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The A:M Forum is for technical support and the sharing of tips and ideas between users/prospective users of Hash software. It is moderated constantly by technical support representatives.
-Ask questions about the software.
-Assist other users... everyone was new at this once.
-Inform people of your version/platform when asking for help.
-Share resources; tutorials, models, textures, tips and techniques (link to useful websites).
-Post links to your work, or where your art is being used online (on websites, in games, toons', etc.)
-Search the A:M Forum and FAQ. The question you are about to ask may have already been answered.
-Organize and inform others about user groups, IRC chats, image and animation contests, job opportunities, etc.
-Discuss what you are working on and let everyone know about magazine reviews and articles that relate to your projects.
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-No Off Topic posts. (Posts in the Off Topics section should be related to A:M in some form or fashion or benefit the A:M community as a whole).
-No soliciting of any kind without prior approval.
-No threads or comparisons related to other 3D Applications.
-No "Wish list" or feature requests, they should be sent to for categorizing and prioritization (User requests define the future development of the software).
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-No very general questions like: "how do I make a good 3D model" make your questions as complete and concise as possible.
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User Led Forum Considerations
Firstly and foremostly, please remember this is Martin Hash's forum and that it is every A:M User's primary resource for information about A:M. In order to remain relevant we need everyone's continuing support and interest.
Secondly, understand there is a distinction between A:M (the program) and the A:M forum. There are some topics and issues that are outside the scope of this forum and most can be deduced by reading through the forum guidelines. These include such things as Hash Inc internal policies, business practices, trade secrets, and specific plans for the future not yet publicly released. Each of these would be fascinating topics of their own but are better reserved for private communications with a representative of Hash Inc.
Related to the second, is purchasing, customer service and other areas outside the purview of the common user who may have no interest in such things; subjects relating to money exchanging hands are beyond the scope of the A:M Forum and often can lead to conflicts of interest between users and/or Hash Inc. (If Hash Inc cuts you a deal on volume purchasing it's really no one else's business). Likewise, individual complaints about a product or service are best remedied by going direct with Hash Inc representatives empowered to make decisions. Please allow them them the time necessary to resolve your specific issue and consider the cost of customized solutions.
This last area is likely the source of much confusion because many see the A:M Forum as the official outlet for Hash Inc... and it is. But the forum is not designed for conducting business and private matters best resolved by going to Hash Inc directly. Similarly, bug reports are best resolved by entering them directly into the A:M Reporting system.
Many problems can be easily addressed at the user level just by asking fellow users in the forum. If someone at Hash Inc suggests the forum as a source, it is very likely a problem can be easily resolved. For tougher issues there is even more reason to take the issue directly to the source... you don't want the issue discussed... you want it resolved quickly.
Finally, remember that we want to pass this forum on to future moderators and generations of A:M Users in the absolute best condition possible. A:M is just that good a program and is worthy of our consideration.
Thanks for making the A:M Forum a great community.
4,158 topics in this forum
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- 3 replies
ok i have a short segment in which a jet is hit by a missle with some type of cerosive compond in it that eats away the outer armor exposing the insides, direct model manipulation didnt look very good so im asking for ideas on how to do this
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 2 replies
I have been trying to play with fluid simulation but got stuck, but still it's just not quite clear to me. As far as for the Newton physics and the SimCloth, you can just right click on the chor and simulate them, but there is no such option for the fluid. I guess my questions is How can I simulate the fluid? CHEERS!
Last reply by StormedFX, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I am working on a short character animation that will be imported into Flash as a sequence of jpeg images. Ideally these should be the images of the character only without the backgrouds (ground, light) so it can be incorporated with the existing Flash scene . I found that I can remove the default ground from the PWS but do not know how to get rid of the sky/light (whatever it is?) that is rendered together with the model. I know that A:M can do that (Merlin the assistant is a good example, it floats and fits to the scene) - any suggestions? Another issue I am struggling with is the combining two animation sequences. In this particular case I have a 1. charact…
Last reply by Yossi, -
- 11 replies
The grid that shows stride length in the action window has inexplicably moved off the ground and appeared elsewhere. What happened?
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 reply
ok what im looking for is a thruster graphic , if you seen any psi phy and such you will know what im taking about , you have a port on some jetspack / fighter and with a epic push of a buttion the hero jets away with the girl with flaming jets following them , its the jets im looking for , and any suggestions would be nice
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 reply
ok i spent about a hour making a transformer ish robot change shape and did this in a 20 second frame range to make sure it looked fluid enough, then AM crashed an i lost it all ( still have model but no action ) so my question is is there a way to change the speed in which a action works or should i try and make the transformation happen in 2 seconds
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi there, I've bought AM a few days back, so I'm a newbie here... I can model basic stuff so far, extruding splines, connecting and so on. No problem. The video-tutorials are very helpfull so far. I work also with polygon modelers like Silo, Wings and Strata, so there is a big differents in working with splines. What I really need (and don't find) is a basic tutorial how to: - add points on a spline (If I have points, i can connect them, but I need new ones) - how to connect curved edges to a flat surface (like a tube on a cube) - how to make sharp edges - how to smooth out hard connection/extrusions - how to add tickness - and so on..…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, Does anybody know the music playing in the original Animation Master Demo video when the guy is creating the vase? Please help
Last reply by TRN, -
- 18 replies
I've had this problem for quite some time now, but it's getting irritating of late. Imported models - regardless of format - basically have every ex-polygon separately shaded. Even if I change all the CPs to Peak, the shading is still all glitchy. For example: How do I keep this from happening? It makes the import completely useless. Thanks!
Last reply by Moden, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
ok if you have played the game homeworld you will know what im talking about , all small craft leave a line or sorts behind them that slowly disapears , i know this will proble be done with a partical engin but since i have yet to get one activly working properly i though id ask
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 6 replies
I keep getting a message "Exeption #033 Realtime Render" everytime I try I try to do something with the model I'm making. (selecting it, turning, adding CP's, ...anything with the model I can't do.) I've tried the, but it wouldn't let me log in. Anybody ever have this problem before?
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I hope I can explain this properly. I have a cat that I have modeled using a famous painting as a roto for the face and proportions. In the painting the cat is SITTING, but I have modelled it standing so that I could set up and rig it using the free Anzovin Setup Machine. This all works fine and it walks and moves quite well, but now I need to make the cat sit in the original position as in the painting, but I am finding that I can't achieve the exact position to match the roto using the model rigged like this as it doesn't give me the required degree of accuracy - I hope you are with me up to now. The question is should I animate CP's to achieve the exact…
Last reply by Hoggy, -
- 5 replies
ok this is a complelty nuwb question but for the life of me i cant find how to create a partical generator , i have tryed right clicking and looking through the menus but its eather not there or im not looking for the correct name , help.....
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, This question feels like it should have been asked before but I cant't find anything about it... Anyways, is it possible to copy a pose from one bone chain to another? Say for instance I have the pose "Curl up left index finger". My preferred way to animate the other nine fingers would be to copy this pose, and then tweak each instance until it looks right. However, it would seem that the way A:M works means I have to animate all 10 fingers from scratch. Am I missing something or is this the way to do it? Regards, MC
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi again all, Been putting bones in my model, (tut. on backbone ) then did the 'new action for a split screen: he crossed is legs. Did he come to life or something? Any way looks like somethings are missing or other things have appeared. I used the rigging that is with AM then added fingers and toes, eyes and tongue. I know this isn't the best model to work with but it is my first try.
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
how do i make a red satin material, any suggestions ? thx
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
So many tutorials and so much advice throughout the forum involves the use of photoshop. I was thinking about trying to pick up a used copy of the software on e-bay. I probably wouldn't need the whole CS3 suite, so I was wondering; what would be the least elaborate version of photoshop would I need to do the stuff for layering, texturing, IBL,etc. My experience at image manipulation & CG stuff is less than minimal. I already have Corel, but the learning curve on it seems, to me at least, steep. The learning curve in PS is probably steep as well but I think I could follow the step by step instructions that people give in their posts. I would rather spend…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
is there any way to make a texture move by action only , such as plasma moving down a tube as an example
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi A:M users and specialists, I 've converted a logo from 2D to 3D by A:M and made it rotating. Now I wanted to render this rotating logo with "transparent" background. Is it possible by A:M to create an object surrounded by "transparency"? I hope it will be clear what is my problem. Thank You in advance for any help. Regards, Womil
Last reply by womil, -
- 5 replies
Hi I was wondering if there was any better websites for images other then google. I want to make an Iron Man model but I can't find any front and side images of the body and head. Thanks
Last reply by Joe Gamblin, -
- 4 replies
im looking for a way to create a laser that is easy to control , im looking for the constant beam that moves over the terrain followed promptly buy the big explosion
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 2 replies
Is it possible to get the particles of an emitter to follow a path?? I tried creating a tube and turning on object collision but many of the particles end up getting out of the tube.
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
ok i have a part of a model left with 5 points and there is no way to add a lane to cut it in half, i have tried , is there any way to make it form a surface with 5 points
Last reply by Eric Camden, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
ok i remember in times past that you could manipulate the bias of a spline with a hook , currently i cant figure out how to do this again any one know
Last reply by GAngus, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have been having a little problem getting AM to let me import Quicktime Movies into the Action part of the program. I want to be able to sync animation with the Quicktime movie, but I get a message that says either that it is not supported, or it does not like 16 bit Quicktime. I saw the other thread about saving it as a TGA, is there another way as well? Is there a way to use Quicktime files from other programs like Final Cut? I have been able to use Quicktime movies that I have created in AM, but not successful with movies I saved from Final Cut into a Quicktime movie. If someone could shed some light on this that would be great. Thank you very muc…
Last reply by braintree, -
- 12 replies
I am planning on buying this Animation Master and all the extras very soon. I have watched all the tutorials and the films made by users as well and am very impressed! So I am already sold on it, But my question is Spline modeling. I was a professional Cartoonist for 30 years and have some (little) experience in 3d modeling. I am generally very good at anything I put my hands on and am wondering how high the learning curve is with modeling in this program. I am recently disabled and and this program is what I will be spending most of my time on. LOL Just wondering how fast or slow getting good at modeling was for everyone. Thanks! The Spleen
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
To all those that helped me with my other question, THANKS~~~~~~ here is what I got to work. First I took my video and converted it in QT to TGA sequence Image Sequence format: TGA FPS: 30 Then opened AM New Project New Choreography Went to Images Images Import Animation/Image Sequence find files ( just saved from QT ) Click the first Image in the sequence ( it will import all the rest ) Open Then 'Short cut to Camera 1' right click New Rotoscope Select Image At this point the video should appear in the chor. window Go to the…
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 6 replies
Another question but is there a way to paint your colors for a more realistic looks. It seem like softwares like cinema 4D can paint. but is there a way to do this in A:M.
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 0 replies
i made this a long time ago and thought it would be nice to share. i used the AM model, not sure if its bush jr or senior. anyways its a fun adventure. it was the beginning of a long love of AM.
Last reply by sir fen the usa, -
- 1 reply
ok against m better jugment i strayed away form robots and such and actualy tryed a organic characer , and i must say , i did...... ok , qustion is i being notto good in this area made the characters hair using tubes and such , it looks ok but is there any way to (A) make the tubes fill with hair or something that looks like hair or ( find a way to appliy a hiar texture to the tubes in a way that doesnt look patched
Last reply by MasterFunk, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know if there is a way to do motion capturing in v13.
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hey, Im new to Animation Master and the forums, so I'm working off version 12 (cant afford the updated ones ).. but I seem to be having a problem rendering.. I've been doing the Chorus Line tutorial from the book, and when i go to render, I cant click on any of the settings (like Final, Toon etc).. I can name the file but it wont let me click ok any ideas? thanks in advance!
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I have some objects in my choreography. I select them and make them a named group. I try to pivot the group. The group pivots on the screen, but no keyframes are created. I put them in position 1 at point A on the timeline and position 2 at point B on the timeline. There are no keyframes in the timeline. When I preview the choreo there is no rotation. What am I missing?
Last reply by Jeetman, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What exactly does "Subscription" do? I see it for sale but what does it provide? It really does not explain anything.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 15 replies
Hi there, I have some difficultie in labeling a bottle. I modeld the bottle with a doubleside-wall and put the fake glas mat on it. But then the label disapears. (See bottle in middle) I tried different versions with a liquid inside (Left) and no transpereny at all (right), doesnt look good. Also I tried the flatten command in applying the label. Is cyulindrucal here the better method? Any hints to get better results? I enclose the proj done in AM13.0 t Thank you Jake
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 2 replies
Ok so ive ran TSM2 plugin, and got a skeleton, inserted it into my character, and everything works just fine, except when i placed the bones in the hand i had 3 control bones, then when i run the Rigger plugin, now i only have 1 bone per finger, and i cant open and close the hands naturally. So is this an option i missed in my skeleton setup? Do i have to re-rig from scratch or can this be fixed?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello - my little boy broke my manuel into 2 halfes, then that turned into 3 - and the part missing is chapter 12 the pic of the 9 lip poses. Is there anywhere online of a pic of that page that shows an illustration of the poses. I see the video manual, but it doesn't show that page? Thanks - Eric
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I want to model a couple of aircraft, I can get the plans as DWG files. What I am looking for is some software that can read these files and if push comes to shove I could then do screen capture to convert to jpg files - although it would be nice if the software could do it for me Any ideas anyone - says he hopefully Oliver
Last reply by LensOnLife, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I'm wondering if there is a way to import camera data from another program. We're using, primarily, Vue to create a landscape and I would like to be able to insert Animation:Master elements as well. We can export a camera that would work for After Effects, Maya, and perhaps others. I'm not exactly sure how much we can convert the data, so please give as many options as possible for import and we'll hopefully find a medium that will work. Thanks!
Last reply by Luuk Steitner, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
ok this is a multi part qustion so hear goes 1 is there a way to have part of a texture show and part not , such as glowing letters or the such 2 dose the texture require any special modifications
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Sorry to bother you guys again, but.... do you know if there is a way to move a group of keyframes in the choreography (possibly by using the timeline) to a different time in the choreography? kind of like Flash? And... if that isn't possible... could you make that possible in a future upgrade of A:M?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
When I render anything I get an additional file with ".sinfo" on the end. What are these files, what do you open them with and do you need to keep them?
Last reply by bighop, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
So I was animating today and the movement looked not natural so I was wondering how to make it look like the way we move.
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 2 replies
I need a chrome matirial . I think I have asked this before but the thread died down. Anyway I download dark tree but there is no chrome matrial I need help.
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Ok, I did the tutorial on Yves' web site (very helpful by the way) for wood grain. I've been trying to make railroad ties. ( Rodger Reynolds has been a great help by the way). Anyway, I made the material and it looks fine, how ever in the final render the grain seems to go away. I notice if I angle the model or camera this happens. Is this a normal look for a material? I thought you would be able to make out the grain no matter what angle it's at. Any advice would be great. Andy
Last reply by bighop, -
- 2 replies
Hi - I did a search and didn't really see anything about this question. I had a client to put it nicely "didn't really work out" so the new guy uses Lightwave and I was able to export the model as an .obj and that worked great. I created a number of pose sliders as face expressions of the character - is there a way to export these so this poor new guy's life will be a little easier.
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Ok, I'm trying to make a stone road bed, but I'm having trouble with this. I used a picture as a displacement map, and the same photo to add color. But no matter what color stones I use, it just looks bad. Is there something I need to do to the displacement map prior to applying it? ***The displacement map is first and the color map is next**
Last reply by bighop, -
game modding
by Akai- 12 replies
Hi, I'm new here and just picked up A:M about a week ago; as such still going through the tutorial guide. When I was in school a couple of years back, I had a small team working on a total conversion mod (demo) for UT2004. Back then we were using 3DS MAX... It was on all the lab PCs. I'm looking to start working on it again, soon. Any pointers on workflow, stuff that A:M does well for UT modding or not, cautions and pitfalls are appreciated. Thanks guys!
Last reply by Akai, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, Newbies and experts, I am using subscription v15.0c on a iMac G4 and would love to place my character into my Granddaughters home video. The video is 320x240 and a QuickTime movie. (very small) about 9 seconds long. I have had some advice and found very few tutorial helps on the net yet, none of them seem to get the video to play or even appear as a Rotoscope in the choreography window. I also have searched through the online manual and not found anything to help. Does anyone have a step by step tutorial on how to get me started. Any and ALL help would be deeply appreciated. Your friend in 3D
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 2 replies
Hi - Awhile back I posted asking if anyone knew a really good artist that could create a rotoscope drawing for a character - a couple people nicely responded and had some pretty good drawings they had done. I live out in California in the valley and happen to be up at Universal Studios and noticed they have an area set up with caricature artists, so I decided to have him do one and see how it came out. He is a very talented guy and it came out great. I am using it now to create a character, and it is working pretty well - I probably should have had him do a profile drawing as well. Anyway, I thought I would post his email and website portfolio if anyone is in ne…
Last reply by flashawd,