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I've been working to update the "Yeti" model from my sci-fi scene trying to get him up to snuff. I'm going to use him in a short I'm planning to get around to (some year). I'm currently working on the facial rig but I want to get some feedback on the overall model. Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks.




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Kewl! I'm not sure I like the stubble on the skin areas. I think having long hairs come over the side would be better.


I have to know....is he a modified chewie? If not, you have an individual style.


PS Rounder toes would be good too.


PPS How is that background done?


Wow! He looks fabulous!

One criticism only. It may just be the angle but the feet look like they would benefit from some bump mapping to bring them up to a similar level of detail as the rest of him. I think it's just the angle.

Great character and pose! :)


A little like the Abominable Snowman in Monsters, Inc. too. Still, there's something original about him. Very nice work.



Very nice......Ill look forward to seeing it animated.....and please do concider a teaser of sorts for the mini movie contest....



  • Hash Fellow

Great looking beast!


I think a yeti needs longer, shaggier hair to stay warm in the Himalayas




His hair is a bit too well groomed and "uniform" for a Yeti. And maybe a tad short.


Most of the ones I have seen are very unkempt. This may be an individual stylistic choice of course... or I may have just caught them on a bad hair day.


As far as the stubble goes...


When I see a thread like this I click on the image and admire and study it... maybe not long enough... I then close the window and read the other comments.


Each time someone mentioned the stubble... I opened the image again and looked at the stubble. Then someone mentions stubble on the hands... open the image again.. look at the stubble...


So... the moral of this very long story is this...


The stubble does look slightly strange... however... I didn't notice it at first blush till someone mentioned it. And I still don't have a big problem with it overall (I would assume they need to shave their hands so they don't get hair in their food).


Oh... bigger feet. Yetis... Yetii... (what's plural for Yeti anyway) are known for their big feet aren't they? When i see them they wear large shoes... hard to see if they are just big shoes like a clown or if they NEED big shoes.


Vernon "!" Zehr


Graet looking yeti love the hair and fingers ,looking forward to seing him animated .

What a fun model ,lots of situations for him to get into


Kevin - I think u did a fantastic job on this yeti....


- the stubbles they do stand out but he's a beast so I think it adds to his wild nature..


- I agree with vern on giving him slighty bigger feet / giving his hair more of an unkept appearance...


other than that this model rocks!! thanks for sharing...


can we see a wireframe!!!

  • Admin

Great looking character.

Now that Avalanche and the Orangutan may be moving on to other endeavors he'd made a great replacement character/mascot. :)


Bravo! Looking forward to seeing him move.


Wow guys, thanks for the comments. I think you guys nailed all three of the four major influences: Bumble, Sully, and the Ratzenberger Yeti. Anyone want to guess the fourth?


Tom, I'm seriously thinking of entering him in the next mini contest. I'm almost done with the rigging and I'm kicking around a few ideas.


Ken, I did reuse a few parts from Chewie, but I think it was limited to the nose, eyes, and feet (although the feet have been reshaped quite a bit). I also based the hands off of one of the sample models that came with TSM2. Everything else was built from scratch. The background is simply a plane that curves up in the back and mapped with a "dirty" image. I also use the oren-nayar shader for it. It makes for a nice test render setup. I know the stubble looks odd, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do it. Originally I had what you suggested but it actually looked worse. I agree about the toes, I'll round them out. Thanks again, lots of good comments.


Paul, I know what you mean about the feet, I'm working to improve them (though I'm not having much luck). I might add some hair to them as well but I'll run into the "stubble" problem there too. Anyway, thanks for the comments.


David, not sure about a chewie vs. yeti movie, 5 passes of multi-pass took 25 minutes for this guy alone. Not sure what it would be with 2 really hairy characters. Plus chewie would kick this guys butt, he's a bit of a sissy (despite the agressive pose).


Vern (and Garçon and Robert). The short groomed hair is actually a stylistic choice. The Yeti (aka Little Mac) is actually a bit of a metro-sexual. He was actually raised in the pacific northwest by a famliy of sasquatch. And as we all know, sasquatch are very well groomed and really into pink polo shirts and manicures. He only recently moved back to the Himalayas since he realized that as a software developer he can work anywhere and decided to reconnect with his roots. Along the way he meets a porn addicted chicken named CD, and an ornery sherpa named Sherp (or something like that). Anyway, I'm still working out the details of the story but I have all the characters personailities. Glad the stubble doesn't bother you too much but I'm still looking to improve it. The feet, hmmmm, the feet. If I make them much better he's going to be really hard to animate. But ... he is a Yeti so we're talking at least size 50 ... I'll have to see what I can do.


Thanks Rodney, I'll have to enter him in this years mascot contest.


And Robert, here is the wireframe (sans hair):



Just another small point: His finger and toe nails are very different. But there might be a reason.


Nice mesh. Can't wait for the short!


Thanks for the wireframe kevin, nice solid modeling....


the wall and ground are they one object or 2? cuz they blend very nicely how was that done?


Vern - have you ever seen a Yeti? :P


Kevin - that's one awsome model! And it looks to me like you've done some fine splining, he seems like he's able to move pretty smooth. The hair looks pretty neat, it looks like you have a lot of experience dealing with it.


Great job! ;)


With this model and that story (hilarious) you've got a winner. Show us the Sherpa next, eh?


Seriously, wonderful model. I love the obvious anatomy study you've done. And I love the "pixar" styled eyes - there is alot of depth to his stare. Great great character.




Ken, Hmm, I guess that's the problem with reusing parts from my earlier models. I actually meant to change the toes to match and forgot about it. It's really not that noticable though, which is why I forgot (that and I've been working off and on this guy for a while).


Darklimit, I've attached the project file with the background setup if anyone wants to use it. It's extremely simple. Just a plane that curves up with a simple repeating texture map. I think I orginally got the idea from JoeW's setup for his hunter image.


Doug, thanks, I was planning on doing the Sherpa next, mostly because I've got another old model I'm going to try to use for him. The chicken I'm still trying to decide on a concept for.


Thanks everyone else for the comments.





Hair looks very good.

I wonder if you're going to be able to animate him with the hair? Or would it be too much of comp. hit to work with?


Mike Fitz


Obviously I'm worried about animation.

Oh, Kevin... I'm thinking GREEN MONKEY in the Oz movie.


Kevin: The toes are much better. Still a tiny bit at the base of the little toe but not much.


Edit: How did Martin sneak a post in there? I didn't see his name. I'm starting to think he's in stealth mode. ;)


Tricky tricky, maybe Martin is a ninja? :ph34r:


Kevin: I like the second look a lot more, he looks a bit more dirty, yet not too dirty. Good dirty. :lol:


Haha, love the expression :lol: . Great character. I think though that the feet should have some hair on top of them like the hair on the back of the hands. So they match. But ya, anyways, awesome character!


-Robert Lazzarini


I don't have any crit, just want to tell you that the yeti is awesome. and great facial expressions


Thanks for the comments guys


Mike, I'm a little worried about animating him too. I'll have to play around to see what i can do to speed up the rendering.


Martin ... interesting idea, I hadn't really considered this guy for the movie, but now that you mention it I may just have an entry for the next contest B)


Thanks Ken. I'll try and address the last bit. Martin is a sneaky one isn't he. Can't really blame him though can we.


Mr. Jaqe, I actually didn't change anything besides the toe modeling, I think the dirtier look has more to do with the lighting and pose.


xade. Thanks! I'm planning on adding hair to the top of the feet, just haven't gotten around to it yet.


DarkLimit, thanks, no problem.


agep. thanks. really admire your mechanical modeling.


Here you go Rodney...he's attempting a Jack Palance here:



And here's a closeup. Might need a model with finer hair for the closeup. Can't quite decide. Any closer than this looks terrible. By the way I'm attempting an Osipa style rig for the face and TSM2 for the rest. Should have some sample animation soon.





I really love his hair. Round his muzzle seems to be different though. IMO it would be nicer if it looked like the rest of his body.

How many emitters are in that material?


Wow... I really think it would be a great new mascot for the next version or whatever... very nice!




He looks sweeeeeeet!!!!


Can I get a copy of him when your done...please :)


I’m new to this animation stuff (as of a week) and have been looking for great models that I (we all) can use.


One thing I wish all AM users would do is post there models for us all to use in a non-commercial application.


I think with all the AM users out there we should be able to put together a great collection.


Anyways great job!


I'm impressed with this guy... In the "sad" pose he looks fantastic... I like the Jack Palance move too! I agree with others about the feet... i like his look overall and I think the Eyeballs are verry VERRY realistic looking... made me overlook his feet.


Chewie would tear him up... But I really like your story idea better...


I'm gonna try to talk wifey into letting me upgrade for father's day..

Not being able to try my hand at this stuff again is killing me... But it ain't stoppin me from offering opinions!


Great stuff... and I like your background too...


lotsa positives.. and I like Martin's idea for the green monkey too!




He's a cutie alright - I think the stubble is tres hip - being from the NW and all that - Are those eyes bloodshot from staring at the screen too long or some other habit? Excellent touch. Sounds like a great story as well.

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