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The A:M Forum is for technical support and the sharing of tips and ideas between users/prospective users of Hash software. It is moderated constantly by technical support representatives.
-Ask questions about the software.
-Assist other users... everyone was new at this once.
-Inform people of your version/platform when asking for help.
-Share resources; tutorials, models, textures, tips and techniques (link to useful websites).
-Post links to your work, or where your art is being used online (on websites, in games, toons', etc.)
-Search the A:M Forum and FAQ. The question you are about to ask may have already been answered.
-Organize and inform others about user groups, IRC chats, image and animation contests, job opportunities, etc.
-Discuss what you are working on and let everyone know about magazine reviews and articles that relate to your projects.
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-No complaining or whining on the forum or distribution of misinformation.
-No flames of any kind.
-No Off Topic posts. (Posts in the Off Topics section should be related to A:M in some form or fashion or benefit the A:M community as a whole).
-No soliciting of any kind without prior approval.
-No threads or comparisons related to other 3D Applications.
-No "Wish list" or feature requests, they should be sent to for categorizing and prioritization (User requests define the future development of the software).
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-No discussion of Hash Internal Affairs (finances, advertising, PR.)
-No posting of private email to the forum unless permission of the author is granted. (Private correspondence should remain private)
-No very general questions like: "how do I make a good 3D model" make your questions as complete and concise as possible.
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User Led Forum Considerations
Firstly and foremostly, please remember this is Martin Hash's forum and that it is every A:M User's primary resource for information about A:M. In order to remain relevant we need everyone's continuing support and interest.
Secondly, understand there is a distinction between A:M (the program) and the A:M forum. There are some topics and issues that are outside the scope of this forum and most can be deduced by reading through the forum guidelines. These include such things as Hash Inc internal policies, business practices, trade secrets, and specific plans for the future not yet publicly released. Each of these would be fascinating topics of their own but are better reserved for private communications with a representative of Hash Inc.
Related to the second, is purchasing, customer service and other areas outside the purview of the common user who may have no interest in such things; subjects relating to money exchanging hands are beyond the scope of the A:M Forum and often can lead to conflicts of interest between users and/or Hash Inc. (If Hash Inc cuts you a deal on volume purchasing it's really no one else's business). Likewise, individual complaints about a product or service are best remedied by going direct with Hash Inc representatives empowered to make decisions. Please allow them them the time necessary to resolve your specific issue and consider the cost of customized solutions.
This last area is likely the source of much confusion because many see the A:M Forum as the official outlet for Hash Inc... and it is. But the forum is not designed for conducting business and private matters best resolved by going to Hash Inc directly. Similarly, bug reports are best resolved by entering them directly into the A:M Reporting system.
Many problems can be easily addressed at the user level just by asking fellow users in the forum. If someone at Hash Inc suggests the forum as a source, it is very likely a problem can be easily resolved. For tougher issues there is even more reason to take the issue directly to the source... you don't want the issue discussed... you want it resolved quickly.
Finally, remember that we want to pass this forum on to future moderators and generations of A:M Users in the absolute best condition possible. A:M is just that good a program and is worthy of our consideration.
Thanks for making the A:M Forum a great community.
4,158 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
I am a new user, and while trying to model a character, I have encountered many problems. In a nutshell, the whole thing is very overwhellming. I would appreciate any advice any experianced modelers here have to offer. Also, if anyone has a cool model they want to donate, that would be awsome! Many thanks.
Last reply by Leo73, -
- 5 replies
I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work. I want to delete this patch in here, but it won't work! If you look in the little square you'll see the selected patch... VVVVVVVVVVVV
Last reply by teh1ghool, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I'm thinking about buying A:M for a dinosaur movie I have in the works. Is this software good for that, and how hard would it be exactly. PS: Dont show me the t-rex chasing a car video, ive seen it!
Last reply by KenH, -
- 2 replies
In all the versions of help I've found, the Java table of contents crashes. Java doesn't crash on anything else. It looks like it's looking for privleges and not giving me a chance to grant them. Why I don't know. Is there any version of the TOC that doesn't rely on Java? I'm using... Version 1.4.2_04 (build 1.4.2_04-b05) Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. (Also, any advice on where to get help on the 101 little problems I seem to be running into with learning the program? For example, attaching two parts of a model changing the colors assigned to patches, what all the different frobs mean in the…
Last reply by DNew, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Last reply by trajcedrv, -
- 10 replies
when ever i'm in shaded and wire frame mode the CPs are black and they don't change color when i select them and when i'm in a coragraphy or action the bones are black and they blend in to well with eachother and its hard for me to tell wich bone i have selected what do i do?
Last reply by the_black_mage, -
- 3 replies
I have looked and looked and can find no information on how to control the box that lets items come in front of and go behind other objects. I can fool around and eventually get the item I want in front where I want it, but I can not seem to find the key that does this with any consistancy. Where would I look for this information? Thanks, Lucine
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Hi to all from Italy. I hope someone can help me. I often model half a face and then I Copy/Flip/Attach. If the point of the central spline are not exactly in 0 (in X axis when I am in the front view) Copy/flip/attach sometimes doesn't work. So my question is: how can I have all the points of a selected splines at exactly 0 in x axis? I discovered that if all the points are in, for istance, 1cm and I select the spline and write 0 all the points move to 0. But if the points are not all in the same position in x axis (1 point at 1,01cm, 1 point at 1,04 etc...) it doesnt work. Another question: I need to export my models in polygons to work in other softwares. I…
Last reply by artistadj, -
- 3 replies
I have a model that's getting too complex, so I'm hiding huge chunks of it while I work. this means that sometimes there are CPs visible but the spline running through them is not. When drawing a new spline, is there any way I can force a new CP to attach to one of these CPs? As an example of the problem: lathe a four-point circle and extrude it twice to make a cylinder. Select the middle spline circle and hide the rest. Break the spline twice and delete the two remaining splines. Try to attach a CP from a new spline.
Last reply by Gorf, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
What shapes work best, to get the type of emitting you need. I've tried many shapes, each get a different emitting. egg, flat bull's eye, ball, cone, cube, etc. also is there a way to controll which part of the emitter shape does the emitting? Thanks, Chip
Last reply by KenH, -
- 2 replies
I've got a few shorts I'd love to upload, but the hash upload page hasn't been right for me as long as I've tried. For example, here's a copy-and-paste of the upload page: humbnail: Byg to allow A:M Films viewerso save it, copy it, or s your own, and that yogement or copyrig Animation Info - Step 2 "yogement?" "copyrig?" Is this me? My attempts to upload have failed. Any suggestions?
Last reply by noewjook, -
- 14 replies
I want to preface my question with the comment that when you think you've found a bug in something very basic, usually it means you have a flawed understanding. In a choreography, numerous times I've needed to copy and paste a block of keyframes and I've been unable to get them to paste exactly where I want it to go. For example: [attachmentid=15565] After selecting some keyframes that I want to paste elsewhere, I've tried setting the frame number to where I want the keyframes to go and then do a paste: [attachmentid=15566] Now, when I captured these images, it was my intention to show my problem. That is, the keyframes only approximated going t…
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I just spent alot for upgraded hardware and the rendering time is mush slower. My old system of a 1.7g CPU and 1gbite of ram will render a section of my model in 2 sec. The new computer which supports a 2.9 ghz CPU and 2 Gbite of ram takes 2 minutes for the same selection. The old computer is using a GForce 5500 AGP board and the new computer has a ATI 600 board. WHAT did I do wrong?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Hello Sorry if this has been covered, Ive searched the forum but been unable to find a solution. Im simply trying to mirror smartskins, but after I perform the `mirror all smartskins` operation, all I get is a new -but empty- smartskin folder. On the original side I can find a folder containing all of the modified splines, but on the mirrored side, the smartskin folder is just empty. Ive also tried deleting smartskins on other models, on one side only, then using `mirror all smartskins` to get them back, but I get the same problem. I dont know what Im doing wrong, as its worked for me in the past (some how). Any ideas? Thanks
Last reply by Christian, -
- 2 replies
how do i make .MOVs loop so they keeps replaying?
Last reply by cuboos, -
- 3 replies
I have made the models and the actions and now in the chroeography I am putting together my movie. But when I want to add a new model in the middle of my action, say at about the 5 sec spot, the item I add then flys in off the side and moves around during the first part of the movie where I don't want it. How do I add something later in the footage without it being in the first part. Thanks for any help. Lucine
Last reply by Lucine, -
- 6 replies
I am using AM2006, the yeti CD. I downloaded the AM2000 & AM2001 files from the Hash FTP. I created a library file for AM2000 and gave all the models thumbnails. Then I was doing the same for AM2001. After spending a long time doing this, I noticed the "Vehicles\Land" folder was missing. Then, right before my eyes, the "Vehicles\Sea" folder disappeared as well. I went back and checked the AM2000 library and the same thing had happened there too! I panicked and closed AM quickly. When I reopened it and browsed my libraries, I found those folders as well as a couple of others had mysteriously relocated themselves into my "props\weapons\blade" library folder. …
Last reply by T-Dogg, -
- 2 replies
In my country ( netherlands ) there is a legal am 2006 for sale, because it's to complex for the person. License is three weeks old. Can somebody tell me if the license can be transferred to a new user ?, and what is used as a protection for am 2006. If people are user off the am 2006 version will he be able to get a free copy off ver 13 if it is coming out this year ? Thanks in advance Greets from the netherlands.
Last reply by C-grid, -
- 2 replies
Hashers, I am trying to repose my charactar after a walk cycle. But when I do it messes up the action. How do I do a walk cycle with an action, then when the character gets to the end of the path do I then animate him without messing up the action? I tried making a new keyframe frame just after it but that didn't seem to work. thanks
Last reply by tysono_71, -
- 5 replies
Ok, I purchased what was listed as Animation:Master 2006 a couple of weeks ago. The box has a witch and broom on it. The CD has a Yeti on it. The software version is 12.0 and everything in it states that it is AM 2005. (Help/About), etc. Now, I somehow came across Version 13 Alpha and have been using that (as I am a bleeding edge kinda guy and love to debug things). Today, it said my "trial" is over with and to call a 1-800 number. So - What am I supposed to run? What did I purchase? How do I work on the TWO project without version 13? IS AM 2006 even out yet? Thanks all! -Tim
Last reply by T-Dogg, -
- 3 replies
i want to build some missles, and have about half a dozen of these guys fly out in random randomly in a general direction is there an easier way of doing something like that besides modelling each projectile, and moving each missle separately? is there an easier way of makin missle fire that i am missing?
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 7 replies
I am having trouble rendering a video with horizontal lines (siding) on a building. The horizontal lines appear to swim across the building as the camera moves towards it. I’m not sure what you would call it, Aliasing? Video Noise? Once the camera gets within about 5 to 8 feet of the building, it suddenly stops – (actually it drops to a reasonable level). I have tried changing the focal point & depth of field – see below. I’m planning to do a virtual walk thru of several buildings. The camera is constrained to a path for its movement relative to the buildings. The building is a simple rectangle with decals applied to it. The decals are bitmap images …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
First off, this program rocks. But I keep encountering an error that is preventing me from saving ANY of my work. "Exception #005. Saving. Atempting to continue, but this object may have saved incorrectly. The Door's Stuck Objects. If you can repeat this exception please send data and steps to" There's no way I can send my data, that takes for friggin ever. I can save my project just fine up until I receive that error, then it's like it knocks out everything I saved before that and my project reverts as though I hadn't touched it. Any suggestions? Jake
Last reply by KenH, -
- 3 replies
Hey, all-- I'm working on tutorial #15 (volumetrics) in tAoAM, and when I apply the "Resolute Walk" action to the Knight model, his knees bend backwards in about 3/4 of the frames. I've rotated them frame by frame for some barely passable results, but I figger there's some "balance" setting somewhere that I just need to turn off. Yes? No? Anyone else have this problem? Thanks-- Mark
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Not sure where I should post this, there are sssoooo many places. I did a search but got a million hits. I am probably over looking something simple, but for some reason I am unable to make splines. I hit the "a" key and get the cursor and the "+" but no splines. I have saved and closed, shut down and still no splines. I did open a fresh project and was able to create splines there, reopen my orginal splines. At this point there are no decals, colors or any thing else. I have version 12t. I am creating a StarTrek look-a-like space ship. I have built 3 tubes, and was trying to creat the saucer. Any ideas or do I need to provide more info. Many thanks in …
Last reply by KenH, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all; I have been going through the tutorial, and I have not been able to set the poses at the required frames, 0, 5, 10 ,15, etc. I am certain I must be missing something (Simple) and yet even after following along with the video, I get the same results. I set the pose as required for frame 0, then I type in frame 5, re-pose the rabbit, and then type in frame 10. When I go to loop the frames, nothing happens, the counter counts (as it should), but the rabbit does not cycle. (This is in the action window). If anyone can shed some light on this it would be wonderful. Thanks!!
Last reply by Redwings, -
- 4 replies
First off, I'm using A:M 2002 so this might be a non issue for a more recent release. I plan to upgrade eventually. I'm sure my methods are a bit roundabout, but since I'm currently lacking a decent graphics editing program at the moment, this is how I went about it. 1: Using MS Word 2003, I typed out the text, and formatted it as desired. (Center, italics, etc) 2: "Printed" out to "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer" to produce a TIF file. However, A:M 2002 does not like the TIF file generated this way, so I continue to the next step. 3: I used Paint to convert the TIF file to JPG. Letters look solid and the way I like it. 4: JPG loads in A:M i…
Last reply by Galtrol, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have read about somthing called Bootcamp and was wondering what it is and if I can check it out? does it have somthing to do with the certificate? Bob Koonce
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
If you have an object in a choreography that is a nose, should you set it to be pickable? or not?
Last reply by ArgleBargle, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
hi i'm writting you becoz i just discoverd this soft and the images he can make ! great stills and great price ! still be 299$ ? well we have a movie in produc and i would like to know if this software can read models with or without textures from c4d, maya and 3dsmax and well all the rest perhpas in dxf but is there any direct loading propreitary c4d library and other programs ????? if yes i buy the software in the month last question: c4d has occlusion rendering or something like that two questions then: - is rendering one of the fatest ??? - is rendering can render radiosity as far as c4d 9.52 latest version ? i know i speak a lot of c4…
Last reply by Cypax, -
- 2 replies
I was wondering how you change the line colors in the Decal View because I have a white background(for now) and I can't see the lines. Also how does the UV Mapper work? I mean I can just take the UV Coordinate picture and put it into an outside image. How does it track that? It doesn't make sense to me.
Last reply by teh1ghool, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
I'm having trouble applying my decal for a UV Map . I've flattened the group in an action window and i am now trying to APPLY my image as a DECAL (like the tut says) but the apply button is blanked out, and it says i can't drag it into the screen. Help would e greatly appreciated. Oh wait nevermind, I had entered the decail in the wrong object! Problem solved. Oh man nevermind to that too. How do I get into the UV Editor(Decal View) so that the image shows flattened patch? I mean I can apply the decal then stop positioning, but then how do I see it in the Decal View?
Last reply by teh1ghool, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I wouldn't know where to post this topic best, but I hope this is okay. I'd like to meet fellow A:M artists in the Netherlands. It don't matter if you're a beginner or a pro, please get in contact with me. I got some films to do and maybe you can help me out. If you like. Just send me a mail! Kind regards, ik hoop van je te horen, Erik
Last reply by C-grid, -
- 4 replies
How come sometimes when I want to create a five point patch, the interface won't allow it? Can you not have two five point patches touching each other? (sharing a commone spline segment). I got it to work...does the order that you select the points make a difference?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
Hi All, Can anyone tell how to simulate light emitting from a light bulb? What is the most effective way of doing this in AM? This light and many others will be visible in my scene. [attachmentid=15095]
Last reply by vf124, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Ok, everyone, I have tried the help files and searching the online forum, but can't locate this one. I have used the Preston set quite successfully, but now want to try the higher set. I set up the aa and the ar, but when typing in a dope sheet, "How are you", the "are" is translated using the Preston set instead. Can someone help me with this?
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
how would i go about making a glass triangular prism that refracts a light that is pointed at it?
Last reply by Stuart Rogers, -
- 16 replies
Is there a way to force a spline of your choice to connect to another one on an intersection when adding points? It's frustrading to have to delete everything else then connect it and re-order, etc.
Last reply by teh1ghool, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm looking to purchase A:M and I was wondering if there were walkthroughs so I can make movies like Conrad Chow's Snapshots or if I could record my nephew being chased by dinosaur. Can you just put that dinosaur into your home movie? or are those guys just too good at animation and they are pro. I have no background in animation but I would like to make those movies just for fun. Thanks in advance. Have a great weekend.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, Even though I've been around for quite some time, I'm still very, very new to modelling. What I would like to find out, is how would be the best way to make a golf ball in AM? I have looked and searched for the answer here in this forum, and come up with using bump maps on a normal sphere as a good way, and this sounds great. (Here comes the newbie part). I have found a bump map, but it is basically a big rectangle with the dots stretched at the edges (mainly at the top/bottom). I have tried just applying the image as a decal, and flattening the image (although Im not that great at flattening). Both results varied in effectiveness, but ba…
Last reply by walasek, -
- 11 replies
I'm having trouble with this 'invisible patch'. I've tried re-making it, flipping the normals, everything I can think of, but it just won't appear! And It doesn't select in the patch mode either.
Last reply by Scottj3d, -
- 1 reply
Can someone point me in the right direction for an explanation on how to use constraints to have an actor grab and hold objects in his hand? I have his fingers wrapped around the object (in my case, the hilt of a sword). Do I have to constrain the hilt bone to the hand or finger bones or vice versa? Do I use translate to and/or kinematic constraints? Nothing I try seems to get the object to stick in its original position. For example, the hilt of the sword jumps to the outside of the hand.
Last reply by luckbat, -
by cuboos- 1 reply
can anyone show me a good tutorial for making lightning and electrical effects in A:M and i would like a tutorial for making mussel flashed for guns
Last reply by Stuart Rogers, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I am sure this is easy, but I'm just not getting it. I have a model of a book. I want to put several different covers on the book with a percentage pose so I have only one model making up the little library. I understand it's possible. But how to tell the relationship "load this image, then swap at x%..." thanks very much. S.
Last reply by sbk, -
- 1 reply
I just purchased AM over the weekend and I am trying to get through the first tutorials. My problem is that when I select a character and click on its gizmo to move, rotate, or resize it the box disapears and it looks like all the verticies on the character are selected. I have found that I can use the gizmo if I hold down the shift button while clicking on it but that causes more problems after the first move. I am having a similar problem if I show the bones I cannot click on them unless I hold down the shift key. I hope this isnt the way its supposed to work. Sorry for being so long winded. Thanks in advance for any help! Ctimbs
Last reply by Stuart Rogers, -
- 2 replies
I've noticed that for many things... The suggestion is made to click "show more than drivers". I can't find info on it anywhere. How do I "show more than drivers"? What does it do? Point me to a part of the tech ref, or a tutorial.. I can't find it.. I prolly don't need it (yet), but my inquiring mind wants to know... and I see Drivers with a green check mark in it in my models, so I'm wondering. Thanks,
Last reply by oakchas, -
- 2 replies
I created a sprite emitter material based on the one given in the manuel. I works in the project file I created it in, but does not work in other project files. I have no clue why.
Last reply by FMSonic, -
- 10 replies
I'm new to A:M so naturally I jumped in over my head and started a big project. My WIP is a music video. I have a 2d model of a stage with some scenery in the background. I'm trying to fade the background to black (as the sun sets) and leave the stage lit up. I thought I could just make a black background behind the scenery then slowly make the scenery transparent with a pose slider, but it didn't work. I searched the forum and my manuals I have but haven't found anything to help. Any ideas?
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I put the 2001 Skeleton rig in my model because I didn't want to start from scratch, but my model is a turtle. Everything would be wonderful if I had foot targets for what used to be the hands. How can I make the hands into feet that have foot targets. Does anyone know of a tutorial for a rig with four legs or can someone please tell me how to make the 2001 Skeleton work for four legs?
Last reply by mpmmprod, -
- 0 replies
[attachmentid=15158] This is simple fade to black I put a pose slider on the fader for control ..see the first chor on how to use it. You can save the model and inport it into your project [attachmentid=15159] This is another fade to black I put a pose slider on the fader for control ..see the second chor on how to use it. You can save the model and inport it into your project it needs the material which has a gradient controled by the pose slider.. do not scale this model in model window or gradient will not work correctly okay to scale in chor Project 12t [attachmentid=15157]
Last reply by johnl3d,