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This is an open forum for discussing Animation:Master and discussions should relate to A:M in some capacity.
Ask questions. Share experiences. Outline goals and aspirations.
Discuss what you hope to accomplish with A:M and projects you are working on.
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961 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
EXR IO 2.0 for Photoshop has been released. This won't do much for those without current Photoshop/Adobe CC but for those that have it... Among other things, EXR IO is said to extract all channels from an EXR file and place them into separate layers in Photoshop. For features and download see: Disclaimer: I haven't tested this with A:M's EXR files yet.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 16 replies
Hmm. Thought I posted this last nite, but don't see it. I've made about 1,000 models in A:M, but only now started to animate. I must be doing something wrong: A:M loses things. About every 5 minutes I get a real time render error message, so I save, and when I re-open the project, patches and decals are missing. Also, even more of a problem, in the timeline the lines and keyframes show up...and then they don't. Dunno what I'm doing to cause this, they just disappear, and they don't even wait for a save/reopen to do it. I click on a group and see the lines, click on another group, then come back to the first group and the timeline is blank. Along the same …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
mfc140.dll is missing ..any thoughts downloaded file and issue resolved
Last reply by yoda64, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Hi, I am an old user (still using v10) and is looking at the current version for a possible upgrade. But the subscription method is making my head spinning. (May be I'm really too old ) If I purchase a subscription, will the software stop working after one year? Or can I still work with it but with no access to updates only? Also I read somewhere that A:M now supports STL export with improvement in subdivision of patches, but cannot find information on Hash's site or the forum here. I'm using A:M to build real physical models with 3D printer so that could be the one feature that makes v18 a must have for me. Another issue is using Win XP with v18. Seems tha…
Last reply by rijklau, -
- 8 replies
Our current built-in A:M documentation, that uses .chm files, is broken because of a change that Microsoft has made to Windows. Steffen would like to convert the Help files from their source PDF to HTML. Does anyone know a tool that will reliably do the conversion including formatting and graphics? We're not looking for a "try this" or "try that" suggestion, we need a robust candidate that is definitely known to work. I've already tried OpenOffice on a variety of PDF files, it is pretty poor, so scratch that one.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 24 replies
Hello, All! I've been away a while... work demands my attention. I was messing around on a personal project and had a lot of models (four, but with lots of copies) to assemble a structure. The issue I am having, and maybe I just forgot how, is I select a group of models and want to "nudge" them over with the arrow keys. Well, this results in the models moving all different directions as they have been rotated from their original placement. I can drag them with the mouse with no issue, but it is not as precise. I have attached images to show what I mean. EDIT: Correction, it even shifts the models when dragging with the mouse or isolating one axis by holding "…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
I am having trouble posting links here, but I put an update on my website Sorry to say I've lost my other downloader so I'm back to 1 download on Play for my app (me!). Anyway, with a green screen, and the ability to convert that to a black background PNG, I think a lot could be done... But I'm on moderator queue and you took down my topic. Am I really that bad at posting? Looks like has a green screen kit that could create an image sequence (with a not included camera to a RAW file) that could be converted to PNG (with other software) for color transparency (which is not the old color transparency just…
Last reply by DZ4, -
- 2 replies
I thought I would play with sounds in A.M and I hear nothing tried i got a secret sound and hear nothing see it in time line scrub no sound what am I doing wrong
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
This is an old clip but the results are so cool, thought the Hashers might enjoy it. Wish there was some sort of plug-in which would simulate some of these effects... Tom
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 6 replies
Heya! Cracked open A:M (v17 Mac) for the first time in ages, and it seemed like something was missing. Sure enough, it's the Project Workspace! I think it must be off-screen somewhere, but I'm having absolutely zero luck getting it to show up. Tried all the usual tricks (changing resolution etc). I've poked around in the prefs and even done a complete factory reset (which unfortunately does not seem to affect window position). When I open a model or a project, all the other windows are here... but the Workspace is completely absent. Hitting control-1 (hide/show) produces nothing. Any suggestions? Is there a way to reset window positions (reseting form the H…
Last reply by Meowx, -
- 9 replies
This is largely unrelated what is needed by the average A:M Users but I found some of the information about USD interesting for a number of reasons. The site provides insight into where PIXAR is heading and why some popular tech (such as Alembic) currently isn't sufficient to get them where they want to be. For the A:M User with an eye (and patience) for technical explorations much can be gleaned to spice up the ol' workflow or if nothing else to capture the imagination. From the site:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 10 replies
This may already have been addressed but I didn't see it mentioned... In trying to export via an Action to .X (Direct X) format but the export dialog has an 'Open file' dialog instead of a 'Save As' or 'Export' dialog. Hitting Open just results in a error message that the file cannot be found to open (which of course I don't want to do in the first place). I can't see any way to get past this and before I go about trying to locate an older .hxt to file to test I thought I'd ask here. Anyone have any insights into how to successfully export to Direct X format?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Okey Doeky, went and got myself a Radeon HD 6850 3D card for mac and swapped it with the quadro that was in there, now AM is behaving good, except the last project I was working on is crashing on opening, there is a model in there which I did not save out, I think because I had the project setup with 4 windows for the views, AM boots, loads the files, then draws the windows and crashes . . . is there a way to reset this on the project file to one window or extract the model file ? . . . next step . . . install windows 7
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
Its a bit early to release this but some major changes to configuration and pricing are pending for Renderman and the Renderman suite of tools. A few details are now emerging at the Renderman site. Of note is the (free) non-commercial license. A commercial license is now a much more accessible $495 per seat. Ed Catmull has a (very) short video making the announcement here: From the site: Note: I registered with my current renderer entered as "Animation:Master (Netrender)". One never knows when someone's interest at Disney/PIXAR might be piqued enough to experiment and further bridge the g…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
There are a ton of video capture programs out there and here's yet another one (PC only... sorry mac guys/gals). Source code is available as well. This is definitely a progam to check out because it has most of the tools that standard screeen capture software doesn't have. A few quick pluses: - Capture to GIF animation, image sequences, avi (mp4 and other formats via FFmpeg tab) - A basic frame editor - Basic drawing on screen (or board recording) - Webcam recording - Lots of other stuff I'm forgetting such as text, cropping, basic transitions, etc) - It's free (donations to the creator welcome!) - Actively developed (las…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
My financial misfortune is your bargain opportunity. :-) I've been doing these on Facebook, but decided I'd widen it to here. I'm drawing cartoon caricature faces for $10! Here's what they look like (a few of these faces might be familiar): They make great avatars, profile pics, etc. The files include transparent backgrounds, so you can do with them as you please. If you'd like one, just send me $10 via PayPal (to and also email me a picture or two to go by.
Last reply by largento, -
- 0 replies
I just saw the Joe Daniel's video walkthrough of VR drawing here: x And thought... hmm... I wonder how close I can get to that basic premise using A:M. After quickly modeling, rigging and animating a swingset like the one in the demo I quickly got to the point of drawing over the animating swing while the sequence was playing. A problem arose where I couldn't get A:M to keep playing while drawing so I used the HAMR viewer instead. Ran into one problem with the HAMR viewer in that it didn't want to recognize the swingset model. Turns out HAMR just needed a Choreography. Cool. While none of this is much to look at... I'm pleased t…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 26 replies
So, couldn't this made usable for hashusers also now? Cycles Render Engine Released With Permissive License
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 16 replies
Hi there, every once in a while (mostly in my holidays) I return to A:M and try to make it really work for me. Still dreaming of an animators career, doh. However, one point where I still have huge problems with are Normal and Displacement maps. While mighty and powerfull I was never able to make them really work for me. When I render in A:M I only get unpredictable results, which by far not what I expect. Therefore it woud be nice, if you could tell me what to look for when using this kind of maps. Info about where you do the maps, how you export, what type of Normal adn Displacement maps you us would be also cool! Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 23 replies
I suppose this is old news, but... Microsoft is ending security updates and bug fixes for Windows XP Does A:M v18 still run on XP? I couldn't find the current system requirements on the page. support for Windows XP will end on April 8, 2014
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Front view is upside down. All other views and shortcut to camera display correctly. I don't know what I pushed. I cannot find a way to turn the front view right side up. This is not a camera issue as far as I can see. I've done two searches in the forum and did not find this question answered. This is probably something simple, but it hasn't happened to me before. I did not save. I closed out the project and started the file up again in a different project, but the front view still displays upside down, while all other views display correctly.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Just read what gene posted on Face book Good Morning! All my life I have dreamed of being an animator. And through hard work by both myself and you great people I DID IT! now the bad news: Thursday morning I awoke and could barely walk, I have spent till now trying to shake it off.(ministroke) Today I feel no choice but to go to hospital. If for some reason I do not return to Facebook, I THANK ALL OF YOU.
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 13 replies
I have a friend she is writer and wrote a book named Fada de botas ( Fairy with boots ) ( )... we are planning to transform it in a 3d short movie... here is a little test that i rendered to show him some possibilities... modeled and animated in A:M rendered in C4D ( Octane renderer ) teste0001_1.mp4
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I am posting this because it might be of interest to some users. I have been helped so much over the years by these expert forum comments that I feel I need to give something back. I don't use AM frequently (not my day job and all that) but when I do I go to town. This is basically about my efforts in creating a character with a highly detailed face but with minimal effort. The word lazy might jump to mind but I prefer the "work smart not hard" adage. I tried 2 workflows: ZBrush and Crazytalk back to AM vs. Zbrush through to IClone. The idea was to discover which produced the best output and which gave me the least work to do. A very interesting road so far but a mil…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Avalanche Software that was shuttered by Disney after they closed their gaming divisions is back in business again under the Warner Brothers banner. Interestingly enough, their first major project is a Disney property; the 'Cars 3' game. I'm not surprised. Their breadth of experience and substantial and has been since their early days of using Animation:Master. The downside? If Avalanche at Disney had 300 employees they now have approx. 100 and while it can be assumed that some of the 200 stayed at Disney in some capacity most had to seek other opportunities…
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
6WZZARzpckw This looks pretty incredible! Done in realtime! Can this be supported within A:M? Developer info: Wiki:
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 16 replies
- 2.4k views Sounds great, is animation master easy to export to renderman? or would extra work be needed to export it to renderman. I know this is not a commercial license but it would be great to use it as another option.
Last reply by frosteternal, -
- 16 replies
I’m trying to get to grips with Sub Surface Scattering, but at the moment I’m at a loss on how to get it to work properly. What I cant quite understand is that the sss effect seems evident in the modelling window when rendered out in final, however not all evident in the default choreography window. I’ve been using some of Yves Possaint’s sub surface scattering value examples and testing them out on basic primitives with no luck. I was told by Robcat that John Bigboote uses sss a lot, any help from anybody would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by markarjun, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have a complex choreography set up with a number of original models. I included a lamp with a shade that I modeled and located a lamp at the location of the bulb in the choreography with the bulb being transparent glass material and the lampshade with a custom material with varying transparency values. I once had the choreography setup to cast shadows from the lampshade across the scene. I made changes to the choreography and lost the settings now I can't get it set so that the lampshade casts a pattern. Does anyone know how to do that correctly?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, just noticed that importing images seems not working, I have a FX4800 using the Nvidia drivers and after update to 18p its not importing images, I'll try the mac native driver now and let you know . . . anyone come across this ? Before when it was buggy I found that if I toggle the open GL settings in options it would kick in but now . . hmmm . . let me have another crack
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
So I was poking around on A:M Films and the first video under Animation called Star Trek Red Squad takes you to a porn site. have fun
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Has anyone have any experience or thoughts about this 3D printer?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 22 replies
So I'm trying like the dickens to get this Christmas short of mine done, started rendering and decided that a) the lighting sucks, and I'm not happy with the render settings. For the lighting I'm using the basic default lights from a new chor with the addition of a sun. The sun is set to have a soft yellow color, set at a 100%. I'll confess that lighting and rendering are two areas that I haven't had the chance to experiment with yet, and I'm down to the wire on this project if I'm going to get this done, so I'm looking for suggestions. I've attached the camera presets as well as a base project. Thanks for any suggestions: SampleProject.prj Preset.pre
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 16 replies
They make this sound like a bit more of a caper than it really is (I'm not sure that the shape of the bust of Nefertiti was a big secret) but now you can get her in inconvenient polygon form, ripe for your retopology experimenting. Artists Covertly Scan Bust of Nefertiti and Release the Data for Free Online
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Can we export anything larger than 512 (which, when set to 512 I get a 1024 double sized image...?) using the obj/seq exporter? (See image for where I am...)
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
This topic is for those interested in belonging to (or leading) A:M Users Groups. To go beyond the discussion and join a User Group follow this link: Animation:Master Users Groups
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 12 replies
Installed the Win10 Creators update and everything appears to be working fine. My primary interest of course is gaining access to Paint 3D and testing that out and while it's basic beyond belief I must confess that I'm excited by the prospects of the average Windows user being able to paint 3D models. I chose as my first model to paint the Goose from the A:M Library. Painting is pretty straightforward but minimum size for paintbrush is limited to 5 pixels in size. For smaller detail a pencil, pen or marker must be used. So... laying in a base color with the brush and then zooming in and adding detail is a must. Format-wise the trip from A:M to Paint 3D is n…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Octane Renderer is extraordinary. The company that sells it creates plugins for many software like Blender, Carrara etc ... And why not Animation Master. I sent an email to see if they have plans for plugins AM. It would be good that many send an email if interested in this renderer. Octane is a GPU engine Unbiased. User-friendly gpu allows use to make an image from 10 to 50 times faster. I use octane and it's really impressive.
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Windows 7, AM v.19Oi. System sound working fine. Import sound "cartoonhammer" from AM disc, dragged onto action, dragged onto chor but no sound plays. System sound is working. Right clicking on sound file and Play but no sound. What am I doing wrong???
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
I like Rodney's v18L banner. We needed some color up there.
Last reply by detbear, -
- 20 replies
I'm posting this here not so much to plug the kickstarter but to highlight one of the interviews/demonstrations that relates to it. Over on the site, Lavalle Lee conducts an interview with Don Bluth, then one with Gary Goldman and then raps up with a few question with both that dovetails into the announcement of the kickstarter. The main event however is saved for last and that is an animation demonstration by Don Bluth with him breaking down a simple animation of DIrk the Daring swinging his sword. A few highlights of the video include: Don demonstrates the traditional art of animation Don uses an exposure sheet and metronome as an aid…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
My friend, Cedrix Hohnstadt, is starting a kickstarter campaign for a pose book he is creating.Check it out here. I think this a great way to push us into developing our posing skills.
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 29 replies
Ya know, when it rains it pours. I've been working like a mad man trying to get this off the cuff Christmas short done before the 4th of July 2014. Had the set built, had props built, and was ready to put the pieces together. Tweeked my truck model, and was really quite stoked that I pulled that one out of the hat, saved the model, saved the chor, saved the project. I then decided to look at some other human models I had kicking around to see if I had one rigged well enough to do what I needed...found one (yeah for dusty archives!). Reopend my opening scene project, and noticed my truck was missing from the chor, and not even in the objects list of the project. Went …
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 8 replies
The prizes may not be of great use to A:M users and the judging criteria are rather hazy, but a lot of you already have great looking female characters on the shelf that might be dusted off to be worthy entries.
Last reply by largento, -
- 6 replies
These are the main characters and extras of my coming feature "The Great Pastrami Safari". Copyright March 15, 2017. If you want to see a larger copy, click here:
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 32 replies
I'm looking at running Windows via Parallels on my Mac, so that I can take advantage of some of the A:M plug-ins that don't work on the Mac (ie DarkTree textures, Setup Machine2, etc.) In order to do this, I have to purchase Windows and in trying to sift through the stuff, I find myself scratching my head. Windows 7 OEM 64-Bit seems to be an attractive option, yet it says in the eula that I can only purchase this if I'm building a PC that I'm going to sell to someone else and provide support for. Yet, Windows 8 OEM 64-bit says I can use it personally. Windows 7 is a bit cheaper, but Windows 8 apparently offers a free option to update to Windows 8.1 pro…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 12 replies
Hello All, It's been awhile since I used A:M. I wanted to try it out again so I signed up for the trail. I got my license file and instaledl A:M 18.0p. When I launch it I get an error about not being able to load the graphics assistance driver. Then I get a screen that says it couldn't load it. It then takes me to the options page where the Real-Time driver drop down is empty. By the way, what is difference between SSE4 and regular AM? I am using Mac OS X 10.11.5 (El Capitan) with 8G of RAM with a 2.3ghz i7 Any ideas? thanks, Tyson
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
So over the past year or two, I've started volunteering my services to some fan productions. So far it's been a great experience and I feel a sense of accomplishment as I'm now completing projects on a very regular basis. Now I'm considering expanding that practice into something that might make a few dollars here and there. I by no means am looking to quit my day job. Rather, make a little bit of money on the side doing what I already do in my spare time. Thing is, I'm not really sure where to start. Also I'm not entirely sure how to best "get my name out there" so to speak. I'm not looking to do big things, rather target smaller groups that need a bit of work …
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 14 replies
Hadn't modeled anything in awhile, so I thought I'd use the holidays to play. I had never owned one of these Funko Pop! figures, but for Christmas I was given a set of five of them (Animaniacs Yakko, Wakko, Dot plus Pinky and the Brain.) I've seen them everywhere, though. Just for my own amusement, I decided to make one of me. It looked like a simple model to do and it gave me an excuse to try out the v19 alpha on a modeling project. I'll have to check into trying to reproduce some of the issues I ran into. I had several times where I had to hit the "f" key multiple times to get the normals to flip and the delete key sometimes had the same problem. I actu…
Last reply by fae_alba,