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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
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- 3 replies
For a very long time, one of the nice tools in A:M is being able to constrain cp motion along an axis during a rotate; see embedded project. This is a top view of two tubes whose axes are parallel to the Z axis. Open this project in v19p (or any version going back to the last century) and select the central circular 4pt. spline of the green tube. Select the Rotation tool and rotate the tool 45 deg. counterclockwise while holding down the 3 key. The spline rotates but the movement of the cp's are constrained to only move along the Z axis. Open this project in v19.5a and select the central circular 4 pt. spline of the red tube. …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Shown are three copies of the head of the Jungle Queen. Each head uses single attribute "skin" materials. The leftmost head material has subsurface scattering turned OFF while it's turned ON in the rightmost head. The centre head has subsurf. scat. turned OFF on it's right side while it's turned ON on it's left side. These three models are arranged in a chor that uses a single "sun" style light source and the global color (256, 256, 256) for ambient occlusion. With subsurf. scat. turned off in the camera, all three heads are screen rendered as expected with just sun, just ambient or both illuminating it. When subsurf. scat. is enabled in the camera and the only illum…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Something new is happening when I try to Zoom-RMB around an area. As shown in the screen capture, each time I hit Z and then depress the the screen reverts to the previous view but does result in zooming to the selected area. My current work around is to hold down the space bar (Refresh) before RMB. This issue seems to have started after AMD upgraded my drivers for the Radeon RXT 6700 XT. buggy_zoom.mp4
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 reply
I am not sure what this is going to be, if it has something to do with A:M or not but this is pretty interesting. Those two guys are Petey & Jaydee:
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
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- 3 replies
This issue may not be fixable if it's an unavoidable side effect of how AO works but I'll submit it anyway. Here is a prog. render of the test model illuminated by a sun type light source. The model is a flat grey surface above which hovers four glass windows. Each window model (7 in. x 7 in.; 17.8 x 17.8 cm) is 4x4 patches surrounded by a tubular frame. The greenish glass has a 90% transparency. Each window is floating a different distance above the grey surface ranging from 2 in (5.1 cm) to 1/2 in. (1.3 cm). This is a final render(9 passes) of the model after you turn on AO = 100% with a sky blue global colour. Notice that the ambient light is still bein…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 reply
Progressive screen renders have issues with most but not all hooks as the weights of averaged normals increases from 0. All normals are aimed in the outward direction. The hooks on the rear skull, the nose and near the mouth don't seem to cause problems. avg_nrmls_hooks_prog_render_embed.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
So I got a new Shining 3D EinScan scanner and the models are much more complex, in the range of a million polys. Very smooth and detailed and orders of magnitude larger than my old scans with the Xbox Kinect. So I'm trying to load the 3D files (mostly scans of automotive parts I replicate) and it will initially load, say it's around 1.4 million polys and then go to 30% and never load. I've left it for over 3 hours and it never loads, but doesn't crash. What is the limitation of importing OBJ or STL files to AM from the plugins utility? Thanks!
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 follower
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Here is a comparison of a real time screen render of the same model. v19.5a appears to have an issue with alpha channels in decals, rendering the patches as clear. Progressive renders are correct in both versions.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 3 replies
Open the attached project in v19.5a. It has two versions of the same model. On the left in head_jungle_queen_v19pt5a_no_avg_normals.mdl, you can not change the normal weight of averaged normals because there is no "Average Normals" YES/NO switch in v19.5a. You can try changing the value of "Normal Weight" but it has no effect. On the right in head_jungle_queen_with_avg_normals_from v19p.mdl you can change the normal weight of averaged normals because this model was opened first in v19p and the "Average Normals" switch was set to YES. v19pt5a_no_avg_normals_embed.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Just remembered that I used to use it on my amiga a long long time ago and decided to see if it was still available but it looks like the last update was in 2021. I am wondering if version 19 is going to be the last.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Short version: Use Windows 8 compatibility settings. Longer version: Sometime after I upgraded to a Windows 10 computer a few years ago I noticed that A:M would often freeze during on-screen preview renders. Other A:M users have mentioned this to me also. I could start an on-screen render, either a regular or progressive render, and if it took more than 5 seconds to complete the time counter in the corner would freeze, the progress bar would stop moving and A:M might even gray out and become "not responding" . If I waited as long as the render would have taken to finish, A:M might return, maybe with a finished render, maybe not, but ESC-aping out of the long ren…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
It is still possible to join our C++ study group!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I'm working on my very first human walk cycle. (My hat's off to anyone who gets a believable cycle without days (weeks?!) worth of tweaking.) I have a vague memory that there used to be switch that compensated for the fact that the first and last frames of the cycle are identical. I don't remember what its name was and can't find a reference to anything like it. Is this still a thing?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
"When I mirror my constraints from left to right, the right constraints behave similarly to the left ones, resulting in a mirrored effect on both sides of the body, making my character appear as a double lefty." How can I correct this?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
Hi everybody! Just wanted to post this on the off chance anyone wishing to use A:M on a Mac wonders if you can use Parallels to run the Windows version of A:M on a Mac. I'm working on the third (and last!) of my Stalled Trek films and wanted to see if I could make use of some of my old files for extras on the boxed set I'm making, so I purchased a subscription to A:M and tried to use it in Parallels. I'm using a Mac Studio with an M1 Max chip on Monterey. This is version 19.0P of A:M. The chief issue is presumably graphic card related: It's possible to see a model and tumble the view in wireframe, but shaded view doesn't work. (see screenshot.) …
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I have three models overlapping and I want to select only the CPs of one of them so I can scale it. So basically, how do I select all the CPs in a particular object? I know noob question, and I've searched the forum but it only gives me threads with hitting Cntrol+A to select all the CPs in the scene. Thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Is A:M v.19 compatible with an Intel i7 PC running Windows 11?
- 3 replies
I've never tried a "Spring System" before! They were introduced as part of the previous cloth system. Although that scheme is gone, the tools for making springs are still there. Unfortunately, the essential "bone to spring" constraint seems not to survive a save and reload. That will be a bug to report.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
I think I've found an anomaly in the way cookie cut maps with alpha channels (which is the only way I use them) render specular highlights. My test map is shown below, an out of focus ellipse. I applied this as a color decal to a blue, four patch plane as a TGA file with an alpha map based on luminance so it should appear as a fuzzy white oval. The blue plane had a white specular color with size and intensity equal to 33%. In the top half of the following image are screen renders (9 pass) of the plane as seen from four different viewing angles; 20 deg. off perpendicular, 15 deg., 10 deg. and 0 deg. or normal to the plane. As expected, both the fuzzy o…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 6 replies
I recall when radiosity renders took hours. Now it's a few minutes. I dropped some old models from the AM CD into my tiny house room lit with radiosity. All the lighting is just that one bulb light near the ceiling. Mach 5 Racer: BioBot: MotorCycle: Janitor of War: Space Marine. Something about the surface specularity on this model and the previous one is causing the conspicuous bright spots in the room ( I think).
Last reply by detbear, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello everyone, back after a long illness and very happy to be working in AM again. I got a beautiful SpaceMouse Pro wireless and it works incredibly in Maya and Blender. I see that AM19 has a check box for the Space Mouse which is AWESOME!!! But it's so sensitive that if I move it a micron the model fly off into infinity. Way way way more sensitive than other 3D programs. How do I tone down the sensitivity of the Space Mouse in AM? Thanks!
Last reply by MAYAman, -
- 3 replies
Happy New Year! May it be a productive one for us all!
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 5 replies
Hello everybody, I wish you a Merry Christmas, Hanuka or whatever you may celebrate at this time of the year :). Best wishes, keep on splining and all the best to your families too *Fuchur*
Last reply by Roger, -
- 23 replies
Animation:Master has been able to use motion capture for years but it's always required expensive and complicated equipment. Not anymore! Now you don't need expensive equipment to record motion capture! No special cameras, no tracking balls! You can make motion capture from regular video! Get in on the Summer Mo-Cap Challenge! Learn how to do mo-cap for your A:M characters! There will be prizes including a $25 Hash Store credit for everyone who enters. "Follow" to this thread to stay up on developments (button in upper right corner) Learn to... Cap Your Mo! 1 Shoot some action video I recommend you …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Hi everybody... as close to any year there is a new advent calendar for this year created with A:M. Everyday a new door with a hopefully funny commercial to make the time before christmas a little less stressful :). I hope you have fun :). Best regards *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
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- 7 replies
I've sent messages multiple times over the past few months to various contact emails listed on with the typical response being to contact a different email with no specific "Yes" or "No" answer to my request. I know there was a server/system crash around March which backed responses up. The last response suggested posting here on the A:M forum and here's the post. I want to purchase the newest A:M version that's compatible with Windows XP (v17?). Had v12 or v13 years ago and need an XP A:M again if possible. Why XP? I have another design program that is no longer available beyond XP I used with A:M back then to speed up workflow and want to d…
Last reply by AmXP, -
- 10 replies
Hi, another question for you. I've been using the 2005 XP version of AM since well ..... 2005 lol. It's treated me well and I really have no complaints about it ... other then the typical slow rendering and not being able to use it on a new computer. The question is whether I should buy the newest version? I looked at the Hash website and the program looks basically the same. Are there enough upgrades and improvements to make it worth it for a casual user? I'm kind of cheap and don't want to buy it unless it's really worth it 🤔. Also, are the models I've created with my 2005 version compatible with the newest version or would I have issues? Thanks in advance…
Last reply by Animationdan, -
Icon delay
by Madfox- 8 replies
Not sure if this is the right toppic but it is a rat her strange archivement. SInce I use AMV17 on my new computer, and changing to 64 bit, I receive a strange delay in the icon. As soon as I click one I see a fast change between "explain icon (txt)", "show icon (symbol)", and finally "use icon (execute)". It is a minimal marge, but it surely slows down the workaround of the program. On winxp or win7 I had no trouble with it, but now on win10 it feels like beating that icon thing to work. What could be happening here?
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 11 replies
Hi all - I've purchased a pc for A:M. Initially I installed A:M on a Mac (no good). Now I wish to switch my installation to my pc and have contacted support. How long can I expect to wait, want to scale my expectations and not be too impatient? - but I am anxious to get going. I've even thought of purchasing it again and then asking for a refund for the initial purchase if it is going to take too long. Thank you.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 4 replies
Some soft body effects can be done with Simcloth. PRJ: SpringCloth005 SIMMED.prj Cloth set to "Springs" and suitable stiffness will try to return to its original shape after being deformed. The outer edge of the grid is an Attach Group, to prevent the cloth from being knocked away. @ivanbryan82
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello, I am looking for a video illustrating a basic explanation on the spring bone system: the procedure of installation and use? thanks in advance Greetings
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Is the spring system dead? Also will there be any tutorial on how to apply softbody in parts of a character?
Last reply by ivanbryan82, -
- 0 replies
Steve @Shelton and I looked at an interesting problem a few days ago. Steve had rigged a new character of his and was SmartSkinning several joints when he realized he had been doing the SmartSkins on control bones, not geometry bones. Why is that undesirable? Well... control bones are created to consolidate the manipulation of multiple (geometry) bones into one (control) bone. For ease of animating. In the case shown below, TSM has two geometry bones in an upper arm. the first swings around to move the arm forward/back/up down while the second only rotates on its long axis to handle the twisting of the upper arm. this helps mimic the motion of the skin on the up…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
So I see these options when I first installed A:M, BUT I don't know whether to keep them checked or not. Not sure what some of them are referring to. Thanks so much for any reply. Detbear
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi all - wishing to return to A:M as a hobbyist. Can a newer windows machine be configured to run the old software, in my case version 12 (yeti, 2006). No sense to me to upgrade since I've got it and it will be for fun. Thanks for any info. -Doug
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 4 replies
More Eugene on a spline controller... EugeneTest031.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
A Weight Transfer experiment. Rigged the lo-res version, used Transfer_AW to move that to the hi-res version...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I used the Transfer_AW plugin to move the weighting of the spline-controlled lo-density tail to the higher-density Eugene model.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 5 replies
Here is a mesh with many splines but I can curve any portion of it, large or small with just three controllers.
Last reply by Mechadelphia, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Svetlik, please make sure you are reachable by your e-mail. It seems like there is a major problem with your inbox / account. You are not reachable by email and because of that the password reset mails are not reaching you and you are contactable by anybody! Best regards *Fuchur*
Last reply by edsvetlik, -
- 1 reply
single camera motion capture... Keep your eyes peeled for a new contest coming!
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
The "tongue sandwich" is a classic cartoon gag but I had never seen a real tongue sandwich until I went to New York City and my New York City friend Dean took me to the world famous 2nd Ave Deli where I ordered... the tongue sandwich! For Dean's recent birthday I made this remembrance of the occasion... It was good but it was probably my first and last tongue sandwich. I looked up the current price of a tongue sandwich at the 2nd Ave Deli... $27.95! Oy!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 22 replies
Experiment with caustics... Update: Version of the above project if you want to try: CutGlass22 new dome.prj CutGlass22.pre Load the PRJ got to Render to File in Render to File Settings, use "Load a Preset" to load the above .pre file alter the file save location to somewhere on your hard drive press OK
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
I've been "bit" more than once by the way the Darkness attribute works when a light cast shadows. I know why the variable is there; it's a way to fake ambient light filling in the shade. But I have a problem with the way it affects specular highlights. It still lets them through, just attenuated. The specular highlight is faking the reflection of the light source in the sphere. Even if the shadow darkness is 10%, that "reflection" still shouldn't be visible. I have no idea whether it's possible for Stefen to fix this in the code but it would be a nice improvement.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
I would like to use the Vector Interpolation driver on bones in an action file. I used to be able to select it in the option menu and set it for the project be default, but now everything is defaulting to quaternion. Even an older project is defaulting to quat. I change it in the options to vector and it just keeps reverting to quaternion. I don't want the rotate.w channel for this project, just xyz absolute values. How do I fix this? Thanks all, Charles
Last reply by DrPhibes, -
- 12 replies
Hello Hashers- This should be a simple task (but apparently not for me)😄 I am trying to simply fade out a sprite cloud over 20 frames using the Sprite opacity setting in the choreography window. Attached is the simplest of projects. The sprites are dormant for 10 frames and then on frame 11 (only) 1000 sprites are shot out the emitter. Those 1000 sprites have their opacity set at 100% and then by frame 50 the sprite opacity is set to 0%. Unfortunately there is no opacity changes going on (as you can see from the video). Any suggestions are appreciated... (SpriteFadeOut .attached is the Project, the small blank white graphic for …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 9 replies
[Edit: This side discussion has been split off from topic AMC Gremlin] Investigating further... Here is a comparison of displacement effects: First with a Gradient Material set to transition from RGB 128 to RGB 129 and Displacement set to 100000% Second is that gradient rendered to a TGA and used as a Displacement map Third is that gradient rendered to an OpenEXR and used as a Displacement map The Material is able to calculate an exact value for every pixel between the 128 and the 129 levels, creating a perfectly smooth slope. The TGA map, as expected, has one stair step from 128 to 129 The EXR has 8 steps. EXR uses a…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
doing some fun with a lot of AM cds Duck.mdl quake.prj
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
While rummaging through an old miscellaneous folder I found a plug-in from 2005 that, if I remember correctly, simultaneously changes the crossing bias at all cp's around a circular spline. It could be a nice time saver. I tried dropping it into my HXT folder but it didn't show up as a plug-in or wizard. Is there some way to "re-compile" it for v19p? Bottleneck.hxt
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
[Mod Edit: this discussion from Live Answer Time is now split into its own topic] Might have a topic for today. How to stop "jiggling" cloth???? Jiggle.mp4 JiggleTest.prj
Last reply by Tom,