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The Art of Animation:Master Exercises Start Here!
Video Exercises (11,989 visits to this link)
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Tutorials (11,486 visits to this link)
146 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Welcome to The art of Animation:Master! Word of the new websubscription is going out to all parts of the world and the stage is set for the arrival of many new users. Welcome to the A:M Forum if you are one of those! If you are returning... Welcome Back! The art of Animation:Master is designed to thoroughly expose you to the workflow of Animation:Master with a focus on the principles of computer animation. Its a step by step process to set you up for successful animation from the time you start Lesson 1. There are many additional benefits of working through TaoA:M too. Here are a few: - A certificate of completion from Hash Inc! (Read more about it he…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
While working thru the EX17 tutorial, the simulation freezes at frame # 2:15. I saw on another thread from August 3 2007 ( User named "someawfulbridge", post "why can't I bowl cosmically?" ) that someone else had the exact same issue. A Hash person responded that they were able to set up/do the simualtion from the top view in the Chor window and make it work. I tried that and had no luck. They also said that the tut file may be corrupted and that they would try to fix it by next release. I just updated to v15a, but still had the problem. Has anyone had this issue and found a way to make the simulation follow thru? Thanks, Niall I am running a PMac G5 dual 2.5…
Last reply by kilkennycat, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I am running a PMac G5 dual 2.5 Ghz, 3G Ram, ATI Radeon 9600 video card. A:M v15a. While working thru the EX17 tutorial, the simulation freezes at frame # 2:15. I saw on another thread from August 3 2007 ( User named "someawfulbridge", post "why can't I bowl cosmically?" ) that someone else had the exact same issue. A Hash person responded that they were able to set up/do the simualtion from the top view in the Chor window and make it work. I tried that and had no luck. They also said that the tut file may be corrupted and that they would try to fix it by next release. I just updated to v15a, but still had the problem. Has anyone had this issue and found a way to ma…
Last reply by kilkennycat, -
- 4 replies
Folks, So far, loving the ease of modeling! Just finding it tricky to attach the leg to the giraffe. Which control point gets connected with which control point? Once I understand this, it'll be a snap. Thanks for your time in replying! Bob
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 77 replies
The Art of Animation:Master (Online) Please add your exerices to this topic and others will join in. The Art of Animation:Master is being completed on a continual basis in the New Users Forum. Meeting deadlines can be an important skill to master early on but this course is self paced to allow each person the flexibility they need to learn the basics of Animation:Master. The course can be completed in as little time as necessary or as much as is needed by each participant. Note: You may want to download the videos first. All available Video Tutorials related to TAOA:M can be found on one page: The Art of Animation Master Video Tutorials The Art of…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Welcome to The art of Animation:Master! Word of the new websubscription is going out to all parts of the world and the stage is set for the arrival of many new users. Welcome to the A:M Forum if you are one of those! If you are returning... Welcome Back! The art of Animation:Master is designed to thoroughly expose you to the workflow of Animation:Master with a focus on the principles of computer animation. Its a step by step process to set you up for successful animation from the time you start Lesson 1. There are many additional benefits of working through TaoA:M too. Here are a few: - A certificate of completion from Hash Inc! (Read more about it he…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
I am working on the third lesson on page 38. I have done all the steps correctly but when I get to "Click Rabbit to select him, and then click the Skeletal button on the Mode toolbar" the button is unavailable. What do I do???? Snowy
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Hi Rodney and all, I sat down this morning ready to work on Exercise 8. When I tried to d/l the video I got a page-not-found error. So I said ok maybe its just that one tute......tried to randomly d/l other tutes........apparently the links are all broken, or the server hosting them is down. I'm kinda bummed ;(. Hopefully they will be back up the next time I can make time to use A:M ~Zzzippo~
Last reply by Jeetman, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
When I import the Rotoscope Image it is white
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
The Art of Animation:Master (Online) Please add your exerices to this topic and others will join in. The Art of Animation:Master is being completed on a continual basis in the New Users Forum. Meeting deadlines can be an important skill to master early on but this course is self paced to allow each person the flexibility they need to learn the basics of Animation:Master. The course can be completed in as little time as necessary or as much as is needed by each participant. Note: You may want to download the videos first. All available Video Tutorials related to TAOA:M can be found on one page: The Art of Animation Master Video Tutorials The Art o…
Last reply by Jeetman, -
- 4 replies
Hello I'm working on Exercise 11 Giraffe could yall please help me with the eyes there no top view or front view. Will appreciate the help. Here a line drawing what I got so far.
Last reply by playerktw, -
- 0 replies
Hey, I am trying to go through the flocking exercise. I am using the latest v14.0. Here's what's happening. I created a flock-birds, populated it with a goose model and used the fly action all just like the book. I keyframed the flock object to start at the left of the camera view from a distance. At frame 30, the flock is keyed closer and to the right. At frame 60, the flock is keyed closer still and to the left again. Here's what the problem is: When I scrub through the animation in the chor, everthing looks good and the geese point in the direct of the flock object's motion. When I render a movie, the geese remain oriented as they were in fr…
Last reply by arkaos, -
- 4 replies
This exercise is a never ending exercise. By that I mean no matter how simple or complex you make the choreography, there is always room to improve the animation (walks, anticipation, follow thrus etc..). Here's what I mean The_Door_is_Stuck_2.mov
Last reply by phatso, -
- 12 replies
Has anyone heard from Rodney in the past few days to a week?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UNDER THE EXERCISE # 2 TOPIC. SORRY Name: F. David Puthuff Exercises Completed: Two Date Completed: Friday August 3, 2007 Instructor: Rodney Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: Loving it! Here is a link to the second completed exercise: Home of My Excercises Click on the videos link near the top left Thanks Rodney, - Thumperness
Last reply by thumperness, -
- 0 replies
I have decided to restart the TAoAM class as I've been gone for a while. I'm doing it a little different than before. I am posting everything on my 'Myspace' page. http://www.myspace.com/fdputhuff You will find the stills under the picture section in the TAoAM book and the videos under the video section. Here is exercise #1 (See Attachment) 8-3-07 If I am posting this in the wrong place, please let me know where I should be putting this stuff. Thanx
Last reply by thumperness, -
- 6 replies
Once you have completed TAOA:M, drop me an e-mail (steve@hash.com) with your name and I"ll send you one! also, if you completed TAOA:M in the past, and didn't get your certificate, I'd be happy to send you one as well!
Last reply by stinkyu111, -
- 36 replies
Hey Rodney, We have a couple of local students who are doing a crash course over the next couple of days to get signed up to TWO. I thought we would post their renderings here to get them comfortable with the Forums and excellent Animation Master Community. There working on their tutorials as we speak! James critique away folks!
Last reply by ssappington, -
- 21 replies
Each of us collects information related to A:M in one way or another. Some write in the margins of TAOA:M others in notepads, on your desk, and in other obscure places. Here your chance to add useful information to The Art of Animation:Master in a way that can benefit everyone. Who knows, the information you identify just might make it into the next edition. There have been several versions of The Art of Animation:Master. It is important to note that they differ in a few ways. Updates/Changes: If you know of any significant changes from edition to edition please let us know by posting here. We'll post examples of these changes as time allows. Th…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello I'm working on exe 7 can you say that was wondering what is a MCI device error 289 ?
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 1 follower
- 60 replies
I'm working on exe: 6 the doork stuck and I need a Nucklear Explotion mushroom cloud I foud the shiitake and been trying to do the for a couple of days and haven't figure it out yet here a clip I have so far of the cloud Its no whear near what they done shiitake just wondering if any body could help me tell me what I"m doing wrong from the clip. Nuke_Um_test_1a.WMV
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
We've tested this twice before but this time there is a difference... TaoA:M now has a forum area of its own. As such I'm interested in your feedback. For those that have worked their way through TaoA:M before or those that will be working through it later. What are the pros and cons of the various choices? How would you prefer to complete the TaoA:M exercises? All feedback is welcome and will be used to enhance the TaoA:M experience.
Last reply by mfortunato, -
- 2 replies
Hello I've finished the FW-190 Fighter Exe. and was wondering what did I do wrong with the decaling. You can see from the paint job that its off a few places.
Last reply by AJS007, -
- 16 replies
It's time to see if there are any new TaoA:M graduates that are ready to move onto the exciting world of moviemaking. We have simple TWO assignments for beginners waiting now. Email me, martin@hash.com, or post to this thread if you are interested.
Last reply by Logrus, -
Exercise 7
by THS- 0 replies
Two problems with this tutorial - Often computers lock up when we drag secret on to KeeKat. Seems like it happens when a lot of students are working at same time. Does having all computers running off of one system with the dongle affect performance? The larger problem is there are no words in the dictionary - all words are in red box. I read a post about the .dic file being missing - and available on the ftp site - but I could not find it and I'm not sure what to do if I find it. Thanks! UPDATE - I found the .dic file on my CD and had to load it on each station. I think that solved one problem. But the systems still lock up when adding the secret.
Last reply by THS, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I'm working on exe 4: Its A Pitch and I have the 9.5 version was wondering how do you make a grass effect I done a search on here there like only a couple came back. I tryed the hair material but someone said don't the hair effect to make grass. Here what I got so for I'm making a baseball field.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 13 replies
Quick, I need to know if anyone has a fast and easy explosion available that wont slow the program down alot?
Last reply by Woloshyniuk, -
- 1 reply
Exe 1 : Your the director done. I like this programe keeping me busy
Last reply by Logrus, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I've been working on the project 11 giraffe on an off this past weekend an im stuck. The last two parts of the projects are confusing me. Im not very sure where exactly my last few slines are suppose to go to finish the back part an front part of the hind leg. Ive tried multiple angles an attaches but im apparently missing something.
Last reply by Logrus, -
- 11 replies
Need help please How do make the bones stay on the flower when I turn the flower model they dont stay with the model here a pic of what I'm talking about.
Last reply by arkaos, -
- 4 replies
OK heres the problem. I made a model, and it has fire. It looks great I might add. Then I import it into the choreography and the trouble starts. First it is no longer heading up like i made it. But down and foward. It actualy travels 6ft down to the ground plane. First thought forces were the problem. To no avail. I get sort of closer results but far from what I am looking for. Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
Last reply by noober, -
- 0 replies
Hey can anyone help me i already made my model but how can i put on the texture and also make sure the texture looks clean o the model i tried to do it by watching the FW fighter and the way they put the decal on there but i didnt come out the way i wanted it to look....ALSO when i try to save my picture in TARGA format and imported in AM the alpha channel comes out white how can i prevent that...here is a picture of what my model looks like with the decal on.
Last reply by jairo, -
- 6 replies
Name: Mike Vogel Exercise Completed: Exercise 1: You're The Director Date Completed: 8/12/06 Instructor: (Optional) TAoAM Book Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: (Optional but certainly appreciated) No suggestions for improvement, just a Thank You for making the adjusted KeeKat model available. Will post with the next one asap
Last reply by Raffi, -
- 0 replies
Name: Ralf Kampp Exercise Completed: Exercise 1 Date Completed: 23rd Feb 2007 Remark: Looking forward to the certificat Other exercises still to come EDIT: Sorry, put it into wrong category/thread. Don't know how to delete it :-( Could an admin help out, please?
Last reply by Raffi, -
- 20 replies
Note: Users of A:M 2006 (Yeti CD) please read information at this link for more on troubleshooting a problem with the Knight's knees. Read about it HERE . You'll want to use a working model for Exercise 15: Eat My Dust. The Art of Animation:Master (Online) Please add your exercises to this topic and others will join in. The Art of Animation:Master is being completed on a continual basis in the New Users Forum. Meeting deadlines can be an important skill to master early on but this course is self paced to allow each person the flexibility they need to learn the basics of Animation:Master. The course can be completed in as little time as necessary or…
Last reply by Moonsire, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I thought that cosmic bowling would be a good one to try Newton on. And after the learning curve, wow, it even spins the ball for me. But, for some reason some of the pins behave perfectly, a foot in the air. NewtonBowling2.mov These are the only settings I've changed in the tutorial project (changes made to the object, not the choreography): ground - static ball - dynamic, density 15, kinetic friction 0.1 pin - dynamic, density 10 To get this result with only those settings input is amazing - much easier than constraints. I've tried changing gravity, to no avail. Any ideas, please?
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 8 replies
why is it that if I start moving the charactors feet into the air and towards the door on frame 30, on playback the foot starts moveing at frame 1. I know it has something to do with placing keyframes. But that in it's self seems complicated. Could someone out there please take me through the prosses step by step, so his feet actualy start moveing at frame 30 instead of frame 1. Thanks.
Last reply by derwok, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I've been trying to complete the Cosmic Bowling activity. When I click on the "Simulate Rigid Bodies" option, the simulation runs, and it freezes up before the ball hits the pins. I'm using a Macintosh, G4 with a 733 pro. I'm also running the latest Animation Master, v13, with the updates. Anyone having this problem? Thanks, Andy
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello my friends, When I try to load Key Kat into a chor. it says that the tga for eyes is missing. Then it loads with out the eyes. How do I get the eyes back? Keith
Last reply by BUDDHABUCK, -
Hi everyone Finally got to work and hope its look ok . The frist time post thank you
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 11 replies
I see a lot of people talking about a certificate on the forums and something about completing all the lessons...what are they talking about?
Last reply by FlyingMonkieBoy, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
John Bailey Exercise 3 April 12, 2006 [attachmentid=15931]
Last reply by the_black_mage, -
- 3 replies
Okay foks, Participation in TAoA:M has been increasing for some time and continues to move in that direction. There's no better time to get involved and master the basics than now. We've tried letting everyone post their Exercises separately but up until now it's never really taken off (i.e. It didn't work). Then along came the Animation Bootcamp (ABC) which inspired many to post in one place and that has worked quite well. Maybe its time to try again? Perhaps it will work for TAoA:M? We'll give it a try. Beginning today TAoA:M Exercises are welcome to be posted in the main New Users Forum area. Once they get to the stage of being 'finished' or ac…
Last reply by Leo73, -
- 10 replies
Lo guys before i start the art of animation master there is a problem. I have no actions ie: poses and that and i havent got keekat and all of them what you need for the art of animation master is there a way i can find them or get them?? Thanks as i need them to finish or even start TaO:AM Cya soon Nathe
Last reply by Nathe, -
- 9 replies
Did you know you can get credit for completing the exercises in The Art of Animation:Master? There are many benefits of certification. They include: - Your very own personalized certificate - Eligibility to work on Hash Inc's movie projects - Qualification for the A:M Community's mentorship program - Cool prizes! (For instance, you are automatically enrolled for a chance at a free upgrade *every* year) - You learn with others while comparing notes along the way - You'll have the benefit of knowing other TAoA:M Alumni that you can collaborate with in future projects ...all this and more! So, what are you waiting for? ---------------------…
Last reply by shamyl, -
In Excercise 1: You're the Director, the KeeKat character is grabbed from the Library and dropped into a Choreography via 'drag and drop'. Libraries can be useful tools to organize your models. When the number of characters, props, actions, materials and more that you are using starts to increase libraries can provide a nice solution to organize and get on with animating. For those that have used Libraries before or use them on a regular basis how do they help you when working in A:M?
Last reply by Rodney,