A:M Tutorials & Demos
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148 topics in this forum
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- 12 replies
Is it possible to start and finish a sprite at any particular point in time. For example, if I was doing a shot that was 15 seconds long, could I have the particle start at let's say 10 seconds and end at 13 seconds? Can this be down with lights like lens flares as well?
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 reply
ANZOVIN STUDIOS Has soom really GREAT disks for bigginners and pros. check them out at WWW.ANZOVIN.COM BUDDHABUCK
Last reply by clonewar12345, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I am in the process of making a short film with space fights. If i have a spaceship model is there a way to aanimate it falling apart? I can add the explosion FX in a compositing program.
Last reply by clonewar12345, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have been looking for tutorials on how to make various star wars things. There is one good sight at theforce.net but many of the links do not work. I was wondering if annyone knows anny other good sites. Thanks!
Last reply by clonewar12345, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I finished up to exercise 5 in "The Art of Animation Master" work book. I have been away from it for a while and I since upgraded to Ver 13 from 12. I see the forums are a little different than before. Can someone redirect me? Technodandy
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
If anyone wonders what formula to use when it comes to calculating BPM(Beats-per-minute) to FPS(Frames-per-second) 60:BPM*FPS=NumberOfFramesPerBeat Niels ps. Cycle length can be p.a. 13.39 in order to keep things on timetrack
Last reply by C-grid, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
After trying out other GC software I became aware it was possible to get very realistic and smooth motion by using the motion modifiers provided. When I went back to AM I found AM had similar types of plugin or constraints that aid with Animation. Without these aids the example gif animation I made in AM would have been impossible to make. After looking @ the thorn Sim_prj by Steffen Gross I realized it was possible to cut down Render time significantly using this plugging. The problem with most new people to animation including myself is we tend to do things the hard way for a long time and find it hard to change. Most people fear the maths that is sometimes involved or …
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 0 replies
I have no problem playing the sound in Choreography or Action modes. But, most of the time, I can't get sound to play in my .avi or .mov file after I render animation from the choreography mode. I never have this problem if I created the sound in the Action mode and render. Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong?
Last reply by Slimmie, -
does anyone have a car tutrial that is understandable
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm going through the tutorials and it seems there is more to A:M than what is in the book. Is there a manual online or on the CD that I am missing? Lori Hiatt
Last reply by Chasman Studios, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi all A while back I watched a video tutorial of a motor race with three vehicles from the AM library, it had to do with motion paths and setting the time for the vehicles so that one could win the race. for the life of me I cant remember where I saw it. (It was very good, and I need it now!!) If there is someone that can help me to remember where it was that I saw it I would be extremely greatful. I have gone through all my tutorials and on the Siggraph 2005 training video. am I missing some braincells or what? thanx Leo
Last reply by Duke, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
To cut down on the loading time I have imported my avi files into a Flash project. I am having problems keeping good quality to most files. Is there a way to keep the quality of the avi files after converting them?
Last reply by Speedle, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Howdy all, been looking all over for answers here: AM keeps locking up (after working seemlessly for 6 months) and goes into an ultra, ultra slow motion mode (one click in any direction or 1 degree of zoom takes like 15 - 30 seconds) I watch the CPU use and it zooms to 100 % with any little command, so somethings wrong Make a long story short, I un-installed, re-installed twice now. I try to open the program and i instantly get a "missing KSPI32.DLL" pop up (with the big Windows "doink" sound) I've seen a couple posts about install / reinstall about using the "regedit" function -- I have no clue what that is. And I'm a little …
Last reply by jeffkaz, -
- 4 replies
I have a quick list of tuts that I have made but not indexed on my site. If anyone has the time to look please click on one of the letter links and watch the tut and let me know if you think its worth saving. Some are from much older versions of AM. I was thinking of cleaning up and updating my site so this will help Thanks for any comments http://johnl.inform.net/pages/aaa.htm
Last reply by steve392, -
- 18 replies
Here is a place to talk up your software of choice for making Tutorials. Tell us about what you use to make tutorials, what the pros and cons may be and where possible show us examples of tutorials created with those tools. Of special interest are those tutorials that demonstrate use of Animation:Master. For the record Hash Inc's preferred software for video tutorials is Camtasia. For freeware the Tutorials Forum currently suggests Wink as the standard for .swf tutorials. Please note that the forum can generate HTML tutorials based on discussions here in the forum via the 'Print this Topic' option. See THIS TOPIC for more information. Formats of interes…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi I dl this http://www.jpatch.com/ that has the same modelling features of AM. I have to evaluate if I can modelling something with the patches or not. If I can and it is easy than the box modelling , then I'll buy Am. Is there a basic character tutorial? I mean , a tutorial for modelling an figure, for scratch. I am a newbie, I create only low low low poly models using milkshape . I tryed to do something with jpatch but I need a startup..
Last reply by oakchas, -
- 0 replies
Nowadays the A:M Forum is really the community's FAQ but long long ago in much more ancient times their lived the A:M FAQ. Some of the information is still as valid as ever while others have been outdated for quite a while. Still its a treat to read through and revisit the glory days of yesteryear. The names alone are worth the read. ...and the best is yet to come! For those that haven't seen it and those that haven't visited in awhile: The Animation:Master FAQs
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
I did this as a wmv file which I think can now be see by Mac users to reduce the size this has audio http://johnl.inform.net/images/convert.wmv If need be I can get this out as a QT instead Not shown but possible converting qt to avi etc In this I change QT (animation ) to QT (sorenson3) also QT to tga sequence all in AM since website gone here is the file convert.wmv okay found qt version convert.mov
Last reply by Nosferatu, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I haven't tried to run Animation Master for probably five years. In that time I've changed Macs several times. Today I tried to install it using the Classic environment. No luck; or I should say I thought I was successful at first, only to find out that A:M couldn't see the original disc through Classic when I went to run it. I have Virtual PC 7.0.2 with Windows XP and tried to install it there. This time the app told me I had to upgrade Win NT with drivers for D3D. Only problem was, I was beyond NT (why doesn't A:M know this? Is the OS version hard coded?) and DO have D3D drivers. As it happens, I've been using Virtual PC since version 3, when it was a Connecti…
Last reply by picarules, -
- 3 replies
A really nice and usefull resource, from a good friend of mine. Here you have her own presentation: http://www.artnatomia.net ARTNATOMY The work has been chosen as a finalist (in Educational Category) for the 15th Flashforward Film Festival (an online competition and live awards ceremony showcasing and celebrating the best work on the Web). Winners in all categories plus the "People's Choice" award will be announced at the awards ceremony on March 1 during the Flashforward2006 Seattle Conference at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Application overview. This resource has been designed and constructed to exploit digital technology in the …
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 7 replies
hi again. back on the A:M larning again after soom time. picking up on the last tutarials i done. i have come across a problem with my A:M on my computer. when i follow the project pathease on my machine. as i go to set the pathease to 100% for the first action, it delets the action. i draw the path. i drag and drop the knight. i constrane him to the path. i drag and drop on him the walk action i drag and drop on him the wave action i drag the walk action on the time line to last to 3 second i drag the wave action to start at the 3 second point i go to frame 3:00 (3 seconds) in the time (frame) box i open up the path propertys and set the …
Last reply by angus.b.hart, -
- 2 replies
i have found some tutorials on the internet and is that tutorial it says i have to hit "override basic attributes" but i go into the properties and there is no tab that says "override basic attributes" can any of you help me on this. the web site is down right now so i cant send you like to the tutorial oh and i am using version 11 2005
Last reply by cuboos, -
- 16 replies
Hello, I'm an editor at Focal Press, a leading media technology publisher, working on our graphics and animation list. I'm just looking at the current books on AM and there seem to be very few - I could just see 'The Animation : Master 2000 Handbook' by Jeff Paries and 'Animation:Master 2002: A Complete Guide' by David Rogers. Both these seem to be quite comprehensive, beginner/intermediate guides to the program weighing in at more than 500 pages. Do these books, along with the manual and these forums, cover most people's needs or do you perceive a need for something else... if so, what would you like to see? I'd really appreciate any thoughts on…
Last reply by Julian, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello everybody: Cole3d.net, the bigest spanish A:M workgroup around the world, is happy to offer for free our long videotutorial about the full process of modelling and rigging a human character. Note that, as expected, it is narrated in Spanish... It will be released by parts, and will be available from our site, a new chapter every week: http://cole3d.net/am/ Now let me put it in Spanish, so our targeted audience can understand it well... Nos sentimos muy contentos de poder ofrecer por primera vez on-line, y de forma gratuita, nuestro curso completo del "Humanoide", con el proceso razonado de creación de un personaje en A:M, desde el d…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Is it hard and how would i go about making a model or live person turn to dust and blow away? i also need to model the ground cracking. Thanks, Stewie
Last reply by luckbat, -
- 0 replies
Hi hashers, Modelling takes skill, I understand, you'd like to get a complete hold of it? And modelling is an art. I think, you'll agree that art begins with a pencil and paper. I'm trying to understand the need for an online art and modelling school. Where, you'll learn figure and environment drawing one to one from an artist. It can be a bootcamp for you to be more comfortable in visualising your characters and animations. And you can start regardless of your background in art. Also, from here would you like to go on learning modelling in depth using A:M one to one from a mentor? Would you like to join such a online school if available? Satyajit
Last reply by satyajit2000, -
Hi, Could someone post key links about libraries all in one place? I now have several models and materials, and I would like to add shortcuts with pictures, (I think Rodney posted some icons for materials on the extras CD, or maybe the 2005 CD--not all materials come up....? I saw a screenshot I think, but can't find it now....) know how to edit .lbr files if I need to (and know why I would) and how to restore them if I mess up. add some of the stuff from the extras CD. I was able to re-link the main Hash CD library in v.12 (Mac), but as I have the space, I'd like to add some things from the extras CD and get it all organized. I'm sure there ar…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 58 replies
Someone was missing this one. Here it comes! You can use hair to make grass! This WINK-tutorial describes how to makes grass in a simple way. A more advanced way you can find here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ffave/e_herbes.htm To learn more about hair you can listen to this tutorial: http://www.s1.hashmirror.com/ftp/pub/movies/RandyHair.mov And a web page to learn about hair: http://www.hash.com/am2004/Modeling/Hair/ Hair can be used in many ways so moore tutorials on hair is needed to describe all the possibilities. cfree68f introduced the topic - experiment in Paint strokes, or pointillism? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?sho…
Last reply by Coggs, -
- 6 replies
I'm sorry for posting what is probably a completely DENSE question. But where can I find the JPG's for the "Make a Face" tutorial? I can't find it on the main disc or the the "Extras" disc. Again, my apologies.
Last reply by HotTaco, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
the tutorial is at http://www.babbagepatch.com/ specifically I'm stuck on http://www.babbagepatch.com/water2.htm I'm attempting to create the action like it says, but I can't add the material into the action like it says to, am I missing something? BTW: I'm using A:M v11.0
Last reply by Dragoon670, -
- 2 replies
A wink tutorial on creating a simple DirtMap in PaintShop Pro 8 for THIS chair model. Download the tutorial here. I've found that you need to copy the files from the zipped folder to somewhere on your HD for these to load correctly. This is my first ever tutorial so be kind
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by seven, -
- 4 replies
Hi I wan to make simple face with 2 eyes 2 ears eyebrows nose a mouth hole which i really can't make i made full body with neck but i only need is face i tried many tuts for understanding but when i start working its getting wierd & then i stop work delete the whole file & when i back to hash websites see these am still the i try again but can't make it please someone help i dont want to rig my face i want to know how to make face with spline or primitives please help help help! ..... & im using one prop with this character so please tell me this too that how to make this hole in cube box ......................... THANKs.
Last reply by Flog, -
- 56 replies
You can use some photo and lipsynch the person on the photo having recorded some sound to use. Here is an example on how ot lipsync President Lincoln! To do the lipsync of a photo you have to start out with the lipsynced mouth you can find in the project file belonging to Four Basic Lessons. And you better have a look through of PART 4 belonging to the Four Basic Lessons to understand a little more about how to lipsync. Here you will find the project file and PART 4 to study: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15027 lincoln_lip_synced.zip
Last reply by seven, -
by InfoCentral- 10 replies
There are Free screen recording software such as WINK and CamStudio but are there any Free software that will allow you to take that and build interactive tutorials? I'm sure you have used one of them. That's where they show you how to do something and then they tell you to do it. Or there is a pop-up dialogue box that tells you to select this on screen and when you do another dialogue box comes up and says "good." Interactive where the user needs to select something beside the "next" button. WINK Download CamStudio Download
Last reply by InfoCentral, -
- 3 replies
I ran across this Tutorial on Irfanview that also happens to expertly show the capabilities of Wink tutorials combined with HTML coding. Irfanview Tutorial Now this is exactly what I envision us being able to do in the future. Scroll down a list of topics... view information. As nice as this is... there is even more where this comes from. For those not sure whether they want to click the link will take you to a menu based tutorial that expertly discusses some of the function of the utility Irfanview. Irfanview is a PC only utility that converts, displays and provides other functions too numerous to mention here. There is a lot not mentioned in the…
Last reply by InfoCentral, -
- 6 replies
All, This is something of a 'pardon our dust' post. We are about to enter Phase II in the effort to bring more documentation on Animation:Master to users everywhere. First, many thanks to all those that have contributed tutorials already! Some great information is being presented and it is most appreciated. I know I've learned a lot. As soon as the Extra CD project gets finished I hope to focus on putting together some basic tutorials on the functions and features in A:M. These would be of the variety of answering those "How do I...?" questions that everyone runs into sooner or later; "How do I Embed All?", "How do I model ?", "How do I render with an tra…
Last reply by triath5147, -
- 19 replies
Learn how to tell stories with Animation Master using your own models, sounds and bitmaps in four basic lessons. I believe you can learn it in four hours and then you have to practise for four more hours. Then you can teach it to others! Animation Master is a professional program but possible to use in schools for students from 10 to 100. Other professional 3D programs you have to work with daily - not A:M - not having all those buttons and commands instead just the basic ones to use for whatever you want to do. And everything aimed at animating not just doing nice images - but that is of course possible too. These four lessons are for telling stories with lipsynche…
Last reply by seven, -
Hello, I'm searching for an other 'Grass with Hair' Tut. This Grass Tut I already found but there was an other one, but I can not find it ... Maszie
Last reply by Maszie, -
- 3 replies
Animation:Master has very robust support for creating stereo images like Anaglyph, Free Viewing and Interlaced Stereo renderings. In this tutorial we will see another way of rendering to give a 2D image the feeling of depth. Download zip 2.6 Mb I hope you find this useful. JM
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 reply
Here you can find PART 1 of Four basic lessons to learn and teach Animation Master And here you can find the other three parts, the project file with images and sound and the animation to look and listen to: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15027 animation_master_basic_lesson_1.zip
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 26 replies
Well... here we are in the new spacious living quarters of the Software Tutorials Forum. Anyone have any specific requests for tutorials? Anyone care to take on a challenge and help build the tutorials of the future? Example: I've long wanted to make a tutorial about putting three segments of animation together into one inside A:M. "Splicing in A:M" on the basic side, or "Film Editing" as a more complex set of instructions I guess you could call it. There are several ways to approach this but I think perhaps that I don't know the best way. -Rodney
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
To make tutorials with the FREE program WINK download it from here: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ Then install it, start it and go to Help to choose: View Tutorial Project 1 WINK will make a .htm-file and a .swf-file and you can start learning WINK in a quarter of an hour. The .swf-file is a Flash file. I hope you know Flash it is from Macromedia and it is 100 percent safe! To look at the tutorial you have to have the FLASH PLAYER plugin installed in your browser. About 80 percent of all browsers have the plugin. Internet Exploerer will install it automatically - just answer Yes! You can download it from here: http://www.macromedia.com/downloads Mak…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Why not use A:M to make 2D cartoons? Here you can find two short examples: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14906 2dcartoon.zip
Last reply by gschumsky, -
- 0 replies
Look here to see the 2D cartoon of the first shark landing!!!! http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14914 And here is the tutorial to make a 2D cartoon with only patches not using any images. 2d_only_patch_cartoon_shark.zip
Last reply by isi, -
- 10 replies
EDIT!!! Massive and desperately needed edits done. Hopefully this is MUCH easier to understand now! Tutorial link (FIVE MEGS) Click to download ZIPPED file. 4.3 megs EDIT: LINK FIXED Phil Leavens
Last reply by pleavens, -
A couple of the tuts that I've downloaded only play a couple of frames then stop,anyone got a heads up on what I'm doing wrong downloaded the latest flash player????? Have A Great Day Mulls
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 34 replies
Why not a new Forum called Tutorials? To this Forum you can send your tutorials and/or links to tutorials on the web. And it will be easy to find tutorials on different subjects knowing where to search for tutorials. A:M is an easy program mostly - but sometimes there are a lot to explain. Text and Images are good - but being able to show some more action - it will be easier to explan and understand. There is a free program called WINK you can use to make a little more Action Tutorials with Screen Capturing. Download it from here to test it: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ Thanks to Emilio Le Roux I discovered the program. He has done a great tut…
Last reply by seven,