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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Haro Extreme X7

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Hello, I am taking a little "breather" from my other project. I noticed my bike sitting lonely in my garage today (My dirt jumping and downhill biking days are over :( just the scars that remind of what Im missing ;) ) and I thought that it would be a great idea to model it. I plan to model every single component that is visible (Thats a lot!).

Here is the real thing:


I managed to finish most of the frame:


Its at about 4k patches right now


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I plan to model the disc brakes with actual geometry. I am mainly creating this model to increase my modeling abilities and experiance.


I will probably go over the model when I am finished and take out the unneeded splines.


I want to model the welds.... but I dont know really how to do that (simple lathed shade + displacement map?)





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The welds you could do by blending your patches and maybe toss a nice bump map for the weld ring pattern. Most of the time I use a 4 segment lathe, rarely need more than that and makes aligning the handles much easier. Your top frame bar could probably be made with a 5 cross sections lathe and extrude the profile out.


There are tons of splines that can be removed on your model but looking really great so far.



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I modeled the handle bars with the shifters and brake levers:



Another frame shot:



Pixelplucker that looks like a good looking method there, I will have to try that, though I plan to model everything else and come back to the frame.


I do realize I am pretty (really) patch heavy right now (over 10k now). I will weed them down when the whole model is finished.


Next up is the headset, stem, and then the center derailler and sprocket.



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I modeled the stem (Needs a bit of tweeks):


I need a breather from this project so I did a few quickie doodles today mostly. I also realized how much I have to model :blink:

I need to model the:

Peddles, Cranks, Both deraillers, Wheels (Hubs, spokes, rims, tires), Disc brakes + calipers, seat, wires, hydraulic hoses, gear casset, axles, and more I cant recall right now.

I need to texture:



Though I plan to make about 5 or 6 procedural ones that I can slap on most parts and create decals for the logos and dirt and wear.


Fun fun fun :lol:



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Modeled the saddle, seatpost, and the front derailleur.


You cant really see the front derailleur but its there :D

Patch count (Dare I post it ;) *): 20,149


*DISCLAIMER: I know that it is a heavy patch count, I will weed it down when I have finished all the modeling.


I have about 8 different models that I have put together in a action. I plan to also make an action where the bike assembles itself when I have finished the project.


Up next to model is:

Disc Brake calipers



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Been busy this weekend. (Big swim meet (Larges recreational meet in the US) and last of my swim season, now to water polo)

While at the meet I set a render for a basic scene I want to render the Bike (When finished) in.


Its very simple, kinda cliché.


Radiosity render too.

Are there any ideas for a good scene to place the bike in?



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Reall nice work so far! That modeling on the forks looks especially tricky. It will be nice to see how the procedural textures work with the decals. My feeling is that they'll mesh perfectly.


Notice how I didn't mention the patch count?

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Minor update!


I finished the brake calipers:



I am working on the rear derailleur, but its a bit complicated and my interest/attention level is kinda fluctuating right now so I am working on other things while I model it.


Gerry: Thanks! The fork needs to be spline weeded but it was fairly simple to model (just extruded splines connected to a few lathed cylinders)


Pixelplucker: I was thinking of doing something like that for the welds.


Next up(if I ever finish the rear derailleur) are the wheels (Tires, spokes, rim, and hubs)



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Finished the rear wheel:


Now all I need to do is finish that pesky derailleur and model the cables and I am done modeling! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


I have also made most of the materials I am going to be using, but I have not started making the decals yet. I need to refresh my GIMP skills a bit, or maybe Ill learn to use Inkscape for some vector stuff.


I did a quick tut on how I did the tires here: Tire Tut



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It looks great...Did you use any Wizards for this? (AI/Font, or some type of rail extruding?)

Never mind, I read the rest of this post... sorry... for hand modeling from scratch it LOOKS GREAT. A few items might need some bevels so they don't look CG. Mostly the parts that have hard angles on them. You are very detailed here and it would add to the realism of the final render, especially for radiosity renders.

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I have finally finsihed the modeling of the rear derailleur! I also modeled the chain and the cables/hoses.


I just have to finish some odds n ends and I will be done modeling (Probably by tonight).


I use a lot of wizards (Font, AI (I used it but did not like the look), Sweeper (Cables, hoses, rims, tires, grips, spokes, etc), and the Primative plugin for the springs.)



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I slapped on some basic materials to see rough look. Nothing is final right now:



I am trying to think of a scene to use for the beauty shot. I plan to have a few "studio" renders but I want something other than that for one.... If you have an idea feel free to share :D


I think those flipped patches could be hooks, AO doesnt like hooks. Also there is the bottom mount for the brake caliper, there is something wrong with it, ill fix it later..



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Here is the render I set before I went to bed:


I need to create all the decals now. I plan to make my own and not exactly follow the original picture.


I am working on a set right now for the beauty render, I want to have it radiosity so Im just doodling around with an idea.


Another Idea I could do is take a HDR picture of my garage or somewhere else and put the bike in there....



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For a beauty shot idea, how about jumping it off a gnarly cliff, like you see in one of thos extreme skiing videos? You may even be able to use a photograph for the background. You may have to paint out the crazy SOB jumping off the cliff in the photo ...

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I started on the HDR idea.


Here is what I got:


The models that i used for the ground and wall seem to "tint" the roto. How do I get them to not do that?

Actually better yet does anyone know a good HDRI tut for A:M, I remember Agep had one but I cant seem to locate it on the forum.


Another idea for the beauty shot would be to model the bridges/ladders they use in slopestyle events and at bike parks and put the bike on one of those. EX:



As for the earlier scene here is a better render: (White dots are b/c of low photon count and low final gathering sampling rate)



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the ground and wall seem to "tint" the roto. How do I get them to not do that?

Maybe set their ambiance intensity to 100% ? Or make them Flat Shaded ?


As for the earlier scene here is a better render:

would love to see what that looks like with AO instead of Radiosity.



Here are some possible ideas.







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I think I will do the bridge/ladder shot with our inhouse stunt devil Thom doing a superman seatgrab off the ladder/bridge.

It should be easy enough to model (Cube here, wood decal there).


Rendering the HDR scene now as well. If I get a good enough grasp on how to do it I will make another video tut :D



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Here is the HDR composite, no post work, yet...


I fixed the edge problem by adding a ground plane in the background. I will edit the edge out in post as well.

I rendered it as a OpenEXR to take advantage of its passes.

Also instead of using a dome for reflections I just used the Hash Environment Map shader on all the reflective materials.


I will start working on the other shot (The one with Thom catching big air :ninja: ) tonight.



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That's pretty funny. You did such a nice job modeling the bike though, it might be nice to focus more on the bike so it takes up more of the frame and the ramp takes up less of the frame. The ramp is only just a background piece that provides a little context. The real subject is the bike itself.

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