting after you render and that includes FakeAO. Here's how to add FakeAO to a previously rendered image. FakeAOinAMComposite.mov You will see substantial banding in the images in the video. That is an artifact of the screencapture software, not A:M. OpenEXR sequences can be quite large and slow for A:M to step through. OpenEXR does have compression options, which i don't demonstrate in this video, that may help negate some of that.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 16 replies
Hello, I'm an editor at Focal Press, a leading media technology publisher, working on our graphics and animation list. I'm just looking at the current books on AM and there seem to be very few - I could just see 'The Animation : Master 2000 Handbook' by Jeff Paries and 'Animation:Master 2002: A Complete Guide' by David Rogers. Both these seem to be quite comprehensive, beginner/intermediate guides to the program weighing in at more than 500 pages. Do these books, along with the manual and these forums, cover most people's needs or do you perceive a need for something else... if so, what would you like to see? I'd really appreciate any thoughts on…
Last reply by Julian, -
- 12 replies
Just got PFHoe and have tracked a clip. It opened fine in A:M and have been trying to get models and (shall I say) a floor into the chor. I finally have the model, but the ground that was created into the project does not respond the way it should. (transparent but will show shadows of the model) I have done other chors. where I put a grid under a model to create shadows, but with this new stuff I am having a hell of a time and wasting way to much time trying to figure it out. I just upgraded to LION on my Mac and am wondering if that could be the problem. I know some of you folks have used PFHoe before and hope you could point me to a tutorial or some other stu…
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
The A.R.M.
by Rodney- 2 replies
The Animation:Master Resource Matrix If you can't find the tutorial you are looking for you probably haven't checked the A.R.M. The Software Tutorials Forum is designed to integrate fully with the A.R.M. in an effort to provide the most useful and timely information available. If you aren't sure whether something should be listed in the A.R.M. post it here in the Software Tutorials Forum. Once others have had a chance to check it for accuracy and give you feedback to make it the absolute best it can be, we can link it in the A.R.M. where everyone can easily find it. Thanks to Vernon Zehr for creating and maintaining the Animation:Master Resource Matrix. …
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 17 replies
Well I tried to give some answer to a question about using Expressions: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=102551 I can do a tutorial on this! But Why? I have already done so many! And their must be others - who can do the tutorials on Expressions! Here is the picture showing how to use the formula to get a pose to repeat:
Last reply by SotirisGougousis, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello everybody: Cole3d.net, the bigest spanish A:M workgroup around the world, is happy to offer for free our long videotutorial about the full process of modelling and rigging a human character. Note that, as expected, it is narrated in Spanish... It will be released by parts, and will be available from our site, a new chapter every week: http://cole3d.net/am/ Now let me put it in Spanish, so our targeted audience can understand it well... Nos sentimos muy contentos de poder ofrecer por primera vez on-line, y de forma gratuita, nuestro curso completo del "Humanoide", con el proceso razonado de creación de un personaje en A:M, desde el d…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
If anyone wonders what formula to use when it comes to calculating BPM(Beats-per-minute) to FPS(Frames-per-second) 60:BPM*FPS=NumberOfFramesPerBeat Niels ps. Cycle length can be p.a. 13.39 in order to keep things on timetrack
Last reply by C-grid, -
- 2 replies
Creating and Editing Custom Toolbars As an example of toolbar editing, this video shows how to create an onscreen replacement for the Numeric Keypad. Errata: at 06:27 I say that the Perspective/Orthogonal Toggle is not normally implemented on the Numeric Keypad. That was possibly true when I recorded the video in 2013. However, in 2024 it is certainly implemented on the "9" key of the Numeric Keypad. I recommend placing that button on the upper-right corner of the custom toolbar we are making and placing the "Increase Subdivisions" at the bottom. CustomToolbarsH500.mov Video on YouTube: Errata: at 06:27 I say t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here is Jason Hampton's tutorial on Cloth Attach Groups: Cloth_attached_group_animation.mp4
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 7 replies
I was recommending to a buddy of mine that he should add motion blur to an animation he had done. It's really easy to do in A:M, but more work in the funky setup he uses. He wanted to understand the benefit, so I did this short demonstration video, which you can see at the link below. Enjoy! High Def Motion Blur Demonstration Video -Vance
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 18 replies
Thanks to Robert I was able to make a tutorial on this. Its very powerful information helping to unlock the power of animating cloth. If you cant play the video I recommend downloading quicklime player and using that. If that does not work download VLC player and use it.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Snap group pivot to grid video tutorial Enjoy Snap_Pivot_to_grid_video_tutorial.mov
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 9 replies
Here is a brief demonstration project for controlling an image sequence with a pose or SmartSkin instead of time. ImageSequenceToSS.zip The image sequence shows numbers from 1 to 50 and fades from green to red The top decal is controlled with the "UpperSequence" Pose slider The top decal is controlled with a SmartSkin on the "Lower Sequence" bone below the square. Neither is controlled by time anymore. When you make a Pose or Smartskin there is a temporary Action created in the Actions folder. That is where you can turn on "Show More than Drivers" and make entries in the "Frame" parameter of an image sequence at certain Pose slider settings or certain…
Last reply by robcat2075,