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This is an open forum for discussing Animation:Master and discussions should relate to A:M in some capacity.
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Discuss what you hope to accomplish with A:M and projects you are working on.
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961 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
here is video of what is going I probably hit a button .but can not figure it out it is freezing up anything I do in Shaded wire frame Desktop 12.13.2016 -
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
From the folks behind Animation Mentor (Bobby Beck, Shawn Kelly and Carlos Beana) comes a new online collaboration platform; Artella. There's not a lot of info at present but the Artella FAQs suggest the goal is to make it something of a GITHUB for creative projects. One of the primary motivations appears to be that many folks want to get involved in creative projects but not everyone can do that for a living (i.e. there are only so many paying jobs to go around). What do you do with all that knowledge and experience? How do you keep from losing motivation? What exactly do you do with your talent? Additional info: - Creators maintain all rights to their project…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 3 replies
After several failures to get access to clipshare I tried to recover my password. I'm not a great fan of it, as I can't remember I lost it, but my old one gets bucked. I keep asking for a recovery but it seems as if the email never comes through. Also I see all movies comments of cynthia..,(?) Is that the one who framed my email?
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 6 replies
Their 'realtime' render hardware is surely more advanced than mine but... Here's the latest and greatest from Unity 3D who is demo'ing their latest beta via a short video titled 'Adam':
Last reply by detbear, -
- 17 replies
I was watching a retrospective documentary that was an extra on the final Clone Wars release and part of it was dedicated to something I found interesting. At a certain point, Lucas realized that in order to keep on schedule, they needed to forego the storyboarding stage and go straight to pre-viz. Lucas went to his guys at ILM and a team was put together to create a piece of software called "Zviz" that would make it easy to create a pre-vis version of the episode first. The tool would not only allow you to import and animate assets, but you could create assets and most importantly, shoot and edit the material. Using Zviz on a laptop, directors could set up or change …
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 6 replies
This might be a question for JohnL3d... I may have a use for a 'sound triggered' action... and remembered that A:M V18 has a new feature called 'Amplitude'. IS THERE any instructions on enacting this new technology? I searched the forum, found some movies that John had made... just wondering what the process is to find it, get it to work, and what properties it can control. ?
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Is it possible to make a model of a prism in A:M and set up the lighting in a choreography to render a realistic spectrum? I tried a few times yesterday but never had any luck.
Last reply by Squirrelly, -
- 15 replies
Hi Guys, I was curious if you had any favourite books and recommended reading on animation / creating shorts? Been reading more about screenwriting lately also wondering if there are good books specifically about writing for animation?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
Hey all--- Working on an outdoor scene with a grassy plain that rises to a mountain. I'm looking at a grassy texture, then a rocky, then a granite-like one for the sheer mountain. Question is, how to effect a smooth transition from grassy to rocky to granite without them obviously being patch breaks. Just getting into texturing heavily and any head's ups or links to getting started would be appreciated. Thanks, Rich
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
I was watching the slowest LA freeway chase ever, the transport of a SpaceShuttle fuel tank through the city to a museum. In the long shots it looks like part of the tank has wrong-facing patches and we are seeing through to the far side of the tank. But later there are some close-ups and it turns out that a corrugated surface is what caused that strange inverse shading effect...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Just wondering since earlier posting mentioned trouble viewing my animations what codec people are using when they render I am working on a 64 bit windows 10 computer and have no issues watching anyone's posts John
Last reply by Bobby, -
- 8 replies
Thanks to Rodney, I was able to enjoy A:M once more for a year. My subscription ended a month ago and I hope to get a permanent version. I contacted sales, and after a while ;-) sales contact me and offered to send me an invoice for the upgrade. I gladly accepted the offer and waited for the invoice, and waited, and waited. Send some more emails, no reply. And waited and waited. :-( At this moment as I am typing, no A:M for my projects. Yes, I am ranting. Rijk
Last reply by rijklau, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Like the title says, looks great in HASH, but exporting to OBJ gets wrecked. Not sure what I'm doing exactly wrong, might be export settings... Or maybe I screwed up making the model... Goal is making something 3D printable. I've included the file if anyone wants to poke around. MG Rings Fix.prj
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 20 replies
Hi All, I'm new to Animation Master (I just started using it today), and I'm encountering a problem when I try to add a dope sheet. I can type a sentence, but when I OK that Animation Master crashes out. I've tried different sentences, and different sound files. I'm not sure if this is related, but when I scrub through any sound file on the timeline, I don't hear anything. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to hear something, but the tutorial seems to indicate I should hear the sound. A I doing something wrong? Do I need to configure something? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Standard Disclaimer: Installing software from Shareware on Sale (SoS) can be detrimental to the performance of your system. Pay close attention to information you share and the installation process. Filter Forge is a node based texture and effects editor with plugin for Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint, etc. Filters created with FF can even be used in freeware programs such as Irfanview. Normal pricing is $250 but in teaming with Shareware on Sale a 100% discount is available for the next two days. I pass along this notification because I've found Filter Forge filters to be useful in the past and access to the filter editor is recommended for those that use such filter…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 7 replies
I have a project that is five models that can be joined together to make one object. I'm not sure how to do it. I've tried the constraints but since each model is it's own thing, kinematic chains and the translate to, orient like constraints aren't working. Is there another way to do what I am attempting? I've included a screenshot of my starting point. You can figure out the rest. Any suggestions?
Last reply by Goss, -
- 14 replies
A (maya) screenshot posted by an AnimationMentor student. Her character is flying apart and even the technical support at the school can't figure out why. That is life with maya for anyone below the guru level. I feel bad for her, I think she has a deadline of midnight tonight for the assignment.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 10 replies
Wow, go see this, if nothing else, for the scenery. Actually it is very touching. My wife was crying. Lots of fun.
Last reply by Steveotron, -
- 20 replies
I had been working on this story since before Halloween. In the beginning I felt it should be an easy one to pull off. The original concept contained no human actors, so the animation should be easy, simple sets so that should be easy, short story so no time would be required. Well, that's not really how it worked out. The first script felt too light to properly convey the story I envisioned. Characters were needed, humans. A deeper plot was needed to create a back story. No worries, I had some models built a while ago, not rigged very well, but it should do. So I soldiered on. I thought that I could jump right into the choreography, skip story boards, skip the animatic. …
Last reply by fae_alba, -
New Icons?
by Tore- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Last reply by Tore, -
- 12 replies
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to ask this stuff. If not, feel free to move it to the proper location. I used to use A:M a number of years ago and moved on to polygon modeling (yes, I know polygon isn't a nice word around here). I want to get into doing some animations and am looking back at A:M again. I remember how easy it was to rig and weight a character was and especially to animate it. So, my questions are: 1) In the software that I am currently using, I have the ability to move a point along an edge without having to guess where to place it. Does A:M have anything that would allow you to move a control point along the surface of a spline? …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
Hi Last week I lost the ability to open v17 and v18 in mac Mavrik and mac Yosomite the problem started after taking a break and relaunching (up until then no problems) I can use v16 but v16 will not render any files even though it says render complete (to clarify the render issue v16 goes through the render process says complete but I cannot locate the files anywere I suspect the the master0.lic thats my only guess and I'm not do to expire until 2-2016 I did the usual disk management on my drives and tried moving the master0.lik to v17 v18 but they fail and crash on load I did send an email to tech support but as of yet no and, so I'm here Thank…
Last reply by jimd, -
- 6 replies
Hi, In libriairie, we can see icons. I would like to know, if it will be possible to see this icons, instead of the generic icon, in windows explorer?
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 13 replies
Hi, So I learned the exporting process how could I import my model with the textures and maps?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
Long time no see my friends here! I make a Short as my Graduate student work。I could find A:M in IOS app store,but there is still nobody use A:M except me in China,how I whish I could find another one just like me。 If A:M could export model and action to MAYA and control .mdl or .act in MAYA,it would be more suitable for animation enthusiasts in China。 Ok,this is my work: I‘m sorry for the long advertisement。^^
Last reply by jebeck, -
- 6 replies
I don't know much about this but saw it and didn't want anyone to miss out if interested. Apparently there is a free online animation course from Futurelearn. Here's the write up: I don't have specifics but according to the article I gleaned this from the course is free for the next month only. It appears to be part of a bid to get more interest going in online classes after a $200K investment from Creative Skillset.
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 5 replies
- 1.8k views I like this setup for sharing an open source project. I want to make one like it (for animation using simple color transparent sprite sheets or just sprite sheets timed to music and sound effects for a smart phone). Of course, if anyone had any "pull" or "influence" or "interest" or advice why it's just a dumb idea...would be greatly appreciated! Been trying something similar on but am I the only one that thinks ditching the .com site for .co had some comical sense? It is shorter, and who cares about .com anymore? I've got .info, .us, .org…
Last reply by DZ4, -
- 5 replies
Yet another online collaboration and review tool has appeared. The drawing tools are basic but adequate to communicate the reviewers intent. The free tier should satisfy basic requirements for a quick review but likely won't meet the needs of projects in full production. It's interesting to see where these online collaborative tools are heading. Worth checking out. I've lost track of similar products in circulation but a few of those include: RGBNotes Artella While these services all have much to offer I think these may all be surpassed and eclipsed by what I'm seeing referred to as Web 3.0 (with a litt…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 19 replies
I am trying to import files that have alpha channels in them. Sadly these are comprimised in - *.pdf - *.psd - *.pxr - *.raw - *.tiff extentions. These extentions can not be imported in Animation Master. Is there a plugin that can do so?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Brendan Bolles, creator of the ProEXR plugin for After Effects etc. has launched an effort to cull together various open source image and audio formats into a new (more universal) media format for image sequences. It looks like he'll easily make his initial funding goal. This is of interest primarily because having a -simple-, -universal- and -patent free- image format that allows for still and moving imagery has long been of interest. Will MOX just be another file format to contend with or can it achieve it's lofty goal? If anyone can do it it might be Brendan Bolles. This video outlines some of the problems and the support behind the idea:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 11 replies
Hey, I tried the tutorial of Robocat Rigging Bones. So I tried it on a model of mine, and I can follow it clear untill 38m00s. Then the wizzard mirror bones is used, and as far as I can see I get another result. When I try to mirrorbones there do start another -x bone collection. But there is no attachment. Also I see a new Root bone, while this was excluded. Further there apear only a left bone with a foot. Maybe I have overseen something in the parms?
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 9 replies
I have a couple of problems and hopefully someone may be able to help. I tried updating my Hash system to the latest ver 19e (i think) because my license was about to expire. I am running Windows 7 and had both the 64-bit and 32-bit processes active. I updated the 32-bit version to the newest ver 19 but not the 64-bit version. Immediately, Hash stopped working in the 32-bit process. In the meantime, I renewed my subscription and got a new access code, but I cannot seem to remember what you are supposed to do with the License file in the Hash folder in order to get it start. But things will not work unless I can return to some previous version of 19 or whateve…
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 22 replies
Something is very wrong, and it might be because I don't understand optimizing win7 or..I might have purchased a DOG. I need help with finding out why new system is performing so badly (compared to old)..not much of a speed up at all, and in the case of running 16b/32 - it's slower. OLD system: xp pro 32, core2duo 3.2ghz, 3GB, nvidia 8600 256 NEW system: win 7-64 pro, i7-4770 3.4 (up to 3.9 - whatever that means), 16gb, nvidia gtx 650 1 gb. (dell xps 8700 special edition) I am running Robs benchmark test and results are disappointing, surprisingly. I can only compare old and new with render times for ver16b/32 since old system was Xp pro 32 OS …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I was wondering if a steam version was planned. Installing steam and auto installing all my software is like a delicious plate of fluffy pancakes. And... Windows 8.1... seems to want all software reinstalled. I've got curvy3d and allegorithmic software on steam too.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 10 replies
I was wondering if there will ever be an FBX importer that can import the mesh and bones of an FBX file. I currently use a program called Fuse combined with Mixamo Rigged character models that export into FBX and would love to animate them using A:M. I love A:M, but there's been no progress on any plugins for it in forever... I can understand if it's never going to happen, I just need to know so I can use something else that can handle more modern file formats. The only reason why I'm asking is because I would rather not use something else... I love A:M...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
There was a limited release of "2001: A Space Odyssey" in film theaters last spring but not near me. However it was in IMAX theaters this weekend and may be thru Wednesday. If you've never seen it on the big screen or haven't in a long time, I certainly recommend it. There were many nuances and details I did not recall, especially in the ape performances. The whole thing is not nearly as dry and technical as I remembered it. I loved dry-and-technical when i was eight, none-the-less. Biggest surprise... "Reginald Perrin" is in it. But I have my own fleeting contact with this movie... I have touched a "2001" Oscar! My father's long-time employer, 3M, wa…
Last reply by largento, -
- 20 replies
I took the plunge and decided to install the Windows 10 preview. Just prior to installation I tweaked a few settings, cleaned up a few things and moved important things to an external drive. As I was installing an uneasy feeling crept over me... what if this doesn't work out so well? My primary concern in updating Windows being how well A:M will run (of course!). While installation moved along it seemed to stall at about 2/3rds through so I browsed and continued to organize files on my other monitor (which I'd thought to turn back on and make sure was working prior to install. Still stalled at the same location for entirely too long I bit my tongue and initiat…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 17 replies
Here's a brief clip of me waving my Cintiq pen around the screen. You'll see that the cursor is always about 5-6 video frames behind the position of the pen. I'm wondering why it should ever be more than one screen refresh behind. Consider that the screen is refreshed at 60 fps. On a 2.5 GHz computer that means there 41.6 million clock cycles between every screen refresh. I would think that on an otherwise untasked computer it should be possible to read the position of the pen and update the cursor on the screen in less than 41 million clock cycles and yet there seems to be a pipeline of delay built into the process.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
I have no experience of using full exposure sheets, but begin to feel that I should be using them. I have been trying to follow an article on AWN about setting up a spreadsheet in Exell to make an exposure sheet template. Only slightly more experience of spread sheets, mean that its proving awkward. A few questions if I may, Can anyone kindly point me to a resource on how to use x sheets and how to set up and use them in exell ? I will be using it with AM but the immediate use is for a Stop frame project as a means of getting familiar with the process. regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
Well, no mistake about it--I'm a train wreck! I have had two or three issues in the last week or two, and another occurred last night. This time, however, I had the answer, because of the help I received previously. Here's what happened. I use version 15i. It is what I've used since I started in November 2011 when I started into this. I have been working on the same project since then and was afraid to change because I want it all to look consistent. Yesterday, I was updating a file I did about two years ago trying to make it better. It is a scene that is so large that I can only look at it occasionally in shaded or shaded and wireframe. It will not go from frame to f…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
My computer is really trying hard to upgrade it self to windows 10 I am Running Windows 7. I would allows this But I am worried about my A.M Subscription and A.M Paint will I lose Them. was working with A.M and all program shut down lost my unsaved work and computer was trying to install windows 10. So I shut down Computer to stop windows 10 from self install, very strange
Last reply by Phil, -
- 2 replies
I recently saw the rumor but it apparently is a done deal...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
- 1.7k views!vr-platform-cgsociety/aa946 might be of interest
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 8 replies
Microsoft has teased a new device called Hololens. It is not released yet, developers dont' get access to it until about May this year and there is no commitment to even producing it yet. you can read about it in this NY Times article. Microsoft HoloLens: A Sensational Vision of the PC’s Future Briefly, here's what we know about HoloLens: -It is a headset you wear. -It overlays CG images onto your vision and synchs them to your head movements to make them appear to be planted in your real world, pehaps in a somewhat ghostly, semi-transparent fashion. -It is NOT a peripheral for your current PC, it is a self-contained computer and display. -It runs Wi…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
Here's a possible point of interest concerning Topic tags... I note that several folks are using the Topic Tags which is a very good thing. When clicking on a tag anywhere in the forum other topics with that same tag will be brought forward. Its a useful way to categorize and retrieve information. This does beg the question however about the usefulness of one of a kind unique tags that are more than likely to only apply to that one instance of using said tag. It may be that folks are using the tags in a similar way as the old subtitles, which have gone away. But note that as those will likely be unique to only that one post or topic, it isn't a particularly go…
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
It's been a year but my M3D micro 3D printer arrived yesterday and I finally got a chance to get it a try. The two initial runs didn't work so great, so recalibrated... created much simpler test models... and am seeing better success now. I just put in a print of Thom to test the yellow 3Dink but (at 9% complete) it looks like his neck broke off in the process and the printer head melded it into his hip... Abort! Abort! Abort! It looks like most of my models will need to be set to print with higher quality... i.e. more solid. I'll post something if and when I get something worth posting.
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 13 replies
Well it is good to be back. Been way way too long, but work has had me flat out since July and will continue to do so thru the end of the year. I hadn't done anything with Papa Bear, contests (who won the Prehistoric one anyways?) or 3d printing. Now, I have a request. I have a good friend who really is into Rocky and Bullwinkle, and has requested a 3d print of the two of them. I don't have nearly enough time to model them, print and finish them before the final years holiday, so I'm wondering if anyone has a model or two kicking around? If not, does anyone have the bandwidth to do some modeling for me? I am willing to pay for the work, nothing is free in this w…
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 7 replies
Hi, It is funny how I always come back to AM, even with a few years break, for the simple pleasure of animating. Nothing beats its simplicity. I am using version 18.0p on Win 10. When I do a smartskin I would like to be able to track the movements of individual cp's in the graph window. That way, if there is an odd jerky movement of a cp i could smooth it out. But I can't see any way of bringing them up in the graph window. Is it possible? Kind regards Mike Logan
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Long time forum member and A:M user Mark Largent (Largento) is prominently interviewed about his A:M production "Stalled Trek: Amutt Time" for "Fan Film Friday" on the Axanar Productions blog. Give it a read! Interview Part 1 Interview Part 2 (includes discussion of A:M!)
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
If you've read any drawing books you probably have encountered the advice to vary the shape of the fingers for a more natural look, as the masters of the Renaissance did... (from Will Kimball's Trombone blog: Four Trombone Paintings in Genova Church )
Last reply by pixelplucker,