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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I thought I might post a little water test I did. It looks very promising. I used an animated displacement and bump map (you can see the line where the bump map begins). I used the babbage patch tutes to help me out.


Anyway, just thought people might be interested.






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Great looks......so all Ill need is the babbage patch tutes to do the same? or did you add a little extra, a trade secrete...smile....that does look exaxtlly like water..




Looks great!!! Really, that was way cool!


How about from othe angles?

Maybe in the tube, looking out!


Mike Fitz


  • Hash Fellow

Those look real good. I especially like the first one because it doesn't have that "boiling" look that most of the water animations seem to have.


Oh come on!


If you zoom way in on one of the frames you can clearly see the reflection of someone holding a video camera.




Seriously though, the wave is the killer. That is the best one I've seen yet... in perfect honesty... I wasn't sure exactly if it was done in A:M. I had to re-read your post to make sure I read it correctly the first time!


Vernon "!" Zehr

Oh come on!


If you zoom way in on one of the frames you can clearly see the reflection of someone holding a video camera.




Absolutely! There's even a beach ball in the shot. And I can see a fish jump splash about half way through it.


I can't believe that doesn't even use the new cloth/fluid featues in v12!


Well look at that. I've been trying to figure out how to do a wave and there's a fariggin' wave! I'm just curious, if you backed the camera away from that, would that show the secret? Or is there a whole ocean behind that wave? Animated displacement on a static wave model with particles?


Thanks chaps!


Mark, I can pull back a bit, but the only shot in frame is only the wave so there was no point adding anything further. It wouldn't be much extra work to add more ocean though. Just a bit more modelling.




Wow! Thats the most impressive water I've seen made with A:M. Hope you some day reveals the secret ;)




I've watched the clip three times now and it's so well done it actually looks like a rendered sphere composited over real footage of ocean water, and I couldn't express any better compliment about how good it looks than that! Very nice job on the bright sunlight dancing on the water, it really helps make it realistic.


If you planned on sharing a tutorial (hint, hint) :D I'm sure it would become the go-to AM water tutorial for a long time to come.




Hi Shaun!


Wonderful water effects,that is very reality water!

Nice work, keep it up!


How did you make this reality wave?


Best regards,


Sharky ;)


HAd a nice long post on this one that the forum lost for me...again....so in short...great looking effecf, Id need/want such an effect for my next MMC entry...




As soon as I get a moment I'll post a decent explanation. In the short term though:


I basically modelled a static wave, and a static foam model (at the point where the wave meets the ocean). I created moving animated bump and displacement maps using the techniques outlined in the babbage patch tutorial and stuck them on.


I made the wave transparent with a refractive index of about 1.4, I made it reflective (mybe 20-30 percent), and then stuck in an large sphere with an environment map applied to give the water something the reflect and refract.


I then added some sprites for the spray.


And I got my wave. :)


The original water was just following the babbage patch tutes.


When I get a moment though I'll outline the process properly.





The original water was just following the babbage patch tutes.


I'm glad people still find this useful. I have been trying to get an updated tut done for version 11/12, but it seems every time I get started, other work distracts me. SOON, I promise :)


I've done Charles's tut sveral times in the years...I have it in my personal AM tuts folder..any updated tutorials on the subject are apprciated......I would be lost without my tutorial folder I can never remember how to do something ,cant rely on my memory anymore....


Thanks you,



Hey Shaun.


Excellent work. The wave is nice, including the mist coming off the top. The only crit I have is that the water is too clear. A wave would typically churn up stuff from the ocean floor (some sand at least), and the water would be a bit more turbulent, less transparent...though down under the waves might be that clear (if so, I'm grabbing my board and heading down right away!). Maybe add some green to it?


This is some guys surfing in Australia.



Ok, if someone is not going to show me how to get the Babbage tutorial to work on V.11.1, then I am GOING TO HOLD MY BREATH TILL I TURN BLUE!!!


I mean it.....I really will, you know......not one single breath.....it'll be all on your shoulders....blue I tell you!





Ok, I'm starting to hold my breath now...............




Whimper, whimper.....please someone save me......I'm starting to see stars....it's getting so cold and dark....gasp.....choke....................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhh!


As my soul gets carried off into the great unknown....I ask myself....were there more shooters on the grassy knoll? Could a man really survive the radiation levels of the Van Allen Belt? ...Will the Babbage water tutorial legend ever be affirmed?..............Wait, I see a light.......I'll have the answers soon..........drifting out of sight and mind.


eric....when your soul gets carried off into the great unknown...i think i know what u gonna face there...it's where u will be living as an angel, or as a devil. where u feel good, of feel bad...it's where u will be asked about all what u did in your life...me my self...i'm afriad of that day..



your brother...


jin kazama






Hey...send me the project file...I'll stick a surfer-chick in there! (winkwinknudgenudge!)



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