Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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Hi all, I am new to 3d software period. AM is the software I plan to learn with and I just started to understand the modeling aspects of the software. This is a screen shot of a rotoscope of my head that I did this weekend. I am still learning to decal and have had limited success as I take the selected "face" into a pose window but cant for the life of me figure out how to flatten it to decal it but I'll get it. I have about 12 hrs on this one and suspect the spline count is too high and need to work on the spline connections at the nostrils and corners of the mouth but am still very happy that it actually looks like a face. I am used to clay and paint but this is addict…
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 36 replies
As the last push on this project commences (5 months and counting), I've been going back and reworking some of the older elements to bring them in line with the most recent - I've been working on this on and off for 3 and a half years so there is a very large difference in quality between the older stuff and the newer stuff! Anyhow, I thought I'd bring something to show and tell this week so here's my main character re-worked and re-textured for 2004. I'm only using decals (no materials) to save on render time and the maps were created in a method almost identical to that documented so well by Jim Talbot. There's some more work to be done on the lips, eye, forehead and sc…
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 7 replies
I'm working on ananime inspired head, and looking for some input. I have in mind that it will be a young girl, but I want to use the same head, with changes, to make other characters. I'm fairly happy with the face, but I'm not sure about the hair. I want it to render quickly and be easy to animate blowing in the wind. Any suggestions would be great.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Anti & the Beast All my animations up to date Tell me what you think! thanks to Bloody Fur for the beast looking model!
Last reply by Srmjr, -
- 5 replies
Fun test of sound with motion it is also in the all in one Check it out, yes the motions are a little cheesy, but it was fun to make.
Last reply by Joe_Lunjen, -
- 4 replies
Starting an Apollo astronaut model. No textures yet. Or hands. I knew I forgot something! Dreading rigging this guy because he's so... thick! The good news is that he can't bend his back very much and probably doesn't need lip sync poses. Suggestions appreciated (wireframe to follow in next post). Zach
Last reply by ZachBG, -
- 19 replies
Well all I can say is I am really growing to hate modelling in A:M. lol Its just too long winded and so easy to botch up. In my opinion. Maybe It will get easier and more intuative. PLEEEAAASE. Still trying to find my way of modelling within it. This started out as a comic little girl.?!?! No idea at what point it went wrong I ended up trying to stitch the eyes and nose area which was difficult and perhaps impossible as you can see. The only reason it looks as smooth is because I used the porcelain material. I have ordered the 2002 A:M book to see if it clarifies anything. Cheers Mike R
Last reply by Srmjr, -
- 3 replies
I've had flash for 7 days now, and I wanted to make something as an exercise. I've also wanted a nice website for a while, so I put the two together and made a flash website for myself. Any feedback would be really appreciated. All of the 3d work in the gallery was made with AM.
Last reply by starving4rtist, -
- 31 replies
Ken (I believe) posted this yesterday in the What's New area at WoW! These guys need to do more together. Hic!
Last reply by Elm, -
- 11 replies
Well, I've been working on this site with a huge team of other people for over 2 years, and it finally launched today. It'll be a while before I can put up any of the work on my site so I'm showing it on theirs. Some of the modeling was done in AM... All the hard stuff at least ;-) (namely any statues you see) I wont go into much other detail at this point. I led the group who was responsible for the 3d development. We recreated... The Ancient City of Alexandria, The Giza Plateau in 2 time periods, The Temple of Luxor over 4 time periods, and The entire tomb of King Tut as it existed when it was found. We also created all of the 3d for the Multimedia anima…
Last reply by jo b., -
- 33 replies
Working on an anime-style elf, almost done. Just a lil more accessorizing and final rigging. AM 10.5
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
So...I've been modeling a new character. But I started to work on the foot, and I completed a little more than half of it. But for some reason there is an area which is protruding from it, that always ends at 0,0 on the grid; no matter where I put the rest of the foot. This happened to me before and I was able to fix it. But this time, the "thing" has no CP's or splines or anything. I don't know how it got there, but it just won't go away. Its totally brought my work to a screeching halt. If Someone could solve this mystery I would appreciate it very much. Thanks! Robert Lazzarini
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 18 replies
I just finished seven of my characters and put them into a picture together. I know I have to fix the mouth on the big green guy, but other than that, I would appreciate your comments! Thanks, Robert
Last reply by lazz, -
- 10 replies
there will always be something else to tweak or change slightly but I think I've done most of the major modelling/surfacing stuff. Small stuff left to do - "dirty-smudges" on finger & toenails & teeth. Wrinkles on top of fingers & thumb But basically he's done. I'll now have a go in version 11 but I will do a different character instead.
Last reply by Mike Hart, -
- 9 replies
Well This was my quick test to get a feel for A:M. No decals or stuff like that. I just wanted to play with the modeller. Learn how to join parts together etc. I know the edges around the eyes are too harsh but its a learning experience. I know now what not to do etc lol. So about to redo him from scratch but thought I would show it anyway. Cheers Mike R
Last reply by mykyl, -
- 2 replies
I've had AM for sometime and decided to model a human as a way to improve my skills. I'm not completely happy with the proportions of the face and would appreciate comments from any real artists on the forum. I think she looks too masculine. There are no decals on the skin, just procedurals. I planned on using the bump and diffuse procedurals as a base for the decals. I was curious if anyone had used this technique with success. Rudimentary attempts to animate using pose sliders seemed to work really well, but I wasn't completely happy with the model and had to delete the poses. (that was a learning experience right there) I modeled the body separately and …
Last reply by KingSalami, -
- 22 replies
Heyope, Here's a clip of Edna (aka - Mogina) walking around in circles. The second half has some academic nudity so, if you're upset by that, be forewarned. It's pretty tame, though. Anyhow, Edna was started in v.8.5 and then got abandoned until 10.5. Now I've dusted her off, completly re-rigged her and almost completely re-modeled her. Gave her some do-dads and made some jangly bits jangle (if you know what I mean). She's, more or less, a finished model, if there is such a thing but; if anyone has suggestions/comments on the model or the animation, I'd love to hear them. I hope this link works. My faith in how my ISP public folders work is shakey. I suggest…
Last reply by Mike Hart, -
- 5 replies
I am new, and as you might tell by the movie attached to this post, I have had no training what so ever in animation, but I love it anyways. Please sit back, relax, and check this out. All my collected works if you think it is too big just download my low quality version All my collected works (but smaller) and note that for the high quality one I used divx to compress it and I think you will need to download the codec from To see individual files I have done just go to (1 pop up only for the the rest of site is ad free). Thanks
Last reply by jimstein, -
- 10 replies
Okay, I've a few scenes to throw together as a teaser for you all. Everyone here shares their work so well, so I thought I'd share some of mine. I don't have alot of time at times to post my progress, but I've got a little bit here to share. There's no sound at this point. I'll add all that to the finished product. Up for C&C. Later.
Last reply by xor, -
- 11 replies
Here's an animation exercise I did to familiarize myself with ver 10.5 - (after coming from 8.5) - boy did I have a lot of habits to break - still needs work - but time to move on - hope you find it amusing...Nancy
Last reply by HeadlessBill, -
- 0 replies
I was just rendering my animation and AM crashed. Luckily I saved it.
Last reply by Joe_Lunjen, -
I was going to submit a second entry for the "toon" contest, but Steve informed me I could only do one. So, this is just a quick pic I did the other day. It's nothing spectacular, but fun nonetheless. I created the Alien a couple years back, just never did anything with him, but now that I've got TSM, he's boned and rigged. Comments and critiques are welcome, but the picture is pretty much finished. Time to move on to other things. (v10.5 / WIN98se / AMD 2400+ / 512 MB / ATI Radeon9200)
Last reply by scooter, -
- 0 replies
I'm not sure if this has been posted yet. It's a hefty 41.7 MB, but well worth it. Nope, I had nothing to do with it, just posting .
Last reply by nimblepix, -
Hi Everyone, Here is my latest render. 25 multipass.
Last reply by mykyl, -
- 13 replies
Holy crap, the hair in v11 is fantastic. Now to learn something about hairstyles, so I can give her a more flattering cut...
Last reply by Godfrey, -
- 17 replies
Here is one of my characters for an upcoming project. His name is Pana-boon and he is a very hungry, childish bear. Besides only modelling half, and I know he needs paws, feet, eyes, not being done, etc. I'm looking for input about proportions, splinage for animation, rigging, etc. I will be covering him with the new version 11+ hair and rigging him for animation using the standard Hash 2001 rig. Any thoughts or do you see any problem points that may cause headache later in production? What about the overall character design? He will be a mixture of a children's bear / realistic hair with a styalized look. IF that makes sense? Some where between cartoo…
Last reply by jfirestine, -
- 15 replies
Ok, maybe this thread will take on a life of its own (I hope). I'll start off with a lighting tip I've learned that saves COUNTLESS hours and increases the accuracy of my lighting solutions. NOTE: I can't remember from where i learned htis, but it's certainly NOT an original idea. However, I've rarely ever have seen anyone mention it in relationship to AM, and hardly anyone explains this when teaching others to light an image Ever wanted a sort of "real time" method to investigate your light levels while looking at a FINISHED render? Got a tough problem in adjusting the level of 6 lights to that precise level? PROBLEM SOLVED: Render out a still using each …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Created with some textures from and the Eggington skull model. The pool is a particle emission to get the bubbling.
Last reply by Jimmy neutron, -
- 11 replies
Hey all! Well, this guy isn't completely finished, but man is he close. Modeling, rigging and smart-skinning are all done. I just need make some poses for his hands, a bunch for his face, and... oh yeah, um, texturemap him. I know the showcase is for -finished- stuff, but I really like the color scheme as it is, and decided to try it out. Made something enjoyable, so I brought it into Photoshop and Fireworks and did a bunch of post to it. Thanks for looking! -- Ross
Last reply by xor, -
- 9 replies
I`ve been experimenting with fog and dust on my spooky forest. However, I have tried the fog at various settings and all renders appear the same to me. Has anyone got any idea`s?
Last reply by KingSalami, -
- 7 replies
This is a dog I started working on. Obviously he`s not finished but it would be interesting to hear peoples comments on it before I carry on with the tweaking and stuff.
Last reply by Dalemation, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys, Just wanted to share a render of a little test I was working on. It started out as an attempt at a glass of coke, but turned out more like a glass of dark beer . No secrets, just native materials . Javier
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 3 replies
Well since ALL my files got deleted I had to start from scratch. Well heres the face I just started today. The white stuff by the mouth arn't teeth. It can be if you guys think it should be. Now I cant seem to get the back of the head done. Its hard! Well tell me what you think, and if you want help me out!
Last reply by robvmonte, -
- 3 replies
Well, I've got most of the things up on my website up that I want. I just needs some tweaking and a lot more (new) content. I hope to have time to actually work some on my short during the next month, so I expect some new stuff within a month. I guess the address would be good. Feedback is always welcome.
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 8 replies
Here is a preview of where I'm at on this little guy. Some of you may have seen the beginning of him in my thread about .obj export out of AM. Here is a link to a 360 spin.. Sorry 1meg size... thought quality better than blocky video, and its the same video Im using for a client review. Let me know what you think... and before you jump all over me... Yes I modeled the hair and beard and yes I know that the new hair rocks... Unfortunately I'm having to tranfer this guy to another program and its hair doesnt rock... sooooo...
Last reply by nerrazzi, -
- 12 replies
OK well heres my FIRST EVER EXTRUDED MODEL! Ok here are two pictures. the first non wire framed picture has a different head shape then the wired frame, because I tried something. Well I want to create the rest of the neck and the back of the head. Can somone help me?
Last reply by robvmonte, -
- 5 replies
Here is a model I'm working on for a jousting game. The legs didn't quite attach how I wanted to, but I'm learning, forgetaboutit.
Last reply by KingSalami, -
- 5 replies
Hey everybody, I just threw this together in the last couple of hours... I really don't have any use for it, I just made it out of boredom. Texturing could use some work, but it's a start
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 32 replies
Some of you might remember my robot that I made a while ago I'm working on the location for my animation with him, still lots to do Please don't mind the blue eyes, I forgot to hide his eyelids before rendering
Last reply by starving4rtist, -
- 8 replies
Ok BakeRod, Dan , and all the others who have asked for more Here's an old piece I did in the first version of master to have fur( was that 7?) From concept to storyboard to broadcast it took six very long weeks. The original script called for 25 seconds of roadkill and 5 seconds of "Mr Explanation" but the client nixed that and it changed to 18/12. It's still one of my favourite jobs but I would have killed for an extra week on the animation, which is "patchy". Small swf file 1.9Mb 320 x 240 Big swf file 4.3 Mb 640 x 480 They're flash files because I like the Spark video compressor and I have it for flash. Right click and "save as" if you want to sav…
Last reply by pequod, -
- 7 replies
Hi Hashers I am just writing to show a small animation that I did for a website... The original idea came from a test that I did ... ( copy link and paste it in the browser ) any comments are welcome .. cheers Xtaz
Last reply by Ganthofer, -
- 10 replies
I just got Animation Master for Christmas, and this is the model I've first made. Its called Mix the Jester. The only problem is that I don't understand how to put a skeletal rig in it and make the hands work. I don't get how to make the hands work. So, if anyone could give me tips on how to rig it, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Last reply by lazz, -
- 3 replies
Ok, so. I'm assuming that somebody knows of the upcoming "space" animation contest. And I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I'm trying to have the camera zoom out in one part of the animation. Its supposed to start zooming out slowly, and then speed up. but, instead, before it starts to go faster, its zooms in. And I can't figure out why. its mind-boggling . So, if anyone could help, that would be really cool. Thanks, robert
Last reply by lazz, -
- 12 replies
Hey folks, I've been working on a superhero character called the Mongoose. I'm working on the eyes and would love to have your opinion on which eyes would work the best. The character is supposed to be a dark character, but a good guy - kind of like Batman. The one thing that I'm trying to avoid is the "Spiderman look" (like the image number 2). Anyway, I would love to here which one is your favorite. All the best, Nima Anvar
Last reply by sonofpat, -
Well this is my first "official" Model. please tell me what you think. I am new to the whole forum thing so I hope everything works
Last reply by scrawntor, -
- 10 replies
Hello everyone! Just completed enough of my very first model in A:M (actually very first anything beyond the cube in David Roger's book). Thought I would follow the Japanese schoolchild's axiom "Boys Be Ambitious!" and shoot for the stars. Or in my case, the space animation contest. This is the attacker's space ship for a space scene. I wanted an organic/technical feel that appeared dangerous and so I ended up with a rocket propelled crab of sorts. I am pretty happy with it as it stands. Needs more tweaking and color but I think you will get the drift. The white triangles at the back are where the engines go. This is the very first 3D thing beyond ball a…
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 5 replies
A while ago a few said they would be intererested in reading about how I am going about making my short film the cuckoo, and asked if I might put a diary, wireframes and other developmental stuff for the project on my website. As a result I've updated my website with a diary, wireframes, info on how I textured my characters, etc..... Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. Cheers Shaun
Last reply by Zaryin, -
Pegasus WIP
by Guest mrsl13- 7 replies
Here are two short clips in Mov QT format Sor3 codec (appx 3 to 4 mbs each) of an animation test of a project Im working on...for those who saw my topic in General about "Model Building ethics" this is the model in question it was originally the Toon Horse off the AM 2003 CD...I modified it to where it now looks like the horse in this clip (pegasus horse that is) the original model properties had no created by credits but did have a last modified credit by Cabbot Sanders. direct links below, I hope... First clip is a closer shot ,second clip is a wide shot . Pegasus close shot Pegasus wide shot Hope they are direct links... Mike
Thought id out up a little of what im working on. Id like to say right now that im no modeler, hence the incredibly awkward creases and such. Good animation is my goal for this short and i was hoping you people with more experience could give me some pointers and point out things i should change. Anyways, heres a short little sample, 3 MB. Thanks all, SeanC.
Last reply by nixie, -
- 5 replies
I'm getting these weird artifacts when I try and render the image out with Depth of Field. Notice the two sacs in the back are blurred but have a black line near the edge. Also, i tried rendering out another image with Depth of Field and a volumetric light in the foreground. Everything was blurred except the part of the image that was behind the volumetrics.... Any ideas why? Using Pentium 4, 512 RAM, 2.56 Ghz and AM 10.5... Thanks for any help!
Last reply by Obnomauk,