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- By Fuchur,
935 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
This is a puzzle for me and I really need the answer. Concerning mdd import export. When you import an .mdd file, does it only work on an .obj model a prop for instance. Or can you import an mdd and have it work on the hash model. This is what I use to think: 1. In exterior App I can export a model as an obj and import it into hash via the obj import wizard.(results in a hash model version) 2. In exterior App also export an mdd file with motions. 3. Import the mdd file onto the new hash model created in step 1. HOWEVER....I can't get this to work. What's more puzzeling is that I can export an mdd from a Hash model in A:M. Bu…
Last reply by strato, -
- 11 replies
Had a model I tried to unify normals on (in front view right click mouse and choose wizards, correct normals) and Hash dies on me. Anyone else have this?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Thinking that it could be a nice thing if the project workspace in A:M was color coded, as to make a visible distinction between base parameters and animatable parameters. What do you think?
Last reply by strato, -
- 23 replies
Hello- I am runnings AM 18.0 f SSE3 on Windows 7 with an Intel Q 965/963 graphics card. It is an HP computer (bought second hand). My Animation Master "Real Time Driver " is open GL. I tried "Open GL3" but the system said that failed. I can import images into the Project workspace but when I drag then into the model window to apply as a decal I get the attached error message? Has anyone else experienced this and is there a setting I can change to make it not crash? many thanks for any insights! Tom
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 3 replies
For some reason I can't post in the thread where Walter originally posted his question about A:M's licence not being recognised. So... Yes I got that too after installing 18g. All I did to fix it was copy/past my current licence back into A:M again from my v17g version, (or you could copy/past it from any backup you have) and then relaunched A:M. If it's relevant I'm on OSX Mountain Lion still.
Last reply by markw, -
- 7 replies
Is there a way to get rid of unwanted poses in the pose slider window,I deleate them from the user relations but there still in the pose window,any idea anyone please
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 5 replies
Have been working on the cpweights and other glitches for the past few days. when I noticed a rig problem ( entirely of my own making ) then tried to correct it without have to reinstall the whole rig. During that I inadvertently caused some bones to scale and, when I use the nulls to setup the finger poses I get some very odd results. Is it possible to readjust the values without having to reinstall the rig from scratch ? simon 2008 rig in V17 working in OSX10.68
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
Is there a way of measuring objects in AM besides the rulers? Transform and info and manipulator properties only show percentages. Can't remember if there was a plug-in for that or not.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
In general i do not have a bigger problem with such things but this is very unpolite if you ask me:
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Greeting again, Wondering your collective thoughts on.... I have 4 characters carrying a 5th character (constrained) on their shoulders. What's he best way to have these folks walk through town? i.e - set up path for each character to follow? - animate the environment and leave the characters stationary? - establish 1 character as a lead and constrain the others to follow? - something else? any advice appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello, I guess I do not know if there is many anymore or any I have not heard of. So I thought I would start a post since I got an email about it today and did not know. Do you guys use any 3rd party plug-ins with Animation Master?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 9 replies
Been a bit distracted recently by other work but, trying to get back into finishing Ska Lake properly. One of the things it was intended to do was to test the models. And it has definitely done that ! The young Boy ( Charlie) was adapted from a Make Human file and, it came with the pose of the arms down at the sides. All the models I've made in the past have used a T pose for the rig installation so it was something new to me. That pose seemed to complicate the installation of the 2008 rig but that may just have been my error. Now trying to re rig the model and wondered if there were any views as to the best setup pose to use ? T pose, arms at side or something alt…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Where should I post a topic for posting my models that I wish to give away? I don't want to start the thread until I know I've put it in the right place . Thanks.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 6 replies
I'm having to prepare something for a course starting in October and have encountered a curious problem in V17G. I set it up last night and left it rendering away. Saved it, "Saved animation as" and reloaded the project. Only to find that the chor had lost the names of the model shortcuts. I redid those and rendered again and, while that was going through thought to use Multiple master to animate the next part of the idea. When the project was loaded into the multiple, the names had disappeared again, even though it was going through on the same machine in saved form ? This is the first, with names in place. This is the second, same proje…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 5 replies
A long time ago, in a different thread it was explained how to use Frame burn as a post effect to get the timecode burned in at render time. I should have thought of it before but, I rendered a sequence overnight and now need to go back and correct the errors. Frame Burn would have helped in that. Drat ! So it seemed it might be possible to do in a composite way by putting the renders on a layer and putting Frame Burn on those renders? However, when looking at them the file name is there but not the 00:00:00 time code sequence. The post effect is active, applied in the render settings is there another step I'm missing ? simon
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 14 replies
Working in V17G under OSX 10.68. Having some very frustrating problems setting up the lighting for the dance sequence. Sometimes the lights aren't rendering and , when they do, changes in position are not reflected in the render. First screen shot shows the render, notice the spot position with the values highlighted. Second screen shot shows no effective change in render but the spots position has been drastically altered. I refreshed the window carefully and advanced and rest the timeline after the change to allow it to take effect. For such a large positional change I was expecting a much bigger change in render Any help gratefully received. …
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I've been testing cloth settings. These flags have the same settings except for "Stretch Stiffness" From left to right they are set to 0.1, 1, 10, 100
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
When looking at the change log page at Mantis/Reports, it appears there allready is a version 18 e? But the latest downloadable version is 18 d... I just wanted to test if the fixes in 18 e, has made the ugly d-version crashes go away on my computer. Is there an adress where I can download 18 e (maybe as a beta)?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 47 replies
I know most of you just come to the forums but Hash, Inc. has a new site check it out HERE! Thank you, Fuchur For all your Help and Hard Work!
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 2 replies
A while ago there was mention of a feature I was unaware of before. Apparently it is possible to generate an intermediate spline ring between two other rings using a single key click? Could somebody kindly refresh my memory as to how to do that ? simon Ps I'm trying to animate a duvet on a bed using muscle mode but don't have enough spline rings on the present model.
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 8 replies
I got a one year subscription to 18 F last friday and have been using it over the weekend. I wondered if anyone else is have a few glitches with it ? The first one I noticed was that it crashed out if the maximum resolution was used for the maps in a z buffer render ? It came with a message saying Memory allocation failute 11 ( I think ) If a lower z buffer was chosen it was OK. but the maximum crashed each time it was tried. The second glitch came when trying to "save animation as" after rendering a sequence. The dialogue box would appear but non of the buttons woulld respond when clicked on. Tried exiting the program, restarting, importing sequence…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 19 replies
Can anyone point me to a PRJ from any version of A:M that shows the Wave material behaving as expected?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Setting up the opening and closing scene for the Dance sequence, its taking part in the young mans bedroom at home. Have made the model of the house and now trying to set up the lights in the chor. The first problem is that the lights are penetrating the mesh and showing up where they shouldn't. Is there a way to avoid this ? This is the scene, looking down the stairs to the hallway. The light source, a Klieg light , is outside, to the right of the model, in the street ( its supposed to be a passing car ). As you can see the light cone is penetrating the mesh of the Hall wall and, in the upper left, that of the bedroom wall, seen through the bedroom doo…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I had said I was going to do "cloth" as the topic of my next "It Can't Be Done" series but that is looking to be a major endeavor I don't have time for right now. I hereby re-open the table for nominations. If you have a smaller-scale miracle that you'd like to see done in A:M, suggest it below! If you suggested something last time around and are still interested in that topic, re-nominate it! I will pick one based on based on my own judgement of general interest and feasibility and the winner will, of course, receive their choice of memoir by Martin D. Hash! If, by chance, you missed the previous "It Can't Be Done"... check it out!
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 7 replies
My next "It Can't Be Done" series will be on Simcloth in A:M. (I'm going to award myself a book by Martin Hash for suggesting that topic. ) Cloth seems to be one of those things that people find very enticing when they see it but very frustrating when they try it themselves. I think a series that builds up the knowledge base from the basics to the useful tricks would be a good thing. Here is your chance to suggest particular cloth things that you would like to see solutions for. i probably won't get to this until July, after the Image contest so you have time to think about what you want to see. tJRN4-A5I5E And if you didn't cat…
Last reply by detbear, -
- 7 replies
A few months back I asked a question about accidental changes of bones heirachy in the chor. The problem is that, it is sometimes possible to change the heirachy by accidentally dragging the bone in the PWS. If you spot it before going too far you can revert but, if not, you get the problem illustrated here. The heel has become part of the knee heirachy. My recollection is that, the only way to overcome that, was to delete the bone, then go back in and reset the keys at the appropriate points ? Have been working away on the dance sequence and saving iterations as I go . Only have 10-15 seconds to go ( out of 90 ) so a bit reluctant to go back and…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
Can someone clue me in to the use of the Align Plugin? Its usage is currently eluding me. When invoked it doesn't appear to do anything.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
So I got the Webcams in the mail today. Even though they listed at 'HD' they are not. they are only 640. We are not going to be using them for Comic Con. It's just to much work to bring them for how bad the picture is. The problem is most software using the cam resolution but the cams we bought native resolution is really poor. We are going to try to(but sometimes that can not happen) upload every night to facebook and also check out our facebook because everyone there will have a email to upload all the pictures they take with their phone to There will be a lot more images starting Friday since th…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 3 replies
For YouTube links you no longer need bbcodes. No Need for bbcode: [youtube]$#hany[/youtube] I'm working on getting the old ones updated down to about 205 to go.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Can someone post a link with the old YouTube link in it. I fixed the store today and wanted to work on that problem too.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 19 replies
I know I have probably asked this 100 time do you animate in Hash? I do a simple animation and it seems like there are a ton of frames added to it and it moves super fast for some reason. Thanks in advance and forgive me.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all! A very long time since I posted here :-) I am currently re-rendering my Bella Bear project at 1024 x 576 (16:9) HD ratio since it looks so dated in the format it is. I haven't done anymore work on the project but I just wanted to re-render it an familiarise myself with it again (all those hours I put into it). Anyway I have hit a stumbling block on one of the sections when it comes to rendering, I am getting perculiar shadows which I can get rid of using multi-pass but this ups the render times by a factor of four... I am using AM 14c, I know there is a newer version out there but I am loathe to re-render everything in that version since it might break…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
Is there a working Direct X or FBX exporter for A:M v18? I use Unity3D and would like to use A:M for modelling and rigging. Thanks
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 6 replies
Not a Hash AM user yet, but I would like to know if this is possible in the import an image sequence of PNG files with alpha and then extrude them as a batch process? Thanks for any help . Cheers Shanty
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
A little background: A long time ago I bought version 11. I used it for quite awhile until my machine died. I tried using it on my Vista laptop and it didn't work. I got an upgrade patch from here to version 12 which did work. I used that for a long time. Then my laptop's disc drive started developing problems. At first I thought it was the disc as it was all scratched up. After much time, frustration aggravation and troubleshooting, I have since discovered that the drive itself was going bad and is now plain done in. I bought an external to run the cd. Here's my problem: I know the drive is good, I know it will read the disc. I was able to uninstall the program and then …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
OK so for the SciFi contest I want to have an accurate looking explosion in the image. The image will involve multiple layers: Background/Sky (Matte) Terrain model for the middle ground (in AM) My Warhammer Base (in AM) Explosion (??) Foreground Terrain (in AM) Lead Character (in AM) Now given I am going for a 'realistic' look and knowing how long it can take to render stuff, I am thinking that I will generate the explosion separately then apply it as a layer in AM. I want to create the explosion in AM if I can so I am thinking smoke and particles for the job. So deconstructing an explosion I have the blast and the shockwave. The shockwave seem…
Last reply by PopaR, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I purchased Animation Master 18.0 subscription last night. I got the invoice n the e-mail. I clicked on the "Detailed INvoice". I got the following: Needless to say I could not activate the product. I also sent an email to I was hoping by posting here I could get it resolved before monday, Home :: My Account :: History :: Order #8807 Order Date: Friday 04 July, 2014 Order Information - Order #8807 Qty. Products Total 1 ea. Extras DVD A:M Data Download Download - Extra DVD.iso (2.2GB) 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right synt…
Last reply by Rich_RDD, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Hello All, We are on the new server. Everyting I think is working but stills. I'm just to tired to work on that and the data is still moving so I'm not going to beable to get to that till after I sleep for a bit. And uploads other then admin will take some time too. If you find anything wrong you can post it here or email My Night.mp4 First thing when I wake up I will get on stills, Then ssl(but we do not really need that for users)
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 27 replies
So I installed a new skin. Black Chrome! you can check it out by picking 'Change Theme' In the lower left. If you see any themes you like Just post the link here and I will look into it. If you want to edit the banner you can download this. logo.psd Also having fun with emotions
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 10 replies
Hi friends ... I have a tree model ( attached ) it is a PROP/OBJ. The PNG transparency works great in the shaded view... but not in rendered image. both version v17/18 any tip ???
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 reply
Now we can search for words with 3 characters !!!!! this is a great step !!! HDR, IBL, SSS
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I miss your old avatars already! Go to your name at the upper-right of the page and choose "My Profile" to choose an avatar.
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 3 replies
When we are at Comic Con 2014 I'm going to set up a webcam or maybe 2 to send images to our site. I'm hoping that we have enough bandwidth for it. The more bandwidth we have faster the refresh will be. Have a bit more work to do The page maybe as simple as a timed refresh but I'm hoping to have time to set up a 'on file touch' refresh where the page just refreshes when a new image is sent. Right now it's set up to send 1280x720 images but if we have bandwidth issues(which happen a ton at shows this big) I will try dropping the image size so you can still get images. Anyone that will be there we can not wait to see you!
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 15 replies
Ok starting Monday June 30th 2014 12:01am Hash servers will be coming down for a planned outage of about 12-18 hours something will stay down longer. Like stills(it's going to take a bit longer then thought to get 100% working but only groups are broke now) The return order is Activation > Store > Forums(because it's a lot of work) stills then i go to sleep.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
by JohnArtbox- 12 replies
I've played with Hair a few times and then put it back in the box because i could never get it to work. So I tried again today and it worked perfectly, until I turned motionblur on. The first subframe renders perfectly but then the geometry moves while the hair stays static on individual frames, causing it to intersect the geometry. I ran some tests by rendering without motion blur, with motion blur, with motion blur added in post(the best option), and lastly by rendering at 120fps without motion blur and then combining frames to create motion blur manually. The last option works but seems to add extraneous jitter to the hair, although this may just be my settings. …
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Working away today on the Ghosts idea I keep getting a recurring problem with the values settings for a chor. Working in V18B When the chor was set up initially it had an image sequence 00:19:20 frames long. The chor defaulted to that value and was saved as such. Further along, the image sequence has been deleted from the project, the chor resaved as something else and, no matter how many times I reset the length to 00:05:00 and save it afresh, when reloaded it has defaulted back to 00:19:20. It has happened about 10-15 times today. I'm getting close to ranting !!! I've got used to the fps defaulting to 30 and the rotate to 5 but the changes in the …
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 15 replies
What do I do to make A:M read and write a custom model or animation format? For example, suppose I want to use A:M to make animations for a game engine. In Blender, I write a Python script. How do I go about this in A:M? I skimmed through the tech reference document but wasn't able to find anything about file I/O plugin support.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
New user here. When I select multiple bones in choreography and rotate them, and then try to undo the rotation, A:M's behaviour is very strange. It takes lots of steps to revert to the original state, like this: little nudge, nothing, nothing, little nudge, nothing, nothing, little nudge, etc. The program may also crash in the process. Can anyone reproduce this? Is this a known issue? Generally, A:M (32-bit) is very unstable on my system.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I've added a rotoscope image onto a view and adjusted it how I thought I wanted it (along with 4 other views). After adjusting for sizing and aligning with the axes like I wanted, I went through and selected the "No Pick" for each in their Properties. However, I found later that one image is aligned on the wrong axis. How can I get access to the rotoscope image on that view that is misaligned since I've turned off picking it, I can't click on it. I'm running AM 2006. Thanks for the help. Tom
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Files are located in the 'Hair Salon' thread, located here:;#entry397248 A:M's hair material in a LONG HAIR scenario, useful for a 'Duck Dynasty' beard, 'weeping-willow' style tree leaves, 'hippie-hair' or glamorous female long hair. The feature being demonstrated here is not so much the hair material as the way it interacts and wraps around other objects, known as collision-detection. Many programs boast impressive hair and styling features, but have very little to show how the hair reacts dynamically in an animation scenario... AND- what happens when the dynamic hair comes into contact with other objects... usual…
Last reply by John Bigboote,