A:M Rendering
Rendering, Compositing and Special Effects
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- By Jason Simonds,
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99 topics in this forum
- 37 replies
I was watching one of the videos and it referred to a white render. I like that look but don't know where or how to do it. Anyone?
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 7 replies
Have any of you seen the recent Jose Cuervo ads on TV and have suggestions on how to light and render models in A:M in the choreography to simulate that look? It seems to be a 2-color (red/black) psuedo toon render in 3d, with the shadows being black. I write "psuedo" toon render because it seems like there is depth to the scorpion model though it is only two colors.
Last reply by cribbidaj, -
- 6 replies
I'm considering buying an Intel Mac computer with Mojave installed (last Mac OS to allow 32-bit apps). The computer will have an Intel i9 CPU and an AMD rx590 GPU (8GB) and 64GB of RAM. Will I see some decent rendering times with A:M v19 on this setup? I don't quite understand what aspect of the computer A:M utilizes for rendering - the GPU or the CPU. Which makes the biggest difference in render times in A:M? Thanks.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I recently returned to AM. I'm working my way through TAOAM. I am also just digging around and pressing buttons and just getting to know the program. Question - How do I add a background image? I'd like to create charcaters, etc. but also use backgrounds; like cityscapes, or the inside of rooms, or environments created in other programs, and render my charcaters on or ontop of the background. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I am slightly confused. I am trying to get to grips with ambiance lighting and occlusion in A:M rendering. The problem isn’t abscense of options but the opposite: there is so many different places ambience parameters can be set, and it is not clear (to me anyhow) which of the similar labeled functions does what and what cancels each other out. Below is a collection of the possible settings I have found ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- Camera: Global Ambiance (%) Camera/Render Options: Ambiance Occlusion (On/Off) Occlusion Sampling (%) Transparent AO (On/Off) Camera/Render Options: Plugin Shaders (On/Off) Ambiance Render Shader (shade…
Last reply by Tore, -
- 5 replies
Animate Boolean Effect (Animated Gif attached - click on the picture and wait loadings ) Project file BOOLEAN_v15_7.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Hi guys! I searched the forum and all I got was ancient threads about this feature, which didn't provide any infos on its usability... So I thought I ask again if anybody knows IF this Light map thing works, or maybe even HOW.. Or: does anybody know a (reasonable) workaround for 'baking' light and shadow into dacals / maps / whatever? Greetz, Elm.
Last reply by detbear, -
- 4 replies
Tried to search but the forum errors because it's a 3 letter word..... My own trial and error attempts have not produced what I expected (ie I am trying to 'hide' the scintillation on the ocean waves in the distance in my animation but I do not want to obscure anything else - ie the sky..... Cheers
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Hey all, has anyone seen the following errors when starting renderMess? followed by this one after hitting OK RenderServer is on Win10--both PCs I'm gettting this error constantly are Win7--the Win8 PC I also get it on but a restart will ofttimes fix it. It's been some time sine I ran Server/Mess, but I could've sworn that I was still running 10, but I'm not certain. Thanks, Rich
Last reply by Dylan Perry, -
- 6 replies
I see I don't have to use the pre-canned resolutions in the render tab. I can set my own. So I am wondering how to compute the proper aspect ratio?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Surface Properties have two rarely noticed options: Average Normals, which when ON enables... Normal Weight 0% -100% This seems to control how the surface normal is interpolated from one spline to the next across a patch which affects shading and reflection results. Notice the difference in reflections and specular highlights in these three images. From left to right... Normal Weight 0%, 50 %, 100% OFF and 0% is the A:M default but ON and 50% is the result most like the intended spline shape and will give you smoothest results for most models.
Last reply by strato, -
- 3 replies
Since I have always constructed texture UV maps, I find myself in unsure waters with baking things. If I have a few darktree materials on a model and I bake textures. What will that do to the darktree textures. Will it form a decal. Will it do some other magical task. What's in it for the Baker William
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I need a brown dust sprite / brown smoke? I tried the dust from TAOAM but its not looking how I need it to. it would be a big help if someone has such a sprite. Thank you very much! Gene
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
As far as I know, you need to use multi pass to get OpenEXR renders to contain most buffers, including the depth buffer. Or is there some way to use regular render and still get a depth buffer? It can't be a "normalized" depth buffer like the 8-bit renders get with the depth buffer switch ON (because that won't work with fakeAO, AFAIK)
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 13 replies
I'm creating an explosion and I wanted to have some sprites change from yellow to red over their lifetime, i.e., from the center of the explosion to the periphery. I've been playing with settings but can't seem to find a way, or even just coloring them one color throughout. Can this be done? Or does it need to be an animated sprite?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Cloth has been very hard to get a grip on. Second run at it Steve Cloth.mov
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 14 replies
I'm having difficulty getting cloth to work - at all - in 16.0a. Simulation always creates infinite collisions, no matter how low I have the threshold set. Loading the same project in v15 makes the cloth simulate perfectly fine. Submitted an AM:Report, anyone else having this issue?
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 5 replies
I'm using A:M 18.0p SE3 on a Mac running OS 10.11.6 with an nVidia Geforce GT 750M. When rendering a choreography at Super35 res I'm able to render one frame at a time successfully, but while attempting to render multiple frames A:M consistently crashes. I've stopped many of the background processes on the computer to allocate as much processing power to A:M as I can, but the crashes still consistently occur (only when attempting to render multiple frames - the software successfully renders to first frame I've selected, then crashes). My current workaround is to stay at the computer and render one frame at a time, which does not cause the software to crash. Any idea w…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
OK Heres the deal , i have a top down view of a building and i have a little ball thats going to move through it , i need a line to follow it in a way similar to how a line follows a pencil sort of like is created at the center of the ball but does not move on its own accord, was wondering if any one had any ideas that could make this work ?
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, has anyone seen anything like this? Did a search, but the closest thing I could find was material displacement, and I don't think this is that, but you judge. Below is the view from the camera Whereas, this is the actual render Having a hard time figuring out why the "wall" is further out in the render than in the camera preview. Using "use camera settings" in Tools/Options/render. Any ideas? Thanks, Rich
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Well I'm not sure if this is new ( on a Mac ) but I can now drag and drop a quicktime movie as is ( no tga stuff here ) into AM as a layer or roto and even a decal renders and player great !! at least so far so good I'm using the latest version love it ! j
Last reply by jimd, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys! I'm adjusting the fog distance in my chor's camera (including setting keyframes for both "start" and "end" distance). When trying to render via the netrender Server, these settings get ignored - the standard 200cm for start and 800cm for end appear. Is this a bug? I tried with v 16 and 18. Greetz, Elm.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 13 replies
Hello, Will helped/pointed me in the right direction to get shadows on a rotoscope image. Grabbed an image from the net, slapped my giraffe on it ... I did a search on the forum, and found a great pic of the settings that robcat2075 added to the forum.... How do I get strong shadows in my images. I played with various settings, and the shadows actually got worse. Is it a ground thing, or is a light thing? confused.
Last reply by detbear, -
- 5 replies
Howdy Folks, Been awhile sense I've used A:M and seeing if I can get back into it before a possible upgrading....I am using 14c Some of U may remember this old newbie... Ok the problem ,I want to use a picture I took and add a 3d model to it with its shadow on the ground plane.... I've gotten the shadow to show up but the model does not show........or visa versa.... Ground plane has receive shadows on and shadow only on and front projection target and flat shaded on but even when off no render differance Model has cast shadows on Camera has shadows on and a rotoscope pic/decal with On top off and include in alpha buffers off I've done …
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 2 replies
http://aaa-studio.cz/furryballforum/viewto...f=18&t=4010 Any takers? I believe they pay.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 5 replies
AMers On my Pirate project I'm thinking on attempting to get the look of stop motion like seen in those old Sinbad movies (those skeleton sword fights) , what approach would/could one take in getting that effect/look in AM ... animating is by no means a strong area of mine..that is if I have a strong area.... Thanks, Mike "Kamikaze"
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Testing out netrender on my animation machine. Ran just perfectly. Steve
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 20 replies
Last reply by Elm, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, Been away for a few months and seem to have completely forgotten how to create a gradient. I read the Tech Ref, but I'm not clear: When the techref mentions "measuring from the pivot", does that mean the center? Also, is it the center of the example sphere or the patch where the mat will be placed? For example, if I have a line of patches approx 50cm tall that I want to split between two textures, would the gradient read: Start X 0cm Y -25cm z 0cm End x 0cm y 25cm z 0cm This is kinda puzzling me. I've successfully created these in the past, but I winged it, and I'm trying to gain greater control over them. …
Last reply by Darthlister, -
- 15 replies
Greetings all! I've never used the hair material before and don't understand why I'm not getting any specular effects. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I have a feeling I’m missing something basic. Anyone? Thanks much. Doug F
Last reply by Douglas Ferrin, -
- 13 replies
Not sure what else to call it ....... I would like to have an effect for the exhaust section on my jet engine to have that heat wave like effect, not really smoke or very little smoke and maybe it would extend out 10 feet or so from the exhaust , maybe a translucent sprite effect with a fast end life or a material effect? never was good at understanding animated materials. ... or some other method? I always have h hard time getting the look I want with sprites, due to my limitation not the sprite sys. I will go abouts working on ideas..if you have any! ..... sound like a job for "TinkeringGnome" hope I spelled that correctly....John Mike C
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 10 replies
I'm moving an object towards the camera through a waterfall. I want it to emerge through the waterfall. What I've been doing is using a green wall that I key out later. This leaves just the object as it passes through. Is there another/ better way to "Clip" an object in A:M so that I can bi-pass the green screen wall??? William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 2 replies
I'm doing a test render of my holiday animation and even at one pass, at half-size (360x180) each frame is taking around ten minutes. I'm only rendering every tenth frame and it looks like around 45 hours just for this test. And it *doesn't* have the snow falling, just some hair material and the shooting "roman candles". I need to look into this and then I'll be in touch with a couple of folks here who have render farms. I should also test the render times on the Mac as it's always rendered faster, but I'm a little leery that the Mac may render the particle systems differently. It has in the past but that's a few versions ago.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 18 replies
SO- once again I am exploring IBL... I know that Stian used it quite nicely and had a tut out there showing how to... that I can't find. I have a choreography where I have disabled all of my lights... I bring in an image like the one attached (I have tried many...) and I select IBL in the choreography properties, and assign the image. I get only a black image indicating there is more to it than that... what am I missing?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Looking for advice/tute on animatable material to make the ash of a cigar 'burn'/'glow'. Cheers
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
A:M has a camera post effect that will "burn" the current frame timecode into the rendered image, but on Mac you can't set the size of the effect. Here is a simple integer image sequence of 000-719 that may be added to a camera as a rotoscope if frame numbering other than what the "burn" effect can do is needed. It can be resized and moved to anywhere in the frame. I'll note that having an animated rotoscope in the frame seems to slow down real-time performance so you may want to turn it off until you render. counterTGAs.zip
Last reply by markw, -
- 5 replies
THis is very short and not to impressive but I was curious one day and did this from something I saw on TV. Any way I added some of my video to some blocks to see how it would look. test2.mov
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 7 replies
I am trying to get a spotlight (klieg) to have it's shadow lessen with distance... and I forget the trick! See image for illustration of what I am going after... should I use a regular bulb type light? is it the penumbra feature? How does one get this? (I recreated the effect I want in Photoshop here...)
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 reply
Just goofing around here .....What I have is a clothsim where I have is several deflector half tubes spaced below the cloth and moving towards the camera, the cloth settles on them and I adj CS settings to try to get a bubbley effect ..a little jerky here and there ..the cloth is decaled with an image....with a little work on settings I think it could look nice.......... Lava.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
I placed a light into choreography and noticed that the lens flare "ON" was greyed out and disabled. Have you guys noticed this??
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I've got a shot in my Nightcallers scene, where Midge lands at the front entrance and the doors open to reveal Biff and his Enslaver Ants. There are only a couple of lignts in the shot, with main light coming from a klieg, in fact I think it's the default rim light. Up to where the doors open, it renders fine, about two minutes/frame. But as soon as the door opens, the render slows almost to a stop, it says it's rendering the rim light's shadows, and it just hangs hangs hangs until I cancel the render. Even with a Shift-Q screen render, it just won't render if the doors are open; the info line says it's trying to render the rim's shadows. As an experiment I mad…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
from a set or TGAs. Was using Adobe's Media Encoder, but the trial ran out. Looks like to only way to get it is to purch one of the Video apps from Creative Cloud at $20/month. Anybody got a better alternative? Thanks, Rich
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 16 replies
OK. Having a hard time getting this. Got a good amount of materials, both textured and simple bmps, as well as quite a few tufts of grass/hair. No matter what I try to turn off in the chor window so I can manipulate the grass to be "blown" in the wind, my 8-core, 16gig, 660gtx machine acts as if it can't handle what I'm trying to do. Not sure what I'm doing wrong--how would one be able to manipulate individual "tufts" of grass? Not sure how to get the frame-by-frame rendering down to the barest minimum Thanks, Rich
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 20 replies
How do you implement MatCaps again? I thought I knew how... just went to try it... drew a blank! I THOUGHT it was in an available option under a groups properties in the Diffuse Render Shader- Specular Render Shader - Ambiance Render Shader lists, but I don't see matcaps as an option anymore... is it a shader I need to install? I am on latest V 18.0N 64bit.
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
i´m working on my second rubberguy short right now, and i want to have a bullet flying through the air effecting those matrix-rings as in the movie... (you know, when you can see the air displaced by the bullet...) i´m using an animated reflective transparent perlin-combiner as material on the rings, that works pretty well so far.... my question is: how would make the rings scale up as the bullet flows through? and how would you fade them in and out? sure, i could animate that all by hand, but i´m pretty shure there´s a more elegant solution for that, like using constraints or something... thanks ahead... matrixtest.mov
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 2 replies
Hello - I'm got a relatively simple humanoid character model that I want to render as basically flat black with some white specularity reflections, but I want it to have a more "matte" rendered look without the glossy look that specularity normally gives to the model. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
Last reply by cribbidaj, -
- 0 replies
Jody (aka MMZ Timelord) has been setting up a render farm and we did a test shot for Nightcallers that came out great. I'd recommend his help just on this basis because it went so well. Not posting it because the flame effect needs some serious tweaking but once all the tech stuff is managed and we do another render I'll be posting.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 6 replies
I have a scene with several motions ,sea ,ship rocking etc. when I apply MB will it effect those motions or only fast motions I specifically what MB applied to, some motions I have are not slow but I do not want MB on those.
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 0 replies
Something in an old project doesn't work right in NetRender so I'm running three A:Ms to do it instead...
Last reply by robcat2075,