Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 3 replies
Gaggle of A:M'ers, As I'm nearing the end of a different project I just had to start something new. Let's just call it "nearing end of project A.D.D". Anyhow attached is my latest - just a start for your impressions. Thanks. Doug
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 7 replies
While I'm still working on making my 3D art...uh, well...good enough for people to see, I've opted to enter the 2D challenge on the site. Critz welcome as always. Might try a stab at my current concept in 3D. Chad P. Welch - Machineflesh Challenge 2D
Last reply by cartoonimator, -
- 10 replies
Here was my entry in the CGTalk A:M caricature contest. I didn't have time to texture him but was wondering if you could tell who he is and tell me what you thought of it. Thanks.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
Sea turtle
by josema- 9 replies
A clouple of weeks ago I posted the head for this model. I was having serious probs. trying to figure out the spline arrangement. Thanks to the input (specially Jim's), I'm almost done with the modelling part. Or at least, I think I am. Any how, I just want to let you guys in on the progress. And as always your comments are welcomed.
Last reply by josema, -
- 4 replies
Here's a picture of something i drew. I need help on modeling it though, any tips?
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 5 replies
The animation is horrible, but it's for learning purposes only. (give me a break, i haven't even graduated highschool!) Tell me what you think of it!
Last reply by VeridisQuo567, -
- 4 replies
Save me! was the topic at the animation showdown on wednesday. Or character was stranded on a desert island and had to get the attention of passing ship or plane. Since then I've reworked some of the animation, and added gratuitous lighting and materials. In other words, this looks nothing like what i had going at the four hour deadline. See it on my showdownpage
Last reply by Dalemation, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys! HAPPY EASTER. I haven't posted, commented or been on the forum how i woud like. But this little doodle idea i had on the bus i decided out of trying to model using a flat side drawing all the splineage in hash like i would on paper. No rotos just drawing the side view and using the magnetic mode and tweaking i got this head model that was done realitively fast the splineage probaly took 15min to at most half hour. The rest took probaly another hour or 2 i forget i was on the net and watching tv so this didn't have my full attention.... Open for comments to you guys later i going to get some Easter Dinner now.
Last reply by VeridisQuo567, -
- 15 replies
A while back I made this post: Well, I've updated my model a bit, and just thought I'd show it off a bit. I actually made these updates/improvements a while back, but have just now decided to show it off. The texturing for the body is still incomplete (think of the texturing just as an example of what the texturing could be). I also cut down the splineage in the head and around the body. The patch count of the model from the previous post (above) was about 1074 (I think), and the new patch count is 974. It may not seem like much of a difference, as while I did lower the patch count in some areas (ie, i…
Last reply by stephen, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone! I haven't posted any of my work lately, but here's my latest. It's an alien head. I was inspired by something and I can't remember what I was inspired by. Anways, please crit. Thanks. -Rolo
Last reply by lazarter, -
- 15 replies
It's been awhile since I posted here as I've been busy moving from NY to North Carolina, and looking for work. I may have a shot at a job designing an employees' instructional website for a home improvement chain, so I did this animation of a deck assembling itself as a portfolio piece to impress them into hiring me. My 3D animation page I used toon line rendering for the first time and it worked out really well! It was perfect for the appearance I wanted. I like to post both .avi and .mov versions for my website. The original render was about 11 megs. I was astonished to see that the .mov version compressed to 680k with almost no loss of quality, however I…
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 13 replies
While the Hash Fellows attack the subject of variable toon lines from the high ground I thought I'd post some tests I've been working on here. The idea (for me) is to fake the variation of line thickness to achieve a line like that from a brush or pen. I've got some pretty satisfactory results with toon render but won't be able to post them for awhile. This very basic example uses Render as lines on object(s) with no patches. The toon render version uses patches. I expect to post a more complicated character "drawing" soon but have forgotten most of my toon render settings. I had a few renders but haven't the first idea where I put them. The effect l…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Here's a picture I did recently with two robot characters I made. While the robots are still technically WIPs, this is a nice looking final render of the two. Feedback welcome and appreciated! Cheers!
Last reply by stephen, -
- 30 replies
** EDIT: 4/8/04, update has been posted on page 3.** Hey there, folkses. I'm making strides in my first big Hash project. The modeling for my merman character is nearly complete -- by complete I mean "all parts are there", not "perfect". I doubt I'll ever get it to that point. Anyhow, I want to make sure the proportions and overall look strike people well. Once I fine-tune that, I'll start decimating unnecessary splines and then -- *gasp* -- texturemap it. I know the bottom of the tail ends a bit ... flat. I'll fix that. Thanks! --Ross
Last reply by Ross Smith, -
- 9 replies
Here is a brand new character im working on! Any idea how I can model him?
Last reply by robvmonte, -
- 30 replies
Well some of you at the last chat on wed may recall a pitch I did for a new short. I have a rough animatic started (takes longer than you think). This is not the complete script. There are a bunch of scenes missing at the end. Also the music is temporary. Something I had lying around. I can see how this is really going to help me get all the details worked out. I will keep this uptodate as much as possible. here is the QT of the animatic. Sorenson 3, about 2.3mb: The (incompetent) Secret Agent Vernon "Sleep? What's that?" Zehr
Last reply by modome, -
- 19 replies
here is my progress on my new character so far. i am trying to enter the cgtalk modelling competition and also work my way thru jason osipa's book "stop staring". i can't wait to do some facial animation, but at this rate his head won't be done for another week or so(if time permits). let me know what you guys think so far and i will keep updating as much as i can. thanks in advance. -kungfudork
Last reply by kungfudork, -
- 10 replies
Hi new user here. I bought A:M about 3 weeks ago and have been spending all my free time since then checking out all the tutorials I can find. So I figured it was about time I tried to make a model and eventualy get him to do some cool stuff . I checked out the chat on wednesday night and Nixie suggested I post some of my WIP so here goes
Last reply by John Keates, -
- 2 replies
I'm modelling the New Horizons Pluto Spacecraft for an areospace client. Here is my progress so far. Hope to complete it in the next couple of days. The client is asking for as much detail as possible. There are a ton of small appendages I still have to model. Thankfully they are all basic shapes, cubes, cylinders, etc.
Last reply by jfirestine, -
- 4 replies
OK I know that this has been done, oh, about a billion and a half times but it's still a good way to experiment with timing and gravity. Clicker It's still got some tweeking to do but not a bad start. Thoughts?
Last reply by ChrisThom, -
- 14 replies
- 2.2k views My website not finished yet just put Avi onit Codec is divx model &animate by AM Composite by Aftereffect texture by photoshop and Painter 1 month render by amd 700 and cerelon 2.o os window Video card g-fore Charoensak watt TAMU(THAILAND animation master user)
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 12 replies
I've been following Victor Navone's development of his facial rig closely, and using a similar system have been able to rig my latest character much more efficietly than in the past. I've completed a small test (no laughing ..... after Victors effort I'm almost embarressed to post it...) with some detail on the bone structure on my webpage. Click here to go to my webpage, then click on the 'The Cuckoo, Animation' link. I'd be interested in peoples thoughts.. Cheers
Last reply by shaunf, -
- 3 replies
Here's the WIP I promised in another post. This is my example picture. Pretty daunting, huh? (BTW, this is from a D&D book, so don't publish w/o permission.)
Last reply by SteelShark, -
- 7 replies
Here is a newer render of a model I've been working on. It's still not quite finished. I still need to add a couple of beams to support the wooden dummy as well as the anchors of the posts and bolts for the frame. Damn real life! It keeps getting in the way of me actually accomplishing anything. Anyhow, I need some suggestions on what I need to do to improve on it. I'm going for a realistic look, but not photo-real, if you get my meaning. Anyhow, here's the link. Also, which one looks better: The pine frame (1) or the red wood frame (2)?
Last reply by HeadlessBill, -
Hi! I have entered model showdown on Sunday. The task was to model human skull. So this is my less than 4h work.
Last reply by Grubber, -
- 0 replies
Since space was the theme this month I decide to post what if I remember was my attempt earlier at a planet.. hade some ring work tp fix johnl3d
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 8 replies
hello, please check out my latest wip: bianca's next costume 1> do you recognize the character? 2> does it work in this more realistic style? 3> what the hek is wrong with me? -jon
Last reply by jon, -
- 10 replies
Ok, so...I put my character into a new choregraphy. import an action. And end up with this. Double the character. (but not double the fun. ). Does anyone know why this is happening? Help...would be awesome. -Robert.
Last reply by Obnomauk, -
- 6 replies
Sorry, since the forum this was posted in doesn't allow for pictutre uploads, I started a thread here so I could show a way to respline his model. I'm sure some the modeling gurus can come up with a much better solution, but here's my contribution anyway. I just took your pictures and re-drew some of the lines. For me, there isn't any trick to avoiding these types of situations other than experience. You just start to sense alot earlier that you are going to paint yourself into a corner, and you do your spline rearranging before things get too out of hand. So I guess you are doing exactly what you need to do in order to avoid this sort of thing in the future Model…
Last reply by SteelShark, -
- 17 replies
I'm tapping into the old caverns of the brain and I think I remember there being a demo movie out there that was on one of the original A:M demo reels called "Blocks" or "marbles" or something like that. It was a movie that had a bunch of marbles riding down roller coaster tracks the a block trying to do the same and smashing through a wall. Does this ring a bell with anyone and if so where could that be found? Thanx
Last reply by ChrisThom, -
- 2 replies
Hi folks: Been trying to model this cartoon sea turtle, but I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing. I bought the "Model a face" video from Anzovin, and I have to say it is very good. However, I'm having a hard time adapting it to a cartoon character such as this one. Especially since this one doesn't have a nose. I'll appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Last reply by josema, -
- 8 replies
just started doodling, only about an hour of work so far. Lots of tweaks and modeling left to do.
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 5 replies
working on an over head shot where lightning flashes across and down thought I's try using render as lines this is the first draft of that idea looking for suggestions the scene will also have storms clouds and rain
Last reply by HeadlessBill, -
- 3 replies
I've often wished the images from contests and/or users pages could be presented on one page. Well, the credits page for Gregor Rostami's excellent Animation Master Demonstration has a bunch of them! View the variety of art that has been created by users of Animation Master via the Demonstration's Credits Page: The link to Greg's outstanding Demo and the exercises from the Art of Animiation Master can be accessed here: In a word: Wow!
Last reply by Ross Smith, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys I am new here, and I would like to show you my last 3D animation that I did with polygons, Why? Cause now I am learning to use Hash 2003 and it seems the best way to make better animations, I have some time in 3D, one of those who used Amiga computers, so I had to learn Imagine it was very hard to learn but it was fun, 2 years ago I got the 2.0 version for PC, too bad it was the last version they never released the 3.0 one, so just about 6 months ago I decided to make this Macross 3d Animation to enter in a "Anime Music Contest Video" in Anime-Expo 2003 but I wasn't able to send the video cause they didn't had a normal address and the shipping company told me that…
Last reply by Phil, -
Hi all. Looking for some CC&C (constructive comments and criticism) on the following: Sorenson Video 2, 33 seconds, 1.2 MB, 480x204 The lunar module was graciously donated by Vernon Zehr from his private collection; all the rest is mine. The texturing for Neil Armstrong isn't done yet. Mostly I'm looking for thoughts on the movement. I'm trying to keep in mind that gravity is one-tenth of normal, but his amount of mass (inertia) remains the same, so he still has a good amount of squash and stretch even as he falls slower. Anyway, I seem to be at a point where it's OK, but not quite right, and I humbly ask for your thoughts. Thanks! Zach
Last reply by tobinjim, -
- 2 replies
I'm struggling with how to actually contstruct some basic models and where to put the bones to best effect. As an example, see the attached caterpillar...a VERY basic character, yet, when I take the bone ending right in the middle of his back, pull straight up to create a tall hump in the middle as he's crawling, the skin deforms horrible and creates very nastly flaps of skin overlapping and going inside of one another. I've applied smart skin and tried to clean up the kinks, but based on the amount of time it's taking to try and deal with this, I'm wondering if inherently I've approached construction and adding bones from a very inneficient angle. The character's pr…
Last reply by brockgs, -
- 5 replies
standard 40 ft. length (circa 1950's) with steel sheathing box car pic
Last reply by Zaryin, -
Nothing spectacular, but my first real attempt at "freeform" modeling. This was real good practice for my "splinesmanship" skills. Still needs some tweaking, but I'm pretty happy with it. Wireframe Shaded wirewframe Rendered
Last reply by emailtim, -
- 1 reply
I'm making this for the CGTalk competetion. It looks more like Tim than it did before, but it still needs more work... It's my first head too, so it's a big learning experience for me.
Last reply by Dalemation, -
- 5 replies
Just saw that John (Artbox) Henderson has updated his Artbox site! Very cool John! Music and Everything. Link: I believe the site requires flash to view and enter. For anyone you doesn't know this is the home of Skycast program. Sure wish I had time to play with my copy... Hope I'm not linking too soon. Forgive if I am.
Last reply by pally, -
- 3 replies
hi all, I updated my WIP/MISC page on my site. I made a Colonial Marines M4A1 Pulse Rifle (by request) I'm still working on the details for the breach to make a firing action. thanx
Last reply by GibsonAV, -
- 14 replies
Just informing you all that I've joined the CGTalk Machineflesh Challenge. You can find the thread at I don't think I have a chance of winning... but if I get a single vote I'd be happy. Check it out. I highly encourage others to try it out. It's a 3 month challenge and it's a great way to learn, show off your skills, and represent A:M in the larger CG community. Zachary Taich
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 3 replies
Following up on robcat's post earlier, here is my attempt at a "Dive!" for the showdown on digitalrendering's forums. Quicktime 6 required, 350K, 5 seconds. Animation and rendering done in four hours as per the showdown rules. He must be wearing rockets on his shoes, huh? Comments and crits always welcome. Zach "I can't tie my shoes in four hours..."
Last reply by ZachBG, -
- 11 replies
Here's a Hi-res model of a head generated in FaceGen and imported into AM as an obj file. Nima
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 reply
Just letting you all know that if you require any links to your finished AM products just feel free to visit my site at Cheers!!
Last reply by mediaho, -
CactuZ from TreeZ
by Guest mrsl13- 0 replies
A CactuZ from Marcels TreeZ plugin... Mike
So I was reading through the post by Grubber called Mecha. And I was inspired. So I made a robot. I'm still trying to figure out if I like the legs and the feet though. I also can't seem to come up for a name for it. All suggestions and comments are most definitley welcome. -Robert
Last reply by Grubber, -
So...I made a new sword. All comments are welcome- Robert P.S. does anyone know how to get something like this to stay in the hand of a character when animating. Some kind of constraint maybe...? Thanks!
Last reply by Noel, -
- 2 replies
Ok when I try to smartsking this leg or any other part of the body for instance and I go to animate that part of the body I end up with the model doing this (picture)! Some whats going on and how can I fix it?!
Last reply by Noel,