Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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Hi guys, I am having trouble making my martini look real.. The dark area on the glass is that normal? Can someone please help me fix the overall look? Thanks alot...
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 10 replies
Hello all, I've decided to embark on my first short short short film. If you follow the link below you can see "Donny" the main character. I would like any comments, impressions you might have. Is this someone you'd like to look at for a minute or so? Wires and other renders to follow. Thanks for thoughts. Doug click here for Character : Donny
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 4 replies
Hi, There is no secret that I'm a newbie, but I made a animation (Not shure I'm alowed to call it animation since it is just a logo thing, ... ) . But I'm using the excelent Ocean surface disk supplyed by zandoriastudios. What made me come to HASH was the need to do what I want to happen (Spesial effects and so forth) making mee searh the web after animation programs ... and what $299 ??? I could not belive my eyes Had great fun anyway making it, and learn a great deal about sprites If you have the time, have a peek at Cheers Tor-Bjarne
Last reply by clarion, -
- 8 replies
Hey all... Whipped this up on Sunday as part of my idea for an Iron Man sequential. Based on a real Tomahawk missile, but I added the camera portion to conform to my idea. About 2 hours work. - pjc
- 35 replies
Hello! This is my first post. I thought I needed some motivation because I've been very unmotivated lately. Alas I am forced to show my unfinished model. I want the good people of Hash users to comment on the model as I may not realize the flaws of my work because I have never shown it to anyone. You have to excuse the texture because the bump mapping isn't finalized yet. Also it hasn't been lighted yet. It's just s render preview from an Action window. Any constructive comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. By the way,I am using AM 8.0. here's a preview: Preview
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Here's a little project I thought would be fun to knock out but which soon turn into a lesson on the proper use of the Bias controls for the logo's flames. I definately feel like I learned how to control/unerstand them a little better because of this.
Last reply by Obnomauk, -
- 12 replies
I was going to wait until she was more complete before I showed her to the crowds, but I'm itching for some input - and she's just so darned cute!! I wanted to do a child for my first head model since their contours are so much rounder and simpler than adults. Now I've got the basic shape, but I find I'm at a loss about how to approach the eyelids and especially the ears. Any suggestions would be most helpful. The model (human) is about 11 years old. Do you think I captured her youthfulness? The decal is from a photo of her, but not the same one I used for the rotoscope. OK, criticize (and suggest) away. B-
Last reply by Olorin, -
- 5 replies
Hello all: decided to take a break from texturing my construction guy and work on a still i had an idea for. This is a harmonica for it, still have to figure out how to model the intricate weave top but thought I'd see what everyone thought. Any C&C welcome.
Last reply by Pengy, -
- 9 replies
Pole Climber was the topic in wednesday's four hour Animation Showdown. An' it were a tough one! This is my entry re-rendered for better lighting and with a few animation tweaks suggested by other contestants, including ZachBG. Download it from my Showdown page
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 15 replies
Hello! Yesterday I was making skeleton for my mecha, and get bored! So I decided to model something organic and this is that I got! I modeled it in about three hours. Do you like it?
Last reply by Grubber, -
- 12 replies
I'm modeling some new characters for a story. Here I modeled a character's head after a frontal picture as a rotoscope, then what I did was to apply the decal in the same position as the rotoscope! I'm pleased with the results of this technique. Even though I will have to remake the textures later, I can use this rough picture as a base. One of the problems is that the texture has some 'built in ilumination', because the original foto has a lighting on its own. Even so, I think that little 'cheat' doesn't interfere much with scene lighting yet can improve realism. I tried giving the object an opposite lighting here (from below). …
Last reply by shaunf, -
by jfirestine- 7 replies
Here is a first motion test for my bear character "Pana-Boon". I wanted to test the rig, and I have already starting working on the problem spots. There are several problems that I am currently working on. Some of them have to do with patches not receiving the correct color (neck) and others are problems with the mesh near the joints. Overall I think its staring to take shape. I have not used any smart skin yet. Its all bones and fan bones. Texturing needs to be done, especially the mouth, teeth, eyelids, etc. Finally he will be covered with the new version 11 hair. The rig has been completely built by myself. It uses Fk on the arms and IK on the legs. H…
Last reply by JBarrett, -
- 16 replies
I think I finally worked out the secret to modelling in A:M. There is no way to model in A:M. Or to be more precise there is no ONE way to model in A:M. When I grasped that it finally hit me. I can do the characters I want to do. There are still some issues with this model but its becoming clearer now. (Is this post less whiney for you? eh eh . JOKING) Cheers Mike R
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
been trying to upload my first Am animation it's small but has sound
Last reply by dawgking, -
- 11 replies
I made an entry for the 10 Second Club at the end of February. Actually, part of the work was for the club, and part was for another project I'm working on. Anyway, the version that was submitted for the club contest was pretty good, but after getting a little feedback I made some improvements before posting it on my site. Here's the direct link: 1.24 MB, MPEG-1 Enjoy!
Last reply by Alien_Films, -
If you have the bandwidth or time to kill I've posted a short animation on my ISP websight. I'm not sure how many hits they will allow so I'm curious to find out. The animation is one I started for one of the contests and didn't finish in time (or yet for that matter). Before I go back to lurking I must thank all you tutorial writers and tip givers. From Jeff Canton on, you're all very helpful . Pepper
Last reply by omoanime, -
- 7 replies
I started off this little adventure making a 3D version of an Al Gore caricature I have. I wanted to animate him singing Paul Shanklin's hilarious "Al Gore Paradise". But, as you can see below, drawings are usually made with two dimensions in mind. So with only a side view available, I did the best I could. At the same time I was making my first head model, and I'm still surprised, because I have always been in awe that people could make a model by making only half of the model. Unfortunately, Al Gore will have to wait. In the meantime, I have a nifty start on a gnome/leprechaun (can't believe I spelled that right) thing. So, why not? It's my first head mo…
Last reply by age234, -
- 18 replies
Hello smiley hashy people, I have just started a new wip of my friends head; I say friend but if he sees what im doing to him he might not be anymore! He's probably not the easyest subject as he has a broken nose, and i took the pictures after an evening of boozing so the rotos arent perfect but theyl do! I was aiming to get the concentric ring thing implemented, but im not sure its done quite right. heres a rendered image
Last reply by nixie, -
- 5 replies
How would you suggest I connect these two shapes? I know there's gotta be a better way than having four 5pt. patches touching each other.
Last reply by Jimmy neutron, -
- 7 replies
Need some help/feedback doing this parrot..(in beta3 of v11.) How can I get the feathers graduatly be bigger as they run down the body.. Any tips!? ( I thought I could give 11-beta version a production try.) Thanks /zued the swede
Last reply by Jimmy neutron, -
- 2 replies
box car textures WIP I've been getting more satisfaction from building textures now that I've adjusted my attitude by repeatedly chanting the acronym THWRT (pronounced "thwurt", it stands for "to heck with render times") to overcome my fear of multi-multi-branch materials. I took a chance and mixed modeled rivets (the darker ones) with bump mapped (all the sheet metal rivets) and was pleasantly surprised with the result. I've rationalized their different textures by assuming sheet metal rivets would be made from a different alloy than structural rivets. However the close-up image shows one, not unexpected, hazard to bump maps; the ladder rung's shadow does…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Inspired by the fantastic Mascot work Pequod did for Briar. Pequod provided somewhere some great close up shots of the face of Briar. With this as inspiration plus the number 28 Face Tutorial Video by Dan Shimmyo available on ARM, I have begun my first semi-realistic head.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
What do you guys think?... it's my first model. But I kinda like the way he turned out... I must work on making my models smoother next time. I was actually kinda frustrated with A:M for a while it's veeeery difficult for me to get smooth surfaces... I will try to keep the 5 point surfaces to an absolute minimum. Now I will start adding bones. I'm gonna use the "backbone" tutorial to add the 2001 skeleton. I hope it animates smoothly. Anyway... comments, opinions, questions are most welcome! My Webpage My Webpage
Last reply by nerrazzi, -
New character im working with. Little animation test on my website. C and C welcome. PS-facial expressions were made using the book, "Stp Staring" by Jason Osipa-best ive ever done. hats off to Jason for the wonderful book. Thanks, SeanC.
Last reply by jfirestine, -
- 8 replies
...It's shameful that I've had A:M for years and never attempted modeling a human head, so here it is. Please look at the spline layout and offer your (CONSTRUCTIVE ) thoughts- especially about the neck. I'm having trouble there. Also the ear connections are a little haphazzard, hazarrd ha..., oh you know what I mean. Sterling
Last reply by Scottj3d, -
- 4 replies
If people are interested I've updated my website with images of my latest character. She's rigged, smartskinned and textured. I still need to add specularity, bump, diffuse maps, and a ponytail etc , but thats down the track. Click on the link to 'characters', and the 'Cuckoo Mother'. NOTE: Different character to the 'Wren Mother' which I have posted previously I've also updated a few other bits and pieces on the web page. Any thoughts that people have would be great.
Last reply by shaunf, -
- 10 replies
- 1.3k views also links to some stills, and cast photos...
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 1 reply
Here is a Cape Animation I've been working on, it's a work in progress. I'm not fully happy with it yet but so far this is the best result I've come up with The Cape was animated with the cloth wizard. If anyone here has any advice on how to get the cape to animate more naturally please help me with advice on Cape animation... Cape Test Thanks, Allen
Last reply by ZachBG, -
- 10 replies
If you been in the WIP forum you may have seen my model but if you havnt here it is textured and everything! What do you think?!
Last reply by pixmite, -
- 9 replies
This is meant to be a little demonic imp that flaps around and acts as a mascot for another as-yet-unmodelled character. The funny thing is that I just recently had some new insight into the A:M modelling process. Tonight I took this partially done model, that had been sitting on my hard drive for a few months, and added the wings and legs - and the bat wing skeleton is probably the most complex splinesmanship I've done in A:M. I managed it in about twice my usual modelling speed -Sean Givan
Last reply by kinsman, -
- 3 replies
Thought id show off my new model im working on. First time ive really played with color and especially bump maps. C and C definitely welcome! Thanks, SeanC. ps. that is just a temporary color map to ge tthe feel, not the final.
Last reply by pdaley, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, We just add a new 3d section at the web site with some new and old 3d test. Take a look. Your Feedbacks are welcome. Pepe VANHOP ANIMATION
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Here's my tantalizing bit, and it's probably the last most of you will see of this until the final project. This is my WIP of an Aliens style motion tracker. I need crits and comments. Zachary T.
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 9 replies
This is a low rez render of something I'm working on. I've got a long way to go yet. I realize that. It's basically pre-vis of a quick banking shot of a chase sequence in a sci-fi action adventure project that I've written and am pitching to direct. As of this render, the spider hadn't been fully textured (it is now, but I'm probably gonna have to re do it. ) Also, obviously the lightings not done, etc, etc, but I just wanted to "come out" so to speak and share a little of what I'm working on. I realize it's "just pre-vis", but I want to make it as best as is reasonable considering I'm not Peter Jackson.... yet. Its in the "CG Test Renders" folder of my Yah…
Last reply by Srmjr, -
- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me why the heck this is happening? I've tried doing everything I can think of. I swear, I may never get the hang of textures...
Last reply by SHADOWMASTER, -
- 2 replies
If you're curious, read along in the thread under "Animation Master: General Discussion" (I guess) ************************* hi gang. for someone who hadn't touched A:M in a bit, I don't think I'm doing too bad. Here's some of what I've tried my hand at so far. The helmet was first, in keeping with the request for it and for hats (first of many I hope) Then there's the night goggles to go with it. I started them but have to detail it all and get the head straps just right (can you tell I've had to wear them in the desert before?) Then there's the toaster. I started making the classic Sears model, all curved and pretty and all... ...but then I realize…
Pegasus gallop to jump WIP clip.
by Guest mrsl13- 1 reply
Im Back I made some changes that were suggested in a perviouse post and then made this new animation. Just an update of a project Im working on in this 800 KB Sor3 mov clip I have a galloping action that goes to a jumping action then back to a galloping action still needs work but it's a start...(pegasus horse model) I cant seem to get the hang of transition to next action to look very good so I just copy and paste keyfames from one action to the other to start a new action in the sequence.Anyway Im having fun even when I goof up.LOL Mike Cossey My briefcase SBC yahoo briefcase link...I hope…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
This is a post I started in Animation:Master section. The attached image is to show my problem. I'll post again with a side view.
Last reply by ripples_rw, -
- 6 replies
I can't get projection maps to apply as anything but spherical. I don't know what's up, probably me being an idiot somehow. I was wanting either a difuse map, or a color map (or both) but I can't get them to actually show up on my model unless I have the interpolation set to spherical. Otherwise, it doesn't show up at all. Any ideas as to what might be going wrong?
Last reply by SHADOWMASTER, -
Hello, Animasters! Here is my new work. I'm tring to improve my modeling skills. Now I'm working on feet! I would like to know that You think.
Last reply by Grubber, -
- 0 replies
- 548 views is a new syndicated video game review TV show. The show airs in Florida as well as worldwide on the internet. We're like Siskel & Ebert on crack. We're seeking animated shorts 1-5 minutes long that are hilariously funny, maybe a little controversial. If they are gaming related that is a plus. Although there is no compensation, we offer screen credit and there is a lot of exposure and we can also plug your website on television. For more information contact: Jeff Rivera Producer
Last reply by jeffrivera, -
- 9 replies
This is the opening short scene of a project I am working on, lasting 00:09:15 and I wondered if anyone could advise me on: Composition Lighting Framing I am trying for a more professional feel to my projects and would like to get some input from the "pros" but all are welcome to comment. Oh yeah....the wolf model is not finished yet, I know it needs work. More images can be seen here:-
Last reply by c-wheeler, -
Better Anti-Aliasing WITHOUT the wait !!
by Guest Greg- 28 replies
Hi guys, This is just an application of some fundamental image-processing theory to A:M The attached images where rendered in about the same time, even though one obviously has better anti-aliasing then the other. Contrary to popular belief, anti-aliasing is an objective measurement; NOT subjective. By performing a Histogram of your renders, the number of steps that appears in a histogram determines OBJECTIVELY how well you are anti-aliasing. This histogram analysis is only valid in pure color images (like the given example) and edge boundaries must be sharp (meaning no blurred edges). In A:M when you set your Blur to 0 . . . you ar…
- 7 replies
Well, this is my last Walk Cycle. Side Front Perspective Please, select "Save Target As..." ,and the videos are compressed with MP4, so you need Quicktime for view it. Thanks.
Last reply by Ernesto Esteso, -
A corkscrew made in A:M v11.0. I tried to reproduce Gobal Illumination lighting with only one light. Comments are welcome. Fabrice.
Last reply by Srmjr, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. This is my first AM project, I bought the software last week and I can't put it down! Especially since I had previously purchased Truespace 6.6, what a waste of time and money! Well I guess it was a tought me to appreciate AM. He will eventually be a soccer player. Sugestions and critiques are MORE than welcome. I could use all the help I can get. Thanks! My Webpage My Webpage
Last reply by kat, -
- 18 replies
OK I know that I post a lot of stuff but I want to post this. Its a torsoe and the blue on it isnt a texture...Its lighting! Its so kool! Anyways, I this is a torsoe that I have for a semi-realistic character. I dont want the body to be exact I want it to be fairly realistic with some cartoonish about it, but still noiticable that its a human type figure. Please give me some imput. Thanks, Robert Fiermonte WIRED!
Last reply by robvmonte, -
- 13 replies
Hey Guys, just wrapped up my demo reel and felt like posting a clip from it that was done in A:M. Some may remember this from a few months back..... but anyhows, here it is sorenson3 about 2.7megs Mike Fitz
Last reply by 3DArtZ, -
- 5 replies
I am attempting to model the head of Gollum. I used a couple images from the web as rotoscopes and modeled from that. I think the head looks ok as a model (better than other stuff I've done) but the only problem is it does not really look like Gollum. Can anyone tell me what they think the problem is? Maybe his head is too boxy/square? Also, is it too spline heavy? Any ideas for where to lighten it up would be helpful as well. Thanks! Thanks for any input. Gollum Side Gollum Wireframe Front Gollum Wireframe Side Gollum Wireframe Perspective
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 15 replies
OK well here is my robotic dog. I need help! I need to know which version is better! After thats done I will texure and stuff! The ball obove his head is where his eye will be.
Last reply by CreativeAustinYankee,