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The A:M Forum is for technical support and the sharing of tips and ideas between users/prospective users of Hash software. It is moderated constantly by technical support representatives.
-Ask questions about the software.
-Assist other users... everyone was new at this once.
-Inform people of your version/platform when asking for help.
-Share resources; tutorials, models, textures, tips and techniques (link to useful websites).
-Post links to your work, or where your art is being used online (on websites, in games, toons', etc.)
-Search the A:M Forum and FAQ. The question you are about to ask may have already been answered.
-Organize and inform others about user groups, IRC chats, image and animation contests, job opportunities, etc.
-Discuss what you are working on and let everyone know about magazine reviews and articles that relate to your projects.
-Do Not be rude or disrespectful or mean to other forum members in any way. Personal attacks will be removed.
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-Do Not reprimand other forum members for violating forum rules, that's the moderators job, which (unless you are a moderator) you are not.
-No complaining or whining on the forum or distribution of misinformation.
-No flames of any kind.
-No Off Topic posts. (Posts in the Off Topics section should be related to A:M in some form or fashion or benefit the A:M community as a whole).
-No soliciting of any kind without prior approval.
-No threads or comparisons related to other 3D Applications.
-No "Wish list" or feature requests, they should be sent to for categorizing and prioritization (User requests define the future development of the software).
-No "me too!" posts
-No discussion of Hash Internal Affairs (finances, advertising, PR.)
-No posting of private email to the forum unless permission of the author is granted. (Private correspondence should remain private)
-No very general questions like: "how do I make a good 3D model" make your questions as complete and concise as possible.
If you have questions as to whether it's appropriate, send it to:, We'll be happy to let you know whether it is, or is not appropriate.
User Led Forum Considerations
Firstly and foremostly, please remember this is Martin Hash's forum and that it is every A:M User's primary resource for information about A:M. In order to remain relevant we need everyone's continuing support and interest.
Secondly, understand there is a distinction between A:M (the program) and the A:M forum. There are some topics and issues that are outside the scope of this forum and most can be deduced by reading through the forum guidelines. These include such things as Hash Inc internal policies, business practices, trade secrets, and specific plans for the future not yet publicly released. Each of these would be fascinating topics of their own but are better reserved for private communications with a representative of Hash Inc.
Related to the second, is purchasing, customer service and other areas outside the purview of the common user who may have no interest in such things; subjects relating to money exchanging hands are beyond the scope of the A:M Forum and often can lead to conflicts of interest between users and/or Hash Inc. (If Hash Inc cuts you a deal on volume purchasing it's really no one else's business). Likewise, individual complaints about a product or service are best remedied by going direct with Hash Inc representatives empowered to make decisions. Please allow them them the time necessary to resolve your specific issue and consider the cost of customized solutions.
This last area is likely the source of much confusion because many see the A:M Forum as the official outlet for Hash Inc... and it is. But the forum is not designed for conducting business and private matters best resolved by going to Hash Inc directly. Similarly, bug reports are best resolved by entering them directly into the A:M Reporting system.
Many problems can be easily addressed at the user level just by asking fellow users in the forum. If someone at Hash Inc suggests the forum as a source, it is very likely a problem can be easily resolved. For tougher issues there is even more reason to take the issue directly to the source... you don't want the issue discussed... you want it resolved quickly.
Finally, remember that we want to pass this forum on to future moderators and generations of A:M Users in the absolute best condition possible. A:M is just that good a program and is worthy of our consideration.
Thanks for making the A:M Forum a great community.
4,158 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hi guys! I just got hash Animation master at the San Diego Comic Con. I've installed it and started working with it. I noticed that I must have the CD in the CD drive in order for the program to work. Is this always the case? Can the program not run without it in there? Also I'm wondering if the copy I got at the show is a 1 year subscription or the full program. I had thought I was buying the full program, but after reading the website I'm now unsure. Thank you!
Last reply by lil-roo, -
- 8 replies
i'm trying to add the 2001 skeleton rig to my model in AM v15 and everything seems to work till i start messing with the hands. i've never messed with the hand bones outside of the TAOAM tutorials but from what i gather after going through the forums and examining lady_goodbody.mdl, i have unhid all the hand bones including X finger bone 1, 2, 3 and started assigning the bones of finger to control points rather than assigning them to the general finger. my problem is that when i try to use the right or left hand clench in an action the fingers distort wildly into a mashed up ball at 1% and doesn't change at all between 1-100%. i've tried opening up the 2001 skeleton…
Last reply by falibu, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I completed an animation in AM about a few weeks ago. I may post up a high quality version on gallery section later on in the future. Take it easy guys!
Last reply by jweinrub, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
As a user of another program whose name I shall not speak (LOL) there are certain work flows I have grown used to and am curious if I can do something similar with Hash. One involves the use of groups for keying animation. As an example, many times I will key in the body and the face separate, so easy peasy, I would just make two groups, one that contains all the body animation controls and one containing all the facial animation controls. This helps to keep a clean time line and makes it easier if say, want to re-time the body animation without effecting lip sync. I've watched Robcat's uber helpful keying tutorials, but so far haven't figured out a way to do this i…
Last reply by My Fault, -
- 3 replies
Okay, I know this is supposed to be in the Report section, but that didn't work for me... everytime I went there, it said there was an erro on the page.... Now for the problem... My CD drive is broken, but I have Animation:Master v11.1 <<< 2005, outdated.... I got this program when I was twelve for my birthday because I was curious to learn to animate. I did a little here and there... Was too young didn't understand it. Got a new computer this year and I saw Animation:Master on my desk sitting cold and alone... But my CD drive is broken... Worst part is, my parents didn't buy a Hewlett Packard, it's and ASUS with an integrated CD drive, so it's…
Last reply by Gaduunka, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I was trying to import a rotoscope of some 2d blocking for a shot (using v13.0t) and noticed that all of the sudden, my lipsync didn't seem to match up. I then added frame numbers on my imported image sequence and noticed that animation master would skip frames, seemingly at random. Any idea why hash just won't bring the sequence in like it should and would skip frames? What am I doing wrong? thanks for any help
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
i was just wondering this because i saw a picture in one of the AM manuals where they had done this with a smiley face and some particle hairs laid out on a flat plain. I know in the particle hair settings there's a drop down menu to apply an image to each individual strand (am i describing this right?), but that's not what i want to do because while that looks nice, i'm trying to apply one image to the entire mass of hair as a whole and not one image on each strand. i feel applying the image one time on the entire mass would look nicer. is this confusing i'm sorry i don't know how to explain this any better than this but if needed i will clarify upon request. …
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 8 replies
Just wanted to a. say thanx to Robocat for all the help. And here's a little of my work. I know its very very rough but for 4 months and no back ground I am proud:)
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
i know this sounds stupid but as many times as i've been to this website, i can't figure out how to make an image appear under my name in the forum post area. i have an image on my page but some people have an image under their name every time the they post a comment. i just wanted to know how you do that, i can't find a setting for it anywhere.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
i have managed to collect some nice hair and eye textures from all of the poser characters i used to download, but as far as other things such as textures for clothes, buildings, cars and other non-human things i am lost as to where to go to find that. do any of you know any good websites that supply textures (especially for clothes) for cg? thanx - hisako -
Last reply by petokosun, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, How do I fade music in and out? Thanks
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 8 replies
quick question , i have been working on trying to build decent looking landscapes and im making some that look ok , but there's one part that i cant seam to make work , and that's the edge of the terrain , is there any way to make it look like a horizon or the such , im generally working with a square at the moment if looking down upon the ground
Last reply by Luuk Steitner, -
- 23 replies
I'm trying to model something with a lot of square shapes in it and I'm having problems with patches forming where I don't want patches (places I need to see through). I realize in the short term I can hide the CP's that make those patches but that doesn't resolve the issue that I simply don't want those patches there. They are completely valid patches but I need them gone. I've tried transparancy of the group of CP's that make the patches but that doesn't even work in render lock (I assume it is done in final render) as the patches still remain despite being changed to transparent. Also, I'd rather not add additional CP's as this causes a domino effect requiri…
Last reply by frosteternal, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi All, I have had Animation Master for a while now but I haven't really done anything with it so I am still just a newbie. What I would like to do is import some objects from DAZ 3D, Poser and AC3D and a few others. What I need to know is, is this possible? If so, how do I do it? And finally, what control will I have over them? Ideally, I would like to scale them and move them within 3D space. For example, take a imported box and have it fly across a room and bounce off a wall. Any help with this will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Hiroshi01
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
I put some cookiecut decals on two patchplanes and get some artifacts as the cookiecut doesn`t seem to be completly transparent. I have checked the normals o.k., alphachannel is on in the tga decal. Any possible explanation, what might cause this and some help woould be highly apreciated. Win 15f
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 3 replies
How do I and where do I share the little clips I've made for review ? I am teaching myself, for about 4 months. So I would like to post some small video so I may get some direction. I dont know what I need to know until I need to know it Thanx to all Me and a friend have a small idea about a lame bunch of super heroes. With no real powers they fight forced sobriety everywhere. Pretty funny stuff if I can ever figure this thing out. next steps are modeling. ( I am good at bodies but crimp faces) and lip syncing. All my stuff is on YouTube channel_ Hazard6211
Last reply by Hazard6211, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
how do I join two choreographies into a single large one?
Last reply by Eric800, -
- 7 replies
I think I know the answer on this one But I will ask any way and see if you guys have a quick fix. If you copy/paste a part of your model or in the case if you selected a couple of groups and lose the pivots. Is there a way to reset the pivots on a groups without redoing them. So I can use them to update material. Or in the case if you selected a couple of groups and lose the pivots.
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 9 replies
Hey, When I model an object, there doesn't seem to be a means of seeing it's dimensions in any system...Inches, centemeters, feet...etc. The "Scale" settings in the properties panel is not adequate. Why is there no numeric system display for this??? William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 4 replies
Again run into trouble with decaling this time with a bump map not showing up. All is o.k., when I apply it planar in model window, but when I add an image in a flattening pose relationship, the bump is not showing up neither the colormap . Also I canot change the order by dragging the decals around. What can I possibly do wrong here. Also: Can`t I add a color by adding a procedural material? Seems then that the underlying bumpmap just keeps the groupscolor grey.
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 3 replies
Is there a way to constrain a crowd in the flocking engine so that it does not intersect with other models (it's fine, and perhaps even somewhat of a benefit ift hey intersect with each other a bit)? I'm trying to add a shitload of trees to my choreography and I figured I could put them in one at a time but it would be great if I could just do a crowd or a couple crowds and have all my trees added. This of course leads to another question. If one can add them without them popping into existing models in the choreography is there a way to randomize the scale on all three axis a bit? So I get different sized and shaped trees? And lastly is there a way to ran…
Last reply by Rob_T, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello there everyone. i just thought i'd introduce myself. i took a 3d animation class in college a year ago or so (v15) and now i'm starting to put it to work for a video game i'm working on and possible webisodes. i'm off to a good start in my post-class era and have learned much since then just fiddling with the easy to use software and as of recently i am beginning to discover the stretches of these forums. i'd just like to say that i've been able to find a lot of help in these forums already even dating back in articles from 2005, with such topics as clothing (i managed to get a cape flowing and leaves draping down from a shoulder pad), figure modeling, lighting…
Last reply by falibu, -
- 11 replies
ive got a project im trying to do for my dad, its very simplistic, a modified version of a wookie walks into frame while holding a box, turns towards audience, (theres a message on the box) turns back, and walks out of frame. thing is, my dad needs it rendered through an alpha channel, we couldnt find one in the rendering section, so he told me to do a red background and floor, i used a primitive model of a cube, and made it red, but long question short, is there any way to adjust the presets of the setting? the basic brown ground and blue sky? could i, in theory, change those to the same color (red)? also, for what ever reason, when i try to use the pose …
Last reply by sir fen the usa, -
- 8 replies
From a rendering perspective, is it better to use many instances of the same model or is it better to individually model each instance with it's own name and file? For example, in my current project I have lots of buildings. Buildings have lots of windows. Would I be better off modeling the buildings with the windows built into the building as part of the model. Or would I be better off making several types of windows and then importing the building and window models into my choreography and then inserting the windows into the buildings by creating many instances of the same windows until the buildings are complete? I ask because this is occurring a lot on my se…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone have any resource on how to import the file, this pluggin produces into the target program.... The plugin info does a great job explaining how to use it to create the file.....But I can't see any info as to how to import the exported data into PI... Anyone have any guidance in the right direction?? William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 2 replies
What type of file does hash import for choregraphy rotoscope. i.e. for live motion?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Hello again, just finished a figuring out the skeletol heirarchy for a character I am starting. Now my question is......... When I smart skin a joint. As I move the sliders up and down in time line. Am I setting permanet characteristics? i.e. I bend the hip 90 degrees. does that limit the flex of the joint until i reset it? My character's right leg "disapears" and "reapears" as I try to move the joint in choreagraphy window. Also is it important to set all Joints? dont know if I being clear enough. I am so close to being able to create my toon walking and acting in the world. You know how I feel! I can almost see my ideas in real life. Please help!!!!!
Last reply by Hazard6211, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have noticed that in some of the tutorials I have watched, and also when I look down in one of the channel views I sometimes see a "W", as in "Transform.Rotate.W". What does that mean please?
Last reply by Luuk Steitner, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm Jonathan. I'm new to A:M. But that's not really important. I wanted to make a cube, just a simple cube. From scratch. And everytime I plot points for a cube, the lines the points make keep bending, making my cube look like a kind of square-ish marshmallow. Is there a way to fix this? _Jonathan..^~^Meow.
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 14 replies
i have a starship with some round windows around it. i want them to change color using the dope sheet as if the colors were talking. not sure but maybe there is a bug in 15F? it seems to not be able to hold my colors in the poses. im going to try some basic tests to see if just the model that has issues. but if any one has seen this let me know. thanks
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
Instead of starting my movie at 00:00:00 in the time line I would like to start some were in the negetive numbers since I forgot my beginning credits..... is it possible to start and render my movie at -00:49:02 to 01:59:05 Thanks, Eric
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
Like the title says, I've created a model, and from what I've read, the program is lagging because there are so many cp points. I have an uber fast system and would think that it could handle a model like this. does anyone know any good optimization methods for AM? My specs: Quad-core 2.6 8gb DDR2 ATI 4870 X2 Thanks
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 6 replies
I've made a small model and made 4 second movie with it. I need to shorten it by about a second or so, (actually speed up the action) but the place where I need to make the adjustments is in the first half of the movie. It's short enough to just redo, but I figured that this may be an opportunity to get a deeper understanding of some of the "mechanics" of A:M Thank You in advance for any insight. Myron
Last reply by MJL, -
- 6 replies
I have an issue with nulls, I have a bone, foot, that is already assigned to the control point and I created the null. And even if I have Attached to parent neither on nor off mater, once I try and control the null from the choreograph nothing happens. Basically I grab the cross and rather than move the foot, the cross just slides around. Check out the screen shot and see if there is something I am missing cause Ive worked with Poses and Bones before, but never had set up a null. Its my last peice of the puzzle then on my way to animating. As far as attached to parent, if you make that chenge do you have to re drop it into the choreograph?
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 9 replies
how do you make the scence make it dark like night? HELPPP!!! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 3 replies
And hello again... Now i wonder how i can speed prosessor time? meaning now i render mov file and cpu is only 48% use. (damn) is any trick how i can use all cpu speed in a:m to use? ( i am so happy now.. i by new monitor.. now i have space to draw.. (24" LG w2442pa) i bit difrent now... 24day left draw.........
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 15 replies
Ive been having issues with painting the models. When in normal mode and I go to paint, lets say a normal round brush, it is distored horribly either long ways or widthwise. SO then I do Projection painting and it looks great however when it goes to accpet not only does it distort what was painted but it also will mirror what was painted on one side on to the other. I tried breaking the head decale in two two seperate decales on front and one back and painted them accordingly but if I painted on lets say the back of the head with the back of head decale then it still copies over to the front decale even though it was never to be painted. If there is an instructional site…
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 10 replies
Long time no talk here. Nice to be back! I've been absent for awhile (job move to california, etc), and I had to reset my CPU. I currently have the 13.0 version on disc and want to update that to 14.0 c, but I can not find that update. Anyone have a link or know where I can get those updates? I went to the "latest info" on the forums here, and that link it mentioned for 14.0 doesn't work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 14 replies
I have made a decal for my wood floors. But some of the groups I have add it to come in hazy. I am using a jpg file. Also add any other tips I may need to know about the decals
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 3 replies
Hello and me again. now i had make catapult wheel on and again problem get that roll.. first mistage was draw wrong side catapult. front vas left side so i take while a go figure why i cant wheel roll right.. so question is: here was tutorial on car where wheel spin. i cant find it.. i must print on paper manual for me becouse i forgot too easy i become too old) here catapult what and i make video. i get wheel spin when they was only second model ( so catapult is one and wheel was alone, that way i get wheel spin) now both are same. and not get spin right way now. (damn) katapult02.mdl And what is "right way" done video. any tips? resolu…
Last reply by Hodari, -
- 12 replies
Having got my camera questions sorted out [Thanks again to all...] two other things I'd like to include in this first animation is [1] shafts of light coming down from above. I suspect it's a volumetric light solution, but could someone get me jump-started? In Carrara, we could install 'light cones'. [2] Does A:M support caustics for shimmers of light on the ocean floor? Thanks.[attachmentid=12862]
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I have a simple design project that I would like to design it to scale. I would also like to output it to a file format that Autocad can read aswell so other people can see it in Autocad. Can this be done?
Last reply by phatso, -
- 2 replies
While trying to change the order of my poses in my model, I encounter some difficulties: I can move and change the order of the realationships in the relationshipfolder, but that order doesn`t get adopted in the pose- and the properties windows. I can`t move the poses there up and down also. And least I can`t create folders for the poses as well.(Do I have to create them all at starting time?) Seems to be a "specialty" of that certain model. I dont want to start it all over new though, because everything else is working fine and this is just some kind of "beautyfault". Is there any special kind of trick to overcome this kind of stubborness?
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 6 replies
I need to actually remove poses from a project and start over however when I delete the relation ships, I go to set up new poses yet in the pose sliuder box I see that the old ones still remain. AND worst of all it effects the new poses I make. Say I do a pose where the character smiles , the cps hardly move like they demonstrated when in mucle mode setting up the pose. Ive done this many many times but never ran into it before. here is the screen shot. note that in the Relation ships below you see the pose labled PK Blink, PK Happy and etc but yet in the top pose slider box you see the same ones PLUS blink smile and etc? Tried everything I knew, how do you get rid …
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
I have searched on "render farm" in this forum, but could not find any postings on this topic. I assume many users would be interested in this - perhaps there is already a posting on this network rendering, if so, how can I find it here? Here's what I wanted to know.. 1) Is there a built in network rendering capability so that I could assign the rendering to other machines in my network? 2) What external render tools exist that are compatible with A:M? 3) What platform(s) are supported in network rendering? 4) What Mac specific hardware requirements are there for network rendering. 5) How many seat are included - assuming there is a network renderer…
Last reply by Rob_T, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone tell me the difference between these two books and if either is worth getting? They both seem to have been published in May of 2006. They have similar product descriptions. The same author. But a difference title, a different cover and a different page count. One is available at B&N online the other at Amazon. Neither book is available at both sites. Also, is either book worth the money? I completed TAO. Is this going to walk me through the same stuff or is it more advanced and worth the investment? The review…
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 8 replies
I am new at this program. I bought the AM at the Anime Evolution Convention in Vancouver, BC, this month. The first question that I have is this: Am I supposed to update the program?
Last reply by Aquaryan, -
- 4 replies
1st... How are ppl rendering to get that polished movie look? 1080p/multi pass? 2nd... I use VGA or low and final for my rendering. a 32 second clip takes 2hrs on low/preveiw. My question is. Will a faster system speed the process. I currently have a 1+MHZ duel core with 2+mb of ram and a 1g video card. How much will a faster system speed up the rendering process? Thank you to all that reply.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
I put a deflector on an object, and "cloth" simcloth on her clothes, and the cloth ripples when simulated. How can I make the cloth act more natural?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
I have Adobe Premiere Pro, and I want to do some special effects, but when I use video captured by Premiere, the video doesn't even show up.
Last reply by HomeSlice,