Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 18 replies
OK so, for the past 3 months ive been working on this project for a friend of mine he is going to be building an apartment in his basement and came to me as a cheaper alternative to a architect. first half was taking measurements (got about 6 pages worth), then i had to get the base drawings down (took me weeks!). now im finally up to building the model to scale. theres 2 more steps before i complete this project. next step is to get full size renders of the finished basement. then is to design a program for a virtual walkthru of the basement. right now im doing the test renders of the finished basement. wanted to get some opinions and ideas on the best w…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I did the Flying South tutorial and added a fire and character. When i render in 3d it looks like it should, but if i render in 2d part of my flock flys into an area that lightens the color of the birds. I've attached a still shot of a few birds towards the top of the screen in an area affected by both the lighter and darker. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing the lightening of my birds? I've also attached the project. Thank You Jeff flying_south14.prj
Last reply by jnord71, -
- 12 replies
See the finished BUS STOP movie Original layout: 2nd revision: 3rd take:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Lara Croft 1 2
by mtpeak2- 2 followers
- 59 replies
Here's something I've been working on. The model is a modified "Jungle Queen" model, modeled by Jim Talbot. The glasses were modeled Ken Citron (pixelplucker) and the boots were modeled by Eric Camden (Eric2575). Thanks guys for your contributions. Now I just need some handguns. The model was rerigged with the 2008 rig including the face. The outfit still needs weighting. The hair is A:M hair. The holster still needs work. And I hope to build a set. The things you can do with the available resources.
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 5 replies
This is a test of importing some .3ds ships into AM. The blooms were originally gonna be done in AM (finally figured out how to use AM composite and was quite impressed) however, I liked the blooms in FCE more, so I went with those blooms instead. But the lens dirt and all that are AM, so yeah, have a look see EDIT- Whoops, I always forget this place doesn't have a youtube embed, I'm so used to putting in the tags
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 7 replies
I made this mode in Ver 16 RC 1 ans all seemed to work fine till i tried to pose the pose in Choreography when i click anywhere out side of the mode i'm unable to select or pose the model. I can use any other model from a previous version without any problem. any way to fix this model? Here's some pictures and the model. gy_mod_rig_07.mdl
Last reply by Phil, -
Park bench
by Animus- 9 replies
Hi! I haven't work much animation this last year. A friend who saw a clip done a few years ago offered to do a soundtrack, so I did a few touch ups. I had tried to do a soundtrack at the time, but with no success, I think he did much better. Park_bench.mp4 Michel
Last reply by Animus, -
- 13 replies
Hey everyone, I have about 6 weeks left in my first year at the Cleveland Institute of Art and have recently started using Animation Master pretty heavily again. I'd like to share some of my projects. My first project using was re-purposing or increasing the aesthetic qualities of some object for my 3D design course. I used AM for previsualization (helping me better understand aesthetic and ergonomic variations) and then crafted the final object with wood. My next project was to make a game of some sort. I choose to make a board game. Again AM was used to previsualize the game and settle on a final aesthetic theme before sending the obj…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 43 replies
Hi all I was just wondering what you think of these backgrounds. If you notice, my web page is only set up to show the images at this time. I set up the images with one of the copies with a fog, to get the feeling of a misty coast line. Any critical comments are welcome also. I've always wanted to so some stories with these stylized backgrounds.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 14 replies
Been trying to improve my Splinemanship as of late. Looking for suggestions or major "no-nos" I did on this model. I have alot of hard lines(creases) I can't seem to get rid of. I'm concerned with the breast area(that's where I see the most issues).
Last reply by UNGLAUBLICHUSA, -
- 114 replies
Hi to all, I´m modeling a new character it´s kinda superhero whit big muscles in a cartooning style, here are some screen captures, working the middle copy and paste to see how it looks for now, any comments are welcome
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 3 replies
I`m aware, that my mascot entry doesn`t stand a chance in that fabolous competition, nevertheless I tried to make a little pr over at cg-talk:
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
mascot contest - my entry for the contest Work In Progress finish = 90% Good Luck all!
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 25 replies
Here's a shot of the model so far. I think I'm going to do a technique I've been wanting to experiment with, painting the decals to look like painted brushstrokes. Go watch the animation at AtomFilms to see where my shot is!
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 16 replies
Anyone seen this before or know what causes it? It's only happened on one bone in the whole chor and I haven't tried reproducing it yet.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 8 replies
Hello all- Trying to something VERY simple and thought I would ask the List... Just trying to create a cylinder shape that has a transparency map applied so that the cylinder object gradually fades out. ( please see attachment) At first I thought I would create a Material as an "Environment map" and chose the "cylinder" drop down menu; but I don't think you can define the bitmap that you chose to be a transparency map when applied. Then I thought of simply stamping the transparency map from all four directions (front,back,left,right) directly on the cylinder... but I'm guessing there must be a simpler way to apply a transparency map to a cylinder. …
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 57 replies
I've been stuck with the same probolem for years of A:M kicking me out to desktop once I render a 'complex' scene. I've tried everything that I can think of. I need to really solve this problem and I need a robust solution or versatile workaround. I have no money to upgrade to a newer version, and I don't have money to get the latest bellsand whistles for my computer and I'm limited in time. It probably won't fix my problem in the end. Sorry if this post sound like I'm venting, but I'm really desperate and after years and years spent into making models, the feeling that all my hard work can't be rendered apart from using the render lock (render marquee) using …
Last reply by genocell, -
- 11 replies
I got a chance to do a test to try to win some 3D work, I had 1 day to show I can do a pre-designed Female groundhog for the national 'Miss Dig' campaign. A:M got me from spline1 to finished render in about 7 hours... modeling, texturing, rigging (TSM2) animating and rendering(with FastAO). Sure- there's room for improvement, but I think a test like this in 1 day is 'spankin' !!!
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
Hey Hashers! Been a while since I've contributed anything. Here is a project with models and such. Nothing major, but kinda cool with the SportsCenter look. Have fun and show me some renders/stills! Would love to see what my fellow Hashers are doing! Cheers to you all! Shawn
Last reply by new guy, -
Working on a clown project still tweaking on the face I need make the neck bigger a little bit think I rid of them CP above the nose that close together was think not sure though. The body is going to be like a orange prison clown jump suit. I may widen the chin area out and shrink the top head just a bit hmmmmmmmm.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 12 replies
When Rendering: 1. Bump Maps are faster than additional geometry (think shoelaces)? 2. Displacement Maps are faster than additional geometry? 3. Smart Skin wrinkles in cloth render faster than "Cloth Simulation"? "Right", "wrong" or "what are you smoking"? Cheers!
Last reply by UNGLAUBLICHUSA, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Attached is a night time fly by of an Apache Longbow helicopter. It is the first time I have used the Quicktime format for animation, so I have several things I am concerned about. (1) Does it play ok? (sound, etc.), (2) It is a compromise between showing enough detail of the model vs. the night time environment. So does it seem to look fairly realistic? and (3) Every animator's request, do you see anything to improve it?
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 60 replies
Hello, It 2011 and V16.0 coming up I'm going to open a mascot contest. The dead line will be 01/31/2011 and voting will began soon after that and last about 2 weeks. You cane mail all data and entries to We have some siggraph Hash, Inc. jackets that we can give out to the winners if they would like them. Rules: 1). All entries must be modeled and rendered in A:M. Third party paint programs like Photoshop can be used for painting texture decals 2). The images will be 480X640 in the splash screen, But i would like a image at least 1440x1920 so we have a high rez version for promo items and poster. 3). I will also need a render if just the c…
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 2 replies
Hello- While reading the LiteFace tutorial I noticed a picture of a head model which is being used to illustrate the tutorial. Attached is the picture of the model. Is that face model available anywhere? I am having a little bit of trouble trying to understand where the placement of the bones are around the lip area.. Many thanks for any info... Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 10 replies
was playing around with the control room in the Alcatraz model and the window came out looking like this the choreographic I have the diffuse color blue and transparency 95% for glass effect I tried the glass material and same thing ?
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 2 replies
Haven't modeled anything complex for a while, so been at this One for about 3 weeks now. Figuring at least another week, just slowly tinkering with it on a daily basis. (I'm Not modeling a PS3 Version of the Rifle - Just using the PS3 Image as the basis for a finished Rifle) Here's the "RotoScope" Image being Used - NOT A FINAL RENDER! Here's the file of what I have so far (I'm on Version 14 Now) ->PS3_Rifle_14.prj 3/4 of the way there and still some holes that need filled. So far Only ONE real trouble spot, where the handle goes into the body (5 point patch not rendering properly). When finished: Not Seriously - just an Idea for …
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 6 replies
Ok, so this is the beginning of attempt number 4 at starting this model and it is already proving to be a tough little bird just because of its awkwardness! So this will be a very interesting model to make!
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Hello! Since the contest deadline is past, I will now post the WIP for my entry, Back from the Dentist. The idea originated from a doodle of mine. Progression in chronological order. WIP This is from a frame of a quick animation I did. I will post later. Final I hope I am allowed to post this now, if not, feel free to delete! Photoman
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 21 replies
Auf Deutsch! I don't know why it happens, but this is the first time I've been able to repeat it.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Okey dokeys, my next model is actually going to be a set of models that will be released as the Classic Away Team pack which will include everything to successfully get you into trouble with the local aliens and out of it again So, first up, the classic Type 2 Phaser pistol!
Last reply by Darkwing, -
by jakerupert- 9 replies
Hi folks, I made this as a demo to attract some potential customers: (its a Flashmovie) What do you guys think?
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 2 replies
I have the new constraint path for the camera made and I have a action made on to the cell doors opening into the main building The action doors are like 13 sec and the camera path is like 1:18 minutes how can I make the camera movie after the cell doors open in the main office I need it camera to pause for like 13 sec ?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
Well, I didn't finish in time for the mascot contest deadline. Here's where I'm up to, she's ready to rig:
Last reply by brainmuffin, -
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
I know everyone is busy working on the V16.0 mascot but I thought I would give away some more sigraph Hash, Inc. jackets. Hash, Inc. is looking for a new flyer to go along with V16.0 for 2011. Below is the one we are using now. How I think this will work is you can submit your items. Hash, Inc will use either all or part of your design. If Hash, Inc. uses all or part of your design Hash, Inc. will send you a sigraph Hash, Inc. jacket that we have. Sizes are limited. Things I would like to see on the flyer. facebook link Amfilms link Hash, Inc. link Windows logo Mac logo (with out universal binary) 64bit …
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 9 replies
I saw this mug shot of Robert Stroud the bird man of Alcatraz thought I give it a shot.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 49 replies
It's been a very long time since I've posted....well anything (2007?). I've been logging onto the forums pretty regularly for inspiration and have been working on this for couple months. I present to you, the USS Evenstar.....a work-in-progress.
Last reply by PurpleDingo, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
It is the first rendering for the AM v16 contest.
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 6 replies
One of Many models I am working on for a personal project: It was inspired by the following image. Plus Crabs, Spiders and Turtles. Feng Zhu inspiration Here is afront leg about 2/3 modelled. I will take any constructive criticism OTHER THAN: Too many patches, I would have used a 5 point patch, etc...I model the patch style I do and I'm content.
Last reply by UNGLAUBLICHUSA, -
- 6 replies
Greetings all. Well new question. I have a model (space station) 2 ships approach and go inside. It renders a 3 sec clip in say 45 min. Then I created a second chor. and placed the camera inside the station to view them as the ships come inside. Wants to render in like 10 hours?????? so took the original chor. and placed the camera inside and tried again, still wants to render the final 25 frames in like 5 hours. The station has a decal on it and is smaller in the original chor. but when inside the station the decal is huge. Would that have a difference on the render time? I just don't understand why the inside shot takes longer to render than the out…
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 7 replies
Hello All- I have been trying to make a basketball swish through a hoop with netting and do it in a dramatic way. Alas, far success. I have embedded a project for anyone who wants to take a look. Basically I took a basketball backboard (from an old hash model library) and eliminated everything but the metal hoop and netting. Then I took a Basketball (also from an old model library) to use as the "deflector". Using Mark Weller's video tutorial on using the Sim cloth simulator I took his suggestion and used the very top row of cps in the netting as the "attached" part of the cloth so that the netting was stuck to the hoop. Before I even added …
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 13 replies
I decided to finish my Alcatraz Model I need to add some paint and texture and work on the island part.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 9 replies
Thank you very much your comment . This is my work project model not complete
Last reply by Klum3D, -
- 2 replies
This is the front part of my Alcatraz building how can I cut off the white background on the camera or do I have to do a reset mode in the help ? can you save a model in choreograph or you have to export it ?
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 8 replies
Yeah, figured I'd start with a quick and easy one for my modeling challenge. It's not done yet, but here's a good chunk of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from Return of the Jedi:
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I was getting back to Cupid's Sick Day and decided to render some characters with the hair turned on in V 16. The hair was rendering flat. So I was looking for the plugin shader MuHair and it was not showing up? Steve
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 12 replies
Hello all- Tried rendering some volumetric lighting and came across a weird anomaly in the rendering. An thin arc of black dots seems to be appearing in the rendered frames. Check out the image. Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this? Thanks! Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 16 replies
Finally got some time to get back into doing some animation, been a long long while but here's my first crack at a spider walk. All criticism is welcomed. Ignore the black color and poor lighting, I had to toss it through the old AM for the .mov since the rc1 doesn't support qt yet. Thanks
Last reply by draagn, -
- 4 replies
Nothing spectacular, but Gala takes the Suburban Flying Vehicle for a spin.
Last reply by Glob Studios, -
Last reply by mouseman,