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Spider-man: Reloaded


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Sorry everybody for using Photoshop, haha. Let's just say I am new to the v12 and v13 world and have no idea how to use A:M Composite so I used Photoshop to put my three layers together (below).


1: A Spec Layer set to Linier Dodge


2: A Flat Color Layer set to Overlay


3: An AO layer that I tweaked the color on and Used the Burn tool to darken some of the harsher highlights. If anyone knows of a better way to lighten or darken areas in PS please let me know because using the Burn tool causes color change -- as you can see by the pic on the forearm area.


If this can be done with A:M composite please let me know. And/or posting a link to any relevant information would be appreciated.


Thanks again for the comments. And once again, I would have used A:M Composite but am way more familiar with PS and really have no idea how to use A:M C.


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I would have used A:M Composite but am way more familiar with PS and really have no idea how to use A:M C.

Well, apparently neither does anyone else. You could be the guy who finally breaks through! Go Jeff!

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I could be wrong, but you should be able to get those cool results straight out of the AO color render and not have to composite anything.


For some reason I don't get an AO feel from your early color AO renders, but the straight one certainly gets good results...is there any ambiance on your red and blue version?


the final results, no matter how you got them, look cool!


- pjc

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I could be wrong, but you should be able to get those cool results straight out of the AO color render and not have to composite anything.


For some reason I don't get an AO feel from your early color AO renders, but the straight one certainly gets good results...is there any ambiance on your red and blue version?


the final results, no matter how you got them, look cool!


- pjc


I tried rendering it all together and I get either the look you saw or if I render it with just AO and no diffuse lighting it comes out too dark. The only way I could get that last pic was putting it all together from seperate layers. It might be that I just don't know enough.


I am using a material that I call Costume Gradient which uses an ambient gradient around the edges of the model. I used this on both versions of the model.



Well, apparently neither does anyone else. You could be the guy who finally breaks through! Go Jeff!


Well I found a little info on these boards. I might just read all of it and see if I can learn a thing or three :).


Thanks guys!

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Ok, this render is straight out of A:M. I set the background and ground color to white. AO settings are at 100%, sampling is at 30. I have two lights in this scene. In earlier renders one of the lights cast diffuse, spec and shadows. The other light was set to cast spec and shadows. In this image both are set to just cast spec only.


It renders a little darker than I would hope, even with a white background. So I thought if I added a diffuse light it would brighten it up -- which it did, but then it took away the nice AO look as you saw from the earlier verisons. I thought by splitting up the layers I would get more control over the layers. I did it in PS because I knew how to do it in there. I will probably do some tests in the near future to see if I can do it in A:M Composite.


I should also mention that all the pics are just screen grabs. I never do a render to file until I am doing the final render.


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It renders a little darker than I would hope, even with a white background. So I thought if I added a diffuse light it would brighten it up -- which it did, but then it took away the nice AO look as you saw from the earlier verisons.

If your goal is to achieve a look like your Photoshop composited image, then you should start tweaking the costume colors. Your red and blue colors seem too dark. Like Patrick, I think you should be able to achieve a similar look straight out of A:M.

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If you're looking to preserve the AO look but need the subject brighter, just remember that there is an intensity setting for AO :P


I have that at 100%. Thanks though



If your goal is to achieve a look like your Photoshop composited image, then you should start tweaking the costume colors. Your red and blue colors seem too dark. Like Patrick, I think you should be able to achieve a similar look straight out of A:M.


The colors seem good to me in the modeling window. I'll adjust them lighter and see what they look like. I guess it's the final render that matters.


Thanks, guys.

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Ok, I recreated the normal map for the right arm. I lightened the colors and rendered with the same settings as the one with the white bg.


So now the model is showing up better, but I am missing the look of the layered version. It looks too much like the comic's colors and I am trying to lean towards a combination of the movie look and the comics. I am just not of fan of the lighter colors.


I think I am going to stick with my layered look for the image I am making since I am doing this just for an image and not an animation. I am thinking the tweaking involved in getting it to look like the layered version is going to take way too long. Since it's not doing this for an image contest I don't see the reason not to use PS to get a great looking pic.


Thanks everybody.


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  • 1 month later...

It's been awhile, but I'm aback with this shot. My cable went out and I just got it back online.


Here's a pose base on the pic that Patrick posted. Still needs alot of tweaking. I might be laying off on this for awhile to see if I can help on TWO again.


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Thanks guys :).


Well, for the lighting, I kinda "cheated". I rendered a Color Pass, an Ambient Occlusion Pass, and a Specular Pass. Then I brought it into Photoshop and tweaked the layers to get this look (including changing the color of my white AO pass to a green-ish color).


I assume there might be a way to do this within A:M, but haven't got around to checking that yet.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Thanks alot, everyone. I don't know what it is about Spider-Man, but I can guarantee I'll be remaking him in another year or so, haha.


Well I said I would do it and here is my progress so far. I was just trying to make a new male body with better muscle definition and decided to make a new Spider-man. I don't know when I'll get to the webbing and finish him since I'm working on TWO, but I thought I'd post this anyway.


Rendered in three seperate passes (AO, Color, Spec), and assembled in Photoshop.


Thanks for looking.


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Thanks for the comments guys. I appreciate it.



Spidey is looking pretty lean! Nice!

If I had to make a crit, the only thing

I could think to say is that abs detail

on real people usually has the right side

slightly higher then the left side of



Really? I didn't know that. I'm still debating if I want to put those side muscles in the abdomen still (over the rib cage), or maybe add them with displacement. Or maybe not add them at all. *shrugs*

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  • 3 years later...

So, um -- yea, um. I just can't help myself! The new Spidey movie is coming out soon, My favorite 90's Spidey cartoon has hit Netflix, and I just have this model sitting here, staring at me. What was I supposed to do!


So here he is -- once again.


I "leaned" him up. Made the head bigger and rounder. Made the eyes larger. Lengthened his arms and legs. He only has basic colors right now. I added reflection and SSS just to what he looked like. I think it looks pretty good.


I will probably be designing a new costume for him, with a different layout. It will still be very similar to the original costume though.


Sorry for putting everyone through this, but you know every few years I get the itch :).


Thanks for looking.


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Thanks everyone for the comments. They are sincerely appreciated.


Gerald, you should have seen him before I widened the shoulders, haha. Anyway, I wanted him to be a very lean Spider-man. It also helps to make him look younger, and when posed it will hopefully make him look more "spidery"


Just to show I'm still working on him, here's a WIP of the front torso decal so far. It's just color and not finished yet, but might give you an idea of where I am going. I might also darken up the red and blue colors. I'm going for a new universe type of deal here, so I want it to look like the original, but be it's own.


Thanks for looking.


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John, haha.


Thanks for the comments.


Good News: Finished the front torso color decal.


Bad News: Will probably have to redo it.


I'm not too upset about it, but like I have said, I have forgotton alot of things. One of thse things is to keep my patches as close as possible to their original size in my flattening action. Plus I wanted to do all the decaling in one image and not have to do multiple images. I should have did all my flattening first and then started working on the decal. Oh well, live and learn.


I might move onto my Connor model for a little bit and jump back to this after that. I'm really enjoying working on ole Spidey again.


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Well, I just can't stop, haha.


I've decided to try and keep what I have and make the rest work. I deleted the middle web between the eyes and added an extra web line on the chest. I also added a real quick bump map, just to see what it would look like.


Jeff B.


EDIT: Changed out the picture with one I put a quick reflectivity map on. I just can't stop screwing around, haha. This will be my last pic until I have some more of the model decaled.


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It's pretty hot in my computer room so I haven't really been able to do much with modeling with this weather. Here he is rendered from a different angle, and here's what I have done with the back. I hope I can get it all to match, or else I will have to redo my flattening and my textures *crosses fingers*.


I am trying to hint a little at Venom with the mirroring of the symbols on the back and the front. I just love that look with Venom, so I decided to use it here.


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Looking great Jeff.

If that doesn't make you want to see that model animated I don't know what would.


There is something odd about the front webbing going down the front of his face. Perhaps what you have is modeled after a new design that I'm not aware of but I'll offer this in case it matters...


Spider-man's mask usually has one line coming over the head and down the center line until it reaches the 'circle' in between his eyes. From that point downward past his chin and neck two weblines branch out toward his jaw and there is no webline at the centerline. I think in the comic books they just did this to break up the face a little and hint at the lines going around his nose from the front perspective. My apologies if this has been suggested or already dealt with and I'm just behind the times. I'm not looking at reference now but I'm pretty sure that webline runs all the way down the back of his head from that origin at his eye line.


I found myself really staring at the area on his arms where the blue meets the red and seems to form muscle. That's a very cool effect you've got going there. It makes it seem like the costume has some thickness to it. I like!

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Thanks alot for the comment, Rodney.


You are correct with the webbing. Since I'm going for a new universe look I decided to screw with the costume a little, that included the webbing layout. I decided to mirror the top and bottom face webbing just because I like the look better. It's the same reason I changed the back area as well -- I just felt like it,haha.


I will probably be adding a light airbrushing to accentuate the muscles even more toward the end of my decaling.


Thanks again for the comment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all excuse the left hand being cut out of two of the images, I forgot to fix that before it was too late. Also forgive me if this idea has already been used. It's just to help give me ideas for images. I really don't follow comics that much -- even though I love comic book super heroes, haha.


The Terrific Spider-man


The world is if filled with horror and wonder since the technology of Gateways has been discovered. These Gateways can open to worlds of paradise, or dimensions of terror. To places familiar, or to places utterly alien.


Richard and Mary Parker were scientists working for Oscorp, one of the companies to take advantage of this technology before it was banned worldwide from use. In one dimension Richard was either given, or he took, an alien suit. Nothing is known of how this suit ended up in the Parker's Attic, but that is where Peter finds it years later -- and puts it on.


His parents have been dead for years. It was said they were killed on an alien world by the evil inhabitants. Now he has this suit with wonderful abilities (first suit pictured). Peter himself has no power himself, but the suit makes him powerful. He decides to call himself Spider-man for the spider-like logo on the suit.


He finds that when he is in a defensive postion, or needs to be more stealthy, his suit will go dark and harden, yet still be flexible (the second suit pictured). When his suit is in this form it is better than kevlar and will hold up to exteme pressures -- but only for short times.


All of his enemies are either using illegal alien tech or have been possessed by daemons from other dimensions. Although the Gateway technologies have been banned they are still used illiegally, and sometimes Gateways will spontaneously emerge from the aether and cause chaos on the world.


Later in his adventures Peter's suit is infected by an alien virus. Little did he know, but his suit was a living organism that has now been possessed by a daemon (third suit pictured). Thinking he will lose his powers, he doesn't want to lose the suit, but finally finds a way to rid himself of it. Because of his contact with the daemon suit the powers of the suit are transfered to him. In fact, he can call up the suit from his very skin. He now can use any one of the suits he wants.


That's the very besic idea of my new universe. I didn't want to write a book, haha.


I have also posted a picture of my UV setup. It didn't turn out perfect, but making all that webbing is freaking hard.


I now need some help on picking a villain for the final image I will make. I will be using the red-blue suit for the image, but I might blend parts of the dark one (not the black one) into it. I know the red-blue suit is much darker than the original, but I wanted the darker look for a darker universe. Remember whatever villain I pick will either be monstrous in some respect, or using alien tech, or both.


Thanks for looking :).



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