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- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
Extras DVD
by Elm- 6 replies
Hi! Can the extras DVD be found for download somewhere (if it's freeware)? Or is there some kind of A:M model library online somewhere? Greetings, Elm.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 21 replies
[Solution: shorten filename] Has anyone else ever had an error dropping in a wave file into a project? I have several PC's I work on and everything is great when importing an audio file, but on one machine I get "trouble opening mci device error: 304" on this Windows 10 machine. The wave file imports, but there is no audio playback. I so I assume it's that machine and look to make sure all drivers are current and can't replicate the problem in any other app other than A:M. I can import an MP3 and that has playback no problem. Unfortunately I am noticing sync problems and it does not display a waveform in the timeline. Probably because MP3 is not fully support…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Can some kind person remind me how to get to the weighting window please cheers Steve
Last reply by steve392, -
Hash Store problem [solved]
by Guest tom- 1 reply
HELP - please check the support emails ! PLEASE ! Several items - need to be corrected - First - I have a PERM Lic for v18 - but lost the activation when my PC crashed and rebuild - need to get that re-activated ! Second - purchased V19 for my new PC (after the crash - now win10) Purchased several Add On Render Nodes BUT - the Render Node web page gets SQL Error Activate your rendernodes SQL-Error: Table 'hashcom_store.zen_orders' doesn't existArray ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /home/hashcom/public_html/www/html/preset_includes/include_add_rendernodes.php [line] => 212 [function] => sql_error [args] => Array ( )…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 4 replies
If you ever wondered why "likes" disappeared from the forum... it was my fault. I figured they reduced actual commenting and thought that getting rid of the "like" button might encourage more responses to posts. I still figure that is true but since removing the option to "like" things didn't increase the commenting, we might as well have them back. Thanks to Rodney for trying my experiment and for undoing it as well! I wonder if anyone will like this post...
Last reply by Shelton, -
How to enter serial number when installing app windows 10
by Guest Waldobasics- 1 reply
Hey, there's nobody in the hash office until tomorrow. I have the worst luck. How do I install the app on my PC running windows 10 using the serial number. As is, the app installs without it and then doesn't work. The box that pops up says... The code execution cannot proceed because of mfc140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. please help
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I ran the A:M three teapots benchmark on my Core 2 Quad Q6600 machine. At the stock speed of 2.4GHz it takes about 5:10 per frame I have a utility to overclock the CPU. At 2.8GHz it takes about 4:14 per frame, which is about 20% improvement for only a 16% increase in speed. But at 3.0GHz the time goes up to 4:40 per frame. So what goes wrong at that higher speed?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
Here is a turn-around of flat grids with displacement maps on them. I modeled some hemispheres and pyramid shapes, put a gray gradient on them and shot them from overhead with an orthogonal camera. The render that produced is on the top card. The bottom card has the image blurred and re-saved in Photoshop. The shading results are fairly consistent in the first half revolution when the patch normals are facing us, but get odd when they are facing away.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
Hi! I know or think it’s possible to do a particle rocket flame in AM. Are there any tutorials or guides you can point me to? Thanks! Rusty
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 7 replies
The Prehistoric! Image Contest poll is closed. The votes have been cast! There is a winner! Keep your peels eyed on this spot for the results announcement coming soon! Soon-ish! Not like next week or anything but I'll get to it! This gallery will be updated with artist names after the results video is released. Click any image to see it larger! Competition entry: "Amber Waves" wireframe: Competition Entry: "Time Traveling" wireframe: Competition entry: "Homo Cellphonius" wireframe: Exhibition image: "Travelin' Trilobite Trails" wire…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I've discovered a render glitch in v19j1 and I need to send the entire project to Mantis. Is Consolidate sufficient or do I need to Embed All as well?
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
repeating Decals?
by Guest Tom- 3 replies
Hello Hashers- I am using v 19.0i on a Windows 7 machine and I have an animation cycle with 15 tga files that have alpha channels. I slapped that 15 image sequence on a flat model and am trying to get the 15 images to repeated endlessly on that flat model. When I use the "repeat" function in the decal properties menu it causes the decal to only reproduce itself as tiny versions of itself. What I was hoping for was simply a command that would cause the 15 image cycle to repeat endlessly. Does anyone know how to do this? Many thanks! Tom
- 6 replies
Hello everybody, many already know that little tradition of us and I did not want to forget to post it here. In Germany it is tradition to have a small christmas / advent calendar were you can open one small door every day and get for instance some sweets or a small gift every day till christmas in December. 3We (the company I work for) has one too – we show on funny, thoughtful or just nice commercial from all over the world every day in that. Another day and another door will be available :). And as always all the art work has been created with Animation:Master: 3We Adventskalender 2019 Hope you like it and let me know what you think :). Bes…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Before I begin trying to find the source of this bug I'd like some opinions as to what might be happening. Attached are two "versions" of four sequential TIF files (545 through 548) from an on-going Netrender job. If there is a "b" (for bad) in the filename it is the first frame rendered by any one of the my four cores. If there is a "g" (for good) it was either not a Netrender first frame or it could be any frame rendered within A:M itself. I've numbered the files so you can sequentially show them bad, good, bad, etc. When I cycle through them on my monitor, the bad ones seem a bit darker and noisier but nothing that says "obviously this is what's wrong"; they're ju…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 25 replies
OK, this is a long shot. Is there a way to automatically apply key frames to a percentage pose slider. For example; If I manually move a bone from point A to point B in an action, that animation would then automatically move a pose slider a certain percentage based on some predetermined association (x translate of bone1 from -5" to 10" moves the pose slider 0 to 100%) This may sound like a strange need, but I have been using A:M to program animatroncs with the majority of the control generated through key framed poses exported through an A:M action file. I am looking to combine the pose sliders with an IK rig, but I want that IK rig to drive the pose sliders in a …
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
I've very lax in loading the latest versions and have been using 19.0e since it came out. I just installed 19.0j and upon starting AM got the error message: "Unable to load plugin" (followed by a sequential list of all the .atx and .trb files I bought from EnhanceAM) "The specified procedure could not be found". I made sure this version was looking in the correct folder. I loaded v19.0i and got the same result. I don't have ver.g or ver.h but ver.f had no problem loading them. Do I need to supply a sample EAM .atx and .trb file to determine what broke?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Down at the bottom of the screen forum members should start to see social media icons for various platforms. With those icons, A:M Users should be able to share the posts here in the A:M Forum with all their friends and relatives. Please let us know if you have any issues with that feature and we will investigate.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Due to recent update of forum permissions some are experiencing lack of access. It is reported that logging into and out of the forum is resolving this issue.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
I heard a rumor Mac Catalina has been released. Hopefully some brave soul is testing Animation:Master on it. Crossing fingers and hoping things might actually be better than worse.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Can anyone explain this? This model has drop-on Poses made for common hand poses like fist, rest, hyper-extended... I made the Poses for the right hand then copy-paste mirrored them to another Pose to make the left-hand version. That worked for all of them except "Salute" Why do the bones not mirror correctly for that one? Loyd_031dx hand mirrorTests.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I've usually used a mouse with Animation:Master just because that is what I learned with and that is what I know best but... I'm leaning into using a pen and need to get it fine tuned and optimized for working in A:M. Any suggestions/recommendations?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I have had AM on the edge of my radar for a while, but could someone please tell me how the licenses used to originally work back in the day before activation ? Occasionally original AM versions pop up on Ebay and I was wondering how many versions since AM has required online activation ? I may sign up and subscribe now, but would still like a legacy version fully offline and internet independent which could just be swapped around as I change my machines. Could anyone please tell me which version was the last of the old school versions that worked in this way please ? Also, I read somewhere that AM is something of a closed ecosystem because of the specific way…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
LC Baby F.mdl TLC S3 Baby 003C.act Trying to finish The Learning Curve but, having a lot of problems. Slowly sorting out most of them but, this one is proving difficult to trace. Because it started with an old model, a the finger poses were done using skeletal mode. I know now, thats not the way to go but, not then. The scene was animated as as an action and i seemed to go ok until I checked the right hand. The fourth finger ( the pinkie ) was completely skew wif with the three bones at complete variance to each other. Went back and corrected the model, and the settings in the pose controls but, when the corrected model is used the variance i…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
We were talking about overlapping motion in DavidDenzill's recent thread. This PRJ lets you experiment with overlapping motion and quickly see the result. HeadBanger03.prj open the PRJ open Action2 and look at it from a side view. I have keyframed the two extremes of a head-banging motion on Rabbit... up-down-up-down-up-down... play it! It's motion but it's stiff! Next, grab the keyframes for Head and Neck and slide them a couple frames later. (Hold down the SHIFT key and drag a bounding box around the keyframes you want to move.) play it! Suddenly, what was stiff is now flexible! Try three frames... four... five.…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Trying to finish off the Learning curve, using V18g in OSX 10.85. Made some modifications to one of the models, saved it as an iteration. Looked ok visually so tried to test it it as a render using the action window previously worked in. When I tried to do a quick render, the process seemed to stall, with the message appearing, "calculating the visible patches". That went on for some minutes and eventually aborted that render. Tried again, the render crashed the program. Opened up again, same project, same settings, same problem with calculating the visible patches. Went out to do some food shopping and leave it to get on with it. Ju…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
I have no experience of rigging so, when I adapted a model from a DVD some time ago, went with the rig installed I've insterted an extra bone since then ( for the lower torso, but thats not giving problems). Have lined up the feet and the legs in the model window but, when animated in an action window a twist or distortion appears in the ankles areas. Could someone kindly suggest what the problem might be and how to correct it ? Thank you for your time. simon LC Baby C.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 33 replies
I bought some extra nodes. Now... where do i find the instructions on making them work with an additional networked computer?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 39 replies
The 2019 Summer Image Contest is here! Entry date extended to... December 20! It's... Topic: Prehistoric! Prizes: Every entrant gets a Texas Lottery Card for The Big Scratch-Off! Fourth thru tenth place finishers will receive a Top Ten certificate so suitable for framing you get a dollar to buy a frame. The elegant Image Contest Medal is awarded to the top three finishers. Hash Store Gift Credits. $150, $100 and $75 for the top three finishers, two $25 credits randomly awarded among 4th -10th place finishers and one $25 randomly awarded among the remaining entrants. Big thanks to Hash for providing these…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Try loading this project and do an onscreen render from the camera view. simple cyl01.prj Do you get anything other than blue sky? I just get blue sky. Other projects load and render normally, but in this one the ground and model don't render. What is different?
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Keep your eyes peeled for the Summer 2019 Image Contest topic announcement! It's coming...
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 3 replies
What is the procedure for updating the "Display Help for current property" feature in A:M? Many basic items are still "Not documented yet" There is an "edit" button, but how does an edit I make get incorporated into the regular distribution and how do we know that it even should be?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
on the Choreography and choose plugins>SimulateSimcloth. Why does the orange cloth fall through the green deflector object? BrontoNeckTest05.prj
Last reply by serg2, -
- 9 replies
As mentioned elsewhere, have been having a lot of tech troubles recently, had thought they were behind me now and to get on with something new(ish) but have hit a problem with alpha channels in TGA files. First a bit of background. I'm working in V18 within OSX 10:8.5. on a Mac mini, I7, 2.3ghz with 4Gb of Ram. Just rendered two scenes to TGA with the figure set against an empty background ( ready for compositing later ). All was well until I opened them in Photoshop, to find that the background had rendered as black rather than transparent. When selecting the background and deleting it, the Alpha transparency is there but, ideally, don't wish to do tha…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 10 replies
I put in a trial request, sent off my host id etc, a few days ago but haven't heard back. I've bought a Windows tablet with a Wacom Digitizer for drawing and working on when I'm not at my main computer. Photoshop works great on it and I've seen a video of somebody using Z-Brush on it but I know A:M doesn't always play nice with Intel onboard graphics and want to test it before I get a license. I'm gonna be on a plane for 7 hours this coming Saturday so was hoping to tool around on A:M during the flight.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 0 replies
I just updated to the latest Mac OS and wanted to let the Mac A:M users know what to expect. As expected, A:M is NOT really usable in Mojave. Many things still seem to work, but the primary problem is that the Project Workspace is unclickable. It's responsive in that selecting something in a model window or choreography will highlight the specific element in the PWS, but no amount of clicking on it will allow you to select it or interact with it via the PWS. Fortunately, the menus and item specific pop-up menus are still functional. Most of the other windows do seem to function: Timeline, Properties, Poses, etc. Some of the tool panels are also unclickable. …
Last reply by largento, -
- 2 replies
If you are not using A:M's automatic back up feature you are missing out on a huge convenience. There have been many times when I've made a mistake that was too many steps and too many window changes to back out of with Undo. Having the last hour of of my work archived in five minute increments and being able to go back and find the last version before I made the mistake has saved a lot of rework.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 29 replies
One last question....completely unrelated to the decal mapping question. I am trying to create a plume of smoke like the kind that happens when a rocket is about to launch. (see the "red line" in the picture below) I am struggling to understand how the sprites can react to the force AND gravity and create that cool looking plume that rolls in on itself. In the zipped Project I attached I create an invisible channel to help shape the plume ........but my smoke is a dud. The project file is zipped (but it is in V. 18) so if any adjustments are made, please do them in V. 18...thank you, Any suggestions are welcome... Tom …
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 3 replies
For whatever reason, the program had the cobblestone pattern going one way to the left of the canal that the Bridge of Sighs spans and another way on the right side. I could not rotate the pattern to the right until I split it off from the one on the left and rotated it. I gave both the same properties, but for whatever reason the texture on the left ends up much darker than the pattern on the right. I am using Version 18 of A:M. I am also interested in knowing if there is a control for darkness of a texture and where that control is. Here is the example I am describing:
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hey- anyone noticed the 'depth images' that are all the rage on Facebook right now? Here is a instructional sheet (not mine) I found regarding how to do it, and of course my first thought is... we can do this in A:M really easily with the depth map render! I am out the door for the weekend or I would whip one up... anyone else that wants to be the 1st- HAVE AT!!! The Facebook depth effect is an image that as you scroll over it... on your phone or desktop, appears to have a multi-plane that is driven by your scroll. The image is built by Facebook as you load-up 2 images... your RGB color image and a depth greyscale image.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
After several months of frustrations with El Capitan, 10.11.6, I was obliged to upgrade to Mojave, 10.14.4, today. One of the reasons I had been reluctant to do so had been the question of compatibility with AM. Haven't tried it fully yet but, on opening it for the first time, a message from Apple flagged up saying it was not entirely compatible with Mojave and to contact the developer. The first thing noticed was that the drop down buttons in the PWS didn't seem to work. Could move the bones in an action but, not close down the drop down lists. Is there a patch available for V18 or a workaround? Thank you for any help. simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Me again Guys, had some problems and now needing to reinstall. Where can I find version 18 for a Mac?
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 0 replies
For a while, it was going to be Planes, Trains, Automobiles... and Flying Saucers! FlyingSaucers1000.mp4 Someone asked me if the Image Contest winners had been announced yet. No! I am tediously slow at getting the announcement video done. Hopefully real soon now...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Looking at getting a workstation and if I do I want to transfer my sub over to that from my laptop. Is that possible, huge pain? Thanks, Ken
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 15 replies
Presently trying to edit the F curves on an animation sequence and having all sorts of "fun" doing so. Can anyone kindly suggest a broad strategy for going about the process?. Mainly trying to stop feet going through the floor plane and smooth out positional changes as it approaches or moves away from the keyframe. If I adjust one bone until it works, it inevitably affects the position of another. Its probably age catching up with me but, it can get very involved and confusing very quickly. I wondered if there was a fairly standard way of approaching the problem, such as starting where in the bone heirachy, what type of interpolation to use. I appre…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
This has happened before but I worked around it. If possible, I'd like to avoid it happening again. I animated my flour dancing. When it came to editing it to avoid mesh penetration, found that, in the choreography, there were two sets of keyframes to adjust. Can someone kindly point out the problem and how to avoid it in future? Thank you. simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hey there, been using AM since the early 90s and recently upgraded to Windows 10 on my main PC and the security features on my old CDs no longer work. I will be keeping this PC for at least another few years and wanted the never expires option tied to a single PC. But I don't see it on the store and when I finally do upgrade to a new PC what is the process to transfer the license to the new PC? Thanks!
Last reply by MAYAman, -
- 2 replies
Goodday all. I have downloaded 19g and netrender is giving error message. I have loaded the correct project, chor, camera, output location, etc into netrender. As soon as the render process starts a error appears. The error message says files (.act .mdl) are missing for my project. Netrender is searching in the c:\Program File\Hash inc\v19\Data\Material\..... for action and model files for my project. I have not saved my act and mdl file in that location. Why is netrender searching for it in that location. The act and mdl files for my project is saved in my 'document' folder. How do I tell netrender to look in my document folder? When…
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 9 replies
I'm wondering if there will be a new one. I'm constantly finding myself making or looking for new scenery, especially buildings. I for one, would be happy to contribute some models. Is there enough interest in the community?
Last reply by Rodney,