Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 7 replies
Copy and paste this into your browser window instead of clicking it. -Mike
Last reply by VeridisQuo567, -
- 5 replies
This is one of a series I am doing for a client, my first in AM but I have been 2d for years. I would like to mske this a more "pro" pic, so any advice anyone is able to give etc. would be gratefully recieved Be the best you can be
Last reply by c-wheeler, -
- 1 reply
hi, i need of a any image of a character with the two sides (front and left) to use in the A:M as rotoscope... because i don't have any idea to start one character model if you can, post here the images!! thank you!!
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 2 replies
Hi Everybody! Can anybody help me in the eye tutorial? How can I do a good eyeball witt pupil,iris,etc ? For example: as Tak from Tak and the power of juju. I'm waiting your answer! Thanks before, Sharky!
Last reply by Pengy, -
- 17 replies
This is a story I have been thinking about for a few days now. I've noticed that some people would be interested in participating in a short team effort. Well, that's the reason I'm posting this at such an early stage in the development....if you like the story and want to make a well animated(hopefully) short, drop me an email. Either way, I'll be making this short and posting updates here whenever I have them. Another reason is to get an unbiased view of the story. If anyone can think of ways to improve the story, put down your ideas in this thread. I'm willing to entertain anything. Without further ado here's what I have so far. I've even got storyboards for the f…
Last reply by KenH, -
- 43 replies
Hi Gang - Attached is the early stage of a my first *scene* in A:M. There will be an inhabitant and grass and all that .... but I'm posting for your comments. Thanks for looking. Doug click me ...
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 1 reply
Hello... I'm wondering if there's another tutorial somewhere that would be a good replacement for the giraffe tutorial in the AOA:M manual? Reason is, I'm getting a head-ache trying to discern, from the side view, where the leg on the "far side" ends and the one I'm supposed to be tracing starts.. it's all sorta just combined together.. Also, the tutorial sorta leaves out what I think is an important detail.. It instructs you to shape the neck from the top - but there's nothing really to shape it from. There is the top "seam" decal, but it doesn't have a head and I don't know how large to scale it to to make sure I'm not adjusting things too big or small.. …
Last reply by wsimike, -
- 1 reply
Okay I downloaded the project called autosquash and modified it from here I had the ball bounces with a rigid body simulation then had the x scaled to the y position in the simulation very simple but this was very easy
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 10 replies
Hi I just had a new idea for an animation, so I thougt I will show you my progress. The wip name of the animation ist Vangata, I don't now if it also will be the final if I ever finish this projekt, after 30to45min of work my first wip pic.
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 3 replies
I didn't know that you could control a light's intensity level by using a pose slider, you couldn't do it in 8.5. Anyway, here's a small movie and a tut on how I did it for those that didn't know either...
Last reply by gra4mac, -
- 69 replies
I thought that I'd post a little animation test I'm working on to get some feed back. It's currently very rough: I've got the main poses in, done most of the lip-sync and have tried to set most of the timing. There is'nt facial animation yet and it all still needs a fair amount of finessing..... Anyhow, I would love to get some feedback - I'm trying to build my animation muscles with this, so point out my flab! Quicktime, sorenson 3, 1.3mb Click Me!
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 1 reply
read someones post about a teardrop and ran this test...think I set a few setting too high and the shape isn't quit right.. \
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 13 replies
It's late and I'm tired so I'll get to the point. I'm trying to make this bug character that has an expressive face yet is still recognizable as a ground beetle. I made the face lighter so the facial features, and especially the mouth, were visible. I got the idea from studying A Bug's Life. Overall, I'm hapy with the results, but I would love some suggestions on how to make the face more expressive. I think I should make the mouth bigger, but should it have eyelids that blink and eyebrows? Any other comments or suggestions would be great. Here is the link: bug test
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys! I post my first dialogue with expression,what will be in my Aikido Basics project! I mind about it, that I have some mistake! Please check it and write me your opinions! Dialogue This movie is rendered REAL_Time, not final,and it's low-quality! It is required Divx 5.03! I'm waiting your opinion! Sharky
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
here is a picture of what my model is doing. I need the hands to face towards the body not out! How do I do that! I tried rotating the bones but the arms get all messed up! Can someone please help me?!
Last reply by KenH, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys! I post my first dialogue with expression,what will be in my Aikido Basics project! I mind about it, that I have some mistake! Please check it and write me your opinions! Dialogue This movie is rendered REAL_Time, not final,and low-quality! It is required Divx 5.03! I'm waiting your opinion! Sharky
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Hello! I am very new to a:m. I'm using A:M 2001, 8.5p+ and i'm trying to create spheres. i understand the concept and everything is going ok, except my half-circle, that i'm going to lathe into the sphere looks a bit jagged, not perfectly curved. the odd thing is, if i close the project & reopen it, it then looks fine. so, i create my sphere. so far so good. if i look at it in shaded mode, it no longer looks perfect, nor does it in wireframe any longer either, unless i save, close, and reopen the project. anyone know why this is happening or how to get around it? thanks!
Last reply by pr0ph3t, -
- 4 replies
Ok, so I'm learning A:M and coming from video editing, I find A:M useful for special effects, backdrops, titles logos, and so forth ... And i actually feel that I'm learning something every day Here a couple of animations that I more or less finished, eh ... just for the fun of it 1. FROM HELL 2. A logo thing Well best regards to all Hashers ... Tor-Bjarne
Last reply by clarion, -
by ZachBG- 5 replies
Well, it's showdown time again, and this time 'round the topic was Walking a Tightrope. Yow! Here's what I came up with: 800K, Sorenson 3, 13 seconds. For those not in the know, the deadline for these showdowns (found at's forums, reg. required) is four hours, from finding out the topic to handing in the completed animation. My time spent on this was probably three and a half hours, because I had to pick my son up from nursery school halfway through. I wonder if that's a problem on feature films. Comments and crits welcome. As a further interesting point, the modeling of th…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Walking a "Tightrope" was the topic this week. But my guy ended up looking more like he's waiting for some clown on a trapeze to take him out. See it on my showdown page (QT 95K Sorenson3) My "plan" was to break up the walking action with these "unbalanced" poses, but I never got them to work together and in hindsight, that was too much of a "make animation" solution and not enough of a "character animation" solution.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
Nothing much to's a boat. The model's for illustrating how the ship handles, and isn't intended to be photoreal, especially as it's for a proposal only.
Last reply by Sacman, -
- 11 replies
Furniture I made for an architectural walkthrough. The plan is to create a complete library, but it's going to take a while
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone, Well, the school holidays end and so does my productivity. Before I get back into the nitty grity of teaching students, I thought people might be interested in the latest 'character' to use the term loosely. There is a little test animation on the below link I rigged this guy by hand using Billy Egginton's setup, as it seemed easier given he has SIX legs? It took a while, but I am happy with the result In any case, peoples thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated!
Last reply by OzTiff, -
Here's a second (and much shorter) piece of animation I'm working on with the same character as before. An evening's work so far. QT, Sorenson3, 900kb All comments and crits are welcome as usual.
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 15 replies
Hi Guys! I finished the first parts of my project, ... This movie will presents some aikido technics and etiquets! But just I can upload this in more parts! Sorry! This are first parts: Part 1 (This is required divx 5.03) Part 2 and I'm waiting your opinion! Sharky
Last reply by Sharky, -
- 0 replies
got this idea today for a liquidy character put this together but its pretty rough yet and I have to get a slime trail to follow and get a better character the eye ball idea didn't work right and the action is too fast ...really should be working on the web page anyway but for now johnl3d
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Well I'm up late, so I decided to post this image. A while back I had posted a wip related to this image that looked like dark beer. I think I worked out some of the issues though Enjoy Image info: 6 separate objects Mostly procedural (except for text decal) using native combiners blobby emitter for water droplets and bubbles 3 lights( with NO shadows!) Javier
Last reply by xor, -
- 14 replies
** UPDATE: 4/15/04: scroll down ** Hey there, hashin' community. I'm in a pickle with a new character model. I'm making these fat, bean/potato-shaped robots. Their bodies have a very smooth, regular surface, which is the source of my worry. Have a look. (Hands and eyes coming soon.) Belly Bot, body Belly Bot, mouth My problem is with the mouth. Victor Navone's posts on Giant are really awesome. I wanted to try out his system, but I think it demands more skill than I have at the present time... So I'll stick with poses. Anyway, you can perhaps see my problem. This character's mouth adheres to a surface that is best described as conic -- it curv…
Last reply by lazz, -
- 1 reply
These are not award winning items to showcase, but they are interesting examples of how Animation Master allows you to do some none traditional "character" animation: Bill's Experiments These originated with "The Mother of All Blobbies", my first experiment animating a character whose "limbs" were more like the pseudopods of an ameoba than arms and legs. This was done by manipulating CPs with the various tools of AM. I then created a "pseudopod" test model basically made of a tube with each spline ring along its length assigned a bone. The bones were then constrained to each other in a hierarchy so that I could stretch or squash the "tenticle" simply by manipulating a…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
here's the second one, with the idea of the "The Door's Stuck" tutorial.. The penguins are wondering how to open the door...
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
Here is my model, thanks to John Henderson for helping with the model (torsoe) and whoever did KeeKat (hands)! I need help with the shape of the eyes (the eyeball needs to fit into the eyesocket! The eyeball is just a circle with a decal on it. Hope this is clear enough! Thanks, Robert Fiermonte
Last reply by robvmonte, -
- 6 replies
I've been working on this metal flake material, in v8.5, in my spare time. I really wanted to capture the sparkling quality as the perspective changed. I rememberd a tuturial by Charles Babbage: "Diffraction Grating 101", where he used a multi-gradient tree for specular accents. I figured I could do the same thing for a whole material by adjusting the "edge surface" property, by rotating you see the same material slightly offset with some colors attributes switched, giving it a twinkling appearance. Still needs a little work. Metal Flake Test .MOV If someone would like to repost, please do so. (low, low bandwidth) And incase your wondering "Why did he…
Last reply by Ross Smith, -
- 15 replies
Hi, Thought it was about time to post something instead of simply reading everyone else's posts! I've been working on this 'guy' for the last couple of months, in between work, kids and all that... I've finally finished the basic model and now need to start tweeking / texturing / rigging etc. I'm armed with many tutorials (thanks to ShaunF for his wonderful and inspirational website, and 3DArtz for the CogJoints tutorial), so this could take a long while. Not even really sure what I'm going to do with him other than practise some animation, although I don't think this guy will be the brightest of sparks - I think I'll have a lot of fun with his eyes. Any thoughts,…
Last reply by OzTiff, -
by Guest jandals- 7 replies
I started this character a month or so ago but quit working on him when I bought a G5. It seems AM and OS X 10.3 have a conflict that prevents me from rendering in a window. Maybe I had multipass off... that caused issues a while ago. Whatever, I started working on him again the other day and gave him a hand, arm and hair. The hair is controlled by a decal (which needs some refining) and I should model him a proper ear and shoes. There's about 10 minutes of work in the hair so I'll at least post some more images as that part comes along.
- 117 replies
Hi all, Haven't shown anything really new in a while, so here's a peak at my newest character, to go along with the elegant lady and gentleman I did a while back. He's sort of the head of the investigation agency. At least, that's how I see him now. And I think he says "Jolly good" a lot, too. I need to give him some thin hair on his head. Jim
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 7 replies
Yes, it's official... a new record... the least amount of screen time I've completed in any of my Showdown entries! Yesterday's topic was Running Catch. I ran out of time before I finished the running part. But the good news is it won't take long to download. See it at my Showdown Page. (QT Sorenson 70K) For this render I've added a background prop.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by littleandy- 42 replies
Alright, so I have this orc that I want to make. I haven't really sketched it out- I'm pretty much winging it this time. But that's ok at this point, because I know how I want the teeth to look. So that's what I've modelled so far. Problem: How do I texture them? I've done the basic geometry for the teeth and gums, and I've used naming conventions pretty carefully, so each tooth is it's own group and all that. Does anyone have suggestions for how to go about texturing? Do I need to do each tooth seperately? Ay, this is going to be a painful process if so... And if anyone has suggestions for the modelling at this point, this'd be a good time to tell me. P.S. …
Last reply by Alien_Films, -
- 5 replies
I was rummaging about my hard drive, and I found this image from awhile ago. The lighting is a little bit strange, but it's cool, if I say so myself.
Last reply by zacktaich, -
Here's my new WIP. I got a basic body done right now. I drew a simple sketch to get the proportions the way I wanted. He's going to be a cartoony Zorro-esque type character. I will probably be making a few more characters as well. Now, onto the head.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 3 replies
Little bit of animation with my character. Something just doesnt seem right though. Something in the handfs mayber. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks, Sean
Last reply by Zaryin, -
Hi Guys! Please anybody show me a/(more) good action(s) and please to mark offset,anticipation,follow through,overshot,squash and strech application in it! I will be happy, that you can help me in this topic and you can offer a good rig for my models ,because maybe I can learn the animation much more and I may can make my projects better!! I'm waiting Your answer and thanks before! Can you help me and tutor in the animation topic? Sharky!
Last reply by Sharky, -
- 6 replies
Posted this topic in the Showcase last month but never really got any replies... Does anyone have any tips on the kind of Cloth simulation I need to do for large cape animation. Go to my Batman page I have Tests on Cape Animation there & so far that's the best I can get. The Cape has a low patch count. Should the patch count be higher, or would that help at all? It ether looks to heavy, to light or to stiff... I'm using A:M 8.5 but plan on getting 10.5 pretty soon. If anyone has any tips I'm all ears. Thanks! Edit: Added Link
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 15 replies
If people are interested I've posted some stuff on the latest model I have created for my short film project. Click here to have a look at the model and download a short test animation Any thoughts or comments would be welcome!
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 5 replies
Well, here it is, took me 2 days total to make, it's a FFA project, but i'll work on it some more
Last reply by VeridisQuo567, -
- 8 replies
Playing with Treez10.5 trying different setup and got this shape I thought would look interesting copy flipped and attached. Added 4 bones few constrains put in into a chor with volumetric light. Looks interetsing at least to me
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 11 replies
Hi, This is a picture I just completed in Animation Master. Let me know what you think. Also is it possible to submit work to the AM gallery on ther hash site. Thanks
Last reply by MiddleKid, -
- 10 replies
A couple of images of the Haunted House set I`ve been working on. It`s almost completed now - just a few things to finish off and tidy up.
Last reply by nigeltheimpaler, -
- 6 replies
Some folks may remember this little fella - Well... I've been dusting off a sequence from this short and thought that I'd put it out there (-here-) for those who wish to opine. I've been trying out a different animation style with him and am pretty pleased with it.... Squash and Stretch are our friends! QT - Sorenson2 - 1.5mb Anyhow, all comments welcome. Bring a bottle.
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 10 replies
Here is a model of the New Horizons Pluto Spacecraft. Not that impressive, but a paying client is extremely happy with the final model. Animation and Texturing will be done by others. My contribution to the project is complete. I just provided the mesh model. New Horizons Link
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
Free Beer!
by ZachBG- 4 replies
This is an entry for the most recent Animation Showdown at As before, all animation was done in four hours. The topic, quoted from the forum moderator: "By any means necessary" became the basis for my joke. In this case, I wanted to test a new light rig, so I also (after the deadline) added an island, some not very convincing water, and a palm tree which managed to cast shadows in precisely the wrong place. The animation is unchanged, though. Tons of work would need to be done to make this worth watching, but it's in Showcase because, well, I'm not going to work on it anymore. Et voila:…
Last reply by Parlo,