Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 18 replies
Testing out a new render look...this is toon rendered, but without the outlines. It gives it a nice, clean, cut-paper like look with slightly turned edges, which doesn't try to mimic the look of hand-drawn animation. The character is from a new short I'm working on. I've finally had a chance to actually sit down and start it. --Raf
Last reply by SHADOWMASTER, -
I'm going for less realism with this one. I can't put my finger on it but the style seems familiar.....
Last reply by KenH, -
- 14 replies
While I was working on my Hailfire droid, I got bored trying to find textures (which i WILL do later ), so I started a Dwarf Spider Droid. Here's the foot:
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 7 replies
Check out Mark VanDeWeghe's cover art on Creation Engine's catalog V.2 2004. If you don't get the catalog, here's a link to a similar picture. DanRJ
Last reply by Fuchur, -
Soon on DVD
by Flog- 0 replies
Hey all, I just wanted to show you some of my screen shots from past animations and such, stuff I don't care to share, hehehehehe!! MOst of them are unfinished and undone. Some of this was done in A:M, and I do say some. But I'm currently focused on two movies!!! These screenshots are from movies that never were done, and trailers I was never happy with, but looking back I thought some of them were kind of cool. But now I'm focused on animating and such, doing a how to in A:M and gonna have fun all the way. So coming soon to a dvd near you is something like the below, it does have the below characters, but differant stories. Hope you like
Last reply by Flog, -
- 2 replies
Good day all! I'm truly not at the level of the rest of the users but "I've screwed my courage to the sticking post" and put up my first model. All I have to do now is figure out how to put some bones on it. Hints, suggestions and comments are very much welcome. The model can be viewed at the following address: thanks, Gaëtan (now if I can just fiugre out how to put in a smilie!?)
Last reply by gaetan, -
- 8 replies
I still have to add rocket pods and a laser turret ont he bottom, but here's my Hailfire droid so far:
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 9 replies
Hi gang. I finally have a showable version of my first music video for crit. This is the project that led me to A:M 3 years ago. After 2 starts, 1: in Strata and Poser, 2: in A:M 9.5 (enough said about that), and now in A:M 10.5. Even though it is quite rough, I am quite happy how it turned out. I would love to hear what you like and don't like, and don't worry, I'm not easily offended. I made it as small as possible 5.4 megs for 1.5 minutes using the On2 codec. If you have trouble veiwing it, please let me know. I can post a Sorrenson 3 version, but for similar quality it comes in at 8.8 meg. Here it is Just My Imagination
Last reply by Aminator, -
- 4 replies
Meet Mr. Blocky. I want to do some animation using my own character design. This guy was thrown together and rigged pretty quickly. I have rigged him from scratch using the same type of constraints that Jeff Lew uses on his video. So far all I need to finish up are the mouth poses and he is ready to animate. What do you think? Happy Hashing!
Last reply by jfirestine, -
I've been working on this guy for about a week in my free time, which is never (paradox). I still need to smooth him out and rig.Maybe add some sorta doo-dad ear covers.
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 8 replies
This is a model I've been working on on/off since 2000 cd. I finally decided to post for some help. You may have seen him in a few things I've posted. He went under numerous changes through the years as I upgraded. He's all A:M, no decals. I do have a few things that bother me. (1) the eye brows are just splines drawn as lines. (2) I've tried modeling and decals with no success for the nostrals and the last thing is the bow on his tail. At some point I will break down and buy TSM, but I want to finish it before I rig him. I,ve had alot of inspiration. My house is an eeyore shrine. My wife loves him. So he's been my first model from the begining. Crits are why I've po…
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 7 replies
Here's a gun I made for the great Clone Trooper model Nerazzi donated to my fanfilm, Clone Commander.
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 15 replies
Hi, I am in the process of texturing this tiger and wonder how many other ways is there compared to the usual paste on type.
Last reply by Pengy, -
- 5 replies
Hey Gang! Still experimenting with V11's neato hair. Did a quick test and thought I'd share. Constrained a vortex force to the hair dryer. Learned that the Vortex Force 'goes-thru' objects...other than that its purdy danged cool! Have a look! (WARNING: Model used in test is wearing bikini...)
Last reply by gra4mac, -
- 11 replies
Hey, hi again, i'be been working in animating the ET, but i also invented this character. It's a mean french spider called Monsieur Gamalier (not related with the ET guy) i found it funny just to create it. Hope you like it, i'm buiding some textures now
Last reply by Ross Smith, -
I've been working on these for a LONG time and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, but they're still about 99% complete. Any comments are welcome (just don't hurt my feelings )
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 2 replies
I want to start making the lipsync poses for my character, but first: How is this wireframe? Are there too many splines? Not enough splines? I am just curious as to how many splines other modelers use for a mouth. Thanks
Last reply by adamP, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I've never used a boolean cutter before, but wanted to see how they could help me with an effect I wanted to try. I followed the instructions in the downloadable version of the 10.5 manual from, and according to the manual... I did waht I was supposed to do... so can someone help me on this? I may have missed a step. If you want to take a look at the proj file it's only 19KB in size... I've attached it below. Thanks! P.S. I'm also animating the boolean cutter to move along a path to "scan" across the object in the Chor. I see nothing when I render it all out. booleanslicel.prj
Last reply by entity, -
- 7 replies
Let me know if it's too dark. It looked fine on my PowerBook, but once I brought it over to my wife's iMac, it looked really dark. Anyhow, comments, questions and general observations of life are greatly appreciated.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 20 replies
Here's a picture of my Republic Gunship that I just finished for my Star Wars Fanfilm, Clone Commander. republicgunship.bmp
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 5 replies
While driving on vacation last week I noticed a lot of clouds unfortunately some of them attempted to wash my car. Anyway I got this idea for a new cloud material from watching them. Here it is applied to a flat plane for now with a little animation added to the turb on the gradients. Will have to try it on a "cloud" model also. this is the first render test johnl3d...note North Dakota has a lot of clouds
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 20 replies
During the last couple of weeks I have done some experiments with realistic Ocean Waves in Animation Master. For now there is only one image to watch, but I'm working on a short animation that I hope to be able to show in a day or two. (The image is rendered with the simplest possible environment. No sky sphere, one single sun light and a simple reflecting gradient material.) Click here, for more information on this (The page will be updateted as the "project" evolves.)
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 18 replies
I had a little play around with the Mr Ball character. Here it is if people are interested in having a look. The sound is a little slapped together, but you get the picture. Its about 3.8 Mb
Last reply by Nosferatu, -
- 5 replies
Summer days, summer days... This is an image I did a couple weeks ago to lend a summer theme to my site. Been meaning to post it. Cold Night was feeling more and more out of place... Props as always to Robb Allen for his free Grunge Pack collection. If I ever find myself with some time on my hands and a digital camera, I swear I'll pay him back karmically by creating a Grunge Pack 2. One of these days. Summer days...
Last reply by Nosferatu, -
It's hot out here at LegoDude's college summer camp, so I made this little fan to keep him cool. Set the movie to loop and you too can stay cool! (Unfortunately for LegoDude, when the conference ends, and he goes on stage to close things down, he's going to be melting in the heat, lose his footing, and get sucked into the fan... sort of a LegoDude meets Mr. Bill ending to a fun debut of LegoDude! ) If anyone wants the project, I'd be happy to share. Need to zip together a package so you'd get the decals (cookie cutter and transparency map). This represents about two hours of work, so things like on/off knob and (d'oh!) electrical cord are left to you to do! …
Last reply by Nosferatu, -
- 26 replies
Taking a short break from organics and characters. I'm trying to work out some architecture now. Here's the dome for a cathedral. Fair quick to model using extrude and duplicate in several ways. The texture is a small patch-image, not intended to be definitive. This is the result of some 1 hour work so far. Comments welcome!!! Emilio Le Roux Mosca Films
Last reply by GibsonAV, -
- 9 replies
I was cleaning off the ole hard drive and found this pic of a Dodge Viper I built in 8.5, this was a real pain in the neck because 8.5 didn't have the "maintain curvature" feature, I would have liked to have had that on certain parts of of this sucker
Last reply by gra4mac, -
- 17 replies
Posting some work in progress on my character, he is not clothed yet, but 90% of the phenome poses are done, 1% of facial poses, and the "hair" is complete... I should have the model clothed in 4 weeks-- week 1: finish phenomes week 2: finish facial moves week 3: rework rig/shoulders week 4: finish/ test clothing + any textures The first renders are of the head from the modeling window (Each was 1280x960 and reduced and composited together in photoshop): (Note: Textures are 4000x3093...(Color/bump/diffuse/specular intensity) Head, torso, right & left arms, right & left legs, right & left hands (color only), and feet are not texured. The reas…
Last reply by entity, -
working on a layer of a space battle did a quick test here is one of the frames johnl3d
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Just a looping bump map for another short I've been working on. The decal was created in AE 4.1
Last reply by HeadlessBill, -
by nerrazzi- 51 replies
Here's a look at a Sport Coupe I'm trying to pull together...
Last reply by nerrazzi, -
Hi, After seeing some really fabulous work here and at A:M Films I'm a bit afraid to show of my plain Logo work, but anyhow here it is PLAY LINK (3MB) Cheers Tor-Bjarne
Last reply by clarion, -
- 10 replies
Someone was interested in a 3d galaxy, so I did a little experimenting with sprites.
Last reply by steve392, -
- 5 replies
Crashing down to the task of revising and finishing "Aesop's Council of Mice," my next short, in a few too-short weeks. This is a high-res pic of Pawtuckett. (The actual short will be produced at 720x480 DV.) Pawtuckett has a kind of yellowish color to most of her fur, and I'm checking to see if that explains the difference in glow color between the acorns and her. I'm just posting this pic because she's the first of the character models I've revised. I need to decide what to do about her thumbs, and a few other trouble spots, before I move on to the other mice. The hair is 10.x decal-controlled hair- -M@
Last reply by amarillospider, -
- 14 replies
I am making a Star Wars Fanfilm taking place during the Clone Wars and need some help... I've made a few things, including a Battle Droid, that you can see at: I need some help making a Clone Trooper. I'm no good with human form and armor and things like that. If anyone could even attempt to make one for me I'd be very thankful. I'd give you all the credit for it in the beginning and end credits of my film and send you clips that I use your model in as my film progresses. Please send any Clone Trooper models (or actually, any Star Wars models that you have, I might be able to use them, but I REALLY…
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
I've been having alot of fun with the Ball-man kindly modelled and supplied by Pesto - Here I've done a very short little run and stop test with him (though I'm still not totally happy with the "catch"), and am gonna try and do one of these every week to keep my eye in. QT - Sorenson3 - 176Kb Any crits would be more than welcome... Embrace Ball Chap! Get in tune with your inner orb!
Last reply by steve392, -
- 10 replies
Here's something I've been working on. I'm pretty close to being finished with it, but I thought I'd post it to see if you folks had any suggestions. Mariachi
Last reply by pdaley, -
- 15 replies
Hope you like it! I'm kinda new in this area and have never published work of my own but im anxious to show whatever i make to you people! I made this guy totally from scratch for the july image contest in Hash`s page and arranged all the textures in Photoshop. He's very shy and with no self-esteem, but it doesn`t matter 'cause he carries a big bad heavy laser gun! Send any opinions please, im just starting and i would appreciate any comments! Thanx! Eos
Last reply by Eos, -
- 8 replies
I've put a bit of time into this and I'm fairly satisfied with the modeling but I'd like some suggestions on how to make the dino look more realistic. I guess I need to do some kind of bump map to make the hide of the beast look more real. I'd appreciate community imput on this. The models of the plants and the dino are all my original work, the plants with the help of a little program called "PlantStudio" available at [url=""][/url] It's a very nice program with lots of technical options. Thank you, Jonathan
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
- 5 replies
here's one of my models i've decided to texture i think his textures are coming along fine but i need some insight right now on what some other things to add at this point. I'm about to create the remaining diffuse and bump amp for this face and stich his front and back of his head together sometime tonight or tomorrow.
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 14 replies
In the short I'm working on, I have a ghost that appears for a bit and would like it so that he is not only transparent, but also casts a small bit of light on whatever he is near. This is a brief exercise into trying to create the effect of that. It still needs a bit of tweaking, but let me know what you think. Ghost of Thom Sorenson 3 compressed 8 sec. 508k
Last reply by tobinjim, -
- 30 replies
Update: Project finished and available for playing with... This is just an FX shot that im playing with. The main model still needs to be textured and finished, but the FX are pretty close to being done.. just need to fade the particles out before they die.. 600kb quicktime can be found here. Feedback welcome -Drakkheim
Last reply by Julian, -
- 6 replies
Hi All, Could anyone tell me if they have a good method of modeling a snail shell? I tried to use the extrude plugin, but you can't control the "tightness" of the spiral. Any ideas or examples? Thanks in advance. Eugene
Last reply by Dearmad, -
- 10 replies
Here are some models I've made or started to make for a SW short I want to do. This link has the images on it. [url=""][/url] Dan
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
New Creature
by Guest mrsl13- 23 replies
Hello Working on a creature for my son and thought Id post a pic or two or three...still a long way to go with it to get it to animate. arms look terriable so I may go without them and the body may look to thick for the wings..etc etc. Mike
- 3 replies
Hello gang, I've been working with a model that Hoochoochoo, a pal I met over at gratefully has allowed me to animate with. Please follow the link for a couple of early tests with this character. Thanks for any comments. Doug Joof animation tests
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Hi everybody Brandon's plasma ball gave me some ideas for a lightning model with sliders that control different strikes. I plan on adding a light to the model for the light flashes that's keyed to the strike within the same slider. Right now I justed keyed the light in the choreography. Here's the test movie. Any suggestions welcome.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 11 replies
Hi All, I got AM back when it was version 5.0, and stuck with it up to 7.1.. I stepped out of the 3-D scene for quite a few years, and just within the last few weeks, dropped by the Hash site to see the changes they made in software. I was blown away at the improvements (though I still need to upgrade ). Anyway, I've been doing 3D game development and low-poly (I know it's a dreaded word) modeling as a hobby/sidebusiness for about a year now, and wanted to start doing some cinematic stuff. So, out comes my copy of AM... To make a long story short, I'm in the process of "re-learning" AM (you don't use it, you lose it), and thought that I'd get my feet wet b…
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 7 replies
After talking to Rodney Baker I decided to post a project file that was the result of a discussion on making a spherical constraint with Carl Raillard on CGTalk. Here's a description of what it does: When you open the "spherical.prj" project, it should have "Action1" open and ready to mess with (if not, double-click on "Action1" to open it). What you see is "Bone1" as the bone that defines the sphere, "Bone2" as the bone you would attach any geometry to and "Null2" (at the intersection of "Bone1" and "Bone2") which is the manipulator...there is also a "Null1" that is set so that it isn't seen which helps drive this. When you move "Null2" around ("Bone2" can be …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Mr. S.Permie! I need some input about how to model the mouth. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Dearmad,