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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, I started a FAQ using It seams to be what i was looking for. I'm open to software suggestions for FAQ's but more what i'm looking for here is categories and things you would like answered. Lets start out small install questions, Systems requirements, And getting started things. If you want to help with this and be a user that can submit info to that you can sign up here I think i get a Email when this is done and i will approve the names i know. Of you can post your FAQ's and answers you and i will add them to to faq at Thanks Again All, Just remember t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
On Saturdays from 12 Noon to 1PM Central Time I will be available on Google Meet and attempt to answer/solve/demonstrate any A:M question you may have. 1PM-2PM Eastern time 12 Noon to 1PM Central Daylight Saving Time 11AM-12 Noon Mountain time 10AM-11AM Pacific time 1700 Saturday Greenwich Mean Time (while US is on Daylight Saving Time) You will need your Google account and a microphone. You don't need a camera, I don't have one either but we can show each other what we are doing with screen sharing. To access the Google Meet, click on this link: You will need to be signed into your Google acc…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 305 replies
Last reply by martin, -
- 5 replies
...Still don't know if there's ONLY the subscription version out there, or if there's also non expiring version by now...
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
I don't know if I'm the only one to experience this but, I got a new Macbook Pro. After following the instructions to get the information off the computer so I could get a new .lic file for my new computer I sent it to support. When I got the subsequent file back (BTW: hope things went well at Comic Con) I downloaded it through G-Mail and dropped it into my AM folder. Having done this before I new it should have worked. So here is what I found out - Safari apparently analyzed the file and added a .txt extension to the file. Once I removed that and made it a .lic again everything worked.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 54 replies
for test
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Hey Gang, I finally got a chance to try out the new V17 Retopology Tool, and I think it is pretty well thought feature. Kudos to Steffen! I know at this time V17 is in alpha and a lot of people don't have access, but will eventually and here is my 'illustrated' guide to getting the tool up and running. I started with Fuchurs useful instructions from the V17 thread: 1.) Import a Prop (for instance an OBJ) into the chor-window. 2.) Create an empty model in the PWS and drag and drop it into the chor too. 3.) Good practice is to make everything but the empty model in the chor unpickable. 4.) Now select the model and go to the modeling-mode in the chor. 5.) C…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
Look at this fabulously flexible result of rigging a face with the Transfer_AW plugin. Steve @Shelton modeled this great character (right) and then we pulled out a lo-res version (left) with just enough splines to cover the essential landmarks of the face. We rigged and CP-weighted that with some minimal bones for the jaw and lip corners and then used Transfer_AW to interpolate that lo-res rig to the hi-res mesh. It would need some further fine-tuning but this is a huge time saver for rigging a face. TAW Hans.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hello, At this time we are looking for a few alpha/beta testers for v18.0. To join you will need to meet the requirements below. Requirements: Active A:M Reports Account Active v17.0 subscription Competence in Animation Master Current & Past Versions The willingness and ability to fill out out detailed reports to A:M Reports when a bug is found. To Sign Up To sign up for testing please email with the information below. best email for contact A:M Reports Users Name and Email. Current Operating System and Version OpenGL Version & Video Card
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 88 replies
As a break from the animating, thought it might be time to make a teddy Bear for the long term project underway. Modelling is not a strong skill and materials even less so. In that light can anyone suggest suitable material properties, or where to look for them, to use for the Teddy? Any help gratefully received. He will end up being tested on the Unicycle though ! regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 36 replies
Hi all, Is anyone else having issues with decals in v18a? In real-time they don't display properly on the screen but do render out correctly. Each time a model is loaded the misrepresented decals change. Here are some shots for your amusement. The images that get mixed into the decals can be from anywhere I have found; bits from my email window, bits of web browser window, Finder windows, or just random noise, anything really. I've tried all the usual resets and reinstall of v18a, but it persists.
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 42 replies
Hi everybody, I recently showed off my new computer system based on a AMD Ryzen 1700 (see more here). To show what it can do, I created a new Benchmark for Hash Animation:Master which I call "A:M Bench 2017". Download it here now: - A:M Bench 2017 - A:M Bench 2017 & A:M teapot 2009 in one file There already is one other Benchmark which is called "ThreeTeaPots" (you can find it here) from 2009 so why creating a new one? The problem with ThreeTeaPots is, that it does not really use any of the newer features of A:M and will only use one thread to render. Before it did not make much sense to get all the bells and whistles of A:M in a benchmark, simply beca…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
From the new v17beta 02 .. This should be huge for cloth users. Steffen has added an option that somehow makes work a strategy that I've tried before with only slight success... drastically upping the number of time subdivisions that SimCloth uses. HiRes ON temporarily increases the frame rate x 10 while the simulation is running. If you have Sub Steps set to 3, Sim cloth will now calculate the cloth's motion through 30 steps per frame instead of 3. The Cloth moves less per step, giving A:M more chance deflect CPs before they become unsolvable intersections. In theory just setting Sub Steps to a 10x higher number should have t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello, So I got some of the stuff worked out for for user sub domains to host Animation Master Tutorials on our server. How this will work. Email with the info below.The Sub Domain you want. For me I would pick Your sub domain choice will also be your ftp user name for ftp log in I will email you back the info below: Your username and password (I will not keep that info, so save the email or I will have to reset it if lost) Your Domain link Time Till Live (There is a bit of server side work for this right now but if people really start using it I will add code to make it faster) What you can and can not hos…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
I just renewed my subscription for 2011 and want to comment on the steps for those going through the same process. Subscribing may not be the preferred method for everyone but there are benefits for those that do. Subscribing to A:M is a very straightforward process: - Visit the A:M Store. - Purchase a subscription. - Install A:M. - (If renewing remove the master.lic file from your master folder) - Activate your new subscription. If troubleshooting is needed here are some general tips: - You won't need to uninstall, just delete or remove the .lic file from your master folder. It will most likely be named master0.lic - You can verify your exp…
Last reply by Tore, -
- 33 replies
Hello Animation Master.., recently I formatted my computer again, I'm on WinXP, remembered my last I received from you, started the procedure and ended up in a corrupted zip file. No, it's the last winzip,so that's not the problem. So I sended an email to the same person I did two years ago, yes, my archive is OK, and was backdated to the question who I am? Which program do I use, what's the serienumber, do I have a license? I'm sorry for the trouble I cause, but my simpel question is, Could you please be so kind to send me a new file so I can return it to you for a lick.file. I know my email adress is changed, du…
Last reply by Rodney, -
AM Marketing? 1 2
by strato- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Does it exist? Why is AM increasingly unknown by the upcoming kids that should use it? Everybody knows Blender by now, and of course its free, but for Character animation its still a big pain to learn. Looking at the Hash forum, it tops at 300 viewers. AM community has reduced to a club of a few contributors, and I believe its a political issue. First, it is not opening itself to new talent, it barely offered a trial version (way too late). It left all the public forums, or their moderators had a falling out. It presents itself as a basic intro to character animation but misses to convey its sophistication. On the other hand it has a slow render and it doesn't play w…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 21 replies
Hello Hashers- I am trying to simulate a time lapse building being constructed and it occurred to me that it might be useful to have a pose slider controlling the vertical axis transparency of the object so that the building appears to grow from the ground up...according to the sliders position. The only trouble is I can't figure out how to set a slider to do that. Does anyone have suggestions? Many thanks, Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
v17 features? 1 2
by serg2- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Where can I find description the new features and additions to the new version?
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 31 replies
Hi Freaks! I wondered if someone already knows what new features AM V.19 will have? Best, Elm.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Hello All, We are on the new server. Everyting I think is working but stills. I'm just to tired to work on that and the data is still moving so I'm not going to beable to get to that till after I sleep for a bit. And uploads other then admin will take some time too. If you find anything wrong you can post it here or email My Night.mp4 First thing when I wake up I will get on stills, Then ssl(but we do not really need that for users)
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 46 replies
So that the "Starting to write hxts" ( topic isn't flooded by what is wanted, I created this topic. Feel free to post things that you'd like to see developed here.
Last reply by PopaR, -
- 39 replies
The 2019 Summer Image Contest is here! Entry date extended to... December 20! It's... Topic: Prehistoric! Prizes: Every entrant gets a Texas Lottery Card for The Big Scratch-Off! Fourth thru tenth place finishers will receive a Top Ten certificate so suitable for framing you get a dollar to buy a frame. The elegant Image Contest Medal is awarded to the top three finishers. Hash Store Gift Credits. $150, $100 and $75 for the top three finishers, two $25 credits randomly awarded among 4th -10th place finishers and one $25 randomly awarded among the remaining entrants. Big thanks to Hash for providing these…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 47 replies
I know most of you just come to the forums but Hash, Inc. has a new site check it out HERE! Thank you, Fuchur For all your Help and Hard Work!
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 58 replies
So, I'm determined to model a character in A:M. I went on Google and found a character reference that has simple, sharp enough lines for me to follow, and decided to just do it. It has front, side and back views, so I have that covered. I've seen a few different tutorials now, and it seems each one has its own style/approach, and so there's not "one right way". So, I'm picking up things from each that I like and make sense to me. For example, using a sphere as an eyeball proxy to model around, from t he Bill Young face modeling CD. Not very far in at all, yet, and I'm expecting to have lots of mistakes along the way, but I'm saving a lot, so I should be okay. Just going…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 60 replies
Hi, I'm not sure this is a bug or a restriction or due to a model creared in an eariler version or model corruption or perhaps the way I'm doing it. Anyone seen, know anything about or have a work around for chor constraints that won't work after you save/close/reopen. These constraints are from one model to another model to bones deep within a char rig. This is a huge deal with my current project and any help from the community would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks! Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
I have heard alot about it,but never really knew what it was for ,surfing on youtube ive seen alot of programs exporting from one program to another and back,and I saw John Bigboote had just posted something about it for v17 ,and is it new in v17? ( Most videos were just timelapsed and did'nt explain anything)
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 4 replies
Is there a working Direct X or FBX exporter for A:M v18? I use Unity3D and would like to use A:M for modelling and rigging. Thanks
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
I upgraded to Windows 10. Now when I click on the 64 bit icon for Animation Master to run it, it tells me I am running a wrong host in a message box and that's it. Anyone else encounter this? What can I do? I literally paid barely a month ago and now I cannot use Animation Master! Mike
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 10 replies
Hello All- Trying and experiment and not sure if it is possible. I have a cube with another smaller cube making a Boolean cut inside the large cube. I also have a blue cylinder sticking out of the cube (like a pipe sticking out of a wall). I would like the blue cylinder to be unaffected by the Boolean cut.... but as you can see by the picture, the Boolean cut effects everything (notice hollow area on blue cylinder). The question is, there a way to make a Boolean cut selective to only one object in a scene, while ignoring other objects inside the "cut area"? (I tried playing around with different bone hierarchies but, no luck yet.) Thanks for a…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 30 replies
I opened A:M at work for the first time since I'd updated the OS to High Sierra 10.13.4. When I did, I got this message box: Clicking on the "Learn More" button takes you this this page. It basically warns that macOS is transitioning to 64-bit applications only. They aren't saying when, but they've made it so that if you open a 32-bit app, you get a one-time alert. Is porting A:M to macOS as a 64-bit app possible?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 10 replies
I know that AM does not directly support either, but we all use other apps besides AM. Which do you figure would be more beneficial in the long run, CUDA support or Open CL? It looks like both Davinci Resolve and Fusion support both, as well as Adobe Creative Suite but Open CL seems to have a bit more 3rd party support. I'm looking at a possible video card upgrade and having a hard time deciding between AMD and Nvidia.
Last reply by strato, -
- 5 replies
Hi everybody, since we are more or less all wearing some kind of mask or faceshield nowadays, it sometimes is a little bit harder to see the expressions on peoples faces who are wearing masks. On the other hand faceshields are little bit less effective concerning filtering moisture out of the air. So recently I thought of a little concept to combine those two tools together with the help of Animation:Master and my Makerbot Replicator 2. Hope you like it :). More can be seen on my blog article here: Best rega…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 15 replies
So this will be the Comic Con post(yeah it's late and I'm out of it) A:MStills FaceBook One Day Down! I Know you hate my pictures but Tim gets there later tomorrow to take good pictures and Kayela gets there friday so you guys wiil be over loaded with pictures. it's been a long day I'm out!
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
We are looking to clean up Animation Master Code. This will mean dropping Windows XP. Please answer the poll below so we can see if the work to keep windows XP is worth it.
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 27 replies
So I installed a new skin. Black Chrome! you can check it out by picking 'Change Theme' In the lower left. If you see any themes you like Just post the link here and I will look into it. If you want to edit the banner you can download this. logo.psd Also having fun with emotions
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Thanks to Rob for another tutorial! BTW- I decided to compare the older "Rigid Body" and the "Bullet Rigid Body " using identical setups and there is quite a difference. I'm not sure why that is but it is something to play with. Tom Comparisons.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi all, I'm trying to add decals with transparent backgrounds, as I've done many times before without problems. I create my decal in Photoshop CC and save as either TGA or PNG. PNGs come out with a black background; TGAs with white. I've tried all options in save options, but no change. I admit to being rusty, but I'm sure I'm doing this the way I always did. Any suggestions gratefully received!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Here are the use-of-expressions tuts I mentioned at LAT today. @Tom @KingVidiot @johnl3d @Roger
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 4 replies
I was looking something and found the source code for mirrorsplines. After one of the last updates I haven't been able to use it. I'm not good at coding so i was hoping someone that does could recompile it so we can use it with the current version.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 29 replies
I'm working with the 2008 rig in V17 ( although also use V18 ) and I'm having real trouble getting the cp weighting done correctly. Whatever I seem to do goes wrong after a short period, leading to all sorts of distortions and bulges. Is there a table anywhere which suggests suitable settings ? or, Can I pay someone to do a figure for me so I can use that as template to setup the other figures ? Its driving me crackers. simon Grandson Shirted 01.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
Many times over the years I have added some constraints in a Pose, closed the Pose window and then... they were gone! Now i have found a repeatable set of steps that makes this happen and a work-around to avoid the loss. First try this SimpleArmIKTest005.prj Open SimpleArmIKTest005.prj (Thanks to Forum member Tom for contributing this test case) In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm> >New>Pose>On/Off to start a new Pose (aka "Relationship") In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm>Bones, drag "handIK" to the top of the hierarchy by dragging it onto the Bones folder In the Relationship window> on the …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I was experimenting with saving an image series as an uncompressed AVI and I noticed that the brightness and contrast in the avi was different than the original frames. So I cooked up a grayscale test pattern, gray scale frame.tga. I made 30 sequentially numbered copies and saved them as an uncompressed avi (gray_scale_01.avi attached). Then I did a screen grab of the video on VLC. That screen grab is shown in the lower half of the attached comparison image...obviously something has changed. This is consistent with what I've been seeing in other, more typical images. After submitting a bug report to Steffen, I started looking around for other programs to stitch image se…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
For no apparently good reason... I've always thought the audio file from TaoA:M needed a longer pause before the 'punchline' delivery. Today I added it (and some noise) to keep the pause from sounding out of place. (wav file attached below) The whole idea of the timing of dialogue delivery is a fascinating one. This bit of dialogue follows the basic pattern of such things as joke telling that is storytelling in simple form; three acts... for four if you are counting the spaces inbetween the keys. What is Keekat's secret? What can't anyone seem to keep it? Tune in next episode for more thrilling adventure! …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Hello Hashers- I created a simple project of some flat pieces of paper blowing away..... however in the first few frames, the entire group of paper bounces in the air. I can't figure out where the setting is that might cause those papers to bounce.. Any ideas? Many thanks, Tom bounce.mp4 BounceTest.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 14 replies
I have been trying to figure out how to replicate a character flicking paint off a paint brush onto a canvas. Think, Jackson Pollock onto a vertical canvas. I can sort of figure out the flicking of blobs but I don't know if it is possible to make those blobs stick onto something... Anyway, I hope to be there tomorrow. Tom
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 24 replies
hi folks, just want to say, that we have now a download page on or website, where you can download some cool stuff dor a:m. i hope the list will grow in the future...
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Attached are the pictures of six different discs I have acquired over the years. I did not know if anyone wanted them for posterity, if nothing else. Each is kind of a snapshot-in-time and a walk-down-memory-lane, depending on how long you have been around. I am not asking much, if anything beyond shipping. They should not be above $7 to ship if you are in the U.S. If there is any interest, email me at Thumper
Last reply by thumperness, -
- 28 replies
Hey, I've downloaded and installed my trial version and getting back into AM is as easy as falling off a bike! However, on the Mac side how do you import images? I remember there was some workaround, which I haven't been able to figure out. But the usual "Import" window opens all grayed out.
Last reply by largento, -
- 4 replies
Another question which is unrelated to our discussion yesterday......but it has me stumped so I thought I would put it out there. I'm trying to create a pose slider to turn on a street lamp. Sounds fairly simple...I want the slider to make the outer" lens" of the lamp become about 35% transparent and I want the inner bulb to start glowing...all just by sliding the pose slider. The problem is the Glow feature seems to only have parameters that become visible WHEN you are rendering in the how do you set up a pose slider when the parameters you want to tweak only appear when rendering? many thanks for any insights... Tom Glow…
Last reply by robcat2075,