A:M Tutorials & Demos
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148 topics in this forum
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We begin "It Can't Be Done", a tutorial thread in which we try to do the undo-able... with Animation:Master! Part1 This month's topic is revealed and we get started. PRJ of example in video ICBD_2_2014_02_line_test.prj The photograph shown in the video is used with the permission of the artist, Rob Walker. Part 2 ... With comparative analysis we learn to cook our own A:M files. I recommend you Fullscreen it and use the "Settings" button at the lower right of the Youtube player to choose 480p or 720p. If anyone can't view Youtube, let me know. Error: at 7:45 I say "…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 22 replies
This is a collection of links to various explanatory posts I have made over the years on the forum. Some are full stand-alone tutorial presentations but most are answers to an A:M user's question or sometimes mere interjections in a thread and you may need to read above and below for context. They may be videos, annotated screen capture stills, example projects or just text explanations. Some videos may require installation of the free Ensharpen Codec (bottom of page at link) They are arranged only roughly in broad categories below and not in any particular order beyond that. Some might fit in more than one category but none are listed more than once. I may…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Hi! so here it is: Another beginner Tutorial for A:M... PatchWork3d: Beginner Tutorial It is quite large (mp4, about 50 min. 1024px * 604px resolution). Filesize is about 160 MB, but I think it is worth it for a beginner! Let me know what you think. I am covering different things like: - user interface - basic spline / patch principles - some comon questions like: how to connect a shape to an arm > explaining when to use which patches, etc. - what are and when to use hooks - the advantages and disadvantages of peaked vs smooth splines - hooks, lathe, extrusion, copy/flip/attach, a little bit about normals - many many helpful little t…
Last reply by stefff285, -
- 3 replies
This post has two video tuts. Modeling a simple missile and making it fly! http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=338964 (But don't skip the tutorials in your TAoA:M booklet )
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 28 replies
Jason Hampton Video Tutorials links 13 Video Tutorials total so far. - Create Material from Surface property group Tutorial, Video Tutorial - Motion control Video Tutorial or http://www.cameracontrol.com/reels.html - Technocrane Camera Rig and tutorial - SSS demystified Video tutorial The following currently have broken links: - Snap group pivot to grid video tutorial: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...+video+tutorial - Screen Capture Video Tutorial: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...+video+tutorial - Quicktime pro video tutorial compression settings: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...video+tutorials …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Here is an working index to some of the A:M Forum's Tutorials. Featured: Holmes Bryant's Featured Tutorials Pinned: Featured Tutorials (3 replies) Pinned: Useful Links (Archive) (75 replies) Other/older classic tutorials: Making a Tutorial... (21 replies) Championing Video Tutorials (1 reply) Camtasia Decoder not Working (1 reply) Holmes Bryant Tuts (1 reply) Dink3D tutorial - Ribbed surface (7 replies) Screw head tut with keyboard shortcuts (5 replies) My first video tutorial (11 replies) What is the best free software for making (3 replies) lighting tuts from movie short (2 replies) exploding tut mov (6 replies) …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 75 replies
The Software Tutorials Forum is constantly adding new resources. Thanks to all contributors! We couldn't do this without you. Recently added to A:M Tutes: Realistic Edges (Bias) Subject: Modeling - Level: Basic - Author: Ken Heslip Changing a Cartoon Horse into a Zebra Subject: Materials - Level: Basic - Author: JohnL3d Quick Videos (Qvids) Subject: Various - Level: Basic - Author: LarryB Animation Bootcamp and related Tutorials Subject: Animation - Level: Basic - Author: Alonso Soriano FACE Rigging Subject: Rigging - Level: Basic through Advanced - Author: Mark Strohbehn Using The Squetch Rig Subject: Animating - Level…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
At the Dec 2 2023 Live Answer Time we reviewed the basics of flattening a face, applying a decal and painting the decal. The animation we watched at the end of the session is omitted for copyright reasons, but can be found here. @Pizza Time @Roger @Shelton
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Here is a texturing tutorial with included assets. Hope it is helpful. Squetchy_Sam_03_19_2022_with_Texturing_Tutorial.zip
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 6 replies
I was looking for a sweater material and I came across the kci:dnd BitMapPlus plugin in the material change type to menu. I have some video and other materials to show but I do not know how to post them. Is there somewhere I can get instructions?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
Here it is, the complete CG animation workflow in just four small bites... and one Puppy Dog Tail! Part 1 Modeling Part 2 Bones Part 3 Animation Part 4 Rendering
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Found this while sorting saved material
Last reply by serg2, -
- 0 replies
An Onion Skin toolbar has been added to A:M so that you don't have to return to the Options>Onion Skin panel whenever you need to change the most commonly used settings. To enable the Onion Skin Toolbar go to Tools>Customize>Toolbars and check "Onion Skin" The Toolbar has five controls Onion Skin Mode ON/OFF (default keyboard shortcut: SHIFT+5) Keyframe Mode ON/OFF. ON shows only onion skins at the time of keyframes of the currently selected object*&^. OFF shows onion skins in normal time increments (every frame if Step is set to 1) (a keyboard shortcut for this can be defined in Tools>Customize>Keyboard "Onion Toggle …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
How to use the Snapshot feature to create precisely aligned decal stamps. https://youtu.be/TKm0_7HuqMs In the video I forgot to mention that if you want more resolution for your decal than the original Snapshot provides, resize it in your paint program before you do any painting. The higher-res decals you create will still drop into A:M with correct alignment.
Last reply by steve392, -
- 0 replies
I have these older videos if anyone is interested. Not sure how relevant they are nowadays, but someone may have a use for them. If so, let me know and we'll figure something out. Just throw me a fair price, and we can go from there. Sorry if this is not allowed in here, just don't approve if not, just seemed like the most logical place though. Wish I had the time to play with A:M like I used to....
Last reply by Randizzle67, -
- 9 replies
I was asked how to apply a decal to one patch Have images in the Images folder Select the patch on the selection and choose "Add Image" Choose an image from the drop down list The image can be rotated in 90° increments with "Rotate Images" You can select multiple patches in step 2 if you want to apply the image to repeat on multiple patches. Cautions: Patch Images often do not shade correctly when used as bump or displacement maps.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Back in 2004 A:M Justin Barrett created a video tutorial set on facial animation in A:M. He has now re-released it on Youtube for free! Check it out! Thanks, Justin! Animate a Face
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
"Overshoot" in animation is when something moves out to a point then retracts a bit. It's a way of making something seem like it got over-stretched, that it reached the end of its rope, that great effort was involved Here, some herons exhibit overshoot in their mating dance. The head reaches far out for the big squawk, but settles back to a more relaxed position. I not a bird expert but I think the male bird on the left is trying to impress the female bird on the right with how far he can stretch his neck and she's showing him how far he really needs to go before it's a deal. She's not going to jump in the nest with just anyone!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Sometimes you need to scale something and you need the center of that scaling to be exactly at some CP that is not the center of a selected Group. There is a way to do that... clip4320ScaleToAnyPoint.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
The thread for the Expressions Quickstart tutorials was lost in one of the server upgrades, so I'm reposting the tutorials here. Abs_RGB_Expression_functions.zip circular_orbit_Expressions.zip Propeller_using_Expressions_04_06_2011.zip Controlling_bone_rotation_with_Expressions.zip Controlling_bone_scaling_behavior_with_Expressions.zip exponential_decay_tutorial.zip Expression_Boolean_Operators.zip If_Then_Expression_function.zip MaxMinRoundExpressionFunctions.zip SetFrame_AtTime_GetTime.zip wheel_expression_Marcos_2_21_2011.zip wheel_rig_path_04_30_2011.zip
Last reply by Malo, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Is it magic? Is it a trick? I will note that Transfer AW is not a one-button solution and sometimes makes mistaken assignments that are rather odd. But if you had to get a body moving quickly... it's there.
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 2 replies
I updated my Nvidea graphics card driver and noticed it includes a screen-capture utility! SO- I made a video showing my method of adding a BVH motion-capture file to a rigged(TSM2) A:M character. I apologize for poor video quality and you may need to pause here and there to see what I am doing- but it is all quite straightforward utilizing simple constraints (Translate To and Orient Like) There are many 'free bvh' files to be found on resources thru-out the web. Here is a folder of older files I DL'd about 20 years ago that was made free by Santa Monica Studios to get you started: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xc74lexfqc3ymnr/SantaMonicaStudios.zip?dl=0 30mb Here…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
My skies are boring. I would like to know how to make white fluffy clouds, storm clouds, cirrus clouds, pink apple blossom clouds, etc. Is there a tutorial that deals directly with this question?
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 9 replies
Here is a brief demonstration project for controlling an image sequence with a pose or SmartSkin instead of time. ImageSequenceToSS.zip The image sequence shows numbers from 1 to 50 and fades from green to red The top decal is controlled with the "UpperSequence" Pose slider The top decal is controlled with a SmartSkin on the "Lower Sequence" bone below the square. Neither is controlled by time anymore. When you make a Pose or Smartskin there is a temporary Action created in the Actions folder. That is where you can turn on "Show More than Drivers" and make entries in the "Frame" parameter of an image sequence at certain Pose slider settings or certain…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Recently, I am researching ways to process 2-dimensional animation, line drawing animation, illustration of manga and game, commercialize material outputted from Animation Master. Little by little, I think I will announce the results. I want users who can approve actively participate. Let's make "A: M" exciting. At least I want to make this tool known to the world. It is a wonderful animation tool. Thank you.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
I don't think I've ever seen Oliver's youtube tutorials for A:M. Where the heck have I been? Here's one where he starts to set up a book with turning pages based on Kevin Detwiler and Robert Holmen's example posted here in the forum. Note that this is a multi-part tutorial (in 5 parts) and is Tutorial 40 in the series. xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfgDqGe9GSk Here's the collecton: xhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwmsT_c4rTUaJZP7RPzs1i7tdY-LuwKgn He states: Thanks Oliver!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Here is a tutorial showing some uses for the "Clone CP Weights" plugin. Included in the ZIP file is the video tutorial and the assets used in the tutorial. The latest Squetch Rig can be found using the link in my signature at the bottom of this post. Clone_CP_Weights_tutorial.zip
Last reply by Malo, -
- 6 replies
Hi there folks, since Neymax script established a pipeline between A:M and Blender, you can now do your UVing much more comfortable in Blender and bring the model then with the UV layout as decal stamp back in A:M. The attached picture, which is taken in A:M, shows the kind of UVing you can do in Blender. At the first glance the process is quite complicated, but it is in fact not as difficult as it seems. This is a short tutorial which shows the very basics of the process. If you have questions, just ask. xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oRehwuOSqI&feature=youtu.be
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
The manual covers this basic operation but is perhaps not entirely clear. A screencam of a plugin texture being deployed in a Material can found in post #7 of this thread.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
This started out as "light" version of Jim Talbot's method to flatten a face and apply a decal but it's already running long... Episode 1 is on Youtube. How to flatten a face? errata: at about 5:35 you can see a bit of distortion happening on the screen-left edge of the mesh. That is because those patches are right next to the hidden stretched patches. Those will decal oddly at that edge. Ideally we would have one more column of patches between those and the stretched patches to hide and exclude from decaling. Then none of the decaled patches would be adjacent to the stretched patches. Episode 2 is on YouTube. Fixing the overlaps. errata:…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 19 replies
So you want to snap bones to CPs? This is how it can be done... Episode 1 is on YouTube. A little bit of set-up is done Episode 2 is on YouTube. Pose export magic. Ta-Dahhh!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Siggraph demo from 2006. 2 hours of video on decaling, using the UV editor, and 3D Painter: https://youtu.be/czaYXaf_9D8
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 reply
Hi everybody, here is a tutorial on how to create a foot and a second one on how to create a hand. Hopefully they are helpful to some of you. See you *Fuchur* PS: English is not my mother tongue, so be patient with me tutorial_hand.mp4 creating_a_simple_foot.mp4
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 18 replies
This new "It Can't Be Done!" tutorial series will be somewhat more general interest and briefer than "Painting with Light" so don't be afraid to give it a look! Part 1 is on YouTube. How to make a smooth, glass-like heart shape? We preface our attempt with some discussion of A:M tools. Part 2 is on YouTube. We begin our heart with Lathing and make an unusual use of the Rotation tool. Part 3 is on YouTube. To the center of the heart! Part 4 is on YouTube. CFA early, CFA often. Part 5 is on YouTube. You get the Hook. Here is the image used as a rotoscope in Part 2
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Dione is one of Saturn's many unusual moons. It always presents the same face in its forward direction leaving one side light and the other side dark. You can examine this result from any angle if you make your own Dione model! Download the rectangular projection of Dione's surface that was recently featured at Astronomy Picture of the Day... http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap141107.html Then apply it to a sphere to make you own model of Dione. Choose either "cylindrical" or "spherical" application and compare the visible result. I suspect spherical will be the most correct one. Unfortunately it is not an elevation map so you can't make actual mountains and…
Last reply by markw, -
- 2 replies
Creating and Editing Custom Toolbars As an example of toolbar editing, this video shows how to create an onscreen replacement for the Numeric Keypad. Errata: at 06:27 I say that the Perspective/Orthogonal Toggle is not normally implemented on the Numeric Keypad. That was possibly true when I recorded the video in 2013. However, in 2024 it is certainly implemented on the "9" key of the Numeric Keypad. I recommend placing that button on the upper-right corner of the custom toolbar we are making and placing the "Increase Subdivisions" at the bottom. CustomToolbarsH500.mov Video on YouTube: Errata: at 06:27 I say t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
A video and sample PRJ for making a surface constraint can be found this thread: Post#4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Most A:M users will never need to do something like this, but it is possible to investigate and make useful changes to an A:M file with a text editor. You'll need your close-up glasses for most of this. AMTextEditing.mov Things I have done with text editing -fixing the "dragged bone in a chor" problem (shown in this video) -changing the name of an item throughout a PRJ -changing a bone to a null -finding and fixing name spelling capitalization mistakes. ("Left" instead of "left" -fixing a corrupted file or saving some portion of it. -finding and deleting an external link to something that is not really needed in a PRJ yet is not easily findab…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
In a pinch, A:M can be used to assemble several stereoscopic shots into one video. StereoscopicEditing_h500.mov As mentioned in the video, there are some YouTube settings: Under "Basic Info" in the search term tags section put yt3D:aspect=w:h, where w:h is the width to height frame aspect ratio. Under " Advanced Settings" set "3D video" to "This video is already 3D" and "Side by side: Right video on the left side"
Last reply by markw, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
3D_printing_from_AM_tutorial_.mov Video of the final printed product. Suplimental_Video.mov 2013_08_04_10.56.06.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
i don´t know if something similar has been postet before, i couldn´t find anything. we all know the problem: you love the soft AO shadows. but when you light a scene and you need to light the ground model as well, your soft shadows around the feet of your character will almost disappear completely, depending on the intensity of your additional light source. if you don´t need to light your ground model, you could prevent that with the use of light lists. but let´s say you want to have your character standing in a fairly bright spotlight, and you want the spotlight to effect the floor as well. your fantastic looking shadows will almost completely be gone. so …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi, I just did a small video tutorial about how to use A:M to create a STL-file for Makerware, the software to print with the Replicator 2 (or 2x) from Makerbot. Hope someone finds it useful: A:M to Makerware See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
OpenEXR buffers make it possible to change lighting after you render and that includes FakeAO. Here's how to add FakeAO to a previously rendered image. FakeAOinAMComposite.mov You will see substantial banding in the images in the video. That is an artifact of the screencapture software, not A:M. OpenEXR sequences can be quite large and slow for A:M to step through. OpenEXR does have compression options, which i don't demonstrate in this video, that may help negate some of that.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
i have looked through the forum but did not find what i am looking for. Has anybody done a water drop tutorial? i need a drop that either splashes on the ground or in a puddle of water. Thanks. P Happy new year..
Last reply by pierrotsc, -
- 7 replies
I was recommending to a buddy of mine that he should add motion blur to an animation he had done. It's really easy to do in A:M, but more work in the funky setup he uses. He wanted to understand the benefit, so I did this short demonstration video, which you can see at the link below. Enjoy! High Def Motion Blur Demonstration Video -Vance
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 0 replies
someone a while back asked me if i could show them how to build a crown. so i made this video and sent it them. since it was just sitting on my computer and collecting dust i thought i would share it with all of you. i hope it helps someone else out as well.
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone have a link to a Photoshop Tut for making wrinkled Cloth Decals/Maps?
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
These tutorials show you how to create this type of lighting and reflections. Update. See this short video. Although the video shows what is not working it also clearly shows what is working. The work around to using the probes meaning spherical maps is to just make them upside down in Photoshop. IBL_in_AM.mov This is 1 of 4 more tutorials. IBL_HDR_LIGHTING_AND_REFLECTIONS_Part_1of4..mov Here is the link to part 2 of 6 Tutorial 3 of 6 unwrapping_probes.mov Download hdrshop below under tools. I was unable to upload the quicktime to this site so I had to put it on youtube. …
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 4 replies
In the course of looking at one user's splining efforts, the video in this post takes a moment to explain "spline continuity" and how that can affect connecting spines.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Well, I bumped into this when I was about ready to use A:M to render out an image sequence as a rotoscope in a new choreography. Import your image sequence by right clicking the images section of the project work space and select Import... -> Animation or Image Sequence. Browse to your rendered frames from NetRender or A:M and select the lowest numbered one. i.e. - testrender000.png Then when they are all imported, right click the image and select "Save Animation as..." In the Save Animation As window click the button with the three dots in it to choose your path and file type. (...) I chose AVI as my output with uncompressed frames. (Changed i…
Last reply by johnl3d,