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This is an open forum for discussing Animation:Master and discussions should relate to A:M in some capacity.
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Discuss what you hope to accomplish with A:M and projects you are working on.
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961 topics in this forum
TKR Glasses
by MJL- 1 follower
- 1 reply
A few years ago I animated a promo for a friend of mine who had the "Mike Branch Band" I recently updated it to promote the band that I'm playing with now.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Renderserver is crashing on my Mac every time I hit ‘File-New.’ I’ve tried everything I can think of - reinstalling, permissions. What could I be missing? I bought a perpetual license for A:M v18 for my old MacPro with 10 render nodes but I’ve never used Renderserver before. I’m wondering if I never actually activated the render nodes, even though I bought them on the same order as the license? I run Hash on El Capitan so this is pretty old stuff but I still see a lot of advantages in using Hash over Blender on my Silicon mac. Because El Capitan is so old and unsupported, I keep the MacPro offline. I’m considering buying a ‘trash can’ MacPr…
Last reply by 10-K, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Who is interested learning C++ and computer programming? C++ is the core language of A:M and just about everything of importance in computing. You will like programming if you like using small things to make something bigger. We've done this group twice before and at least one person made it to the end each time! We've found a free curriculum on Udemy that does a good job of introducing C++ and programming itself, so you don't need to know programming already. What you will need is some time. The early exercises are easy but later ones will need about three hours of devoted attention to get done. Rodney and I can pretty much answer any question yo…
Last reply by Roger, -
- 3 replies
I remember a training DVD for Hash Animation Master way back in 2005 that was taught by a female instructor. The DVD mostly focused on theory of what makes animation believable. It was a very comprehensive resource but I can't recall what the title of the DVD was. I believe it was featured on the Hash site back then as well. Can anyone refresh my memory? Thanks.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
Waiting for a new PC to arrive for new AM rig and I got to tinkering trying to get AM to run on the Mac I have now, first tried Parallels which worked craptacular, then tried through wine, after reading on how to set it up and going through the process a few times, finally figured out how it all works. So, AM actually works fast and smooth without emulation penalty through WINE, BUT the graphics driver support is not working, I think WINE is using a translation thing and passes graphics instructions though the host platform which translates it to the GPU, when I looked into the Open GL settings it look like it is using the stock minimum drivers /extensions and obviously…
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 9 replies
My previous doodling topic was titled 'Tuckertown and other Stories' for reasons I believe I mention in that topic but... Here I'm not so interested in Tuckertown as I am in other tales that might be told... or explored. Recently I was doodling and came up with a character I just call 'Adventure Cat'. This topic will try to focus on him and his world mostly to give my doodling in 2D and 3D a little focus. At any rate, I thought I would try to create a vehicle I had drawn for Adventure Cat in 3D with the latest release of Animation:Master. Here is the result:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What is a Master Dump file when A:M crashes, and can I use it to restore the project?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 4 replies
This is an animated short created by an artist using AI. The characters don't move much but knowing the learning curve of AI, that will change...
Last reply by Tom, -
- 8 replies
I have gotten no email response from Customer Support after I purchased a license in February. Any hints? Also, I can't seem to get the sound to work, it says no sound object loaded in the Options page, but it does show the waveform etc. Thanks, Rolf
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
In yet another sign of the Apocalypse, someone has invented a shape that can be tiled with itself, but will not create repeating patterns. Elusive ‘Einstein’ Solves a Longstanding Math Problem
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
This guy shows a process for creating holographic images manually... by scratching plastic? He admits to difficulty in creating truly 3D shapes, but other people do it well. I'm wondering... Could A:M somehow be used simplify/streamline the planning for this?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! I am just checking in to see if things are still active. Seeing the last updated was from last year and just wondering if A:M is still active or is slowing down for the time being. Haven't had any time to do any projects so haven't updated my sub so just wondering if still around and going strong. So hey to ya all. Hope you all been good!
Last reply by Dylan Perry, -
- 2 replies
doesn't happen in the action window. Any clues?
Last reply by retroguy, -
- 7 replies
I logged into CGTalk for the first time in 10+ years and it seems to be inactive other than spam posts and replies to topics like.. I remember when CGTalk was the like the center of cg talk. Everyone who was anyone and all the wannabes they attracted were there. Huh.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Numerous 1927 books, films and even the song "The Best Things in Life are Free" become Public Domain and free to re-use today. Public Domain Day 2023
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
I noticed that V19 uses a lot of RAM on my Windows 7 laptop compared to V13 . Just looping an action will run it up, and there seems to be no way to empty the cache. Does anybody else has that issue? Thanks.
Last reply by strato, -
- 16 replies
Hello Hashers- I'm guessing many of you have seen the new text to AI art engines out there like Midjourney, Dall E and Disco Diffusion (to name a few). They are rather awesome and also bit scary with the excellent images these engines create just using a few word prompts. They leave the carbon based artist (at least me) a bit perplexed...Computer generated images are not copyrightable and yet they will soon overwhelm all aspects of our life. Seems like a steep road for the carbon based artist to compete... I just discovered a new Text to Animation (!) engine and wondered what the communities thoughts are regarding this new way to move models around:
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Small search on my side. After finding the download page for Animation_Master it seems as if the links to: "Subscription" "Never Expiring" and "Rendernodes" always return to the same first page. A bit confusing, as I need one of the other two. Is there a more practical way to get used to a multiple choice admitment? 🤔 🙂
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
Rodney and I have been learning C++ and now we are looking at MFC with an eye to writing A:M plugins MFC or Microsoft Foundation Class is an addition to C++ that handles standard Windows GUI elements like menus and dialogs and interactions with the main program. WinTester.exe is my first program using these. WinTester has an "Exercise" menu with four choices: Blank - erases screen Red Rectangle - makes one Gradient - asks you to input RGB values for start and end colors and will draw a smooth transition between the two. Ballistic - will plot a projectile path based on parameters you input... X and Y de…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Soooo…… with the world moving over to ARM architecture, will there be a ground up rebuilt version of AM for ARM ? Seriously those Apple Silicone machines pack some punch for the level power efficiency, now Microsoft is following suit too with Windows 11. Sure each platform has translation layers to emulate non arm coded apps but eventually native applications will need to be written. I’m actually dying to see AM run on a M1 Max / Ultra through emulated Windows 11 which has support for x86 coded apps with non native arm support - apparently those machines can certainly cut the mustard with multiple layers of emulation happening … just thinking about the future …. And if a…
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 2 replies
A conversation with another A:M-er reminded me of this incident... About 30 years ago I answered an ad in the Dallas paper from a company looking for someone to do computer graphics. It wasn't much of a company. It was just a kid in his apartment. I showed him my AMIGA graphics. He said he was making "shareware" games. "How do you make money if you're giving it away?" I asked. "The game is free but then they pay for more levels," he said. He said he'd call me but that was the last I ever heard from... John Carmack.
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I filled out the form to get the trial version of Animation Master. Never had any answers. I then bought the software via paypal and sent proof of payment by email. with in request if I could have in test animation master as it is proposed on the site. never got any answers. Then, I had confirmation yesterday morning that the payment has been made, I contacted Hash again to find out if it is finally possible to use the software for which I paid. No answers. What I wonder is if we take into account the customers. because I'm really interested in using Animation Master for my work. Can anyone tell how is it possible to fix my problem?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Looking for an old plugin. Anyone have or know where to get it? Thanks! Joe
Last reply by J. Baker, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Long-time A:M user Matt Campbell (AKA John Bigboote on the forum) has just had serious heart surgery. He'll be laid-up for a while but I bet he'd appreciate a good old-fashioned card with well-wishes from his A:M friends. You may send it to... Matt Campbell 561 Lakeside Dr. White Lake MI 48386 One of Matt's many contributions here...
Last reply by J. Baker, -
- 1 reply
Here's a great 1923 Hollywood fan magazine feature on the power of the eyes to convey mood. We often think "happy " and "sad" are about the mouth making a smile or frown, but the eyes are really the big players on the face. Eye direction, eyebrows, eyelids and the tilt of the head are doing the work here. Your A:M characters can do this too.
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 reply
I did not know about this guy... NYT Article... Ken Knowlton, a Father of Computer Art and Animation, Dies at 91His work at Bell Labs in the 1960s laid the groundwork for today’s computer-generated imagery in film and on TV.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 3 replies
Nice to see Community Chat Working in A.M last time I try it could not get it to work. Works Now I used This when I first joined years ago I Liked it Meet A couple people back then threw the chat. Do not no If Anybody Use this Now I will be on chat when working with A.M maybe see you in chat Maniac-Terry
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
I click on link to download Animation master click on link it go no were nothing happens. has things changed here. I have done a format clean things up. went to reinstall Animation master click on link nothing happens .I just renewed subscription
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
I have the AnimationMaster v.16 . I would like to upgrade it to 17, as it is possible, because I have the serial code for it. I go to LastInfo, and find the updates under at the ladder. I download two of them, but when I want to install them, they both relay on version 19. I know I can't do this, as it is a bit to far, but how come these updates for version 17 go to an update for version 19? 🤔
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 6 replies
If I import an STL file I am getting a lot of surface artifacts where the surface is not smooth, and I have tried adjusting the peak angle. When I export I have no issues. Anyone have any ideas?
Last reply by nemyax, -
- 16 replies
I knew my subscription expired on 1/7/2022. When I tried to start A:M: on that day I got a message RLM error -3. I sent the following email on 1/7/2022: I paid for a subscription update and got a new serial key, but when my current subscription expired, I got the message RLM error -3 Please email to activate by email. It has been 4 days with no response. How long do we go before we conclude that nothing is going to change?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 reply
I ordered Animation Master Version that does not expire in Dec2021. I was not emailed an activation code or anything in the actual mail. No one answers my emails. Not sure if I am even sending them to the correct address Can anyone tell me how to contact someone to find out where my order is? Thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Ive got a charector model that is to short is there away to strech it including the bones Im sure ive done this before but my memmory just aint what it used to be
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 3 replies
After installing AM.V16 on my new computer WIn10 64b I can't write out avi files. For some reason it gives me a stream error : AVIFileCreateStream Error : C:/ProgramFiles/HashInc/V16.0/Libarys/indy_thom.avi I see the counter runs on, but the file gets jammed. I never had this error with the program. Does anyone encounterd this before, or is it Win10 Pro that blocks up. Some avi files play, other won't because of a codeck.
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 13 replies
Hey AnimationMaster.., I bought a new computer and thought: let I install my AM.V16 on it. So said so done, but when I want to activate it, it says the account is already used. And that is logical, as it was used on the older computer. How do I solve this case? 🤔
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 4 replies
I am currently running Animation Master V 19.0 SSE4 Is that the most current version?
Last reply by AMF, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
In all of our collaborations, Spleengene was the animator. I provided music and helped with modeling and other background stuff. I have started a project that has grown exponentially. Nate is a young mechanic who helped me out when I was in need. At the time he was a professional mechanic working at a shop in the next town. He tried for several hours to get the junker I had at that time running. He never once brought up money. We have become friends. I've spent a couple of months learning how to animate, and I'm bettter than I was, but I still have a looooong way to go. During the time I've been doing this, Nate has moved to a bigger (3 Bay) shop in a nearby to…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi all, Interesting quandry to ask about. I recently did a fresh reinstall of my system, but switched from BIOS to UEFI, and from MBR to GPT for the hard drives. When I entered my registration info, and key for A:M, it wouldn't let me register. It just kept refreshing the product key window. Might this be related to the changes I made? If so, I guess I need to request a new key? Thanks
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
We went to see Disney's Encanto this evening. While I thought the story was charming and thought it lacked something. There were several things that caught my eye. First was the cloth simulations. Each character had multiple layers of clothing. The characters interacted with their clothing. In one of the dance scenes the main character was grabbing her skirt as she moved through the scene. I think it was one of the best cloth scenes I have seen. I soon forgot she was an animated character and enjoyed her dance moves. Second was the hair of the characters. The dynamics and look and feel was spot on. Third was the lighting of the scenes. I felt like I …
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know a way to convert this example SWF to a conventional MP4 video file? There are several Hash Tech Talks in SWF format, which can no longer be played in browsers now that Flash is gone. I've tried several converter sites but they all fail in some way. One site I found will intelligibly play the SWF video but doesn't enable any scrubbing of a timeline. We need some way to convert these to regular video.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
On September 27th I ordered the $299 version of Animation: Master and the Tin Woodsman of Oz DVD. I haven't received my order as of October 20th. I emailed the Hash Store twice with no response, the phone number is no longer in service, I tried both emailing the hash support and using the contact form on the Hash support and contact page. I have not received any response to any of them. I checked just now and I think before when I checked my order it had the option of canceling each item, now it return. Does that mean it finally shipped or is it automatically closing out the order since it has been over 3 weeks? Is there any way to get a response to check the st…
Last reply by Zepros, -
- 9 replies
I have been searching for Barry Zundel's legendary tutorials online without any success. So I sent him an email, and marvelously, he has uploaded all of them to Youtube. If you search his name you will find them straight away. regards Mike
Last reply by WolfsongCG, -
- 1 reply
I'm searching for a toppic on this forum that had a wonderful animation of a "dying" candle on a secretary with a letter and feather. Searched all over the place but could not find it. Anyone knows what I mean or where it is?
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Like the title says, looks great in HASH, but exporting to OBJ gets wrecked. Not sure what I'm doing exactly wrong, might be export settings... Or maybe I screwed up making the model... Goal is making something 3D printable. I've included the file if anyone wants to poke around. MG Rings Fix.prj
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 4 replies
Just wanted to say a quick "thank you" to Rob for going to the trouble of running the image contests. It's always interesting to see the different themes and see what everyone comes up with. Thank you again, Rob, for your efforts.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 9 replies
I hate to admit. It has been a while since I have used AM ,although I have been here since version 8.5. I would like to make a perfect circle3d if possible and add text around the interior rim circularly and if possible make it spin. Hope all is well in the Am Community, Martin and Family,Jason, Robcat, Fuchur, Rodney,Yoda64,Will Sutton,JohnL3D, Nancy the list is endless all of you have have helped me so much in the past. God Bless All in the AM Community. Happy and Blessed Easter To All !!! may you and yours be safe and well, Steve (mulls on the forum) i stlll remember the "Hash Bash" Great time and memory (0
Last reply by mulls, -
- 3 replies
with high regards Bobby (Tawan Abhayasuvarna)
Last reply by Bobby, -
- 5 replies
I just bought the subscription version of AM, again. I didn't have to. I still had an active license. Get this, I bought it and there was NO LINK TO DOWNLOAD IT AT ALL!!!! I don't know who to talk to. I called the customer service line, no response. Someone needs to start waking people up. Saying that I am frustrated is an UNDERSTATEMENT. I AM LIVID. I am not going to request a trial version when I freaking bought a subscription.
Last reply by Fuchur,