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I'm getting back to my own projects for a while and making another character. This guy is going to get the works. I'm going to concentrate on his head first (and maybe last) and I'll be using 3DPainter to do his texturing and bump maps. I'm adament to make this my best character yet.


So, here's the first stages of the head. I haven't got great references and so this thread is to ask if anyone has good ones I can use. Or knows of a good website.


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Holy crap...


Has anyone else noticed that... Yoda... looks just like one of those Gremlins? (the creatures from the Spielburg movie not the car). Less hair... but Yoda was very old... he may have been bald.


All those movies... all they needed to do was throw water on him or feed him after midnight... and they could have had a Yoda army.




I'm thinking as low spline as possible and do the rest with texture. I may use displacements on the lumpy bits at the top of his head....and any other lumps.


Loads of lumps he has, so plenty of displacement maps to be placed there are.


*shakes his head* whoi, snapped out of it... I always get like that when I see Yoda.


Good start! He getting a light sabre and everything? Or just a nude Yoda? Oh... oh the horror! Please swear you'll cover him up!


And of course, may the force be with you.





so far, cool he looks...


fast finish him you must, and certanly not only the bust... hey! this rhymes! (sorry) rhymes this nicely very...




... stop me! please!... this manner of speaking dangerous is!...


i love yoda. my number one fav star wars character.


i agree with the tweaking. alot with the fore head.


something i noticed is his ears are too small.


they need to be longer and one is different from the other..


also the episode your basing the yoda on has a bit of effect




yoda is an inspiration to all little people. but i like the younger yoda he actualy has alittle white hair, he looks better with the white hair.


the look between old yoda and young yoda (and the awful episode 1 yoda) have alot of dif i feel


I'm leaning more toward the younger one (ep 2 and 3). I should have more progress tomorrow.


Getting there slowly. Probably about a third way through the tweaking. He's so familiar to me that it's difficult to get him perfect. He actually reminds me of ET now.



He's coming along quickly. Look's great so far. I think yours looks more like theres something going on between the ear's than the one on the link.


alright ken, i know you got alot more work to put onto this but i feel i should point this out..


his face seems much to big. it shoudl also be a bit lower and his head should go up more. if you need any good references just ask. i know a million places with yoda pics


Ken here's the problem:


the face is too tall. It should be more of a round shape. The cheeks shoudl be a bit larger. His brows shouldn't be arcs that are unbalanced..look at the latest reference that was posted up. You'll notice the browline digs into the top of the nose area more than the other end of the "arc" goes to the side of the head. Also, don't model him with a smile. Yoda is a fierece Jedi.


just pull more of the ends of the mouth loop down a bit...


I'm not good at modeling, but I think I can see things pretty well


Yeah I agree with the comments. Up to now I've been using the same references Dude posted. But I don't think they're from the movies. That's why I've been looking for better ones.....the more the better DJ.


Slowly does it. Thanks for the comments. I don't quite get the eyebrow one though. Are they better in this one?



It looks great!


I think his eyes might be a bit to small, but i think that when it is textured with wrinkles and everything, it will look alot more like him.


It looks like yoda when he was 20 : D

  • Admin

The worlds fastest modeller strikes again.


That is looking great Ken.

Outstanding work so far.

Yoda has got to be my favorite Star Wars character (besides the Stormtroopers that is... something about those cool suits).


Please don't stop at just the bust!


Thanks guys. That's just phase 2 of mesh tweaking so get your critiques in fast. I'll post the final part soon.


Theres a few decent shots of him here.http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/yoda/ Not too high rez but good for reference. Dont really know how to posta link I guess but that was in the address window.....(edit) and pasting in in works for me.


Thanks. They're good even if small. Here's the latest. I'm pretty happy with the proportions now. Just a few spline tweaks and it should be on to texturing.



oh yes ken it is seriously getting there!


although i still feel with the size of ears and face that his head (excluding the face) is to small


other then that i find it very well done :)


Hey Ken:


I was going to model Yoda too, but got too busy to start. Well, maybe I'll do an older rendition in the future. Say, Yoda's eyes look pretty nice, how did you model those? I tried modeling some eyes and they don't look very life like.


Wow, he's looking very good, you've made great progress.


How long do you recon you'll spend on this model until it's done? If it's at all possible to guess


His eyes are the ones I made for TWO. They were derived from the Colins uber eyes. I'll be posting this model here eventually if you don't have access to the svn.


I have no idea how long he'll take to be done. Even now, I'm finding some things wrong with him. I guess I've spent about 10 hours on him so far. Most of that is refining. I'd say another 6 hours to be totally happy with the head mesh. Then texturing will be slow as I haven't as much practice. I'd say about 20 hours for that including displacement/bump mapping.

I'll probably do his hands and feet and use cloth for his body. Then all I'd need is a light saber. Didn't someone model one of those before?


Thanks Joakim. I'll hopefully use that later. Here's another small update.....subtle changes to make him more yoda like. This will be my last update for a while.



looking good. but theres something about his mouth that dosnt seem right.. i think its too bulgy


also his ears arnt both the same keep that in mind, and i think they need to be a lil lower


and last there are some large bumps in his head that i dont think can be textured on


  • 2 weeks later...

OK, unless there are some glaring omissions or someone has plan drawings of him, I think this is as close as I'm going to get. I still have to fix the ears. Then I'll post front and side wires.



Ken, he's looking great. I guess you decided to totally add all the forhead bump with decals. I would have modeled at least some of it, but that's me :).


I'm assuming you are going to use Pixosaur to texture it? Can't wait to see that!

  • Hash Fellow

That looks good ken!


Does that have porcelain on it already?


I'm sure you're aware of the numerous images of Yoda out there already. The fan art seems to vary quite a bit though.



edit: here's an inexpensive official model that could be obtained for study


Wow, I love it! What's really interesting is to load each of those images in its own seperate tab (if you're in firefox, safari, etc) and then cycle through them... its really cool seeing the changes made between each iteration.

Excellent job once again!




The bulges are meant to be jowels....maybe they're too big.


I haven't put porcelain on him yet but I'll do it now and see how he looks.


Also, I'm going to see how the "lumps" look with displacement mapping. I think it should just about work. Hopefully...


Phew! After 20 revision models, I think I'm finally getting places. What do you think....an improvement? I forgot I had an interactive yoda doll so I got some basic measurements from it. I wouldn't rely on it as it's not a great likeness. Also, I don't know why I thought his eyes were brown.


If there's not obvious flaws, I think it's time to stick on a version and move onto texturing. That'll make it easier to judge likeness.




What do yoda's teeth look like?

How high is yoda?



being my picky self i gota point things out hear.. i think hes getting fater now.. same with his ears.


and to answer questions... yoda is .66 meters


yoda really dosnt show his teeth much so this is the best pic i could find. his teeth are basicly roundish jagged


one more thing.. i feel very strongly that you should model the main bumps in his head..


and here is some other pics to help u




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