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- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
I have v19 og but cant find the bullit plug in plug ins I go to plug in wizard but its not there ,can I dl it somewhere
Last reply by steve392, -
- 4 replies
A fine New Year to you all...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I needed to make a reference image for some characters and when I imported some older models that use the old rigs I see the bones are assigned and weighted but I can't pose the characters. Just the bones move in the chor. Did something change that I missed? Thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Hey everybody, I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with a small little card created in A:M :). Best regards, have a nice celebration and keep on splining *Fuchur*
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 9 replies
The subject of Desired Gamma came up and I was unable to get my software to cooperate at the time, so, I made an attempt at a video explanation of the little I know that I am posting here along with the Projects used and renders. One thing I still don't think I got across in the video is that if you are working with 2.2 gamma images, the gamma correction can get re-applied automatically with each iteration causing the image or portion of image (and colors) to lighten. Anyway, here is the video and Project files. Hopefully, it is helpful. Desired_gamma_testing.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
You probably have noticed that Z-buffered Kleig light soft shadows (most of what we use) are not rendering soft. Shadow cast on Ground Plane... However, it turns out that models can shadow themselves correctly. So... Use the Grid wizard to add a flat plane to your model and give it a bone that is independent from everything else in your model. In the Chor, constrain that bone to the Ground, then set the Ground to OFF. You can scale that bone to scale the plane to be as large as you need. Shadow cast on plane that is part of model... Of course this won't work when you have more than one model in a chor. For t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Today, December 16, is the day to be getting in your "Planes Trains Automobiles" image contest entry but if you're running late on your entry due to computer problems, holiday stress, carburetor trouble, termite attack, egg nog or any other mysterious phenomenon... send me a PM and I will gladly hold the entry bag open for you!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Helmet hair, with displacement map
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I'm attempting to add parts to a model in a choreography using multiple actions, each action containing many action objects. When I add the first action, all the objects within it appear in the chor. But if I add another action, the previous one disappears. I read the manual about action objects and assumed the problem was related to "Hold last frame", "Transition to next action" and "Blend method". I thought the best combination was ON, ON & ADD. However I can only see one of the actions if the "Hold last frame" of the other is turned OFF. What am I missing?
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 3 replies
I have no idea why this doesn't work. 🤔 Anyone know what has gone wrong? I can make the copy I need by making a whole new selection on screen, but why doesn't selecting it with the Groups work? PRJ: Gremlin67HatchOnly.prj clip4391CopyPasteTrouble.mp4
Last reply by Malo, -
- 12 replies
This test model has several groups, each with a different color, and one "all" group, containing a gradient material, that overrides the color groups to make a gradient from black to white. GradTest01.prj Is there a way to key off the influence of the "all" group on a certain frame to let the native colors of the other groups show through?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Just refreshed my copy of Animation:Master and find myself feeling that old desire to do some splining... just in time for the current contest? Hmmm.... perhaps! A:M subscription updated... check. Brand new shiny forum... check. Gallery to fill... check. Stories to tell... check. Here's hoping I can dive a lot more deeply into A:M in 2019 than I did in 2018... yikes... I didn't do much. And the scary thing was that I had a whole lot of 'free time' to devote than previously. It wasn't wasted time but it also wasn't very focused. I don't imagine I'll be a lot more focused in 2019 but I do hope to be a whole lot more productive.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
I'm trying a test on the mix files while waiting on something else. Working in V18 under OSX 10.11.6 Have set up the models to use 50% of underlying colour, they render as a quick render in a model window but, when I try to render them out in a chor, just the alpha channel is there, no lines. Is there a setting I might be missing? Thank you simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I have heard alot about it,but never really knew what it was for ,surfing on youtube ive seen alot of programs exporting from one program to another and back,and I saw John Bigboote had just posted something about it for v17 ,and is it new in v17? ( Most videos were just timelapsed and did'nt explain anything)
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 7 replies
I had created an action and placed a rotoscope to use as some movement reference. Saved my project, and when I came back and opened it a day later I found that the Rotoscope was not retained in my action file. This meant that my scale and translate settings (that I had not written down) were gone. This may have always been the case since I can't remember ever opening a rotoscope in an action window, but I was hoping that someone knew if this is an error or just the way it is. I did find that I could use Rodney's suggestion here to solve the issue, but it seems like a silly thing to not be able to hold the rotoscope settings. Thanks,
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Hi there, the new forum design looks great! I didnT find a section for techincal questions though, so i put it here. and wheres the whats new button now? I am still on AM 15h and discovered surfacebaking bbut: sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. Any ideas what factors might influence that. Ram and grapics and render power shouldnt be the problem. Maybe some oldtimeuser has made similar expiriences and found the solution? Thanks for any help
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm working on rigging a character right now that has black bead eyes (like the Peanuts characters) that can track slightly around his face to give him the illusion of looking around. I'd like to add a bit of expressiveness to his eyes by adding equally simplified eyelids that would render as a flat line or an arc. To do this, I created flattened spheres and pose sliders to control their up/down and arc properties. I was just about to start with poses that would conceal the eyes as the lids close but stopped when I realized I was about to have a huge problem with this approach: if the eyes are looking anywhere but straight ahead, I had no strategy for making sure they sta…
Last reply by SplineSoup, -
- 6 replies
Modeled a column for my Guardian set and got to the difficult part of having the rounded divets on the ends of the fluting. I could have just faked it, but I went ahead and worked it out. This might not be the best solution, but this worked for me.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 0 replies
For those of you that like to point your phones at things and just be taken to the site immediately perhaps you might be interested in a few QR codes to get you there. If your phone doesn't have a QR code reading app... you might have to download one. This one should take you directly to the main page of the A:M Forum:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
This may sound strange, my apologies if it does but, does anyone have any advice on how to animate a figure on the diagonal? By which I mean, If the direction of travel is perpendicular and in straight lines then it is very straightforward ( pardon the pun ), I have two figures already done but, the third is coming in at an angle to the target and I am having trouble getting the movement working because its not perpendicular to the view angle. I'm sure I've done this before but, the afternoon tea has not dispelled the clouds.. Any advice gratefully received. simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I found that the export of a model containing constraints of path, once animated and exported like a model, loses its constraints and the bones are not in their positions. Here is an image illustrating the problem, and the model to test the problem. Are there some things I did wrong?
Last reply by Malo, -
- 2 replies
I'm animating the last four seconds of the cake ingredients. The present intention is for them to jump up and bump into each other over the mixing bowl, then drop back down after emptying some of their contents into the bowl. I hope to hand draw the contents coming out into the bowl but unsure how to empty the bags? Initial thoughts are to use muscle mode to reduce the mass of the model so it gets smaller as the stuff comes out. Would it be better to build a system of pose sliders to do that, or perhaps to do it on the fly, as they collide and return to the worktop ? any hints gratefufully received. thamk you simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 0 replies
I was trying to remember this awhile back, but I just had it happen to me and wanted to put it out here for other people. If you find your choreography suddenly takes forever to render (if in fact, it will ever render) and it starts adding up to tens of hours or days or something, one thing that can cause this is having an environment map missing from the choreography's Image Based Lighting. I used to use them all of the time and would run into this. Anyway, just wanted to put it down before my feeble brain forgets it again. :-)
Last reply by largento, -
- 7 replies
Good evening, I'm looking for tutorials on expressions ... do you know links? I am also trying to understand the logic of the number of ".. |" before an expression. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Malo, -
- 2 replies
In this thread I will highlight some tutorials that are relevant to the "Planes Trains Automobiles" Image Contest. A great first stop for anyone who is mechanical modeling-curious with Animation:Master would be Rodger Reynolds' website, with numerous discussions and demonstrations of essential mechanical modeling strategies... Non-character Modeling in Animation:Master
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
This is such a basic thing I wonder if there's a particular reason that it can't be done... We can scale and translate Rotoscopes, but we can't rotate them. This would come in very handy when you have rotos that aren't oriented correctly in an image. Is there an in-app workaround that I just don't know about? Is this something that could be implemented easily?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
There's another A:M Image Contest flying your way. Which means I oughta' get back on track and get out the prizes for the last one! Here are some handsome, so-suitable-for-framing-you-get-a-dollar-to-buy-a-frame runner-up certificates waiting to hit the road.
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 9 replies
I recently snagged v 19 and am and wanted to do a test using cloth. First I made a couple of primitives. Next I made s plane and applied a cloth material. When I drop them in the chor and animate the plane the cloth does't seem to simulate but rather the plane just moves from point a to point be as i set it. My goal ultimately after someone is kind enough to enlighten me on what I am missing in my prj is to simulate a sheet and ultimately export it out when conformed to various shapes as a quad obj that I can convert to nurbs and eventually be able to make parts that I can cast (ie die cast models). Reason for nurbs is so I can add a thickness to the new shape, t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
So, After Windows 10 ate my last pc with all my stuff on it, I was pretty upset. I just didn't want t deal with it for awhile. I now have a new laptop and I was actually able to get my stuff off my old pc finally. So I can't really afford the subscription version of A:M, so I was thinking of getting the 300 dollar version. I actually have the money for that right now and it's been years since I upgraded. My question is; is it a digital download? My new laptop doesn't have a disc drive so I would need a digital version. Otherwise, I could always buy a usb disk drive, but I would rather not. Thanks for reading.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey, can someone check to see if creating a pose and editing it works correctly in version 19F? I'm in the middle of something and had to go back a version to get it to work, so can't make a choreography to report it. On the Mac side, it makes the indicator on the pose slider bar disappear. You can click on it and move around and things will happen, but the bar remains blank. On the Windows side, it seemed to appear while you were actually clicking on it, but then disappeared once you unclicked. It might just be something on my side, but wanted to make sure.
Last reply by SplineSoup, -
- 7 replies
Been a while since I used AM but don't remember the undo not working if i rotate, scale or do any transform on an object in the chor. Anyone else having this issue? I have a simple installation guide on a product install that I want to use the toon render in AM rather than fight FormZ's retarded renderer that will not turn off the F@#$!!!! GD!!! iso lines.... prj has a couple obj's rigged with nulls, other main part was modeled ages ago in AM.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Some reason my user name and pw not working on the Hash store. Anyone else having problems? thanks
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 10 replies
I'm working away on a project which will combine AM animation with hand drawn animation in TVpaint. I will post some interim results in the WIP space later. To make it easier at the drawing stage, I've started rendering out at UHD resolution.. Unfortunately, it is taking a long time to render each frame, between 7:30 and 10:00 hours. Thats not a big headache, although it would be better to shorten the time, as I can get on with something else while waiting. However, what is of concern is an inconsistency in the renders. These are png conversions from TGA originals Notice the shadows and the lighting, it is almost as if someone stepped in front of the light so…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 30 replies
I opened A:M at work for the first time since I'd updated the OS to High Sierra 10.13.4. When I did, I got this message box: Clicking on the "Learn More" button takes you this this page. It basically warns that macOS is transitioning to 64-bit applications only. They aren't saying when, but they've made it so that if you open a 32-bit app, you get a one-time alert. Is porting A:M to macOS as a 64-bit app possible?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
There may already be such a rendering option, but it would be really cool to have an equiangular or fish-eye, or dual-fish-eye "360 degree" rendering option. Has there been any interest in adding this in A:M? I'm working on binaural 3D audio rendering of whale songs. What is binaural 3D? If you listen to a normal stereo recording with headphones, it will sound like the sound is inside your head. Binaural rendering (if you synthesize the mix) or binaural dummy head recording (live recording with an anatomically realistic dummy head) pops the sound out into space outside your head where it belongs, even though you are listening with headphones. The sophistication w…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I just realized I've been computing constraint enforcement percentages all wrong! I'll take a look at this at Live Answer Time
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I have a memory (quite possibly faulty ) of seeing an option for setting the colour of toon lines as a % of the underlying colour, but can't seem to find it. I can find the option to colour the lines and so can set it to the diffuse values but not the %. Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction, or the memory error ? I wondered if, using a % the colour of the line would vary as the area moved in and out of shadow. Thank you. simon A curious anomaly when rendering, some of the lines come out at specified colour, others stayed black ?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
Trying to set up a shadows only render in V18 using Z buffered shadows on a single spotlight. Shadow maps set to 4096. It doesn't appear to work. If I keep all the other settings the same, but change the spotlight shadows to ray traced instead. The shadows render as required. Is this a common problem and is there anyway to fix it ? Simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
AM v19 keeps crashing with an error saying "Nvidia has encountered a problem and must close" it used to only happen occasionally but now cant even open AM at all because of it. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 22 replies
Good evening everyone, I ask myself this question for a few years already, without finding a logical answer. I noticed that the AM export Obj writes the triangles like quads. That is to say for a triangle ABC, the convention is to write as follows: f A B C But AM write them: f A B C A, which is the convention of writing quads (f A B C D). Some programs like Wings3D play them correctly, others like Blender, consider them as bad quads that they ignore, which creates holes and therefore unusable. I thought this was because the three-sided patches are a variant of the four-sided patches, but I do not understand the usefulness of keeping this writing export that makes it hea…
Last reply by Malo, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Is there still interest in an animation boot camp? The goal would not be to teach you all there is to know about character animation but to get you using A:M right so that you may make sense and good use of the abundant character animation information that is available now. I'm thinking there might be four projects.... -Bouncing ball -Broad jump -Walk -Pose-to-pose acting exercise. We'd need to find some time we could all Skype together once a week.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I was trying to renew. Never had problems in the past. My virus protection went off two separate attempts. Here are the error messages. I can't get up and running...How do you get past this? Is there really a bug in it? Thanks
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello all, boy has it been ages. I have these models I wish to export as .obj files, but I have no idea how to do it. I looked around online, and got no viable answers. I wanted to export them as .obj files to fiddle with in other programs, which accept such files. Nothing accepts .mdl files. Anyone wish to help me out? I am using A:M version 15, which by the looks of things is fairly old. It sounds viable, as others have mentioned being able to export as .obj files, but I am unsure if it is limited to newer versions of A:M or if there is a step I am missing. Thank you!
Last reply by Malo, -
- 3 replies
update: solved. See post #4 Is there a switch that stops A:M from "Computing Dynamics" when I'm scrubbing through the timeline? Something besides turning off every dynamic constraint in the models.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
Is it possible to use BitMapPlus textures on objects that animate like characters do rather than just objects that retain a rigid form? Is it possible to make the texture stick to the surface as materials and decals do as the object changes shape?
Last reply by Malo, -
- 0 replies
Among the things we'll be looking at over the next few weeks at LAT is rigging. Steve Shelton has made this wonderful dragon and we'll try to figure out the best way to bring this non-typical, non-biped creature to life. Live Answer Time is Saturday at Noon CDT!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
A random test had me using the Muttiple Models on a Path wizard and unfortunately I get a crash each time I attempt it. Perhaps someone can verify? Create a simple model (to be placed on the path in the chor). In the Chor window create a Path In the PWS select the Path and Right Click (the only option should be Multiple Models on a Path) Follow the instructions and select your model and apply. At this point A:M crashes for me. Edit: Figures... as soon as I post I thought to check to see if the v18 MMoP.hxt file worked in v19... and it does. So, that would be the workaround if the v19 MMop.hxt is corrupted. The file that isn't working is dated 2/6/18 a…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 3 replies
When I first tried my Wacom stylus pad with A:M on my Windows 10 Surface Pro 4, I got some pretty wacky, annoying behavior (not caused by A:M, BTW). The following tricks cleared up these problems. How to get nice performance from a Wacom stylus pad on Windows 10: A few things to disable: In the search window on the Windows Settings page type "flicks" and select "turn flicks on and off". This opens the "Pen and Touch" configuration window. (For some reason typing "Pen and Touch" only provides you "pen and touch information", which is not the window you want.) On the "Flicks" tab, uncheck "Use flicks to perform common actions quickly and easily"--hope you don't…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 4 replies
Okay, here's a weird one. I've been messing around with getting my puppet horses set up and decided to add dynamic constraints to the tail. It shows movement in the real time preview, but then when I go to render, it renders the first pass correctly, but all the other passes render the tail in its original position and the result is the tail stays in place. Here's a quick render, showing what I'm talking about. See the ghost tail that's in a lower position? I'm not sure if this is the fault of motion blur or multi-pass. To make things even more bizarre. Doing a quick render in the model window shows no tail at all. So I rendered it again with single…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 reply
Hello, if someone purchases multiple gift certificates (such as to equal $80), can they all be used on the same transaction or is it just one per transaction? Thanks, Daniel
Last reply by largento,