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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Animating a 100metre sprint in V17g Made the mistake of not moving the model bone with each step ( decided not to make the same mistake with the runner in the next lane ). However, as I procede, the model bone seems to keep growing in the Y axis, or rather the rotate handle on it does. Is this normal ? A consequence appears to be that, when trying to select a rig bone, it has become easier to select the model bone by mistake and more difficult to select the rig bone without having to use the PWS. This is the bone on frame 00:00:00 And this the same scene 5 seconds or so later, Notice the growth ? The track is to scale, so the handle seem…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello, I am in the process of testing bone stresses with AM. I do fairly empirical tests and it lacks efficiency in some cases because I do not really understand what the constraints correspond to in terms of parent / child links. Is there a list, or a table summarizing the context of action of each constraint? It would be much more efficient for me! thank you in advance
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
A few months back I asked a question about accidental changes of bones heirachy in the chor. The problem is that, it is sometimes possible to change the heirachy by accidentally dragging the bone in the PWS. If you spot it before going too far you can revert but, if not, you get the problem illustrated here. The heel has become part of the knee heirachy. My recollection is that, the only way to overcome that, was to delete the bone, then go back in and reset the keys at the appropriate points ? Have been working away on the dance sequence and saving iterations as I go . Only have 10-15 seconds to go ( out of 90 ) so a bit reluctant to go back and…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Yippee! The paperback version of "The Spiral Slayers - Book One: Encounters" will be available on Amazon in 5 to 7 days. Versions for Nook will appear in February. Work on "TSS - Book Two: Countdown Armageddon" is well underway, estimated publication is for the Fall or 2013. Get a sample at See the Animated Book Trailer at http (created with A:M) at // Happy New Year! Rusty
Last reply by ptiversen, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
In this model the green shape is a Boolean "cutter" and should conceal everything inside it. Can anyone detect an obvious reason that it is not completely hiding the portion of the gray S that is inside it? There don't seem to be any internal patches and all the normals are outward-facing. S-BooleanTest.prj
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
- 15 replies
Is there currently any known problems with it? Just asking, maybe someone knows ... However I already send a email to support as well. I attach the error I am getting ... Cheers Heiner
Last reply by Heiner, -
- 9 replies
At the last Live Answer Time I had trouble getting a satisfactory bouncy ball with Bullet soft body dynamics Here is a more successful attempt with a quadish-topology ball with more patches and the patches of uniform size. From left to right the balls have "stiffness" of 0.01, 0.1 and 1 All4Ball005b weight comparison.prj StiffCompareB000.mp4
Last reply by Tom, -
- 5 replies
Hi everybody.. since we are in the situation we are in I wanted to share with you a project of mine which I created with my 3d printer and Animation:Master. It is about a breathing mask which is reusable and is easy to clean while being comfortable. If you want to read more about the whole story or want to print your own, have a look at my blog article about it: Best regards, stay healthy and hope you are fine *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm trying to freshen up my older models. Most are importing pretty well. I have one (ver 9.1), so far, that causes A:M to crash before it fully loads. It's not a big or complex model. Is there a way to step through the load to find out where it's hanging up? Is there some sort of conversion tool somewhere? I looked at the text of the .mdl file, which was not corrupted. First glance, all looked normal.
Last reply by A:M Dave, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Hi! So here are the Bugs I was talking about. Sorry for blackening certain parts out in the screenshots for copyright reasons. Bug A: A model imported from V.16c: Renders well, but after changing reflectivity value on a certain group, it suddenly renders oddly (looks like accidental double extrusion, but isn't). Bug B: Figured out that it's an refresh/update issue - while rendering well locally, things mess up rendering via netrender (cps/splines magnitudes are messed up). Bug C: When trying to do Step-renders locally (due to the above mentioned netrender-issues) on multiple threads, renders randomly freeze (they render until infinity, no progres…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
We were discussing bullet physics in the Hangout today and I thought I'd see how it works on the Mac. Seems to be a problem with it. The properties box has a number of string errors and just trying to run the simulation with the default settings crashes the application every time. Here's what the properties box looks like: To be honest, I'm not sure this a feature I would ever make use of, but I'll do up a bug report when I get some free time.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Can you simulate cantelevers in AM with the bullet physics?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
so yesterday i posted about the 300 dollar A:M not shipping to my country so i thought about using smthn like MyUS to ship it but i still have some questions like i know i will get a physical box with manuels and stuff but it also says it will send me the download and activation code but my question is after buying it do i immediately get the activation code and extra dvd file in an automated email?
Last reply by EpikRawrXD, -
- 6 replies
Have a problem I've not encountered before and wondered if anybody else has and if they might have a solution ? This is a screen grab of the scene with a quick render in place. It shows the composition including the two figures. However, when I render it to file from the same camera, with no other changes, this is what comes out. A close up of one figure. Any help you can offer will be gratefully received. A bit of a puzzle! simon OSX 10.85 on a 2.3Ghz Mac mini with 4Gb of Ram AMV17g SSE3 PS I tried restarting it altogether, twice, but not change.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
I am aware that AM toon render can control the thickness of the line. Can you also control that line so that it is possible to taper it from one end to the other? (see attached graphic which shows a line created in a graphics program and some curtains which were rendered in AM) Thanks for any feedback! Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
To attempt to resolve a weird problem I want to reinstall AM on my notebook however I can't find my license (or activation number). I did a search and found a post which says 'just go to the hash site and to your account' but I see no way to do login screen or 'my account'. Does anyone know how this is done or, is there another way to get it? Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 4 replies
Hello- I was playing around with hair and decided that because of the complexity of the final model, I would create the hair separately as another "object" and then copy, paste it onto the final model when the hair was groomed perfect. That seemed to work OK when the Hair was a "material" that was applied to model "patches" however, when I tried the same thing using hair on a SINGLE spline with a "Shag emitter" material applied it only copied the spline and NOT the hair "Shag emitter" with it. Has anyone else been able to copy, paste a SINGLE spline with a shag emitter applied, from one model window to another successfully? The benefits would seem to b…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I've sent messages multiple times over the past few months to various contact emails listed on with the typical response being to contact a different email with no specific "Yes" or "No" answer to my request. I know there was a server/system crash around March which backed responses up. The last response suggested posting here on the A:M forum and here's the post. I want to purchase the newest A:M version that's compatible with Windows XP (v17?). Had v12 or v13 years ago and need an XP A:M again if possible. Why XP? I have another design program that is no longer available beyond XP I used with A:M back then to speed up workflow and want to d…
Last reply by AmXP, -
- 4 replies
V13 worked pretty good since last week. Suddenly I could not open the libraries, only posteffect works. All pathes under -Options- Folders- are ok. So I tried to reinstall the version new, but deinstallation is not possible, I always get the the message could not open INSTALL.LOG file. The same occurs when I try to deinstall V12 on my computer. Any idea what`s to do?
Last reply by Robert, -
- 10 replies
Hello All- Trying and experiment and not sure if it is possible. I have a cube with another smaller cube making a Boolean cut inside the large cube. I also have a blue cylinder sticking out of the cube (like a pipe sticking out of a wall). I would like the blue cylinder to be unaffected by the Boolean cut.... but as you can see by the picture, the Boolean cut effects everything (notice hollow area on blue cylinder). The question is, there a way to make a Boolean cut selective to only one object in a scene, while ignoring other objects inside the "cut area"? (I tried playing around with different bone hierarchies but, no luck yet.) Thanks for a…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
I'm trying to submit a bug report to Hash Reports but the max. attached file limit is 26,214k. I'm making v17e choke during a single frame render with a combination of models, materials and decals that generates a zip file just under 115,000k. I can't reduce the data set because then A:M doesn't hang. Any alternatives for uploading this much data?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
My previous license expired 3 days ago. I just purchased a new yearly license and received an activation code, but I can't open A:M in order to activate it. Please advise. Thanks. • Please disregard - I figured it out. Removed the license file from my A:M folder and reinstalled •
Last reply by cribbidaj, -
- 2 replies
Just started with AM 17 and I would like to take advantage of the community tab but I can't connect. Any ideas?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 3 replies
Some reason my user name and pw not working on the Hash store. Anyone else having problems? thanks
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 5 replies
If I set a roto with transparency to "Top" I can't see the bias handles on cp's. Anyone else have this? I seem to have little quirky things with my Quadro and AM and why I'm asking if it is unique to my setup. Thanks
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Can anyone else do a shaded render to an image sequence in v17? I'm always getting "Failed InitboundRender Info"
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
I've finally replaced my 10+ year old computer with something more up to date. It runs A:M just fine and solves two minor but annoying problems A:M had with my old hardware. But now I can't turn off spline anti-aliasing. Checking the "Antialias Lines" box has no effect. I've set the Radeon software Anti-Aliasing switch to "Use application settings". This isn't even close to being a real problem and I'll probably get used to it with time but Steffen might want to look into it. Maybe it's a symptom of other driver issues or maybe I'm just missing something.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 3 replies
Hi when i apply a decal in version 17g or any version of 17 I can not see the decal unless i do a quick render In version 16 I can see it without doing a render I'm on a mac not sure if this something to report or if its something else thank u j
Last reply by jimd, -
- 23 replies
Animation:Master has been able to use motion capture for years but it's always required expensive and complicated equipment. Not anymore! Now you don't need expensive equipment to record motion capture! No special cameras, no tracking balls! You can make motion capture from regular video! Get in on the Summer Mo-Cap Challenge! Learn how to do mo-cap for your A:M characters! There will be prizes including a $25 Hash Store credit for everyone who enters. "Follow" to this thread to stay up on developments (button in upper right corner) Learn to... Cap Your Mo! 1 Shoot some action video I recommend you …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Have been working on a model of a young boy for the next project. Learnt some lessons last time so was cautious this time around, saved regularly in different iterations as progress was made. Installed the 2008 rig up to the point were it said, " set up cp weights and smartskin", so have spent the past few days trying to get that ready for next phase of the rig installation. Had been working on half a model then intended to copy flip attach before going on to finish the rig installation. However, every time I try to CFA it crashes out the program. Sometimes when I reopen it then crashes when I just try to copy before pasting. I have tried it in V15 and V18 w…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 21 replies
First, if you never use more than 25 multipasses this was a non-issue and even if you do it was mostly undetectable. The following is only for the painfully curious. One way A:M does motion blur is with multi-pass. It slightly increments the point in time being rendered for each pass and moving objects appear blurred as the passes are blended together. As the number of passes is made larger the fraction of time between passes must be smaller. It turns out A:M stores time in "ticks", not seconds or frames, and A:M counts 135000 ticks per second. Every keyframe you make is stored internally as a number of ticks elapsed from zero. This makes it possible to cha…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 6 replies
I would like to use the Vector Interpolation driver on bones in an action file. I used to be able to select it in the option menu and set it for the project be default, but now everything is defaulting to quaternion. Even an older project is defaulting to quat. I change it in the options to vector and it just keeps reverting to quaternion. I don't want the rotate.w channel for this project, just xyz absolute values. How do I fix this? Thanks all, Charles
Last reply by DrPhibes, -
- 4 replies
I find these days I rarely need to use the default 'Replace' and tend to use 'Add' as the Blend Method for actions. I'm pretty sure I've changed the default blend method before but can't recall how to do it now. Or did I just imagine that. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
This relates to Tore's post on Scene lengths. Assuming a local variable isn't the cause... Can anyone tell me why this Chor Length defaults to 70? Recommended test: Open Project Crack open Chor (keyframe/dopesheet mode) in PWS Adjust Chor length to 50. Save Reopen I would expect the Chor length to adjust to the longest Chor Action (normal behavior) or stay at 50 (optimal). I can't see why it comes back as 70. If it doesn't open/stay at 70 for you then perhaps there is a local variable stored that is a root cause. Update: Just as I was posting I looked at the FPS of the Project and if set to another unit (say 24) that will result in a diff…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 14 replies
In the distant past I vaguely recall that it was possible to save an animation in a chor and edit it as an action file before reapplying in a chor ? But can't remember how to do it, can anyone kindly point me in the right direction? Baking actions seems to add a key on every frame, is there a way to just save the keys already set without adding further in the baking process ? I'm trying to do a dance sequence and, rather than redo it all, would like to use it as an action so I can get several figures doing the steps at the same time. regards simon Edit I found how to do it, clicking in PWS and selecting,EXPORT as Action. ( nothing like overlooking …
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 13 replies
I started to use markers in the chors a while back. The work has improved since ! However, sometimes they appear and sometimes they don't? For example, have just setup some in a top view and entered the place values for them. The arrows are there on the window frame, but the lines don't appear in the window. In the front view meanwhile, those lines do show. Is this a known glitch ? regards simon 0SX V17g
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Maybe a stupid question...but here goes: Is there a simple and preferable one-click solution to clean up images loaded into a project? That is: deleting unused image files from project?
Last reply by Tore, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Attached are the pictures of six different discs I have acquired over the years. I did not know if anyone wanted them for posterity, if nothing else. Each is kind of a snapshot-in-time and a walk-down-memory-lane, depending on how long you have been around. I am not asking much, if anything beyond shipping. They should not be above $7 to ship if you are in the U.S. If there is any interest, email me at Thumper
Last reply by thumperness, -
- 5 replies
Hiya, So, I actually could/should have asked this during the get together, but I didn't think to. I've noticed that for some functions to work, you have to "click-select" a node. You can't box select it. Lathe is an example. Why is that? Is it something to do with how splines work? Or is it just something that was programmed that way, and remained so through all the versions? It's not a problem. It's just as easy either way, I was just curious if there was a reason behind it. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
The function of "Clone CP Weights" is to copy the CP weights from one model to the exactly matching CPs in a target model. Question: What is the purpose of the checkbox for "Reassign target model CPs"? If I uncheck it, no CP weights get changed, which is the same as not using the plugin at all. @yoda64 I did watch the tut by @itsjustme but I didn't see it address that questions.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Here is a screen capture of the status bars of two instances of A:M They are both running the same cloth simulation with the same settings. The lower left one highlighted in green was started first. The upper right, in yellow, was started second and quite a bit later. The first instance (green) is bogged down in absurdly high numbers of substeps for each frame. The second instance (yellow) is sailing through with far smaller substeps needed for each frame and getting done faster. Same computer, same project, same settings.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
When Simcloth appeared I set aside the old cloth system and it's been years since I've used the Cloth Wizard. It's definitely something I need to find time for experimenting.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Thinking that it could be a nice thing if the project workspace in A:M was color coded, as to make a visible distinction between base parameters and animatable parameters. What do you think?
Last reply by strato, -
- 15 replies
Seems that the AM colour picker does not allow for entry of the full range available apps (, Photoshop, Gimp etc) or it uses its own scale. The colour I want is R 209, G 154, B 98 but do you think AM will let me enter 209 - No. So what do I do to try to match colours? Actually it looks like a defect with the colour picker value entry fields - they restrict users to 2 digits only....
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Modeled a column for my Guardian set and got to the difficult part of having the rounded divets on the ends of the fluting. I could have just faked it, but I went ahead and worked it out. This might not be the best solution, but this worked for me.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 3 replies
When we are at Comic Con 2014 I'm going to set up a webcam or maybe 2 to send images to our site. I'm hoping that we have enough bandwidth for it. The more bandwidth we have faster the refresh will be. Have a bit more work to do The page maybe as simple as a timed refresh but I'm hoping to have time to set up a 'on file touch' refresh where the page just refreshes when a new image is sent. Right now it's set up to send 1280x720 images but if we have bandwidth issues(which happen a ton at shows this big) I will try dropping the image size so you can still get images. Anyone that will be there we can not wait to see you!
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 3 replies
So I got the Webcams in the mail today. Even though they listed at 'HD' they are not. they are only 640. We are not going to be using them for Comic Con. It's just to much work to bring them for how bad the picture is. The problem is most software using the cam resolution but the cams we bought native resolution is really poor. We are going to try to(but sometimes that can not happen) upload every night to facebook and also check out our facebook because everyone there will have a email to upload all the pictures they take with their phone to There will be a lot more images starting Friday since th…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
So, After Windows 10 ate my last pc with all my stuff on it, I was pretty upset. I just didn't want t deal with it for awhile. I now have a new laptop and I was actually able to get my stuff off my old pc finally. So I can't really afford the subscription version of A:M, so I was thinking of getting the 300 dollar version. I actually have the money for that right now and it's been years since I upgraded. My question is; is it a digital download? My new laptop doesn't have a disc drive so I would need a digital version. Otherwise, I could always buy a usb disk drive, but I would rather not. Thanks for reading.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 3 replies
Simple question. Is the Community Tab in A:M still used? I've created a login for it, but it never works. Says I login doesn't exist, even though I just created it. So, I was wondering if it's still in use? Is that still supported? And is it separate from the forum community? And on that note, is there a Discord community, or anything like that?
Last reply by Fuchur,