Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 14 replies
@Rodney and I were talking last night. AI can make a 3D image of a hammer from a text prompt... But getting it to do that in splines seems undoable.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Figured I'd post some of the modeling I'm doing with @Pizza Time (who doesn't like pizza???) I'll be glad to post the models here but I'm giving them to PT first. In the meantime I'll share some turn arounds and perhaps add some detail about what I did... why I did it and... maybe even why you shouldn't do it that way! (Disclaimer: I don't know any of these characters names so the names I supply very likely will be random) First up:
Last reply by Pizza Time, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Getting in the spirit of Halloween, so played around with an older model and some lighting.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by threedslider- 3 replies
Hi, I need to make more to practice so I make a little bit more complex as a model for shoe 😁 Not perfect but I try it ! 😉 Hope you like it.
Last reply by threedslider, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I share you a simple Donut model and some screenshot
Last reply by threedslider, -
- 6 replies
Hi all ! I am new to Hash animation master I make a joypad very simple and what do you think of that ?
Last reply by threedslider, -
- 27 replies
I accidentally sent the Flownuts Hyperloop Intersection on a flash drive or... I don;t know.. But, does it work,.? I was more about the couch launching the characters out and I lost the couch.
Last reply by Darrin S, -
- 1 reply
Something I was trying. I stopped when I realized I would have to substantially rethink the particle emitters. sparklers000.mp4
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
After doing the 2001 slit-scan project ( using resurrected 2001 artwork (, I wanted to try some other graphics. The Mandelbrot Set is a wonderful source of interesting imagery. My college roommate, Mike Segor, who also went to that 1968 showing of 2001, had sent me some Mandelbrot work. Grist for the mill. He also contributed music for the final movie. The artwork: John Knoll has a fascinating video about slit-scan techniques (and shows a graphic of the Trumbull 2001 set-up at 5:07): He discusses var…
Last reply by fraizer, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Recent YouTube wanderings led me to some videos about 2001, the making of the Star Gate sequence, and so on, which got me thinking… 2001 is among my all-time favorite movies. It is film qua film, not merely a novel thrown up on the screen. I saw 2001 at the Cinerama Theater in LA in 1968, with my college comrade and long-time friend, the late Robert Blalack, who received the VFX Oscar for Star Wars (1977). To say that we were mind-blown would be the understatement of understatements. These days, movie editing programs and software packages usually have some form of the slit-scan effect in their bags of tricks. But why use them when I might be able to re-crea…
Last reply by DrPhibes, -
- 13 replies
Cubes randomly scaled, Fog, and AO.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Displacement experiment today.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
This is the profile of common "spur gear". The edge where a gear tooth will contact the tooth of a neighboring gear has a special curve called an "involute," designed to allow the gear teeth to smoothly slide over each other as their gears turn on their axes. This curve varies depending on how many teeth a gear has (and other factors) but the tooth overall tends to have six landmark points that are easily distinguished, which I have marked in red... A spline made with six points per tooth can approximate this shape. Here I have fit six points to one tooth and used the Duplicator wizard to copy that around the remainder of the gear... …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
Some experiments with making cloud-look materials, using a gradient and a turbulence
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Thought i start a new thread so as to not hi-jack another. I've always used decals to kind of make material for my models. This is what it really looks like this is what i've done so far. I havent been able to find a Tee shirt type material. I tried looking in the darktree materials but i couldnt find it Any pointers or tutorial you can point me to Thanks G_shirt2.mdl
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
Hi Guys, Modeled these wicker furniture items for a project a few months back but thought would be cool to render together in a little scene. Cheers.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 0 replies
The long overdue Prehistoric contest medal is taking shape...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
I've adding bones and contraints relationships. I must be doing/missing a step. When i reopen the saved project they're all gone. any ideas? Im using version 19.5a
Last reply by Phil, -
- 4 replies
This was the hardest model I've ever attempted. For mechanical models it's relatively easy to find front, side and top reference images, not so much for 1940's movie actresses. Every time I looked at a different 3/4 view of Ann Sheridan with dramatic lighting and did a test render, I found another CP that needed a small relocation or a spline layout that needed a rethink. I can see why 3D scanning of an actor's face is so appealing for a digital replacement. I still don't think the likeness is convincing but I'm sending her to Hair & Makeup anyway! (Maybe I'll say I'm modeling Ann Sheridan's stand-in. 😄 )
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
An experiment from Live Answer Time several weeks ago... Example PRJ: Live Answer Time session: Demonstration begins at 23:25
Last reply by pierrotsc, -
- 0 replies
Very old Greek pottery in the late 7th and 6th centuries B.C.E practiced something called "black figure", where they painted imagery with black glaze or "slip" on the red clay. A couple centuries later they reversed that to do "red figure" where they used the black to cover the negative space around the image they were making. After seeing examples of this work at a museum I wanted to try to recreate some of that look, including the numerous fractures they tended to have after being buried in a dump for 2000+ years. Thom is a cylinder wrapped decal. The break lines are a combiner material.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I've been making music with my friend these last couple of years, Darlene Lombrozo. We've been doing a regular Wednesday evening gig for over a year now and there have been a few friends that have joined us. We started out: Myron & Darlene, "An Entertaining Experience". People started asking us what the name of the band is so we came up with "Myron & Darlene and the Twisted Knickers Revue". Our 'motto' is "Don't get your Knickers in a Twist, Have a glass of Wine." We are having a demo video made and I'm making an animated version of our Business card. (Which I also made using Animation Master) I want to start the animated card out with the letters of our name…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
Happy St. Patrick's Day! A new time-lapse video to share. Many bowls of Lucky Charms were consumed in the making.. for reference purposes 😉
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 18 replies
Happy New Years Everyone! 🎉 Just completed a Time-Lapse video been working on over December. Cheers
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 1 reply
I was part of a trombone forum collaboration this year, the sort where everyone records their part individually and then it all gets edited together. Since we were playing a jazz arrangement of a Tchaikovsky piece I thought it would be cute to have him drop in at the very end and wink to the camera. It would work like this... (the bit of music in this demo is not our group, it's is previous recording of the piece) Alas, it didn't get used. But, of course it was done in A:M. I edited four versions of the painting... for the brow, the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid and the eyeball behind them. I added splines to outline the moving pa…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Just finished another episode a few days ago and sadly, this part had to be removed because of a rewrite. Also, do any of you post your work on Twitter? I was mentioning to Robcat that maybe we should have a Hash Twitter account. 2099087562_DearSMF.mp4
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 3 replies
I made this up for back drop picture for High end Transformer Figures display case. I have to send out to be printed very large Display Case. Then i got A brain fart. Hey this emblem look Better 3D printed to put on back big problem for me is I do not have a clue about 3D I save as file and send it out to it that simple to get done
Last reply by Tom, -
I have been working on this Robot. This is my first time I rendered it fully Still working on A few more Thoughts. I will update progress
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Most images I post here are of a model in broad daylight. But since I'm building a railroad observation car I wanted to see if the internal lighting rig would be believable from the outside. The only way to check it would be to put the model in subdued light, so here it is just after sundown. obsv_car_walk_around_01.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 4 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Made this I was bored no reason. Messing around with lighting as well
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 9 replies
I plan to reformat several cartoon characters to perform a marching animation in Hash A:M. This would include characters such as Snow White, Yogi Bear, Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse, etc. As I complete the models, I plan to make them available on the Hash site. The first character is Snow White (See attached graphic video and MDL). Because these are at least somewhat based on models from, I am relying on permission per the following statement from their FAQ page. ...if your project is 100% free (e.g. a free fan-game or non-monetized YouTube video - basically any project that was made just for the sake …
Last reply by RS3D2, -
- 13 replies
I did some more work with Instant Meshes program. It appears the -align to boundaries- button helps to get the output quads where you want them. This is especially helpful when you want to -copy/flip/attach- later in A:M. Attached are two pictures and a short .MOV that I made with an imported .OBJ of a spaceman. I can see that the models are not pretty, but because they are small and smooth, you can get useful results. The whole process of importing an .OBJ into Instant Meshes, outputting the reconfigured .OBJ and importing it into A:M only takes a minute or two. The pictures show the original .OBJ on the left and the Instant Meshes version on the right. …
Last reply by RS3D2, -
- 0 replies
For a discussion on the trombone forum about how to have a convenient practice trombone small enough to play inside a car. I propose to chop the slide to have only 4 (rather than 7) positions and fold the unused portion back up the slide, so that the total length of the horn (and pitch) remain the same.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
One of the things I love doing in AM is taking a model I've used for a while and changing it around as the script calls. In this pic, Super Mega Fox gets a bit hulked out, for an upcoming scene. The hard part is redoing so many smart skins. Bulking her up required many more splines and naturally, the old smart skins wouldn't work with that, so I'll be working on this for a bit. Even more, this is only phase one of the muscle enlargement. Phase three should be hilarious, since I was thinking along the lines of Tex Avery, when it comes to overdoing things.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Thanks, Mark Day
Last reply by MarkDay2378, -
- 9 replies
I have two good rigging questions if there is time. Squash.prj Ru-Cube.mdl
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
The ALT snap bias aim feature is such a pleasure to use, I've regained my enthusiasm for an architectural model I set aside in 2009. It's my version of a Hollywood set of the grand old Pennsylvania Station built in New York in 1910 and demolished in 1963. I'm calling it a Hollywood version for three reasons. 1. Since my reference images from books and the Net only have a few readable dimensions I have to make a lot of "looks good to me" guesses. 2. The amount of detailing required for a 100% accurate copy is too staggering so I've simplified it while trying maintain a similar look. 3. The section of the building where people board a train is called the Con…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
A couple of experiments with animated noise. This is A:M Perlin noise, animated by moving the noise material (set to be a displacement material) vertically through a plane. This is noise made in After Effects and rendered out as an image sequence to apply as a displacement decal on a plane. I'm not sure what causes the white flecks.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Since I'm starting over, I always start with this. It's my favorite vehicle from my favorite movie. There are no decals, yet. I'm still building it. Eventually, it will have an R2 socket and completely animated. It comes directly from the 1977 schematics and my personal memory of having the physical model. It is a work in progress. It's awesome to have this outlet.
Last reply by Goss, -
- 1 reply
Happy Fourth of July! WaveTheVeryLongFlag.prj
Last reply by Roger, -
- 4 replies
Future topic... Eddie Comin' thru your bedroom wall...
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 4 replies
The latest addition to my railroad needs long sheets of diamond pattern steel plate. I wanted these plates to look well used, slightly rusty and to have varying amounts of dried dirt on them. I wasn't looking forward to building the material because while it's relatively easy to build show-room new surface finishes, I had never been happy with any of my attempts at old steel and procedural dirt looked too much like soft edged clouds. I thought the only way I could get hard edged dirt would be a decal. However after much experimentation I've got a material that's more than adequate. At this distance it's fairly convincing. The diamond pattern is a tiled normal decal. …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 17 replies
A test of very dense simcloth, just 1cm patches. It took several hours to simulate but it drapes and flops appropriately and mostly avoids the faceted look that less dense meshes can get. TogaThom006d 1cm clothSIMMED.prj cloth 006d2000_.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I'm a prog musician (I play in a couple of prog bands signed to small labels:,, and I'm working on a solo album. One of the pieces on the solo album is a prog version of a section of Stravinsky's Firebird. I'm working on a video to go along with it. Here's 20 seconds of the work in progress. <iframe src="" width="640" height="564" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Last reply by Vance G, -
This is just a preview of what I'm working on. Hope you like it😀
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
Do you give suggestions prior to submittal? Should I give you a shot of what I'm working on or wait? What if I finish before I'm done? What size?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 15 replies
This a demon in an old Dutch painting that I started modeling for "Planes Trains Automobiles"... but didn't finish! It's not much to go on. I did these drawings to visualize the head... After some more development I got to this concept... And here is as far as I got before pressing pause in 2018... to be continued...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 41 replies
Hi Guys, Started working on something new and thought I'd to try something different. Instead of posting still images of my modeling progress I did some video screen capture. Sped up around 20x hope it isn't too jarring.
Last reply by Michael Brennan,