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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

TAR of Zandoria Kickstarter

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OK here we go!!! Please help me by posting this on your Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In or anywhere you can think of to get the word out! I have 30 days to raise the funding, and the key is spreading the word!


When I finish this series, I will release the assets to the community as open source, so Animation:Master users will all benefit when this project succeeds. At the $50 pledge level I am including a data DVD with the characters, sets, props and choreographies from the first episode to play with (in addition to the DVD of the first episode, with making-of behind the scenes).

So I really hope the community will get behind this project. For only $1 you can pledge your support and I will thank you and list you in the credits as a supporter!

Thank you for your help in bringing TAR of Zandoria to life!

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I'm excited, Will!


I'm going to wait a few days before I share it on Facebook. After the last few days, I think if I post another Kickstarter request everyone is going to unfriend me. :-)

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Love the additiona to your video with Tar walking forward and the montage of drawings. Very nice!


Best of luck to you in your endeavor!


I'll be supporting but look for my contribution a bit later as I've maxed out my kicks and starts for the next few days.

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Going for that amount of money is really a battle. You've got to really get it out there and publicize it. I had a few suggestions I sent you earlier. You can't count on KS to help, so you have to do the heavy lifting.


Tony is right about updates. Make it seem like the project is urgent and alive.


Also, it might help to add some specifics to your story about what the money is going for. You don't have to do an itemization, but it gives people an idea of why you need the help.


I let myself get discouraged last time and regret it. I waited until the very end to really fight for it.


Go out there swinging ...or regroup. You can always cancel the project and relaunch with a focus on individual stages of the production.

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I got this message from someone who, though they aren't donating ('cause they're broke), and aren't going to share the link (because of the boobies on the dancing chick), had some "advice" for me:


You’ve made Tar a very flat character to your kickstarter audience. He isn’t likeable yet because you haven’t let us get to know him. People are much more likely to support someone they like, and while you're likeable, you're only the artist, not the character.


Make your audience adore TAR. Here in Facebook, post a BIO for Tar. Do not compare him to other characters or to other famous characters’ famous creators; you’ve done that already. Tell us: What makes TAR unique? How does his story, his personality, add something NEW to the animation that has come before him? How does he reveal how WE are as human beings? Let everyone get to know him a bit, beyond just that he’s a violent hippo.


But really...He IS just a violent hippo! :lol::)

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That person is right you need to separate him from the pack, make people care who might be on the fence about donating. I know animation is hard but I would have had something with him kicking massive butt and taking names. This project and concept is just to strong to not reach the funding.

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It might help some to draw out more of the story. Incidentally, I looked at wikipedia wondering if there was any odd characteristic of Hippos, but didn't find much. The only thing I found amusing was that Hippos seem to be overly aggressive to crocodiles for no real reason. They just don't like 'em. :-)

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It might help some to draw out more of the story. Incidentally, I looked at wikipedia wondering if there was any odd characteristic of Hippos, but didn't find much. The only thing I found amusing was that Hippos seem to be overly aggressive to crocodiles for no real reason. They just don't like 'em. :-)

Hippos just like to fight period. I watched a special on them and man do they love violence.

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Look at how Dreamworks promoted Gloria (Hippo in Madagascar) - part of her bi-line "....who says an oversized, heavy hippo can't master the high wire act?".


Sure, Tar loves to fight - but he loves to party too - yes?


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I think a great source of promotion would be to try to reach other fantasy-type creator's audiences!


Drawing a sketch of one of the characters in a webcomic is a great way to get them to feature you on their website and link to your project.


Here's some I found just doing some googling:


The Legend of Bill— Funny barbarian strip by Dave Reddick (who works for Jim Davis' studio doing Garfield.) Dave has several routes you can go to do fan art.


Battlepug—A Conan-type character who rides a horse-sized pug.


Sword & Sarcasm—A funny-animal sword & sorcery comic


Swords & Sausages—Anthropomorphic fantasy comic.


I gotta' believe there's an audience out there for TAR. You just gotta' find it!

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I think some of the new ideas are good......sometimes we are to close to things and we forget not everyone is on the same page ---so yes folks in AM know you and your characters but a little more whiz bang for others might help and really if you are trying to get as broad an audience as possible its good to start with your potential supporters.

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Some Bonus rewards courtesy of Jason and Hash Inc.:


At the $50 and $100pledge level, the demo version of Animation:Master will work for 60 days, instead of 30!


At the $500 pledge level, you will get a downloadable version of Animation:Master that never expires!!! This level includes Hash's "Extras" DVD download .zip, iso, .rar, digital manuals and included data --This is a fantastic deal! :yay:

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I got this message from someone who, though they aren't donating ('cause they're broke), and aren't going to share the link (because of the boobies on the dancing chick), had some "advice" for me:


You’ve made Tar a very flat character to your kickstarter audience. He isn’t likeable yet because you haven’t let us get to know him. People are much more likely to support someone they like, and while you're likeable, you're only the artist, not the character.


Make your audience adore TAR. Here in Facebook, post a BIO for Tar. Do not compare him to other characters or to other famous characters’ famous creators; you’ve done that already. Tell us: What makes TAR unique? How does his story, his personality, add something NEW to the animation that has come before him? How does he reveal how WE are as human beings? Let everyone get to know him a bit, beyond just that he’s a violent hippo.


But really...He IS just a violent hippo! :lol::)

William, this is excellent advice and mirrors what I learned from TV execs and other advisors/tutors at Kidscreen back in February. Don't discount it.

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I honestly find it a terrible mis-use of Kickstarter, but it seems to be the trend now. Why use this device for funding independent artists with no means of support to fund the "promise" of a movie version of a TV show (Veronica Mars.)


Goon has been around for many years and has an enormous audience. So does something like Veronica Mars or some of these other celeb-campaigns.


It's great publicity for Kickstarter and the huge returns mean money in the bank for the website, but you have to wonder how much attention and potential backing they take away from the folks who really need the funding.

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Yeah... I bet the budget for what's already been done there for "Goon" would shock people. I agree with Largento. Will has something unique there. If he had Blurr's staff of artists and their budget, Tar would be just as "Glitzy." Besides, I think Tar could take "the Goon" in the arena....don't you?" :)

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8 days to go, and only 35 backers...Those 35 are my true fans--thanks! And thanks to Hash for the support with the pledge rewards.


I really have to stop and evaluate my idea of turning into an open-source project with the A:M community...Probably not enough interest to justify the headaches that go with collaboration, and maybe no audience for TAR anyway.

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8 days to go, and only 35 backers...Those 35 are my true fans--thanks! And thanks to Hash for the support with the pledge rewards.


I really have to stop and evaluate my idea of turning into an open-source project with the A:M community...Probably not enough interest to justify the headaches that go with collaboration, and maybe no audience for TAR anyway.

I would not say that. I personally think that this could appeal to fans of sword and sorcery and Conan. I want to this succeed. I would just redo sometime in the future with a mean trailer. The concept is too damn good. Hell train me and I will help you with this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only 615 people even viewed the video, but of them almost 13% made a pledge. The take away for me is that I need a bigger network to find "my audience"...

I really appreciate my fans here helping spread the word, and especially those who pledged. This was a disappointment but it will not deter me from bringing TAR to life !

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Only 615 people even viewed the video, but of them almost 13% made a pledge. The take away for me is that I need a bigger network to find "my audience"...

I really appreciate my fans here helping spread the word, and especially those who pledged. This was a disappointment but it will not deter me from bringing TAR to life !


On to Plan B!


My offer to do a piece of animation for TAR is still good if you should decide you want such a thing.

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Sad to see it fail, too, Will, but you've got to put a positive spin on it. You're not out anything but some time and you've no doubt found some valuable information and connected to some folks who had never heard of it before.


You'll do your own post-mortem (as I've done with mine) and gain some insight that you didn't have before.


I was googling Tar not long ago and came across a 3D model you did of him in 2002 with the idea of doing a digital comic. I don't know how long ago you did the airbrushed comic, but it's clear this is a demon that isn't going to go away. You gotta' release the beast!


I can't wait to see it happen!

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