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The A:M Forum is for technical support and the sharing of tips and ideas between users/prospective users of Hash software. It is moderated constantly by technical support representatives.
-Ask questions about the software.
-Assist other users... everyone was new at this once.
-Inform people of your version/platform when asking for help.
-Share resources; tutorials, models, textures, tips and techniques (link to useful websites).
-Post links to your work, or where your art is being used online (on websites, in games, toons', etc.)
-Search the A:M Forum and FAQ. The question you are about to ask may have already been answered.
-Organize and inform others about user groups, IRC chats, image and animation contests, job opportunities, etc.
-Discuss what you are working on and let everyone know about magazine reviews and articles that relate to your projects.
-Do Not be rude or disrespectful or mean to other forum members in any way. Personal attacks will be removed.
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-No complaining or whining on the forum or distribution of misinformation.
-No flames of any kind.
-No Off Topic posts. (Posts in the Off Topics section should be related to A:M in some form or fashion or benefit the A:M community as a whole).
-No soliciting of any kind without prior approval.
-No threads or comparisons related to other 3D Applications.
-No "Wish list" or feature requests, they should be sent to for categorizing and prioritization (User requests define the future development of the software).
-No "me too!" posts
-No discussion of Hash Internal Affairs (finances, advertising, PR.)
-No posting of private email to the forum unless permission of the author is granted. (Private correspondence should remain private)
-No very general questions like: "how do I make a good 3D model" make your questions as complete and concise as possible.
If you have questions as to whether it's appropriate, send it to:, We'll be happy to let you know whether it is, or is not appropriate.
User Led Forum Considerations
Firstly and foremostly, please remember this is Martin Hash's forum and that it is every A:M User's primary resource for information about A:M. In order to remain relevant we need everyone's continuing support and interest.
Secondly, understand there is a distinction between A:M (the program) and the A:M forum. There are some topics and issues that are outside the scope of this forum and most can be deduced by reading through the forum guidelines. These include such things as Hash Inc internal policies, business practices, trade secrets, and specific plans for the future not yet publicly released. Each of these would be fascinating topics of their own but are better reserved for private communications with a representative of Hash Inc.
Related to the second, is purchasing, customer service and other areas outside the purview of the common user who may have no interest in such things; subjects relating to money exchanging hands are beyond the scope of the A:M Forum and often can lead to conflicts of interest between users and/or Hash Inc. (If Hash Inc cuts you a deal on volume purchasing it's really no one else's business). Likewise, individual complaints about a product or service are best remedied by going direct with Hash Inc representatives empowered to make decisions. Please allow them them the time necessary to resolve your specific issue and consider the cost of customized solutions.
This last area is likely the source of much confusion because many see the A:M Forum as the official outlet for Hash Inc... and it is. But the forum is not designed for conducting business and private matters best resolved by going to Hash Inc directly. Similarly, bug reports are best resolved by entering them directly into the A:M Reporting system.
Many problems can be easily addressed at the user level just by asking fellow users in the forum. If someone at Hash Inc suggests the forum as a source, it is very likely a problem can be easily resolved. For tougher issues there is even more reason to take the issue directly to the source... you don't want the issue discussed... you want it resolved quickly.
Finally, remember that we want to pass this forum on to future moderators and generations of A:M Users in the absolute best condition possible. A:M is just that good a program and is worthy of our consideration.
Thanks for making the A:M Forum a great community.
4,158 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hello Hashers, Anyone know how to add lines like this to a sphere? I tried adding the tga but didn't have luck. tears. Project files are here if you're bored. Cheers, Shawn
Last reply by Rodney, -
by urbssenator- 1 follower
- 48 replies
Hello Here is the smurf completely A:M made. Comments? Remy
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Any one have a material or suggestions.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 12 replies
When I bring in an image as a rotoscope to use on a model the image comes in at a low resolution So I lose a lot of detail and makes the image useless to work from for smaller details. Is there away to get A:M to show it in full resolution?
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
This could well be my own incompetence but every time I try to model a face, when trying to attach the nose I always get this weird crease around where the nose connects (as shown in the pics) no matter whether I make the nose separately or pull it out from the face it seems to happen, I have tried Hooks and 5-point patches to no avail. If someone could point out where I am going wrong I would really appreciate it.
Last reply by bobhernie, -
- 2 replies
I've been re-learning animation master and I've hit a snag. I created a new on/off pose by right-clicking the model I've made, but when I open an action the pose doesn't seem to take effect. What am I missing I wonder...
Last reply by Nerdcore Steve, -
- 4 replies
say, i subscribe to the web version of AM. i am following the tutorial Exercise 1: You're the Director and in the video, the narrator clicks on pose sliders, he gets a little window with some options that allows him to pose the model character. when i do it, i get the little window but nothing on it to choose from. i thought i needed to update AM, but when i choose to look for updates, it just takes to the same installation exe. file please help
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, Is there an easy way to blend the CP weights between two bones? Here's what I've got below. I just want even distribution between the bones. I have a lot of CPs because I'm going to make the thing rough like rock and I didn't want to do it using materials and combiners. I just don't want to have to go spline by spline to fade the weight between each bone. Thanks. Justin
Last reply by jmart714, -
Strange, I downloaded the plugin and installed in the correct directory, but when loading AM ver 13t, there is an error. Attached is a picture of the error when running AM. Anyone else have a problem like this?
Last reply by rbjohnsn, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
12 frames into an action i realize that the pivot of the hip null on Thom would be wildly more helpful if it was located in another position in relation to the box. the pivot is smack dab in the middle, as per use, and i'd need it to be on top of his left thigh, more to the right when looking from the front, but still in the middle when looking from the side. (he's quietly diggin' this totally noddable gansta rap and taps the beat with one heel.) in chor i could click into modelling and shift the pivot, but i only need the pivot to move to his right in this action. how do i plan this? and execute this? is there an animatable "offset" or somesuch? make a second nu…
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 5 replies
For the life of me I've not come up with how to make a spring that compresses between the sole and the heal. Has anyone been confronted with this idea?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Logo Help!
by Mark3D- 35 replies
Hello All, I am trying to recreate the Denny's logo from their new commercials: Now I have completed the logo already but that is as far as I have gotten. What I am wondering is if anyone had tutorials on the different surface attributes I could apply to the logo to give it that "dull", low reflective look it has in the commercial. Almost like the 3d renders people do of white/grey models when their project is a WIP. Hopefully someone can understand what I am trying to say... haha. If not, I can try and clarify. Thanks! Here is the logo as of now....
Last reply by Mark3D, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I used to use AM several years ago and have just purchased a subscription. I plan to make cartoons with robots shooting each other because that sounds like fun. About how long does it take to get the email so I can download this and get started?
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 4 replies
the year subscription, if you decide to get that, you are just accessing AM from a server and you get all the same abilities if you buy the product or are there some limits?
Last reply by KenH, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone. Been a LONG time since I was on here. My account must of been cleared because it's been awhile. Anyway, I currently have 14.0. Would it be worth the $300 to purchase the new version? I'm eventually getting a laptop (probably alienware ) that will be customed for this program. Are there significant changes since the 14.0 version? Sorry, just haven't been here in a long time, so I'm a little behind the "hash" times!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
When you do a "shaded" mode quality render rather than a "Final" quality render......The x,y,z indicator at the bottom left renders into the frame. Is there a way to render a "shaded" mode render without that appearing. Can you turn it off? Thanks, William
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 21 replies
say i want to create my own anime or do fan-work of existing anime from japan. i want to create a look to what they use. i want to use mecha robots as well something like the animes of Naruto, Bleach, Code Geass, etc. so far AM has a somewhat disney cartoon look to it. im looking to something like this
Last reply by north, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, Using the AI wizard I am trying to open an Ai file. nothing seems to happen. do I need Illustrator installed in my computer? the wizard opens and I can find the file when I finish I still have a blank model window. Any suggestions would help Thank you
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi all, I'm quite new to A:M, so I guess this is the right forum for me! I've been working on my very first project and I'm getting some odd shading patterns. I'm sure it's a simple mistake in the way I applied peaked splines in one direction and smoothed splines in the other (peaked in spanwise direction along wing, smoothed in chordwise direction along ribs). Is there an easy way to get around this? Or does it even matter when it comes time to texture it? Thanks in advance, Luke
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 14 replies
I have a very simple stick figure in which I installed the skeletal rig from the cd. I asked a question a few weeks ago about constraints and carrying boxes. This is slightly different. My little figure is going to mime, air guitar style, while holding a broom. What would be the best constraints system to set up so he can swirl the broom around ' a playin a guitar?'. He needs to be able to swing it side to side, behind the his own neck, and side to side , like elvis ... Pete Townshend, Jimi, Jimmy Page, George Harrison... Thank you in advance regards simon
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 9 replies
Hey Gang! I am going to get a PC to run AM. Anyone know what specs I should get? Is it possible to get something for $500 or less? I am currently running a Mac with 10.6 and I've heard that AM (currently) runs better on Windows 7. Any input would be wonderful. Thanks in advance! Shawn
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi Folks I have been studying Cloth and Newton Dynamics. I have been very productive results and am amazed at the power behind both of them. I have a puzzle I am trying to solve. For a few short shots in my presentation I have a parachute carrying some cargo to the surface. I was thinking because the cargo is very heavy and large that instead of cables connecting the cargo to the parachute I would use chains. I have been practicing creating chains with Newton and its very easy and works great. You get a huge payoff for little effort. Another reason why I want to use chains is they are visually stimulating more so than newton driven cables. I am not apposed to cabl…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
this question is of the large kind; how do i plan for the size and proportion of things in this spaceless place that is 3D? what should be taken into consideration? does the intended detail in materials matter? (and by materials here referring to all things not wireframe!) if so, is it custom to, say, make another model for extreme close-ups? does the intended proportion between objects shown matter? if so, is it custom to speed up the process by, say, using postproduction? does the camera present us with certain rules, as in 'you want "macro" with distance blur, scale the model x10 for starters'? does rendering enter the equation or is that j…
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 1 reply
I know you can IMPORT into your current choreography, another choreography from the Project Workspace I know that a choreography can be exported as an .mdl file. I know that I should be able to import a .cho file into my project. I just don't know how to EXPORT a .cho file out of a choreography in a project so I can get it into a different project. Please help! Mahalo!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
So I'm trying to do something incredibly simple. Rotate an object more than 180 degrees. But I am having terrible difficulty. After 6 years of using A:M, this is one area that I cannot figure out. Since I know it's a rage-inducing process. For years, I've simply avoided rotating anything more than 180 degrees since I knew that A:M really does not want to you do this. But now I have to, and after many searches, the answer I need simply is not there. I click on my bone - go to the properties panel. Go to rotation. Right click on that. And at this point, I'm supposed to see a way to change the driver. But I don't. I just see "New Relationship" and "Edit Expression" neither…
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 4 replies
I thought I knew but I didn't. What I have learned about is "Dynamic Constraints and cloth" But Spring Systems although related seem to be different. I don't want to debate that part. I just want to know if there are any tutorials showing how to use the editing features in dynamics mode and assigning masses, using the constraints that are designed for spring Systems. Could someone point me in the direction of a tutorial for this? Or could someone make a video tutorial. In the tech ref they talk about using this for stuff that I would normally use a dynamic constant for like pony tails, locks of hair, loose jowl skin, ear-rings, bouncy noses, ear lob…
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 8 replies
Hey Hashers! So I've been trying to get this glass look on a Coke bottle, but it's pretty darn hard. Anyone have a clue as to how this can be achieved? I've zipped the model and mats. Anyone wanna give it a try? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by new guy, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I am considering purchasing this program to use for a middle school class on animation. Would the users of this program respond as to the ease of use for true beginners in the art of animation. I too will be learning with my students. Should we start smaller. I worry that the task may be daunting for teen animators.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi, folks. I bought a copy of Animation:Master but it seems like I might be having a display conflict. I've tried it on two computers now and had the same issue on both. The second one was a pretty new MacBook with MacBook 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, Nvidia GForce 9400M (256MB VRAM); the first attempt was a Mac Mini with 2GB RAM. In both cases there were significant display issues, most notably the text on the icons was unreadable--black text with a heavily pixellated black background caused by artifacts. (Screencap is attached.) I realize neither of these computers is really meant for intensive graphics work, but I haven't found any specs as to mi…
Last reply by jimd, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Flocking does not seem to be working in 15J+ no models show when you drop them on the flock.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 41 replies
this is a pre-emptive strike; i was just wondering if anyone is currently working with floating point images and has experience and perhaps dos and don'ts to share? i'm sure it's a breeze to find render settings etc pin pointy info on these boards but was just curious of all the other stuff that usually pops up along the way. i'm on a pc, vista home, don't mind the renders and recently bought the subscription to 15h. i'm used to AE but this is my first time in A:M. the project is fantastically devoid of visual detail, nearly black&white&grey with a little blue and green. have just spent a couple of hours watching cutout animations on the net and as a re…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 1 reply
forgot how to toggle the quality geometry is displayed in AM how do you change stuff from appearing like smooth splines to more boxy in order to reduce necessary processing power?
Last reply by eptigo, -
- 6 replies
hey gang! i have tried and can't seem to get this chrome reflective look with the orange shinny/glossy reflective look. any clues?
Last reply by new guy, -
- 3 replies
Hey all, I'm creating a comic book digitally and I need a anime girl and guy model to use a mannequin to trace out character poses, I have the web subscription so I didn't get any models with the download, if anyone knows where I can get a girl and guy anime models so I can use then a mannequin to create poses to sketch out characters then that would be really helpful ! Thanks in advance. Aldo. PS. don't worry about the rigging etc. I have a custom rig to use. PPS. no I'm not lazy - I just ain't got the time to model one up cause I'm creating all the draft pages and story plus all the research simultaneously an it's taking a long time !
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 27 replies
I am still struggeling with the path constraint. I have a car model sucessfully constrained to a path, but strangly the modelbone is not moving along with it, thereby causing the posesliders doing unwanted things. Any ideas, what could keep the modelbone from going along happily with the model?
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I know there are directions on this: I switched over from an old mac to an new iMac. I have copied over my DVD extra and CD extra, but how do I make them appear in the library? I know there was a DOC with this info. Thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hello Here is the refined smurf using 5 points patch. I have now new questions. How can I set the eyes images on the eye group? When the model will be correct, can I reuse a skeleton of another model, like the rabbit and apply it to the smurf? Smurf_07.prj
Last reply by urbssenator, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
switching emphasis between projects on monday, summing up and after gathering a foundation for troubleshooting one last area is as basic as it is murky. i can't confidently use terminology yet, so this is going to sound a bit weird: lots of people have time and again made the same mistake, as have i - confusing in which window to set the value for a certain thing. and they are different things. each time someone comes to help asking 'have you set the parameter in this window you have to remove it and do the same in that other window'. (PWS vs. chor window, object properties vs. right clicking etc) this was at its most confusing when reading about lighting a scene. …
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 3 replies
Help, anyone, how can I, for example have 3 cameras in a choreography and switch between them on certain frames? Also, how can I make a camera follow a character?
Last reply by sesboks, -
- 1 reply
where can I get the keyboard shortcuts for AM v15
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
Hi - I have a possible client who wants a talking 3D character created that when you go on the page - he shows up at the bottom of the page with a transparent background so you can see the site through him. This is exactly his idea, but with an actual person: can I export out of AM as images with a transparent background? Would I import those directly into flash w/ trans back? Or would I export the anim w/ a blue-screen background color and key it out in Premiere... but then what in premiere - export them out as images... I don't think you can export a .mov file w/ trans back. Anyway, and help or suggestions would be grea…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi Everyone, I have fonts I need to install and wanted to know if someone knew the easiest or most effective way to do this? I'm using a Mac running Snow Leapord 10.6.3 Thanks!
Last reply by new guy, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, I want to make a scene with flying or falling Money. mt first problem seems to be making the paper thin enough to be paper and still put a decal on it. the second problem is placing the bones for curving and flipping the paper as it falls. And it would be fantastic to have any suggestions on the best way to set gravity etc. Thank you
Last reply by MattWBradbury, -
- 4 replies
Hello - I found this in the forum... "If you are wanting to composite A:M images over something else, turning on the alpha buffer in your render settings and using alpha channel transparency instead is way better." The found the "alpha buffer" in the export settings, but where do I find the alpha channel transparency? Do I have to set the camera background a blue-screen color? Thanks for any help, Eric
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone... I have worked with light mapps on props that don't move.....You render one frame and that lighting is used for all the other frames...Well...that's how it works in some other apps. QUESTION: There is an option in the choreography to "Export Light Maps".....Is that what this option does?? Does it work??? How does it work?? Anyone have any experience with this option?? William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 8 replies
Hello I need some help for my smurf. I started modeling with A:M. I t works very fine and is very simple. Only smoothing some splines is difficult for me. Is it the way I'm choosing to draw the splines, by sample clockwise or unclockwise or something else? I did foind a command to smooth the points. I tried to control the normals, but got no result. After I shall copy and flip the half head and set the symetry button. I tried it, but the edges on the X axis are not joined. How can I "weld" the points? I'm joining the mdl file and a screen capture. Thanks Remy Smurf_head.mdl
Last reply by urbssenator, -
- 3 replies
I had a spot of bother recently with the defaults resetting . That seems to have cleared up thanks to the help I received here, however, I have noticed an anomoly and wondered if it was a common one or a fault of mine ? I am rendering a 30 seconds sequence as a series of still files.. It cut out on frame 234 which @25fps works out to 9 seconds 9 frames ( ?) I restarted at that point (00:09:09 ) but instead of resuming on frame 234 it started at 273... Has my maths gone wonky ( not unlikely ) or has the frame rate stayed at 30 in the choreo even though set to 25 in the options menu ? Puzzled simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 5 replies
Hello How can I set a vewport image in the background of a view, only to draw splines ont it. Remy
Last reply by urbssenator, -
- 7 replies
Hello Here is my smurf. I have some questions - Am I on the right way? Can somebody make some critics? - How to fill some holes in the mesh? thanks for your help Remy Schtroumpf_03.prj
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I think I remember Robert showing off a shader that gave a great aluminum can or record surface look. Does anyone remember the settings?
Last reply by jason1025,