WIP (Archives)
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285 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
here's the link http://geocities.com/amarama@sbcglobal.net/
Last reply by robvmonte, -
Car Model?
by age234- 2 replies
I know that questions like this pop up often, but... Is there a kind soul out there that would be willing to put together a medium-quality Yugo Koral (Tempo) car model? (photos) It would have to be medium-to-high quality on the inside, medium-to-low quality on the inside. The interior in the back seat would only need to be low-quality. I would take care of the texturing myself (with the aid of well-labeled groups, and many of them). Quality-wise, it has to hold up to a live background (shot on DV) in which it is mainly seen from the front in close-up, with some medium and long shots of the rest. I am using it in a short film I am working on for schoo…
Last reply by age234, -
- 17 replies
5 hours so far.
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 1 reply
use extrude wizard and got this( extrude with Path)
Last reply by CyberSpark, -
I'm sorry, but I wasn't sure where in the forums that this post would go. Techincally I do have a WIP, but I just don't have anything to show right now. I just had a quick question: are there any tutorials on modeling armor and clothing on characters?
Last reply by Knuckles, -
- 9 replies
Hi, This is my character Benji Dee. I know its a weird name but hey you'll always remeber it! Anyways I want to create a short with him, but i need him to have a vehical, the problem is I cant think of a cool vehical for him. Any ideas?
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 21 replies
Here is a car that I made to go with one of my characters. I am no expert on cars but I thought that I would just do a quick sketch and then start modelling. The idea is that is supposed to look kind of flashy and impractical.
Last reply by kanga, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm in the middle of making a character walk. I've been following the manual to the letter on how to do stride lengths. I've done it and added my character to a path, however, it talks about an ease constraint in the walk properties....it's not in mine as you can see in the pic. How do I get it?
Last reply by KenH, -
Hands Down
by jurnco- 3 replies
This is a very short clip of a possible short film. I say possible short film because I don't know if I'll ever actually make it, I was simply doing this to test out some stuff I had learned. Keep in mind this is the very first animation that I have rendered (I've made plenty of animations that were so bad I threw them away) and there are plenty of mistakes. To name one, the hand sinks into the ground at the beginning, but it's not too terribly noticable. The hand was modeled in Wings 3D. When I imported it into AM, it looked like there were holes all over the model. The go away once you render the animation, but it bothers me anyway, does anyone know why it does th…
Last reply by jurnco, -
- 6 replies
Heres my WIP posed. No testures added except a slight bit of color on the face and lips. Let me know what you think! Thanks, SeanC.
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 22 replies
Some of you might remember this little guy: I'm making an animation with him for my film class this semester. He needs a battery powered car for the animation, so I started making it. Only the back has been worked on...it'll have 4 wheels when it's done. Textures have not been worked on at all. comments, suggestions?
Last reply by Phil, -
Car poster
by kanga- 13 replies
Hi List! Heres something, I think (done in AM).
Last reply by John Keates, -
- 13 replies
Well, I have resumed work on me pet-project and have been adding things to Peg's Mansion as well as colouring it in! It still needs work on the tree leaves and bark, and the obvious tile pattern on the tower - but hey! - I have never really done this texturing bit before I have the '3D Painting & Texturing' book on the way which should help alot! Looking forward to your comments
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
I gave up searching with page 8, but this image is another place in the world from which I posted the glass/metal/white Information Desk picture back in November. Executive Mansion Parlor Phone Closeup
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
This is a model I did after seeing this sticker on the back of a SUV window while I was driving. (Digital cameras are great!) My only problem is.... what the heck do I do with it? Any suggestions? Respectfully, Marc J. Odden modome3d2@earthlink.net
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 4 replies
I Made This In My Spare time over christmas, modeled in A:M 10.5, Textured and Rendered in Bryce5. CHESS
Last reply by carterhawk001, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know why I can't get this guys iris to render. It's a material as opposed to a decal. I'm including the heirarchy to make it clearer.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 10 replies
This is how I spent my weekend. About 5 hours to model and animate, 5 hours to edit and capture sound. The rest of the 48 hours was spent rendering The file is about 3MB in QT format. See it here: Stats Commercial
Last reply by JBarrett, -
- 16 replies
I'm really getting used to the A:M modeling tools. I literally whipped up this model (made in 2 hours). It's not perfect, it's not finished but it's a start. I could tweak for weeks now but I've limited myself to another 2-3 hours (spread out over a couple of days) of point tweaking. Then I'll texture and rig and maybe add a body along the way. I used no reference, therefore if you tell me it's porportions off I will tell you that it was a stylistic choice (lol).
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 3 replies
I've been organising my backups and I found these old very simple models. In 9.5 I had to toon render them(there was no time for texturing) but I added them into a 10.5 chor and added a skycast light, and I thought the result wasn't bad. Each of the characters was modelled and rigged in 4 hours. The geometry is very light as I had no tiime for adding intermediate bones or smartskinning(they were animated).
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 5 replies
Done in A:M for JPL/NASA: "Rover Navigation 101" http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/video/animation.html Heavily compressed at 18MB for 5 minutes...
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 19 replies
Hi, Been too busy enjoying the festive season to post much, but I spent a couple of hours trying out a different way to quickly create heads. I was after a carved puppet feel and I think it worked, especially given the time. Don't know how well it will animate. I had to try and avoid hooks, three point and five point patches, because they don't work with displacement maps, but I think you could just plan these in areas where the displacement is unnecessary. ciao
Last reply by shaunf, -
- 14 replies
I'd be interested in peoples thoughts on the little clip I have posted on my website. I'm currently making a short film for both enjoyment and education, so any feedback on the trailer I have created would be great. [url="http://www.shaunfreeman.com/wip.htm"]trailer link[/url] Click on the 'teaser/trailer' link. Its a 10.4 Mb quicktime file using the On2 Vp3 codec Cheers Shaun Freeman
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
- 3 replies
Here's a room I'm making for a game with Alpha 8 Win 2000. I'm having abit of trouble getting it to look good. The current issues are: 1 Shadows within shadows. That can't happen in reality given that there is only one light source. 2 Anomaly in wallpaper which is a decal used on all the walls. There is no spline located there 3 The outline of the table(and shelf) is taking on the colour of the wall under the decal (I have the opacity at 50% to get varying shades on each of the walls) Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks. [img]http://kenheslip_1.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/room.jpg[/img] PS After loading the project it takes an age to save the…
Last reply by KenH, -
- 4 replies
Hey all. I'm looking for a little input for my little, on-going merman project. I am now attempting/struggling to texturemap the head. Jim Talbot's video tuts have been really helpful in this capacity, since I needed to know how A:M allowed the magical UV process to take place. But from a more artistic standpoint, I really don't know what to do. What sort of skin tone would look best? How thick should a person lay on shading and facial features? Does he need color mapping for wrinkles, or should I leave that to bump mapping? Any input is quite welcome. Here are some pics. [img]http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rossmith/gallery/mm_tm_side.jpg[/img] [img]http://www-pe…
Last reply by Ross Smith, -
- 20 replies
C'mon SOMEONE out there's gotta be making stills or something they could call "finished" and post in here.
Last reply by MixePix, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, Remember this Guy (note thicker hands :))? Well he and his growing cast of cohorts are getting ready to become mobile soon, but they could all use a bit of dressing up. To that end the Super Secret Project Crew™ is looking to add a new member, specifically a texture artist. (not only for the characters, the sets modeling will start soon and will also need texturing.) So if you fancy yourself as such or would just like to give it a shot please email me at [email=david@am-guide.com]david@am-guide.com[/email]. As an "audition" of sorts I will send out the model file for this character to all who email me. This is a volunteer project but I am holding it up to …
Last reply by Obnomauk, -
- 7 replies
Just a small collage of images from practice models.
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 4 replies
My mom came up with this crazy idea about a week ago and I've been having alot of fun with this animation! This is what I have so far... just imagine that your in a jungle. Your admiring the flowers and you hear something. You run over to the noise crouch down and you find this! :D The animation still needs alot of work but this is it so far:
Last reply by natess44, -
- 23 replies
I think I'm done with my geometry... I'm putting up some screen captures for any design/ modelling criticism before I start bugging (no pun intended) everyone to help me with the texturing. Haven't had the time I've wanted on this, so I haven't made many changes since my last post. Just redid the hands, tweaked his face, put in eyes, made the inside of his mouth, which I can't even see. Anyway, any suggestions are welcome. Thanks -Andrew
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 4 replies
This is an exciting time, I'm in the process of beginning a new model. My modeling skills are not the greatest, and I often find myself in frustration as my mesh ceases to flow correctly. If anyone else ever experiences similar dilemmas, try this, it helps. I drew a few quick sketches of what I thought I wanted, took what I liked from each of them, and ended up with a drawing shown in the first upper left image. I then drew out better rotoscopes, clarifying just what I wanted, and making sure I had a clear idea of where I was going in specific areas. I then suppressed the extremely strong urge to jump on the computer and start modelling. I dug through some things and foun…
Last reply by natess44, -
- 11 replies
here's one of my other 2003 models i need to finish for 2004 and animate. I'm open for comments.
Last reply by John Keates, -
Just thought id show a pic of what ive been working on. Nothing worth getting excited about. There are obvious problems in the mesh and the textures are lacking but Im getting antzy for a new project and thought id post this before i move on for critiques. Thanks Sean
Last reply by tobinjim, -
My WIP....
by phade2- 10 replies
This was the last character I did in AM. I ventured off into the world of Maya for a while. My new year's res....do more stuff in AM!...LOL I need to update my version of AM I wanna try out the uv editor for the textures on this model. :D
Last reply by Dearmad, -
- 5 replies
This was a landscape I did while working on a modeling method for tree's I was rather proud of the lighting as things like lighting and texturing aren't my strong points. The tree modelling method was from a tutorial. Unfotunately I can't remember the name of the person who wrote it. I would appreciate any feedback you have. I know the image isn't really complicated or anything I tend to very simple scenes in my work. But I thought the ambience in this one was perfect for what I was going for.
Last reply by Dearmad, -
[url="http://www.steve-uk.com/test/hulk.avi"] view[/url]Ugly carector ,but I like him lol, I love this fur matterial and the way it work;s in 9.5 ,Will upgrade to the latest this month, as it sound's very good
Last reply by Dearmad, -
- 7 replies
Hiya :) I've been working on my entry for the 10 sec club and would like to get some feedback if possible, thanks! [url="http://demented3d.com/animation/mkrick-10sec-dec03.avi"]http://demented3d.com/animation/mkrick-10sec-dec03.avi[/url] This month they're doing something different and the soundclip's in Italian! But it's from Nightmare before Xmas when Sally tries to poison the Doctor, I've added some subtitles which should help. All done in 10.5.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
Here is a character I just started. Hope to post more later. Your thoughts?
Last reply by littleandy, -
- 0 replies
OK heres the deal, I got a script from a really good new writer its called the matador. Its about bull fighting. Well we need some animators, modelers, and concept artists. Please contact me if your intersted and supply a portfolio, or some images/ animations that your have done ( a website would be fine). If I like your stuff I will send a copy of the script. Thanks, Robert Fiermonte (Project Manager) :blink:
Last reply by robvmonte, -
Buddha head
by macb- 11 replies
Hi Everyone, Ive been modelling a buddha head the last couple days, attached is what i have sofar... still have to fix the ears and add some snails on his head... Mike :)
Last reply by macb, -
- 6 replies
This is my first time modeling a complete 3D figure. [b]The Hair is fixed! Disregard the Topic description [/b] :D Here are some sample renderings of my project. I am at intermediate level with A:M The scene with the buildings was giving me some problems. I was using a streaking particle system. I wanted to create some kind of electrical force field around the building with the big orb. When I rendered it, it kept on crashing. There was some kind of bug in the streak particle system in some of the frames.I think I will keep it simple. Does anyone have tips on creating a good looking and simple force field?
Last reply by littleandy, -
- 16 replies
The results for the Internet Ray-Tracing Competition (animation round) just came out. http://www.irtc.org/anims/2003-10-15.html I'm working on a DV-sized version (with better keyboard close-ups) and I'll let everyone know when it's done. Zach
Last reply by littleandy, -
- 2 replies
Well, I have finally gotten around to creating a web page for the short I'm working on. It's not really up yet, just a 'Coming Soon!' image. I hope to have some pages up by the beginning of January. Anyhow, the link is: [url="http://www.tartpi.com"]http://www.tartpi.com[/url] When I get some pages up, I hope you all will let me know what you think.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone. I'm a user of A:M since version 8.5 Used to be on the mailing list but got off a long time ago. Just thought I'd get back into the community here and show off my current work in Progress. The Model is of a Klyros a Race from the Open Source MMORPG Planeshift. I plan to animate him eventually so tell me what you think of him :D [img]http://jeremywall.mine.nu/3d/artwork/klyros.png[/img]
Last reply by JeremyWall, -
- 11 replies
Here it is, thanks to 3darttopart and Will Sutton for providing the link. http://www.bradbarnett.net/upload/Prototype/
Last reply by Elm, -
- 4 replies
It still needs work on the lighting I think but the general idea is there now. Wastland2 - The Morning. [img]http://jeremywall.mine.nu/3d/artwork/TreeMist.png[/img]
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 1 reply
...I was thinking of restarting the project and wanted to get opinions. She has no legs yet and lacks a great deal of detail. The neck would hood out like a cobra (idea I had) but haven't worked out the details yet, so I made a still to see how she would look. Thanx in advance for your opinions more pictures of her here: [url="http://www.ourpeak.com/gibson/wip.html"]dragon project[/url]
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 13 replies
This is my very first model ever ever. I have made some stuff in bryce, but it is so different working with A:M. Anyways, I am very welcoming to any comments or tips. Yes, i know the head looks like a box, but I plan on fixing it. Very Highly welcome would be tips about doing the mouth. BTW, I am working on him on the left side, I just used Copy/Flip/Attach to show him off. Head1 Head2 edited to reduce page load time!
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 2 replies
I would like some comments on this model. I am looking for any suggestions in general, but specifically on how to improve her hair. This is a helmet hair approach using opacity mapping. I'm not convinced that this appraoch is going to work. I might try to do v11 hair. pro or con anyone? Also, I used skycast for this clip. Any idea why her lips and face lose their specular highlights? You can run through the quicktime frame by frame and see different parts of her body in pretty good detail. I can always post more if there are specific questions... [url="http://www.3d-anim8or.com/movieplay.asp?moviename=matalie-flyaround"]Play[/url]
Last reply by pdaley, -
- 6 replies
I am hoping that those of you with experience can share some wisdom in the fine art of texturing a model, i can probably handle the decaling well, but the actualy process of getting a half-decent texture using photoshop eludes me. I am trying to do a reptile look, sort of monster-ish
Last reply by carterhawk001,