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- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 18 replies
This was done by Raf Anzovin & his crew back-in-the-day. Has anybody else done an animation in this format using A:M?
Last reply by martin, -
- 1 reply
While reading Martin's post from earlier today, Stolen Smells, I followed the link to YouTube, and then happened upon the Hash CG History channel on YouTube (very cool, if you haven't checked it out), and it reminded me of a project I had worked on in a day gone by... TBT Circa 1998 - Review and Herald New Releases 1998 conference! I had worked on a video to announce all the books that would be released that year by the Review & Herald Publishing Association, and a live action Book Store Manager would be meeting some Interesting Characters! The T-Rex (in the linked video) was one of the interesting characters! There we…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Have a problem I've not encountered before and wondered if anybody else has and if they might have a solution ? This is a screen grab of the scene with a quick render in place. It shows the composition including the two figures. However, when I render it to file from the same camera, with no other changes, this is what comes out. A close up of one figure. Any help you can offer will be gratefully received. A bit of a puzzle! simon OSX 10.85 on a 2.3Ghz Mac mini with 4Gb of Ram AMV17g SSE3 PS I tried restarting it altogether, twice, but not change.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
As most of you know, "Tin Woodman of Oz" was a full-length 3D animated movie made by this forum using A:M (of course). Some of you participated in it. I'm very proud of it though it never received the acclaim it deserved, I follow the YouTube views of the various parts. In 10 years, the most viewed scene is Nancy Gormanzano's "Hippogyraf Song." (Nancy did several of the songs, she was awesome.) The question I've always had was why does this scene have 3x as many views as the next most popular, and 10x as many views as most of the movie? Perhaps you could comment... p.s. I know it has hardly any views compared to most things. My goodness, I have a home video on …
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 36 replies
Hi all, Is anyone else having issues with decals in v18a? In real-time they don't display properly on the screen but do render out correctly. Each time a model is loaded the misrepresented decals change. Here are some shots for your amusement. The images that get mixed into the decals can be from anywhere I have found; bits from my email window, bits of web browser window, Finder windows, or just random noise, anything really. I've tried all the usual resets and reinstall of v18a, but it persists.
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 29 replies
I'm working with the 2008 rig in V17 ( although also use V18 ) and I'm having real trouble getting the cp weighting done correctly. Whatever I seem to do goes wrong after a short period, leading to all sorts of distortions and bulges. Is there a table anywhere which suggests suitable settings ? or, Can I pay someone to do a figure for me so I can use that as template to setup the other figures ? Its driving me crackers. simon Grandson Shirted 01.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 17 replies
Hi. Just wondering what is the typical wait time for email response from customer support. I requested new master lic more than a week ago. Thanks
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 9 replies
Here's a quick test of a stop motion approach to animating that uses... no animation... just different (instances of) the same models. (Those instances can then of course be adjusted/animated) Click to play gif animation. StopMoStyle.prj
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 9 replies
We've had .ai (Adobe Illustrator) import for a long time. You can make an outline in a vector art program and A:M can import the .ai file and bevel/extrude it to make a 3D shape. That is great for making mechanical parts. However, inexpensive programs that can export a .AI file are still not common. V19 will add suport for SVG. SVG (ScalableVectorGraphics) is another vector format and is supported by free programs like InkScape. InkScape appears to be a full-featured vector graphics editor and should work well for A:M purposes.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 11 replies
Since I no longer have any 3.5 in. disk drive readers, it made sense to throw out the more than 100 diskettes that I found in a box today. Among the obsolete sound card drivers and Windows XP recovery disks I found my first A.M. installation, circa 1993. It's frightening to think that someone born the day I received these could be out of university by now. I'll add them to my stack of installation CDs just for completeness.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 5 replies
Ever since the MakeNormalMap.atx material was replaced by the Surface Normal buffer in the render engine I've always had unpredictable results. I couldn't seem to get a flat plane that was orthogonal to the camera to return a consistent color of 128, 128, 255. Sometimes it did but many times a flat plane would come up short on the red & green channel. So in the course of generating wrinkle maps for the seats in the street car, I ran more than a few tests and have found the answer; to get the correct colours the algorithm needs a full range of surface normals in the image. The following images are my proof. The top image shows the chor layout; a camera orthogonal t…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
Because this may need a little research and I don't want to waste live-Live Answer Time-time resources I'm posting this here. I may ask this or related question during a future sessions unless I stumble upon proper solutions before then. The setup: Randomizing an initial setting Given a model placed in a choreography that moves from left to right (in simplest manner possible for demo purposes): How do we setup the model so it will appear at a random height each time the cycle repeats? - The model should begin at the random (seeded) height then move at that same height/trajectory horizontally - When the cycle begins again the model should appear at a new rando…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
This thread began here ( ) but I didn't want to hijack Marcos' topic. I was complaining about the a lock mode screen render freezing up with the Win10 busy icon spinning uselessly in front of me with no way to interrupt the process. Gerald suggested; Not in my case, other than waiting for the "non-render" to finish it can only be interrupted by killing A:M in the Task Manager. This behaviour started with v18 and seems to be related to the new feature of storing the screen image of a high patch count model into a memory buffer. Start with only A:M running on the computer and I want to screen render…
- 5 replies
Working in V17 I asked a while back about Toon render settings. As there was a save option, I had thought that, as I found a setup I liked, I could save it in the render options window and reload it later (?) I appears I was mistaken. Is there a way to do that and, if so, how do you do it ? Using the little sliders in the Toon option, "overide shading' drop down, its a case of doing it by eye to get the divisions required. Is there a way of doing it numerically so I can record it and reuse later? Thank you for your time simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Sorry for the novel here. My team is nearing the end of post on our current film, and A:M's renderer has been on my mind a lot recently. I'd like to frame these notes as constructively as possible. Since it's gotten so long, I'll throw in some Big Headings for readability--and in hopes of making myself feel really important. The Bottleneck All of my films and many of my illustrations have featured A:M in one form or another. It's my utility knife app. I continue to find it an extremely powerful, user-friendly full stack modeling/rendering/animation package at an admirable price. It's beginning to show its age though. A 3D package is only as good as its out…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
I upgraded to Windows 10. Now when I click on the 64 bit icon for Animation Master to run it, it tells me I am running a wrong host in a message box and that's it. Anyone else encounter this? What can I do? I literally paid barely a month ago and now I cannot use Animation Master! Mike
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 8 replies
In the toon render options there is a tonal scale which allows you to set small tags along it which appears to compress the band widths of the tones in the scale(?) Is there a way to control the tonal range into narrow, definable bands, eg 16 or 12 or is it a case of adjusting the tags until the desired result is obtained ? Thanks for your time and consideration simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 10 replies
Which version of AM was the 1999 year version? Was that 8 or 9? I remember 9 as being the buggy version, and the 1999 year version is the most recent one I have that still supported Win 95/98 and NT. I've been planning on experimenting with an older version of AM in a vm on Linux and Android and I thought those versions might be lightweight enough to manage it, but still have a more modern feature set (in terms of having unibody models, hooks, 5 point patches, etc).
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Who will be the first to test it out? Here's hoping it will resolve some of the previous issues experienced on Mac OS X. MacOS Sierra is a free upgrade. Primary features: Siri, hardrive management that saves storage space. more effective use of iCloud... The few reports I've read suggest users are happy with the upgrade.
Last reply by CaptBobo, -
- 10 replies
I know that AM does not directly support either, but we all use other apps besides AM. Which do you figure would be more beneficial in the long run, CUDA support or Open CL? It looks like both Davinci Resolve and Fusion support both, as well as Adobe Creative Suite but Open CL seems to have a bit more 3rd party support. I'm looking at a possible video card upgrade and having a hard time deciding between AMD and Nvidia.
Last reply by strato, -
- 8 replies
Having some render problems. Working in V17 under OSX 10.85 I set up some maps as pictures on the wall for the next scene in Happy Families. They were applied in the standard way direct to a flat surface, Went on OK and showed up properly in a quck render, switched to a 3/4 view and got this Set it up in a cho and, initially the figure on the right showed but then got this Thought might have a soloution , tried that and got this Can anyone kindly point out the error of my ways ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
What's a good (and hassle-free) way to hard-bake an animation? I mean that the result should be the following: All visible transforms from the original animation are recorded to bone channels. All relationships such as IK and constraints are stripped from bones so that only the direct transform animation kicks in. I tried Bake All Actions, but it didn't give me the results I needed. It appears that this command doesn't really bake all relationship-driven motions: if you delete the model's relationships, the "before" and "after" animations are different. I need this "barebones" motion for my action importer. When I import simple FK-only animations, the import results l…
Last reply by nemyax, -
- 10 replies
Could someone kindly remind me of the process for dong shadows only renders please ? Thank you. simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 8 replies
Hello, Someone last night at about 1am asked me "Mate can Ainmation Master import 3d camera tracking data?" I thought we can but I can not find it anywhere, and I have looked a bit. Does anyone have at link or know someone who as done it? Thanks Again!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
I'm not sure if I can make it to the Q&A tomorrow, but I need to create Sea floor caustics. In other apps, this is done by what is known as a "Gobo" light. Basically you use a spotlight{"Kleig") and place an animated image map in front of it. The image is set to only let light pass through the light areas....much like A:M's Transparency Map type. The animated image is pre-created with turbulent combiners to get a Caustic look. When the light shines through the image, it makes caustics on the surfaces below. Has anyone done this in A:M? Can it be done like this in A:M?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have an nVidia gtx 970 and Windows 10 using A:M 18.0p. My only options fir real time driver are OpenGL and OpenGL3. Is that right or is there a driver for nVidia? Thanks, Tyson
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
For a 2D animation spline, A:M stores the bias as gamma and magnitude. What are those values and how do I convert them to a 2D vector? Apparently the gamma is the value of a trigonometric function, but which one?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
We are looking to clean up Animation Master Code. This will mean dropping Windows XP. Please answer the poll below so we can see if the work to keep windows XP is worth it.
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 9 replies
Hello friends, with some delay, here is the video for use with 3DCoat AM. very simple and mostly it works. With 3DCoat, I found a way to paint objects and have maps without having to worry about the UV problems. Any use perpixel. 3DCoat all tools can be used for AM. for convenience, I made a video that shows how to do it. I used this method for my wolf. The most is that the bump map to a report this time impeccable.
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 24 replies
hi folks, just want to say, that we have now a download page on or website, where you can download some cool stuff dor a:m. i hope the list will grow in the future...
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 27 replies
For the next unit on the course I'm doing I would like to use frame rate of 50fps ( Pal x2 ). I think this is possible in AM but, are there complications playing it back afterwards on other peoples equipment ? I don't play games mysef but do know (?) that quite a few play at 50fps or higher, is that dependent on the graphics card fitted, the compression codec, both or something else altogether ? simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
One of the things I enjoyed while in Japan was discovering books and magazine devoted to Animation:Master. I think I once told the (rather humorous) story about how my family was on vacation and my father in law and I stepped into a bookstore and because it turned out to be an 'adult' bookstore I didn't really find much of anything worth buying except a few random kids books but once back on the road he revealed he had purchased a video. Curious to see what he had purchased I inquired and immediately went into shock upon seeing the cover of the video... he'd purchased the Haruwo video by Shao Guee that I had a (small) part in subtitling/translating into English (I was …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, quick question: What's the single PC upgrade that has the most effect on how fast A:M runs with a complicated chor on the screen/s? Got a 8-core with 16g ram, but only a 750GTX as a vid card. Would a newer video card make make it smoother rotating the landscape, etc? Thanks, Rich
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 26 replies
Hello! Two questions in a single hour! Crazy! Anyway, I'm trying to create a beach ball sort of coloring pattern, and am running into a problem. I've tried selecting alternating columns, using the patch select tool, and by selecting CPs, but when I assign a color, it's affecting the entire ball. So, I tried applying the color to just one group, and then adding more patches to that group, and I can't seem to make that happen, either. When I select a patch on the next column, it does a kind of "select everything in between original group and new selection", kinda like shift-selecting an entire line or paragraph of text in a word document. Does the same thing if I try …
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 5 replies
Hiya, So, I actually could/should have asked this during the get together, but I didn't think to. I've noticed that for some functions to work, you have to "click-select" a node. You can't box select it. Lathe is an example. Why is that? Is it something to do with how splines work? Or is it just something that was programmed that way, and remained so through all the versions? It's not a problem. It's just as easy either way, I was just curious if there was a reason behind it. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 58 replies
So, I'm determined to model a character in A:M. I went on Google and found a character reference that has simple, sharp enough lines for me to follow, and decided to just do it. It has front, side and back views, so I have that covered. I've seen a few different tutorials now, and it seems each one has its own style/approach, and so there's not "one right way". So, I'm picking up things from each that I like and make sense to me. For example, using a sphere as an eyeball proxy to model around, from t he Bill Young face modeling CD. Not very far in at all, yet, and I'm expecting to have lots of mistakes along the way, but I'm saving a lot, so I should be okay. Just going…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
I've been trying to try a newton simulation, but it gives me an error saying that I need "at least one simulation object..." What do I need to do to get newton physics set up on a few models so that they fall to the ground???
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Work has been killing me today was my shortest day in 2+ weeks at 12 hours. I'm going to get back on top of emails tonight/tomorrow after work. I also see that I can not see the 'help desk' forums I will fix that too. It looks I have been missing a few posts there. I will update the FAQ to cover this question. But if users get 'wrong host -4' email after following these steps. If they send the old master0.lic file we can see what changed.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 5 replies
Hello! So, I was just over on Twitch.TV, browsing their channels, and decided to see if A:M had any representation there. Surprisingly, there wasn't, and so I thought I'd come here and make a post about it. For those who aren't aware, Twitch.TV is a website that has been, traditionally, set up for gamers to stream their gameplay, for tournaments, etc. However, they've also expanded by adding a "Creative" category, where artists of all types will stream and demonstrate their skills with a variety of tools (including hand-drawn, painting, etc). There's also a presence of other 3D modeling/animating apps on there. Many game developers will do live streams showing them wo…
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 31 replies
Hi Freaks! I wondered if someone already knows what new features AM V.19 will have? Best, Elm.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 18 replies
Particle Illusion is a nifty plugin for AE. I have the stand alone version. But you need to be able to track the motion. Steffen has an "Export" listed for that purpose.(PI-Motion) Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to get the data for a bone or null to track using the "PI-Motion" export. Is there a thread to learn how this is done?? Does the PI-Motion export work???
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 15 replies
I've been using v18.0p for a month or so now and I've noticed that pasting even small chunks of patches takes what seems to be an unusually long time. For instance, a copy of the side window on this fare box: It's only four patches but when you hit Cntl-V it takes more than 15 sec. of the rotating "working" icon before it actually pastes a copy of those four patches. In v17 this same process takes less than a second. Is there a v18 switch I'm unaware of that is creating extra "bookkeeping" to go on in the background?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
I do not know what is going on with AMFILMS right now so I took it down. I'm really busy for the next 2 weeks but I'm going to try to put some time into it. After the paid update that was sold as fixing the uploads we now getting porn spam. I'm not 100% sure how right now I thought it was the the super easy password the company used with out removing my admin log in so I did not know but that was not it.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Working in V15, OSX 10.68 I'm trying to help a textiles student on the course I'm doing. She has some very elaborate designs which I decaled onto a very simple planar model of the 4metres x 2metres x 2 metres space. Her designs are 50cm by 50 cm, so I applied them once, and asked it to repeat them across the surface seamlessly. Unfortunately it came out with this effect. Rather than repeating them laterally and vertically it mirrored them symetrically. Is there a way around this or would I have to apply them all singley as separate stamps ? Any help gratefully received Simon I did a test with a simpler decal. G Test project.prj
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 9 replies
Hello, at this time uploading is broken. I'm working on a fix. Right now upload loads into the database and I think after all of these years that is starting to push the limits. I'm going to try to change it to 'disk' upload but I need to test if the breaks the old database uploads. I will be posting here when I get it fixed or I break it more.. Let's not hope the latter this time!!!1 Thank You, Jason Simonds
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone. I need a bone to spin more than 360 degrees in an animation. I need it to be able to spin around and around many times. I recall having to switch the bone to Euler for this, but I can't seem to remember how or where to go in order to get that done. Do any of you know where to do this and how????
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
I made the transition to WIn10 on my PC at the beginning of June and installed A:M ver.18.0m shortly there after. I've had almost no teething problems for the last two weeks but this occurred after yesterdays' Windows update which may just be a coincidence. This is a screen grab of a realtime render and a good approximation of a final render. This is a screen render in Render Lock mode. This is a screen render in Render mode. I upgraded my Nvidia graphics drivers and re-installed ver. 18.0m without solving the problem. This doesn't happen in ver. 17. I see that Hash Reports is currently broken so I'm open to suggestions.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
just a test to use in a personal fast project modeled/textured in 1 minute rendered using mufoof style I really, really love this software
Last reply by Elm, -
- 0 replies
So I'm a bit behind one Support Email at this time. I got wrapped up in some other updates this weekend and did not get to it. I meant to get them done tonight but work killed me(just walked in the door). Tomorrow I'm going to sit down and get threw all the back emails and really try to stay on top of it more(back to checking every day). Thank You for understanding and sorry for the delays,
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 28 replies
Hey, I've downloaded and installed my trial version and getting back into AM is as easy as falling off a bike! However, on the Mac side how do you import images? I remember there was some workaround, which I haven't been able to figure out. But the usual "Import" window opens all grayed out.
Last reply by largento,