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Exercise 2
by ref- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Exercise 2 Start date 2-3-9 Finish date 2-3-9 Rodney I hope this works. I appreciate the direction. ref Can_Can.mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
The problem-reporting thingie doesn't recognize me or my password. Do you have to have a separate account for that? So I model a simple disc. Bring up the library, select an image, drag it onto the model, click "decal." I get an exception 001 message. I'm using V15. V13 works fine.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I didn't want to post this in the taoA:M 'cause everything looked so orgainized... I know zip about the forum or the video versions of the tuts -- I went through the tuts long before the videos existed using (get ready for a blast from the past... perhaps a collectors item by now): Anyway I noticed that the voice and the video are offset which is maddening for a person just learning. Seems to be this way with the online versions as well as the versions on the Siggraph 2006 Pro Series. Is there anyway to fix this? Thanks! Rusty
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 371 replies
Note: Keekat's right foot may appear askew in the most recent release. If you experience this problem download the attached file for a Keekat with working foot. The Art of Animation Master Part I: Animation ANYONE CAN ANIMATE 1 - You're the Director 2 - A Chorus Line 3 - Move It 4 - It's a Pitch 5 - Take a Walk 6 - The Door's Stuck 7 - Can You Say That? Preferred file format is Jpeg (.jpg) Preferred file name format is: 'Ex1 (Your Name)(Additional Information you want to type).jpg' 04Keekat.zip
Last reply by TNT, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, I have a few new models I have done and I am at the point of clothing them, so what is the best way? Should I model the clothes over my model or as part of the model? I saw some by JTalbotski and it appears they were applied as part of the model, if so will they move as the model moves? I have seen some info about SimCloth or something like that but haven't check it out much yet. thought I would try you pros first! Wally
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
I have tried to run the "Flag" tut for cloth and get blown out of AM. Everything works great until I select the "ChorName>Plug-ins>SimCloth Simulate". As soon as I do I get an error. "Unhandled Exception #001" and AM shuts down. I tried to run it on a different model with the cloth and deflector added. Same result. Any Ideas! I'm running version 14.0c.
Last reply by TNT, -
- 1 follower
- 56 replies
I thought I'd try to run through TaoA:M with a 'Scarecrow of Oz' theme applied. Others are welcome to join in with this theme as well of course. Especially those of you that have an interest in contributing to the film. Benefits include: Get to know the people here in the forum better. Get familiar with the powerful rigs used in TWO and SO through Posing and installing the rigs. Animate! Animate! Animate! Create props for possible use in the movie Explore the world of A:M! Its a lot more fun if others join in so let your wishes be known.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Several tries to get to this point. Feel free to tell me what I did wrong cause I see the problems just not sure how to fix em.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 3 replies
Getting an "Error Loading String -1" error when I try to set to "Scale in X-Axis only" from page 102 of the Art of AM. The error does not appear if I have only one cp selected. The error shows up when I used a bounding box and if the pointer is near the bounding box. When the pointer is directly over one of the bounding box's cp's then the error goes away. Using ver. 15.0d
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I was wondering is there a seperate rendering program out there so I could use a second PC just purely for rendering while I am animating on my main PC? I know I can't install a second copy of A:M because I am using the subscription package. any ideas anyone? C
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
I have hit another deadend and after hours of struggling I am asking help once again. I have everything done but cannot seem to color my hair. But yet my face coloring worked! Here is a screenshot showing the "body front" settings I have. everything is exactly like my face yet no color anywhere else? Please give me advice.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 4 replies
I redid the giraffe like you suggested
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Name: Javier de Andrés Exercise: 4 It's a Pitch Date started: August 25, 2008 Date Completed: August 28, 2008 I have repited the exercised First version looks me too exaggerated. There was a moment both feets were in the air. I decided do another version more natural. That's here. Exercise_4_It__s_a_pitch.mov
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Name: Javier de Andrés Exercise: 3 Move it! Date started: August 23, 2008 Date Completed: August 23, 2008 It's a good exercise in order to get use the program. The bone system and deformations are very friendly. Exercise_3_Move_It_.mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Name: Javier de Andrés Exercise: 2 Chorus Line Date started: August 22, 2008 Date Completed: August 22, 2008 A funny choreography. It's good for understand AM basis. CanCan.mov
Last reply by thegoodtaste, -
- 1 reply
Name: Javier de Andrés Exercise: 1 Date started: August 21, 2008 Date Completed: August 21, 2008 Exercise_1.mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Name: John W. Cote Exercise: 1 Date Started: July 30, 2008 Date Completed: Exercise= July 31, 2008 Exploration=two tries Instructors: the A:M Community at the moment, TinCan back in the day.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
I thought this wasn't a bad first attempt at this, I have to say I love the technique of using rotoscopes, this is something I will definatly use in some future models - and the plane doesn't look too bad either! plane.wmv
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, I'm new to this and I'm forcing myself to go through the tutorials to learn what I need to.. I have bought Animation master to create a specific animation so I'm always itching to go ahead of myself, but that is NOT a good idea since I'm no artist and have only animated using 2D and flash before. So I thought I'd post my very first attempt at the walking through the door excersise. There are a few things wrong with it, firstly I'd like to say I would like this to last longer than 5 seconds, thats just not enough time to convey what we're doing on this excersize. After making it I really see the advantages of storyboarding the animation properly bef…
Last reply by Cloister, -
- 3 replies
Hello all, I was planning on working through both the TaoA:M and Mr. Roger's Complete Guide. I was wondering however what the experienced folks had to say about which one should be done first or if they could be worked together. I realize that TaoA:M is close to everyone's heart as it's the manual and everyone has it, but if I'm not mistaken the AM complete guide is the defacto standard outside of that. What do you guys and gals think? Also if anyone could tell me about what Animation Bootcamp is all about that would be appreciated. John
Last reply by JohnWayne, -
- 2 replies
I'm going back through TaoA:M and attempting to learn things with a little more depth. In Ex 2: Chorus Line I want the Can-Can Action to start at frame 00:01:00. I dropped the action onto the 'actors' at that frame, but the cancan started at frame 0. How do I get it to start at frame 00:01:00? thanks, Myron
Last reply by MJL, -
- 5 replies
I'm working on the It's a Pitch lesson and I'm having that age old issue of stuff moving when I don't want it to. I have made the 1st pose and the 2nd pose at 10 frames. Having not moved that foot yet, I forced a keyframe there so I could start it rotating for the frame 13 pose. The issue is that the foot is now moving from frame 0 to frame 10. I'm guessing this has some thing to do with interpolation method, be it Hold, linear, Spline or what ever. I'm guessing also that I need to use Hold but I'm not sure where to use it. The right foot target? There seems to be so many levels of stuff in the foot and all I want it to do is sit still until I say move. Thanx fo…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Okay... extra cool points go to anyone that can remind me how to link to the Tech Ref and Manual found in ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/docs The URL is: http://www.hash.com//TECHREF.pdf and http://www.hash.com//TAOAM.pdf I've linked to it before but have gone senile. I need the link for a quick test. The size of the files opening online is probably the major obstacle to success.
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 4 replies
Even though I was doing about 75% ok when I first started TaoA:M, I didn't feel that I was making a dent in understanding the software. It was hard for me to concentrate on the actors when I couldn't even build a set. I've been traveling through the forum and a few things are beginning to make sense. Using three grids, one for the sky background, and one each for the terrain and the water. I don't know if I've done it right but at least I've done it. I'm uploading the project file just in case a good Samaritan would like to tell me how to get rid of the green in the water. Anyway, Exercise 1 down. Myron Keekat_Pr1.zip
Last reply by MJL, -
- 1 follower
- 58 replies
This is my my first exercise after following the TAOAM.
Last reply by StormedFX, -
- 12 replies
Exercise 1. Did this one and the second one in feb 08. Decide to redo and try to stay on track with the manual and the online video lessons. Comments Welcome.
Last reply by asphalt maker, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Does anyone know why sometimes the spline curves are smooth but sometime are not?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
I do not want to give up exercise11, but this 5-point patch just not seem to work right for me. I have been trying for an hour now to get this decal done, but I found that the distortion of the image only occurs at the area of 5-point patch. I have tried everything by disconnecting the CP and reconnect it, but when I group those 5-point the "Make Five Point Patch" does not get highlighted. Does anyone have any trick on this issue? CHEERS!
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello Everyone, In the tutorial for "FW-190 FIGHTER" I can't seem to get past page 113 (page 121 as a PDF). I am able to Lathe the first two point Spline, but after I delete the bottom (or top depending if you watch video or read tutorial), reposition the Spline in front and side view, then rotate the green axis to be horizontal I can't get the Lathe tool to appear. It's grayed out. Am I missing something somewhere? I've attached a video so you can see EXACTLY what I've done. I'ver tried a couple variations, but if you can tell me something like: "At 1:25 you didn't do X" It would help a lot. Also the video tutorial has a lag in what the person is doing a…
Last reply by El-manchego, -
- 4 replies
I have tried to follow the exercise1, but everytime I tried to render by clicking in the choreography I will get an error message when the rendering reach 70%. I am running it on Vista. "not responding" Thank you.
Last reply by StormedFX, -
- 2 replies
My students are using shaggy or the rabbit for it's a pitch because we had the knight with the bad knees. Most students did fine, however one girl has had trouble and she can't really tell me what she did different from the instructions. I have attached the file - Shaggy falls apart and his eyeballs fly out of his head. It's pretty funny, but not exactly what we were trying to do. Any ideas as to what she did wrong? shaggy_pitch.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, I have a student who drew his giraffe but when he went to apply the decal it came out really weird. Any ideas what we are doing wrong? Thanks, Short Circuit
Last reply by phatso, -
- 31 replies
One of my goals for 2008 was to go through all of the tutorials in TAoAM. Some of them I had actually done in years past, but I wanted to do them ALL. Well, I'm (mostly) done now. (I want to put in a little more work on 11.5.) I know most people post their entries under the topic for each chapter. The thing is, I haven't been doing that all along. But I did want to post them, and I thought since they were all almost done, that it might be easier on everyone if they were all in one spot. Is it just crazy to be thinking that? Anyway, I'm gonna post them one per response.
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 10 replies
I know Exercise 6 is suposed to be an exam but I realy need help. First off I some how accidentaly erased it off of the AM disk. Is there any way I can get it from some where? The problem I was having is that I cant seem to keep one foot on the ground while he puts one foot on the door. If I animate his right foot to go up lets say between frames oo.oo.oo - oo.oo.15 and I then do his left from 00.00.15 - 00.01.00 they both go up around the same time. Could some one explain this to me step by step? Something about constraints or key frames. I need detail on this one friends. This one has got me stumped. thanx
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 1 reply
I'm working on "the door's stuck" from TAO for A:M 2002, however I have the latest version. My question is regarding the timing of movement. More specifically, I want the foot to start lifting up at 00:04:00 and stay planted on the ground at every frame before that. However, The foot starts lifting at frame 00:00:01 and slowly reaches the door. I made it through "it's a pitch" and rabbit walking without this problem. The solution is probably simple but I cant figure it out. Any help would...as usual...be huge. Thanks for looking. -PM
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
I need to have 30 flocking bats in my choreography. I used the flock/birds and drop the bat on the flock manipulator and it worked. I had 30 flocking bats and everything was working well. Then a few days later, my bats were nolonger in the flock manipulator. I tried to delete the flocking and bats and start completely over, but my flocking will not work at all in my project now. If I open a competely new project, the flocking will work. problem. I can't drop the bats in the flocking manipulator influence now, it will not populate at all in my needed project. I'm not sure how to get around this or correct this. Any ideas of why i can't get my flocking to work in my …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
I need flocking to work in this project. I need my bats to fly around the objects in this project. The flocking system is not working in this project. the camera is all ready animated and the trees are already animated, but the flocking system stopped working in the certain project. I can't get the flocking system to populate at all now. I need about 3--40 bats flocking aournd. I can't animate 30 bats like the flcoking birds systme can. The particle system is on. I have no idea what to do now.?? I can't believe it has to be this difficult. The flocking system stopped working in my project. It was working, now is will do nothing. I need serious help in getting the f…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
there doesnt seem to be a fs+w video tutorial. anyone know if there is one
Last reply by kylemb, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
ok i tried to do my sound for my final animation; i had to make two files and convert the audio with a audio convertor. when i finished with this animation the sound started to get sqeaky at the end anone who can please help me so i wont screw up like this in my next project. p.s. how long can my audio file be
Last reply by Dhar, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
ok i tried to do my sound for my final animation; i had to make two files and convert the audio with a audio convertor. when i finished with this animation the sound started to get sqeaky at the end anone who can please help me so i wont screw up like this in my next project. p.s. how long can my audio file be
Last reply by Jeffnewc, -
- 2 replies
im new at this so i have been doing this for 4 or 5 months so how do i and pictures to my backgrounds p.s. anyone know an easier way to make mouths on there characters
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 1 reply
i have a candle project and i need help making it appear like it's Wax is melting on the candle please help me with this
Last reply by noober, -
- 52 replies
Hi All - I decided to try and tackle 11.5. The giraffe was a piece of cake next to Cooper. That kid has me licked thus far! I have some really naughty splines going on. I tried to follow using the book and the online tutorial and I just couldn't get it perfect. I modeled his face three times. Each time I improved a bit more. Finally I got it to a point where I felt I could try and complete the head. So here he is - the whole head, sans teeth and eyes - there comes a time where you say - ENOUGH! But I'm not done with Cooper - I want to apply what I learned while trying to model his whole head. As you can see in the screenshots - it looks like a human he…
Last reply by MasterFunk, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I'm on exercise six and I've spent weeks on it, because I keep encountering something. All goes well with having the guy turn the doorknob this way and that. He pulls on the door. Then he lifts his foot to put it up on the door frame. And it all goes bad from there. Suddenly his foot is curling up and lifting up from the very first frame rather than from the frame I wanted it to - frame 00;00;03;20 in my case. All movement is now going back to that first frame instead of where I wanted it. I don't like that and it's discouraging me. Why is it happening? What am I doing wrong - every time?
Last reply by loggydoggy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Just finished Exercise 1. Planning on doing at least 1 Exercise per day until done. :-) I had some fun experimenting with the various controls defined for Keekat and getting a feel for how A:M combines changes on many sliders at once. It's actually VERY predictable, as you'd want and very intuitive.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Never completed 'The Art of Animation:Master'? There is no better way to learn A:M than to work your way through the manual. There are considerable benefits too. - You have A:M so lets us it! - The lessons are a whole lot of fun. (Okay... that face one... and that darn giraffe... those two are hard!) - You'll be animating in minutes! (Lets see you do that in Maya!) - You'll exercise your animation muscles. (For hours, days, weeks, months and BAM! Suddenly you are a high fallutin' animator!) - You'll learn a whole lot, make new friends, and mingle with artist and animators with similiar interests. ...and all this you'll accomplish even if you never c…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I need soo much help on exersise 11.5 make a face i do not understand at all wat to do to make the face. As far as i can get is i make the two photos of the front and side veiw of coopers head. but then when your supposes to move and extrude to make the nose i dont understand at all how to do this!?!?!?!? i need a lot of help. if someone could possibly record a video of doing that part of make a face then that would be soo much help! thanks AmKyle
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm working on just a simple action, the resolute walking.. and when I add a .wav file, the choregraphy becomes larger, which is expected, but the action slows way down. I can't seem to fix that. What do I do to make it work right?
Last reply by ortanu, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi everyone- I was able to complete a reasonable Cooper face and I'm continuing with the tutorial to finish his head. My skull is pretty good, but I've run into a snag with sculpting the ears. Please post your favorite techniques, tips, & tricks on how you sculpt an ear! Thanks so much! Erik
Last reply by SirCoffee, -
- 4 replies
I am a clinical psychologist and run social skills groups for children and adults with autism, Asperger's, ADHD and other challenges that affect their social behavior. We create our own simple animations, but it has also been very effective to take existing animations and either narrate them or to create movies based on how different members understand the movie (Imagine an audience reacting to a movie trailer). Here is a sample of one animation my group narrated a couple of years ago (adolescent humor) http://www.bgalephd.com/Practice/LUNCH/200...gbird_all4.html In all animations, we credit the site where they were retrieved from and typically credit the au…
Last reply by jon,