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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
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I've discovered a progressive render issue in v19.0p. While it's not a show stopper it's been annoying me for a long time and I've finally found the root cause. This image is an overview of the test chor. There's a camera with a 1000mm lens looking at five instances of a grey reference sphere, each at a different distance from the camera. The sphere instances are scaled in the chor as they get closer to the camera so that from the camera view they don't change too much in image size. They are positioned so the camera can see all five spheres side by side. Between the camera and the closest sphere is a slightly tinted, four patch plane that is a "glass sheet" with a t…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I've upgraded to a better computer to work on Animation Master but I've found that the software will not accept my serial keys when I insert them after downloading it onto it. Does anyone know if I have to buy another subscription to be able to use it on another computer? Thanks Victoria
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Hi everyone! Just re-purchased and can't find my serial keys, have clicked the right links, written 3 or 4 times, haven't heard a word in reply and for the first time in 20 years I can't get anyone on the phone (I'm told it's not in service). And I've got a job I need to do pronto. Is there a new tick or has my memory gone to hell? Didn't do anything weird and my computer's bug free. Where are you Randy and Steve? Anyone? Thanks much all! Doug
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 2 replies
The A:M installer includes a basic set of models and assets but there's another larger set users are supposed to download. What is the location for that?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 8 replies
Hello all- I was playing around with what I thought was a simple test. I had a red piece of cloth being sucked up into a vortex. Everything worked as predicted (see attached movie). I then introduced a simple flat object into the scene using the Simple_Scatter tool and wondered if those objects would also be sucked up into the vortex.. Well, nothing happened and no simulation took place. Hmmm.. wondering if I did not check or uncheck some box in the process... Any thoughts would be welcome. Tom ClothForce.mp4 ClothForceTest.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
I am not sure if anybody is using it here but this is pretty interesting to see: Best regards *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Robert and I were discussing the EXR format and I wanted to share the project file based on Jim Talbot's Leopard Queen image. The project was demo'd at SIGGRAPH 2005 by Greg Rostami. I must assume it is called Boris becuse of the artist Boris Vallejo whose style is captured in the image. Still haven't found the video of the demo yet but perhaps it isn't far away... maybe even on one of the Hash Inc SIGGRAPH cds. Update: I may have found the composite video. It is in .swf format so am attempting to convert to MP4. The CompDemoProject file attached only includes the EXR file. Will also upload the the Project file (which should also be…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 42 replies
Hi everybody, I recently showed off my new computer system based on a AMD Ryzen 1700 (see more here). To show what it can do, I created a new Benchmark for Hash Animation:Master which I call "A:M Bench 2017". Download it here now: - A:M Bench 2017 - A:M Bench 2017 & A:M teapot 2009 in one file There already is one other Benchmark which is called "ThreeTeaPots" (you can find it here) from 2009 so why creating a new one? The problem with ThreeTeaPots is, that it does not really use any of the newer features of A:M and will only use one thread to render. Before it did not make much sense to get all the bells and whistles of A:M in a benchmark, simply beca…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
Wishing you a Happy 2022! I look forward to more A:M in the New Year with all of you!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 29 replies
A few experiments toward getting a nice human Sub Surface Scattering result. "Loyd" model by Steve Shelton. Default surface (no SSS) render... Sub Surface Scattering renders. Pink and less pink... I've turned on some Surface "noise" to suggest the pores in the skin. SSS with Ambient Occlusion... Separate AO render... Curve-Adjusted AO... SSS render composited with adjusted AO... Separate specular render... Composited SSS+ AO +Specular...
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Converting a 2D material to a decal for cylinder wrapping...
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
It may be a minor annoyance but it's also puzzling. All other windows dock and undock as expected but for some unknown reason the Properties window has become stubbornly untethered. Shutting down and re-starting A:M has no effect. Any suggestions?
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 4 replies
My setup is simple. I have a small klieg spot pointed at the top of a vertical cylinder. Beyond the cylinder is a small flat screen with its translucent attribute = 50%. When the camera is to the right of the cylinder and views the screen you can see both the shape of the spot and the cylinder's shadow being cast on it. The same is true when the camera is to the left of the cylinder and viewing the other side of the screen but these shadows are now being transmitted through the translucent screen. This short video shows a 9 pass progressive screen render as you view the screen from the right and then from the left. AM_translucent_glitch_renders.…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 reply
This time around we did create a little bit of a different design to better suit our mini campaign around christmas presents. That means this time around the image isn't created with A:M. As always you will find our Christmas Calendar here: But I started to create a goat in 3d anyway and got already pretty far, so I am working on it still to get this look back ;). (Do you know that moment if you did a great job and then you are just not able to get the same look back after changing a couple of things to make it even better? That is exactly what happend here with this one...) Hope you like it ;). Best regards *Fuchur*
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 12 replies
Hello, After a year of resumption of AM I start to resume modeling and rigging reflexes. How nice to use this software! But I still have a lot of questions 1 - I am rigging a humanoid and I use a lot of smartskins which allow to assign positions to the vertices according to the angle of rotation of a bone. This allows me to have stages of intermediate object shapes. But if I don't like a step anymore or if this position is an error and I want to modify or "free" the vertices, how can I find the angle of the bone to which I assigned these vertices? 2 - What is the difference between the properties of bump in the attributes of materials (cheveux in picture …
Last reply by createo, -
- 8 replies
I'm building a railroad indicator lamp, essentially a red/green traffic light. I wanted to simulate the look of the optics of these lights which were designed by mounting an incandescent lamp at the focal length of a coloured glass fresnel lens (like in a lighthouse) such that its light is only visible when viewed almost on-axis as one would from a long distance. I think I've come up with a believable result using a hierarchical klieg light mounted inside the enclosure. It's aimed to shine inside the case and illuminate a small internal disc, standing-in for the lamp filament, sitting near the focal length of the lens. Viewing the indicator while it turns in front of you …
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 6 replies
Hello AM, I explore AM's extremely efficient and powerful mapping system ! I have a question about surface displacement : The definition is not excellent and we often end up with a rather coarse physical aliasing if we approach the 3D model. Is there an option to achieve progressive aliasing depending on the distance to the camera? thanks in advance greetings
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
I've finally replaced my 10+ year old computer with something more up to date. It runs A:M just fine and solves two minor but annoying problems A:M had with my old hardware. But now I can't turn off spline anti-aliasing. Checking the "Antialias Lines" box has no effect. I've set the Radeon software Anti-Aliasing switch to "Use application settings". This isn't even close to being a real problem and I'll probably get used to it with time but Steffen might want to look into it. Maybe it's a symptom of other driver issues or maybe I'm just missing something.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 7 replies
I have been working with A:M to create motion profiles for animatronics. Successfully I programed the animatronics for some pieces in Las Vegas last year, writing our own app to help translate to our controllers. You can see some of our process here. I am still working on refining this process and I was hoping someone could point me to some documentation of what all the switches are in an .ACT file or a .MDL file so I can better create some of the tools I need. I have looked on the FTP and at the SDK materials, but I could not find some plain language materials describing all of the syntax of the files. I am not a programmer by nature and there is a lot I d…
Last reply by DrPhibes, -
- 3 replies
A few textures from Filter Forge, a texture generation program, rendered out and cylinder mapped to a simple A:M shape. PRJ and bitmaps: FF They have a free 30 day trial you can get. It's a serious power user program but their library has thousands already made for you to download and use as is. If you like it, they have run "50% OFF SALE- LAST DAY" two out of the last five days, so I suspect they will do that again some time. Full screen to see detail. Luna, Wasteland, Crystal, Tiles... FF_Test003b_2500.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Hello, Do you have on youtube (or other), a simple example of UV unfolding with a cube? I understood a procedure but I am not sure: 1 - Create groups 2 - create poses where we unfold these groups 3 - Grabbing the unfolding screen 4 - create your UV from the grab 5 - place the image as a decal on the "open" pose. 6 - remove the pose so that the character returns to its initial shape. It would seem logical but relatively ... artisanal greats
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hello Hashers- Doing a simple "cookie cut" mapping effect and it is not responding like it should. Instead of clean cutting it has a bizarre transparency effect whereby it chunks up the grid (see photo). I have embedded the simple project if anyone would like to test it. Also attached is the tga image used for mapping in the event it wasn't embedded along with the project. Thanks for any insights! Tom whitee0.tga CookieTest.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Is there a way to keep Snap to Surface from jumping point to the opposite side of a model?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Can you simulate cantelevers in AM with the bullet physics?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
by Guest totallyprofessional- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I purchased the V12.0n disk back in '06 and used it frequently. when trying to install the program on my laptop the program does not launch from the disk. troubleshooting says its not compatible. I have run the setup and installer run multiple compatibility modes and run as admin per the recommendations of the troubleshooter but no luck. any steps forward or am i locked out here?
Last reply by AniMattor, -
- 2 replies
I'm building a formed steel frame, a part of which is shown below, to fit inside an archway . I wanted the vertical column to intersect nicely with the curved section, so I built the curved beam first and made a copy of it as a background template. After completing the orthogonal Tee section with all the corners and five pointers, the final step was splicing the Tee section into the curve and massaging it's cp's, mags and bias values so it's shape matches that of the original curve. My question is based on the fact that when you lathe a circle in A:M, no matter how many points make up the circle, the correct mag is always calculated to get the splines to…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 0 replies
Don't miss out. Anyone can play!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I can't say how long these options have been around but I noticed that Netrender has two checkboxes. Enable OpenMP for slaves Enable GPU processing for slaves Currently my CPU has four physical cores so I typically run three of them in Netrender and leave the fourth to run A:M. What would enabling OpenMP bring to the party? Windows 11's Trusted Platform Module spec. is giving me an excuse to replace my 11 year old hardware. What GPU specs. should I shop for to take advantage of GPU processing? Thanks.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Having issues in later Versions to render previews. It asks for a null, than just creates an empty AVI in the Temp folder. Rendering a larger region with multipass in the choreography fails. Also the MDD export does not work. The MDD, OBJ and LWO files all have different point counts. Hooks create 2 points instead of merging to one, and with 4-point subdivision export 5 point patches will add 5 extra unmerged points. I tried it on different computers with Windows 7, but always the same issues. If someone had the same problem and a solution, I would love to hear about it. Thanks, Rolf
Last reply by Bobby, -
- 10 replies
I have a model of double swinging doors with bones and poses that I want to import multiple times into a new model. After the import, I can select all the CP's and translate and rotate them into my desired positions but the bones stay anchored at their imported positions. Is there a way to move the entire model, bones and all, within a model? I'm fairly certain the answer is "No" but I thought I'd ask before doing the grunt work or installing them in the chor.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 2 replies
Here is a screen capture of the status bars of two instances of A:M They are both running the same cloth simulation with the same settings. The lower left one highlighted in green was started first. The upper right, in yellow, was started second and quite a bit later. The first instance (green) is bogged down in absurdly high numbers of substeps for each frame. The second instance (yellow) is sailing through with far smaller substeps needed for each frame and getting done faster. Same computer, same project, same settings.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello, I had an idea about an animation I'd like to do which I'm trying (probably unsuccessfully, knowing me) to keep fairly simple. It involves basically one thing that I want to make sure is feasible before moving forward. If not, then I need a Plan B. I have a round hole in a flat surface. For part of the animation, I want the round hole to morph into a square hole, and then back to a round hole. Is that something that can be animated? Thanks
Last reply by WolfsongCG, -
- 3 replies
I've been itching to start up creation of a game and thought AM could be a great tool to create the art for it, particularly characters, objects, maybe even tiles and environment stuff. I did a search and found info about 3D models (for Quake, etc), but I didn't find anything specific to creating 2D art. It would be from a side view, so a flat, orthographic camera would be necessary for sure. Are there any resources I've just not found yet on how to set up a scene for something like that? Thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have Animation Master Millennium, v8.0 (I'd have v8.5 if my housemate hadn't shattered the CD). I still have my serial number, and I think I may even have the manual still somewhere. Is there a way to order a replacement CD of 8.5, or download any updates to 8.0? I still have v8.0 as it came on CD in February 2000. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
The voting is closed. Now we await the results video! While you are waiting, consider... A compelling collection of creative computer compositions commendably completed for... Finish the Unfinished! You may still peruse the contest entries below You may still click on any image to see it full screen. You may still see the entire collection as a slide show by clicking on the first image and using the arrow tool at the right side of the screen to advance through the images. (I'm not sure if this works on a phone but, of course, you're not looking at these wonderful images on a tiny phone anyway!) Wireframes are still included…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, I reinstalled Windows over the weekend, and just got AM reinstalled today. I'm having a really strange glitch with it that didn't happen before. When I try to move around UI elements, toolbars, dialogue windows, and such, the outline of the element I'm moving is offset by quite a bit, and it's impossible for me to place it where I want. I have no idea what is causing this. I tried restarting Windows, and uninstalling and reinstalling AM. Neither thing fixed it. Luckily, I was able to capture the outline bit in a screengrab. I added a red oval where my mouse cursor was. So, you can see what I'm talking about. Adding and editing splines works …
Last reply by WolfsongCG, -
- 5 replies
Rob- I came across a puzzle that you might help with. I am trying to "grow" a molecule, segment by segment, almost like a time lapse thing, but I can't figure out how to control the slow growth of each segment using pose sliders. Maybe there is a smarter way...see you at noon. Tom Molecule.mdl
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
RLM error -3
by Guest Frederick- 5 replies
Hi. When I try to open A:M it comes up with a contact support message. No way to enter my new subscription license number. What can I do to get it running again?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 16 replies
I purchaced AM two days ago but can.t find a download anywhere .allways used to be in latest updates forum
Last reply by steve392, -
- 0 replies
I have a suggestion for making the grid line display more useful (IMHO) if Steffen can manage it. Here is a typical grid setup for me; grid lines every 1/16" with a highlight line at each inch. Another typical grid for me is lines every inch with a highlight every foot. If I zoom out from this screen mag, at some point AM decides that the smaller grid squares can't be resolved on my monitor and whole grid is turned off. It would be useful if only the small grid was turned off while the highlighted lines remained. If you continue to zoom out, eventually the large grid also turns off.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone. I'm having to copy/Flip/attach a character model. The center line cps are not on 000. Is there a quick way to move the center line of cps to CENTER 000????
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I recently started doing lots of large (for me anyway) rendering jobs on my Dell Windows computer I purchased the end of last year, which has an Intel i9 processor. The i9 processor has 8 cores (most desktop i7s have 4). Each core can run two threads of normal programs, but each has only one math processor. As a result, you can run 8 NetRender Messengers (slaves) at a time, as rendering is all math. I'm getting 45 seconds of animation (1,350 frames) at 720p rendered in a little over two hours! The last time I was rendering large numbers of frames (on a dual-core machine a few years back), it would take around 18 hours to do a similarly sized batch. I've found t…
Last reply by Vance G, -
- 3 replies
I'm having issues in v19o with rendering normal maps on non-rectilinear patches using anything thing other than a final camera render in a chor. At the top of the attached image are shown five flat surfaces. The left-most four patcher is similar to the surface that I was modelling when I discovered this. The next three surfaces have the same outline but each is built with a different patch layout to see its effect. The right-most surface is a reference square 4x4 patch plane. All patch normals are aligned. The same normal map image is decaled to each plane. Isometric views of these five surfaces are rendered as 5 pass progressive or 16 pass final in a modelling …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Hi everybody, I think everybody knows that and it just recently drove me nuts again... this small little stand for keyboards which break and a totally fine keyboard is just no longer pleasant to be used and you would need to throw it away which is totally wasteful if you ask me... So I bought a thousands of dollar 3d printer and printed something out to get over tha... Not really... it has been used in many, many instances like that over the last 7 years or so and I think it should be fine today especially if you count in the fun I had with it . Here is the result and the broke part in an very macro version which does exactly what it should :). I am cu…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
The Master_64.MAC file seems to store keyboard shortcut customizations. Does it store anything else? And where are custom screen Layouts stored? @yoda64
Last reply by yoda64, -
"Wrong Host for License"
by Guest KillerBeanFan112- 9 replies
IT ALWAYS KEEPS ON SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO??????????????????????????????????????????????????? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SAYS wrong host for license wHaT dO i HaVe To Do??????????????
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 3 replies
While working away, my new spline creation suddenly started snapping to the grid. I can’t get rid of this behaviour. Editing is fine, it’s just upon creating new control points. it’s making things difficult. Do I have to reinstall AM?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
The function of "Clone CP Weights" is to copy the CP weights from one model to the exactly matching CPs in a target model. Question: What is the purpose of the checkbox for "Reassign target model CPs"? If I uncheck it, no CP weights get changed, which is the same as not using the plugin at all. @yoda64 I did watch the tut by @itsjustme but I didn't see it address that questions.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
I am not sure if people are aware of this, but I just did a small test and it works... You can even use one decal (UV set) to layer color maps with transparency over each other. Not sure if it helps a lot (maybe with 3d painting it could be nice for instance to animate wounds or skin changes or something like that?) but it was an interesting thing for me... Best regards *Fuchur* video_stacking_color_maps_on_each_other.mp4
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
I've just noticed that most of the time A:M tells me how many Frames Per Second I currently have. But sometimes it tells me how effective it would be as a sun block...
Last reply by Fuchur,