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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

"Big Bang" animation - UPDATE 3/8

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Here is an animation test for the Giant character from my short film "Big Bang". I decided to go ahead and animate and actual shot from the film to kill multiple birds with fewer stones. Critiques are always welcome.


Caveats: lighting, texturing and background are temp. There are some outstanding deformation problems in the model, most noteably in the upper arms and wrists, that I haven't figured out how to solve yet. This film may not be finished before AM 25.1 ships.


Next I'll be experimenting with lighting, rendering and compositing techniques on this shot to figure out the final look of the film.




2.1 mb Quicktime Movie

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This film may not be finished before AM 25.1 ships.


Cool! Because that'll be around the time when I feel qualified to critique Victor Navone.



Thanks for showing. I just love it!! The timing is exceptional :D


There is one thing that I noticed and that I would have done differently (on the other hand I wouldn't been able to do a single frame of it in the first place...):


When your giant rocks the planet, leaning backwards the first time he(?) keeps his fingers down. The second and third time he stretches his fingers so they don't touch the planet. For me this seems a bit odd and I'm worried he'll slip. I would feel more comfortable if he kept his fingers down ;)


Obviously, nothing in your animation is there by accident and there is of course a reason for him to stretch his fingers. I get a strange feeling from it though and thought you might like to know :)


It's adorable. I love his expression on the second rock back. No wonder you get paid to animate. ;)


I think you should change the grin at the end. It feels wrong, somehow. :P


Yowie! Beautiful! Great feeling of weight and balance and proper rocking motion. Did you study physics or is it just by eye?


Thanks for sharing,




Oh, Brilliant!

Did you use a dynamic constraint on the halo/rings for the last few frames or was that hand animated?

I love the way the planet bobs around and your Giant character is adorably infantile.

Personally, the finger motion looks perfect to me. He stretches his fingers, emphasising the effort and potential energy, but his wrists maintain contact with the planet. Then when he over-rocks his fingertips grab the surface. Looks great!

A winner!

Thanks for posting that. :D


That is excellent work. I particularly think the flip was wondefully executed and I too wonder if it was done by hand. I like the way the halo bounces too, it really adds to the loose feeling of the scene. Looking forward to seeing more.




Vic - Fantastic work!!! I love when he rocks the planet and when he falls on it his expression is classsic......


The lighting although temp is still very effective ; This I have to learn cuz I find it challenging keeping my main character lit well without having crazy shadows poping up....


your work continues to improve.... thanks for sharing.....


Spec-freakin'-tacular! I really love the "squetch" as you call it, especially when his head hits the planet. Are you doing anything unusual with the arm rig? His arms at 124.18 look rubber-hosey but when he's rocking the planet, they look solid and boney.


Awesome work. I'm really looking forward to this short.


Very nice Victor!


The only thing that I notice is when he's flipped up & off of the planet... it doesn't feel right to me... hmmm.


I'm not entirely sure of the reason but it doesn't look like there's enough energy at the end of the spin to throw the little guy up that high. Perhaps the planet slows it's spin a little too quickly after he lets go?


(watches about 20 more times)


Ahh... The little guy's butt leaves the planet appropriately but that big head of his feels a little sluggish. Perhaps that's what is making it seem a bit off.


The facial expressions are great! That's no small feat with those black beady-eyes! And it's so cool to see your film coming together. I don't know how you find the time.


Also, care to share any tips on your rigging? I'm rigging my lead character now and I'm having trouble coming up with a good squashy-stretchy solution.

I'm not entirely sure of the reason but it doesn't look like there's enough energy at the end of the spin to throw the little guy up that high.  Perhaps the planet slows it's spin a little too quickly after he lets go? 

I think it's that the planet slows down pretty fast too. Maybe it should spin faster while he's in the air and slow just before he lands? Then again it could be the influence of gravity that slows it so fast. :)


Oooo...just looking at it some more. I wonder if squashing the planet when he lands would make much difference....hmmm.


Now I am in no postion for critiquing, but I feel the ring around his head shoudn't be there! I personally feel it drags away from the character!


thats about it!


keep up the good worki!


-Robert Fiermonte

Now I am in no postion for critiquing, but I feel the ring around his head shoudn't be there!  I personally feel it drags away from the character!

It could be part of the plot...either the planet is supposed to be missing a ring(although it looks too small for that planet he's on) or the character is being mischievous.

Incidently, on 114.18, the rings intersect the planet and that might have been putting us off before. Actually...his arms intersect the rings all through the fall.




The expression on his face when he starts to accelerate backwards is priceless.


You know, you might get picked up by some big company one day.

You know, you might get picked up by some big company one day.


you know he works for Pixar right?

No!... Really?


Just kidding. Actually, I think Victor is probably sick of that little joke by now.

robvmonte Posted on Jan 13 2005, 12:55 PM


You know, you might get picked up by some big company one day. 




you know he works for Pixar right? 


I think there may have been just the merest suggestion of sarcasm there ;)


Wow. I really enjoyed that. I thought the physics were great. I wouldn't change that smile at the end for anything.


Awesome animation Victor!!!!!!!


But like other guys said, the ring over Giant's head, is a little weird............I mean,......my first impression was : " Wow!!! a Saint Giant " :P :P ........................really, I think the ring attracts too much atention, and the facial expression loses protagonism.


Well, I hope you finish the animation before you're daughter goes to the university :lol::lol:


haha your my hero :ph34r:


I felt the fingers should be down too and the ring takes away alot of attention but everything else was PERFECT, your a freaking inspiration! :lol:


Thanks for all the feedback, especially the notes. These help keep me honest!

When your giant rocks the planet, leaning backwards the first time he(?) keeps his fingers down. The second and third time he stretches his fingers so they don't touch the planet. For me this seems a bit odd and I'm worried he'll slip. I would feel more comfortable if he kept his fingers down

Yeah, I'm not totally happy with the hand animation for the rocking sequence. It was really hard to get pleasing shapes in the wrist and still sell the physicality of the action. I'll need to revisit this.

I think you should change the grin at the end. It feels wrong, somehow.

Can you elaborate?

Did you study physics or is it just by eye?

All done by "eye", for what it's worth.

Did you use a dynamic constraint on the halo/rings for the last few frames or was that hand animated?

Everything is hand-animated, though I'd be curious to see what a dynamic constraint would give me.

Are you doing anything unusual with the arm rig?

Nothing unusual. I was just very specific about sculpting the elbow shapes using rotational relationships. I try to keep the outside of the elbow pointed and the inside curved.

The only thing that I notice is when he's flipped up & off of the planet... it doesn't feel right to me... hmmm.

Sigh. Yeah, I see this now that I've posted it for everyone to see. Funny how that works. I'll play with the timing and spacing on this, and I may end up reversing the direction of his flip.

Also, care to share any tips on your rigging? I'm rigging my lead character now and I'm having trouble coming up with a good squashy-stretchy solution.

Most of the squash and stretch is achieved through animation, but I do have some squetch built into the head an body using simple volume preservation expressions. I'll probably add stretch controls to the arms later.

I wonder if squashing the planet when he lands would make much difference....hmmm.

I thought about that but I think I want to keep the planet feeling more solid for contrast to his squishy body.

I feel the ring around his head shoudn't be there!

Well, I like the ring, and my vote wins! I figure for someone whose head is the size of a planet the only thing you could find to serve as a hat would be rings. Also provides an opportunity for some secondary animation and adds some interest to an otherwise very simple head. It's not terribly important to the story, but I'm stuck on the idea. Perhaps you're objecting to the way the ring is animated and not the design itself. There's a fine line between realistic overlap and distracting motion in this case.


Hopefully I'll be able to make these changes within the next day or so. Thanks again for all the feedback!




Excellent work as always.


I'm sure this recommendation is coming from left-field but...here goes...


A possible sight gag: The 'rings' are around the planet to begin with...he flips...and THEN the rings are around his head!


I'm sure you prolly already considered that...


AnyWAY...I'm diggin the simplicity.


Matt Campbell


i haven't laughed so hard for awhile..great animation...last time was the incredibles belt scene in the trailer


My only crits are small ones.


The part where he rocks back and slips off/down the planet he's on seems a bit fast, there's no anticipation. Perhaps, the rock back could be slower or as it reaches it's balance point, it comes to a stop before spinning back. He could just start to realize that somethin's wrong and then wham.


I think that what you were showing with the end grin and the eyes was "dizzy", but it seems abit more like "dopey". It seems a little quick. Something about it isn't reading as clear as you intended. Perhaps, he shakes his head to gather his wits?


Just my two cents,


Steve P.

A possible sight gag: The 'rings' are around the planet to begin with...he flips...and THEN the rings are around his head!

That's a cute idea, but I've already worked out how he gets the rings on his head earlier in the story. I guess I should have mentioned as another caveat that this shot is from the middle of the film, so many events take place before and after this.

My only crits are small ones.


The part where he rocks back and slips off/down the planet he's on seems a bit fast, there's no anticipation. Perhaps, the rock back could be slower or as it reaches it's balance point, it comes to a stop before spinning back. He could just start to realize that somethin's wrong and then wham.


I think that what you were showing with the end grin and the eyes was "dizzy", but it seems abit more like "dopey". It seems a little quick. Something about it isn't reading as clear as you intended. Perhaps, he shakes his head to gather his wits?


Just my two cents,


Steve P.

I think I understand what you're saying in the first crit. I'm going to be playing around with the timing in there.


As for the end, he will be "shaking it off" immediately after this, but that coincides with a story event that I've chosen not to include here.

Sigh. Yeah, I see this now that I've posted it for everyone to see. Funny how that works. I'll play with the timing and spacing on this, and I may end up reversing the direction of his flip.


Awww. I love how he falls. Though it could also be funny watching him land on his ass. The grin at the end is perfect IMO. I can see why people think it's too fast. But what I get from that is he's surprised that he landed back on the planet and he's childish with nothing hurting him. In fact the fall was like a roller coaster ride! He'll probably end up doing it again! :D Oooo.....I'm picturing him running on it and jumping from planet to planet. Haha.....spinning moons on his finger. Throwing them and using the gravity of a far planet to loop the moon back to him. lol This has such potential.


PS I also like the rings. The only thing I'd worry about is them possibly limiting the characters movement.


It looks great to me!


Just out of curiousity, do you like to go through and rough out many of these shots in 3D (to get a clearer idea of pacing than just animated storyboards) and tweak/perfect them LATER, or do you work on a shot like this until its perfect before moving on to the next one?




The only thing that I notice is when he's flipped up & off of the planet... it doesn't feel right to me... hmmm.

Sigh. Yeah, I see this now that I've posted it for everyone to see. Funny how that works. I'll play with the timing and spacing on this, and I may end up reversing the direction of his flip.


"Don't go chaaangin'.... just to try and please me." :lol:


I'm with Ken on this one. I really like the reverse spin after he lets go of the planet. It's got a great 'toony' feel to it and it's a good contrast to the preceding action. Perhaps if the planet were spinning a bit faster and, after his butt and legs leave the surface, he held on just a frame or two longer to get the energy needed for that final flip.


Perhaps, perhaps, perrrrr... haps.


So many obscure song references. So little time. :rolleyes:

PS I also like the rings. The only thing I'd worry about is them possibly limiting the characters movement.

This is an issue, especially with those long arms. I'll probably ending up cheating a lot of it and painting or comping out the intersections.


As always man, great work and very inspiring if I might say so my damn self! Great lighting too, what kind of lighting rig did you set up for that, or was most of that fiddling around with the toon shader's thermal gradient with a bit of fall-off?


cheers- -N


Thats super cool.....may I ask how is it that you go about comming up with the facial expressions you use...it all goes together so well..is it in your head? do you use illustrations lets say from a book? I saw somewhere that one animator sat infront of a mirror and made faces he thought would fit the scene....just curious

I even had to call my sons over to see this one (their 12 and 10) They got a kick out of it also....


Mike C

Great lighting too, what kind of lighting rig did you set up for that, or was most of that fiddling around with the toon shader's thermal gradient with a bit of fall-off?

Nothing special about the lighting. Just a warm key light, a bunch of reddish fill lights to warm up the shadow areas, and some cool rim lights. Again, this is just temporary lighting and its a quick shaded render. No shadows or anything.

may I ask how is it that you go about comming up with the facial expressions you use...it all goes together so well..is it in your head?

It's all out of my head. I did thumbnail drawings to plan the shot, but most of the facial stuff I figured out as I was animating. I do use a mirror sometimes for reference.


Well Victor, if mind share is any indication, you've succeeded. I watched the movie last night several times and when I woke up this morning it was the first thing I was thinking about.


There is so much that is good in this piece!

I especially love the changes in attitude/emotion.

The little grin at the end is saying to me, "Wow, I didn't expect that, but it was so cool!"


I like the hands on the planet just as they are. Lifting the fingers up shows more joy and confidence.


The concept is so wonderful! I love the idea of these objects held magnetically/gravitationally/magically in place. Reminds me of those educational toys with a ball suspended between two magnets and the cool planetary animations in the "Third Rock from the Sun."

Can you trace your inspiration for the concept?


I can't sign off without one tweek suggestion . . .

I would like to see the rings loose in the beginning as he's rocking. Perhaps you could just add a simple lag or spring action to those frames. They may take a little attention away from the main action, but as I see it now, logically they need to move.


Thanks for letting us in on this!




wow, great.

i love the smoothness and the level of detail of this animation.

one little thing, i think the grin at the end comes in a little early. maybe he can take some frames more to realize that nothing serious happened.

thanks for sharing. i'm very curious about the whole thing.


Hi Victor,

I really like your small animation.

Just a suggestion. To my mind the speed at which he is turning backwards seems a little bit to fast. How about slow him down, when he comes up again and than speed him up again for the next round. But may be this is just me.




holy cow :blink: , I'm always at awe with what you do. Anyways,


PS I also like the rings. The only thing I'd worry about is them possibly limiting the characters movement. 



This is an issue, especially with those long arms. I'll probably ending up cheating a lot of it and painting or comping out the intersections.


Couldn't you make the rings around his head in this case act like the bill of a hat, and move up when/if his arms touch it? That would remove the need to have to 'cheat' a little with it, and possibly save you work in the long run. Just an idea -Robert Lazzarini

Couldn't you make the rings around his head in this case act like the bill of a hat, and move up when/if his arms touch it? That would remove the need to have to 'cheat' a little with it, and possibly save you work in the long run. Just an idea -Robert Lazzarini

I thought about this, but it doesn't feel right to the "material" of the rings. Even though they are technically composed of lots of particles, I see them as being rigid rather than flexible. Once you see them bend they would cease to look like planetary rings.

Once you see them bend they would cease to look like planetary rings.


Not necessarily bend, what I meant was to have the entire ring around his head tilt, for example like the way a symbol tilts on a drum set when you play it. Sorry for the confusion if any ^_^ . -Robert

Not necessarily bend, what I meant was to have the entire ring around his head tilt, for example like the way a symbol tilts on a drum set when you play it.

That's what they do already, but sometimes I run into a pose where I can't tilt the rings any further out of the way without them intersecting somewhere else on the body. I'm also trying to avoid really extreme movements of the rings over a few frames that would draw the eye unecessarily.


C'mon, you'll get away with that..... just paint them out.


I'm wondering if it would be too much too have a reaction if the arm hits it.... like the arm gets cut off? No wait, what I ment was, like if the arm hits it,

miniscule little rocks and fragemens(particles) get knocked away and dissappear into nothingness......

Too much? Hmm okay.

I bet it will work superb just painting the colliding arm and rings properly aftewards.

Nice Nice Nice Stuff!!!!


Mike Fitz


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