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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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So everyone i have done some load testing and a few other things and the new AMfilms seams to work well.




You can upload your videos, link videos from youtube.com watch and play videos.


I have not set out the rules yet but the main rule will be the same at the old A:Mfilms that all videos must be made for or in Animation master.


Lets use this as the debugging thread also when we get everything worked out i will clean this up. Think of this a a RC thread


The old A:Mfilms is being moved to http://vintagefilms.hash.com it's not 100% working right now but i should get that worked out soon.


I will have the winners of the 2010 mascot posted tonight or early tomorrow for everyone also.


Thank You,

Jason Simonds


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Umm can't seem to upload a .movie h264 codec



Fixed. I thought if you did not list a cgi-bin/ path in sites-available then it would use the default but i was wrong.


In video 2 they are watching the eagle animation and Martin is narrating: "That terrain was done in my competitors program, but I'm not too proud to use the best of what's out there..."


I dig the mullet!


Thanks everyone,


I also got the old AMfilms site working vintagefilms.hash.com there is no more upload link, but if you want to dig up your old Animations and move them to the new site that would be great. I did a few for load testing but i'm not sure how many more old clips i will dig up that were not done by hash, Inc.


This maybe a good idea as we will keep the videos in our ftp folder but we are not sure how much longer the old AMfilms can run with out a lot of work.


The set up now is this just in case anyone wants to know.


On our 2nd server when you go to vintagefilms.hash.com it launches it's own version of Apache that is tied to php4/mysql4



Thanks again all, Enjoy the new site.


...and the old A:M films runs not with php5?


Thank you Jason, looks much more modern... when I receive my confirmation mail

(I asked for it yesterday, but didnt receive it till now) I am going to upload a few of my animations.


See you


when I receive my confirmation mail

(I asked for it yesterday, but didnt receive it till now) I am going to upload a few of my animations.

same here...waiting confirmation mail ( 2 days )


post #1000 :) niiiiice :)

when I receive my confirmation mail

(I asked for it yesterday, but didnt receive it till now) I am going to upload a few of my animations.

same here...waiting confirmation mail ( 2 days )


post #1000 :) niiiiice :)


I Made anyone with a forums account 'active' for upload. I will look into the email delay. It worked in my test cases but I'm not sure what is taking so long with the ones that have not got it.


Let the uploads begin!


No the old AMfilms will not run in php5 and from what we have found it seams to be a lot of work to get fixed.


When you upload your video to A:Mfilms.hash.com it will now give you code to link on the forums on the right hand side under A:M Foums Link:


Just copy that code right into your post on the forums like




This will only work for videos on http://amfilms.hash.com


and they will look like this:



I am reminded again of how good those soulcage guys are - that's such a great, funny clip.


A:Mfilms site looks terrific as well - inspires me to do some animation and bring down the neighborhood.


i know this isn't AM films related, but I jut went to go onto AM Stills, and it seems to be several months out of date all of a sudden, and boots my login from this forum, is this something normal, like is a new AM Stills being worked on in conjunction with the new AM films, or am I just blind and missed a topic somewhere about this? :)

i know this isn't AM films related, but I jut went to go onto AM Stills, and it seems to be several months out of date all of a sudden, and boots my login from this forum, is this something normal, like is a new AM Stills being worked on in conjunction with the new AM films, or am I just blind and missed a topic somewhere about this? :)



I was trying to move that, but it's to tied to the forums to move solo sorry.



It's working again


oh no biggie, I was just wondering, if it can be moved I say do it, cause the AM Films site looks cool and clean and efficient

oh no biggie, I was just wondering, if it can be moved I say do it, cause the AM Films site looks cool and clean and efficient



there is a one thing holding back the move, the 7 years of code that was built for our store. We have been working threw it but it's alot of work.


So the forums, Main page, Stills and the store will stay till we get that done.


I'm just happy that today. I looked over and told Holmes i was going to code something to make it easy to post your videos from amfilms to our fourms and like 2 hours later i had it done.


so you intend to switch the forum over to be more like the AM films, or will it basically be the same thing and we just won't notice the server change?

so you intend to switch the forum over to be more like the AM films, or will it basically be the same thing and we just won't notice the server change?



It will look the same, no one will really know we have moved. The new store looks a lot different but it works the same. The new server is faster but i do not think anyone will see that much either. The only reason we are leaving our hosting company and doing all this is they deleted our OS off a server we lease.


but with new OS and Back end systems there is a chance we can do more things online.


The main change most will see is when you go the the main page now is says www.hashcom.2007web/ but on the new server it will not be there it will say www.hash.com we have done a lot of work to make all of the links work after the move too.


ah, was kind of hoping for a design change, i always love those :) Not that I don't like the look of this forum, just could look more...3d animation related but tht's just me, always eager for change!

ah, was kind of hoping for a design change, i always love those :) Not that I don't like the look of this forum, just could look more...3d animation related but tht's just me, always eager for change!



That is something i can look into down the line, Maybe demo some skins that users can pick from and get users to do the images and what not to be more 'Anamtion Master' then when you pick what skin you like to use and change it when you want.


The only problem with that is we would need people to make some art work and images since i well..... suck at it.



Now back to A:MFilms


I need help with the channel list right now we have,





Music Videos

Tin Woodman Of Oz

Scarecrow Of Oz.



Jason Simonds

ah, was kind of hoping for a design change, i always love those :) Not that I don't like the look of this forum, just could look more...3d animation related but tht's just me, always eager for change!



That is something i can look into down the line, Maybe demo some skins that users can pick from and get users to do the images and what not to be more 'Anamtion Master' then when you pick what skin you like to use and change it when you want.


The only problem with that is we would need people to make some art work and images since i well..... suck at it.





Well, if you ever decide to go in that direction, give me a holler, I've designed several forums now, and though maybe not terrific with AM, I could definitely help coordinate some sort of forum design, just thought I'd put that out there. And I'm really liking the new AM Films, even uploaded a vid and it works smoothely, I quite like it!


When I go to page two of this thread I get an AS error: "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type." That's the page with the soulcage clip. Just FYI. I click Dismiss All and everything's fine.

I uploaded some .movs, but they aren't playing any sound after conversion....


Ok, I looked into this.


It looks like that the audio codec is 'Qualcomm PureVoice' and is not supported by our converter. I looked into finding a Codec pack for that but it does not seam to have one that can be installed. There was a request to be added but it does not look like anyone is going to do that at Mplayer.


Edited my post because the balrog videos were not mine and just posted them to show they work in a new audio codec.

When I go to page two of this thread I get an AS error: "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type." That's the page with the soulcage clip. Just FYI. I click Dismiss All and everything's fine.


I can not repeat that in on Mac or Windows in 3 browsers FF, IE, Safari



Please let me know that OS and Browser you are running and i will try to debug this.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am having trouble creating an account on the new A:M Films...it wont accept any name I put into it claiming that I am not using 'alpha numeric' digits when clearly I am. I'd like to start polluting it with my particular brand of stink.


  • Admin


It looks like you have a space in your name.

While that may be okay that isn't one of the options in the dialog you've circled.

(It says alphanumeric and the underline character... no mention about spaces)


*Might* be the problem.

  • Hash Fellow
The old A:Mfilms is being moved to http://vintagefilms.hash.com it's not 100% working right now but i should get that worked out soon.


Is it really necessary to change the URL for all the films that were there? This breaks all the links that people have posted on their websites and blogs over the years.

  • 1 year later...

I have uploaded the same clip 3 times this past month but they do not appear with my other clips or on the site.

It has original sound from the video clip with it, could this be the problem for it not showing up?

Just wondering why it's not there.

I have uploaded the same clip 3 times this past month but they do not appear with my other clips or on the site.

It has original sound from the video clip with it, could this be the problem for it not showing up?

Just wondering why it's not there.


I think Jason needs to approve the video - shoot him an email support@hash.com ?

  • 2 weeks later...

I basically have the same question. I tried a couple days ago to add the Red Squad Teaser from Youtube to AMFilms and it said it worked, however, it's not there. So I sent an e-mail a couple days ago and haven't heard anything. Does this mean this is a no-go endeavour? I'd really appreciate not having to upload an 80MB file to AM Films directly as that will take bloody forever with my internet.

  • 4 years later...

When I try to register to the ClipShare site as a new user I'm greeted with a "new registration is closed' dialog. I have a new animated short I created in A:M that I'd like to share. Please advise.

  • Admin

For a second there I thought Jason was making an announcement about a new A:M Films!

I got all excited even.


I think the inner workings of the A:M Films upload were gutted when some servers got exchanged.

Jason may need to manually load the films (assuming other folks who have previously registered can't still do that on your behalf.

Jason at hash dot com is his email.


For a second there I thought Jason was making an announcement about a new A:M Films!

I got all excited even.

x2 :huh:

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