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- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Thanks to Rob for another tutorial! BTW- I decided to compare the older "Rigid Body" and the "Bullet Rigid Body " using identical setups and there is quite a difference. I'm not sure why that is but it is something to play with. Tom Comparisons.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
- 1.1k views I was trying to read up about using Compositer within AM and found some mention and links to a tutorial by Homeslice. He mentioned a tutorial by Davis Rodgers which I followed up with the link above, only to find that there were a number of missing images. Has the info been moved elsewhere ? regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
I've discovered a bug that crashes A:M v19.0 on my Win10 machine under very specific circumstances. Before I submit a bug report, I'd appreciate someone to check my work to make sure I'm not missing something. All required files should be in the zip file including the following image showing the chor layout (top view). Thanks Open displ_bug_test.prj displ_bug_test.cho shows grid_test_a.mdl within the camera's field of view while grid_test_b.mdl, located at X=550, is outside the camera's view both models are identical and have displ_bug_test.jpg decaled to both of them as displacement maps the chor uses sky_small.jpg for image based global ambience with inten…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
Congratulations on getting V17 out! Any chance of getting a summary of what's new in V17? -Vance
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 14 replies
AM v. 18f I can not create a connection that does not continue spline. In earlier versions of this tool does ADD MODE (A) while pressing SHIFT I have one this is happening? How to create a compound that is non-extendable spline?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I just realized I've been computing constraint enforcement percentages all wrong! I'll take a look at this at Live Answer Time
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Good evening everyone, I am looking for a way to give the same size of a bone to another bone by the constraints or expressions. Anyone know how we do it?
Last reply by Malo, -
- 5 replies
I'm about to do some briefs using two figures on a seesaw ( teeter totter in US ? ) and wondered what the best way might be to constrain them to sit on the plank might be ? Tried constraining them to a bone in the seat, with a translate to but they seemed to move relative to the bone when the board was rotated ?. Now have two nulls, one to each side and the figures translated to those. Are there other methods anyone can suggest ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 13 replies
Hello, We only got 2 entries for this contest should we extent the deadline something closer to Comic Con in July or just call it on this one?
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone. I need a bone to spin more than 360 degrees in an animation. I need it to be able to spin around and around many times. I recall having to switch the bone to Euler for this, but I can't seem to remember how or where to go in order to get that done. Do any of you know where to do this and how????
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
For a 2D animation spline, A:M stores the bias as gamma and magnitude. What are those values and how do I convert them to a 2D vector? Apparently the gamma is the value of a trigonometric function, but which one?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Converting a 2D material to a decal for cylinder wrapping...
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Hello Hashers- Doing a simple "cookie cut" mapping effect and it is not responding like it should. Instead of clean cutting it has a bizarre transparency effect whereby it chunks up the grid (see photo). I have embedded the simple project if anyone would like to test it. Also attached is the tga image used for mapping in the event it wasn't embedded along with the project. Thanks for any insights! Tom whitee0.tga CookieTest.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
I think I've found an anomaly in the way cookie cut maps with alpha channels (which is the only way I use them) render specular highlights. My test map is shown below, an out of focus ellipse. I applied this as a color decal to a blue, four patch plane as a TGA file with an alpha map based on luminance so it should appear as a fuzzy white oval. The blue plane had a white specular color with size and intensity equal to 33%. In the top half of the following image are screen renders (9 pass) of the plane as seen from four different viewing angles; 20 deg. off perpendicular, 15 deg., 10 deg. and 0 deg. or normal to the plane. As expected, both the fuzzy o…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 7 replies
This may sound a bit convoluted but, I've spent the last few days trying to learn how to use Flash and produced a short New Year greeting in it. Rendered that as a QT movie file and want to use that as a cookie cutter decal in AM. This is the result. The cutting seems to take place on the first frame but then stops. It uses the background colour rather than an alpha channel. could that be the problem ? regards simon V17g OSX
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
I've encountered a similar problem before and my apologies for asking again. I'm trying a technique whereby I draw with oil pastels on clear plastic, photograph it and import into AM for use as a Cookie Cut decal. I made a little run sequence, converted it to png files with a background in each frame of pure white ( 255,255,255 ) applied that sequence to a flat with the white selected as the key colour. The first frame was as expected The second came out solid rather than cut I will go back tomorrow and convert them to alpha backgrounds but, in the meantime, can anyone kindly suggest what the problem might be ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
I've used cookie cutters before and it was the alpha chaanel that did the cutting. Is it possible to do it with a designated colour or does it rely on the alpha channel ? simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 14 replies
Hi, I am having trouble pasting mirrored bone keys from one action to another in V17/18 on the same model. I wonder if the process changed after V12. Pasting mirrored Smart Skin keys works. Thanks ahead.
Last reply by strato, -
- 5 replies
Is it possible to copy the key frames from one character in a chor and post them onto another using the same rig. If so what is the proceedure ? Have tried selecting all of character A's keys in the PWS and pasting on B's but it beeps to suggest not possible ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 11 replies
Had a model I tried to unify normals on (in front view right click mouse and choose wizards, correct normals) and Hash dies on me. Anyone else have this?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 9 replies
I recently snagged v 19 and am and wanted to do a test using cloth. First I made a couple of primitives. Next I made s plane and applied a cloth material. When I drop them in the chor and animate the plane the cloth does't seem to simulate but rather the plane just moves from point a to point be as i set it. My goal ultimately after someone is kind enough to enlighten me on what I am missing in my prj is to simulate a sheet and ultimately export it out when conformed to various shapes as a quad obj that I can convert to nurbs and eventually be able to make parts that I can cast (ie die cast models). Reason for nurbs is so I can add a thickness to the new shape, t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I have been doing quite a bit of pewter castings and they are antiqued. Curious if I can apply a decal to a prop in 19? Also need to create a texture that can fill in the dents and recesses but keep the tops shiney (pbr) but I don't want to have to use a 3rd party program like 3d Coat to do this. Can this be done in AM? Is there a stock shader floating around that can be close enough? Sorry for the edit, found a better image of base product so you can see how they look.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 29 replies
I'm working with the 2008 rig in V17 ( although also use V18 ) and I'm having real trouble getting the cp weighting done correctly. Whatever I seem to do goes wrong after a short period, leading to all sorts of distortions and bulges. Is there a table anywhere which suggests suitable settings ? or, Can I pay someone to do a figure for me so I can use that as template to setup the other figures ? Its driving me crackers. simon Grandson Shirted 01.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Having learnt a lesson with the Teddy Bear now trying to CP weight his partner. It is a very long, tedious, involved process. Would it be possible to make a feature request ?I have read a few tutorials on how to do it but may have missed something ( ?) The process appears to be that you select the cp's in muscle mode and then add %values to vary the weighting ? Two factors make it a bit tedious for me, 1. When you select a bone in the dialogue window the same bone does not always show up the selection box below ( see screen shot ), so you then have to scroll through a long list to make sure the correct one is listed. That gets a bit tired after awhile.…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
CP Weights
by Xtaz- 2 replies
Is there a way to dock CP weights window ?
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 5 replies
I know this is a perenial question, my apologies for that. I am trying to redo the model of the young boy for the dance project and decided to use retopology as a way of improving my modeling abilities ( not very advanced ), using the previous model as a base to work from. It worked OK for the body but, have encountered some difficulties with the face. I was trying to use the Cooper tutorial in TOAM as a guide and got this, when rendered it comesout with very noticeable creases Fine if it was me but not so good for a 11 year old. I am hoping to smooth out the other bumps with cp repositioning but can't seem to remove the creases. Can someone kindl…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
Anonymous asks... You can set exact angle in the bone's properties. Combinations of X Y and Z can be confusing. It is best to work from bones that start from straight vertical or horizontal orientations.
Last reply by detbear, -
- 10 replies
I know that AM does not directly support either, but we all use other apps besides AM. Which do you figure would be more beneficial in the long run, CUDA support or Open CL? It looks like both Davinci Resolve and Fusion support both, as well as Adobe Creative Suite but Open CL seems to have a bit more 3rd party support. I'm looking at a possible video card upgrade and having a hard time deciding between AMD and Nvidia.
Last reply by strato, -
- 10 replies
Working in V17g, under OSX 10.68 Revising last weeks brief, checking the mesh penetration glitches. It was going well, doing quick regional renders to test position, suddenly, this happened, Since then the render times have gone through the roof. For example a 9 second segment that was taking 2 seconds per frame to render, has gone out to several minutes per frame. Can any one point me to what the problem might be and, most importantly. How to fix it ? regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
I'm having to prepare something for a course starting in October and have encountered a curious problem in V17G. I set it up last night and left it rendering away. Saved it, "Saved animation as" and reloaded the project. Only to find that the chor had lost the names of the model shortcuts. I redid those and rendered again and, while that was going through thought to use Multiple master to animate the next part of the idea. When the project was loaded into the multiple, the names had disappeared again, even though it was going through on the same machine in saved form ? This is the first, with names in place. This is the second, same proje…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 22 replies
Experiment with caustics... Update: Version of the above project if you want to try: CutGlass22 new dome.prj CutGlass22.pre Load the PRJ got to Render to File in Render to File Settings, use "Load a Preset" to load the above .pre file alter the file save location to somewhere on your hard drive press OK
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Working in V15, OSX 10.68 I'm trying to help a textiles student on the course I'm doing. She has some very elaborate designs which I decaled onto a very simple planar model of the 4metres x 2metres x 2 metres space. Her designs are 50cm by 50 cm, so I applied them once, and asked it to repeat them across the surface seamlessly. Unfortunately it came out with this effect. Rather than repeating them laterally and vertically it mirrored them symetrically. Is there a way around this or would I have to apply them all singley as separate stamps ? Any help gratefully received Simon I did a test with a simpler decal. G Test project.prj
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
Is it possible to edit a decal stamp ( a long time ) after it has been applied ? It is only as I get to a closeup shot that I find that there is a patch on a face cheek that the stamp missed. A bit of a clanger on my part. Rather than go back and redo it by flattening the model and starting over again, can it be done abother way ? Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi all, I'm trying to add decals with transparent backgrounds, as I've done many times before without problems. I create my decal in Photoshop CC and save as either TGA or PNG. PNGs come out with a black background; TGAs with white. I've tried all options in save options, but no change. I admit to being rusty, but I'm sure I'm doing this the way I always did. Any suggestions gratefully received!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 15 replies
This one is eluding me... What I'm trying to do is place a rectangular decal (or patch image... although this would be problematic) onto a a plane that (from the top view) has the curvature of a spiral. In thinking about this further I can see how I might warp (or unwarp) the mesh to get everything straight from top view and then drop the 'bottom' down to where it needs to be but I'm wondering if there is an easier or more elegant way. A cylindrical stamp won't work because that would repeat the image (which isn't what I want). Hmm.... while typing another approach suggests itself but I don't think it'll work. That would be to decal only one small part of…
Last reply by serg2, -
- 6 replies
Hello AM, I explore AM's extremely efficient and powerful mapping system ! I have a question about surface displacement : The definition is not excellent and we often end up with a rather coarse physical aliasing if we approach the 3D model. Is there an option to achieve progressive aliasing depending on the distance to the camera? thanks in advance greetings
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 36 replies
Hi all, Is anyone else having issues with decals in v18a? In real-time they don't display properly on the screen but do render out correctly. Each time a model is loaded the misrepresented decals change. Here are some shots for your amusement. The images that get mixed into the decals can be from anywhere I have found; bits from my email window, bits of web browser window, Finder windows, or just random noise, anything really. I've tried all the usual resets and reinstall of v18a, but it persists.
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 9 replies
Hello, In the windows of Decals, I have a way to detach CP of each other (Ctrl click). But I don't find a way to paste them again. Is it possible? It is also possible to exclude a patch of Decals (Remove decals...), but I don't find a way to import a patch in Decals. Is it possible? I ask this, because when I modify a textured model, I lose patches in Uvs. So I try to found a way to repair the UVs. Thank you in advance for the answers
Last reply by Malo, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
In this (non-A:M) rendering, depth of field is achieved as postrender blurring via a generated depth buffer. I wonder of this same technique can be used in A:M? This would for me be preferrable to the standard way of doing dof in A:M, which involve loooong (sometimes up to 20 minutes) rendertimes to look good (as comparison the above picture rendered in a little under 2 seconds, including the blurring process). Apparently there IS a depth buffer present in A:M, but I have never come to grips with how to use it. It would be so nice if this could be done inside A:M itself without having to use some compositing software like After Effects (which I cannot a…
Last reply by Tore, -
- 9 replies
Hey Guys, At the Q&A with Roger and Robcat, I offered to let them have a grab at my simple custom eye set. This simple toon rig is from my dragon rig on Adventures With Boomer. The rig could be stuck to any character... Here ya go... 2016 Detbears Toon Eye.mdl
Last reply by largento, -
- 6 replies
In general i do not have a bigger problem with such things but this is very unpolite if you ask me:
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 6 replies
I was wondering if the gurus at Hash have ever thought of doing a series of tutorials on digital tutors. I know the recently blender was added could animation master also be in added in the future? I think that would be a huge boon for the program if that happened but who knows.
Last reply by pming, -
- 3 replies
I am trying to get some animations into the GODOT engine, but the direct X exporter goes to and OPEN window instead of save... Any thought? @Fuchur
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Many times over the years I have added some constraints in a Pose, closed the Pose window and then... they were gone! Now i have found a repeatable set of steps that makes this happen and a work-around to avoid the loss. First try this SimpleArmIKTest005.prj Open SimpleArmIKTest005.prj (Thanks to Forum member Tom for contributing this test case) In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm> >New>Pose>On/Off to start a new Pose (aka "Relationship") In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm>Bones, drag "handIK" to the top of the hierarchy by dragging it onto the Bones folder In the Relationship window> on the …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
Here is a turn-around of flat grids with displacement maps on them. I modeled some hemispheres and pyramid shapes, put a gray gradient on them and shot them from overhead with an orthogonal camera. The render that produced is on the top card. The bottom card has the image blurred and re-saved in Photoshop. The shading results are fairly consistent in the first half revolution when the patch normals are facing us, but get odd when they are facing away.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hello I've just bought animation master, and I try some basic animation (bouncing ball, etc). But in the graph editor, I can't display bezier handle (spline interpolation is selected). It's possible to display bezier handle since I've seen animation master tutorial where people clic on keyframe to display bezier handle. I've search the forum for bezier handle but get no result found. Thanks in advance if anyone can help me. Regards Mitab
Last reply by mitab, -
- 5 replies
Hi there, by accident, I changed the display of bones in a mode, where they get displayed as sticks only. Up to now I was not aware that this is possible ... Where and how can I reverse that so they get displayed in their usual elongated diamond shape again? Regards, Heiner
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I'm using WinXP, and I have v17. I'd like to be able to browse my models (that have thumbnails) with win explorer, this would also allow browsing with thumbnails in the open dialog box. So, any ideas?
Last reply by PopaR, -
- 8 replies
Within a new pose, can you use distortion mode to move and key cp's...... I get odd results in v16. William
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hello Hashers- Was interested in playing around with the Treez plugin using V15 but can't locate the plugin. Does anyone have a link? Thank you, Tom
Last reply by Tom,