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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

2010 Forum Project


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Here's a new test render. The problem with the shadow was I had the proxy ground set to flatshaded, not sure why that would cause an issue though. I had to redo the lighting setup also, since the ground wasn't flatshaded anymore.


Robert, I'll see what I can do with the sign. I may redo the whole thing in a different style.


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  • Hash Fellow
Here's a new test render.


The sidewalk looks over-bright in that version.




Robert, I'll see what I can do with the sign. I may redo the whole thing in a different style.


A more branded "Bus Stop" sign without "no parking" woudl be ideal.

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The problem with the shadow was I had the proxy ground set to flatshaded, not sure why that would cause an issue though. I had to redo the lighting setup also, since the ground wasn't flatshaded anymore.


I will guess that you would have to turn ON "cast shadows" for the ground plane as well - I'm guessing that the sign may have had only single thickness?



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The problem with the shadow was I had the proxy ground set to flatshaded, not sure why that would cause an issue though. I had to redo the lighting setup also, since the ground wasn't flatshaded anymore.


I will guess that you would have to turn ON "cast shadows" for the ground plane as well - I'm guessing that the sign may have had only single thickness?

This is not the case, I had cast shadows ON on the ground plane and the sign was double thick.

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What strikes me is the pole without texture ( that green is bothering me ), while all other objects have a very nice one. Try to apply the trash´s texture on it ( with a rusty base ).

I agree with Robert.... about over-bright sidewalk.

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I loved the new sign but...I liked it with black letters... the red one seems too hard


Yes, the red shifts the focus from the bench to the sign.

The black makes it a nice setup over all.

That should help to keep the focus on the character.


Impressive set Mark!

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  • Hash Fellow

the off center arrangement looks much better.


My nit will be that the green sign pole is too much like the background. How about a cast iron black or gray?

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Um...I actually like the old "real" bus sign better.


Mark could be tweaking this for a very long time. ;)


Might I suggest that some elements of the scene can be changed 'during' the animation.

(I assume we just have to make sure it changes back) ;)

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I agree that the old sign was better. That makes it look like it could be anywhere. A "special" sign makes it a specific locale.

Might I suggest that some elements of the scene can be changed 'during' the animation.

Think of it as a sitcom. Anything can happen in each episode, but the the "status quo" (the bus stop set) must be back to normal at the end of every episode. Nothing earth-shattering can happen in a sitcom that ins't back to normal at the end of the show. If you blow up the bench, somebody has to put a new one back before it's over. This will preserve continuity, and make it all fit together, giving the editor freedom to arrange the scenes for best effect without any other worries.




BTW, I love the set.


(man, I really want to do it...can I commit?)

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I hate to be the Knight who says 'nit'... but is the shrubbery just an image? Would it be optional to use?

I'm guessing you would probably have to show someone carrying your own preferred backdrop in at the beginning of your animation, then carrying it out at the end ... in order to preserve continuity...

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  • Hash Fellow

Mark, I think the new sign is a bit too precious. I'd revert to something like what you had, but something primarily a "Bus Stop" sign rather than "No Parking".


Are the Hedges just a background rotoscope?

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Aesthetic preferences aside, apparently mark's sign is a real bus stop sign somewhere!


Yes, that's the image I used to model the new sign.


QUOTEUm...I actually like the old "real" bus sign better.


Mark could be tweaking this for a very long time. ;)

Yes, I get that feeling too.



I'm about ready to give up on this set and let someone else build it. Or.... let you guys go back to the "Next Room" idea, then you can do whatever you want to it.

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Mark is providing a basic set.

*YOU* change the set to anything you want in your animation.


Things do change over time at a bus stop.

Pretty simple concept.


Note: The editor's challenge would be to put the sequences together in a continuity that flows and entertains and perhaps even makes sense.

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*YOU* change the set to anything you want in your animation.

This is not what is intended. The set is not supposed to change, that was the whole point of it. Other props could be brought in as needed for the animation though. It doesn't matter if the props (brought in and used by the character) are there or not in the beginning and ending of the animation, the bus is suppose to take care of that, but the set must not change. Not changing the set for each animation keeps the continuity of the whole sequence and make editing easy.

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  • Hash Fellow

If someone else wants to do a different concept, that's great, but you'll need to organize that and manage every aspect. We've already done three forum projects where every scene can be different in every detail.


For this one, my goal is to have every segment mesh right with every other segment, and "Bus Stop" with one set will make that work. That's the project I'm interested in organizing and making sure gets completed.




Mark, if you've reached your stopping point, zip it all up and send it to me and I'll finish whatever is left. My aim is to kick this off on Aug 1.

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Here are some things to consider if you haven't already.


• Whether the animators should animate the bus.

If they did, the sound effects, motion, timing and such of the bus would contribute to their scene.

There could be a lot of interesting goings on that the audience could imagine while the bus is in the shot,

such as the interaction of the bus driver with the riders, and with other passengers, and even with the bus itself.


• Having the curb concrete be go into the street.

This would be a bit more realistic and may feel more comfortable to the viewers.



• Adding a drain.

This could add an additional prop and help asymmetrize the composition a bit more.

Being an additional prop could give animators the opportunity to do more "business."


• Add more space to the sky area so that it is not almost equal to the street shot.

A composition adjustment and the opportunity for more business.


• Have the trash can more appropriate to the scene.

The can as it now stands may be more appropriate to an alley than a well kept street scene.

The grass, hedge, and bench have set that standard.

Of course, the standard can be changed, but should be consistent with the other props.


• What the goal of the animation is, clearly stated.

. . . running the gamut from amateur to Siggraph Animation Festival contender.


• Not being in a hurry to get started on the actual character animation within the scene.

Those that are chomping at the bit to animate can do that in an action and just add it to the completed set later.


• Having two completed pieces, one that contains all the submitted animation, the other that contains the prime work, perhaps voted on or decided upon by a panel of "experts."


Well, that's about it . . . just some thoughts for your consideration.


Dan J


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We could make it a rocket ship and have a row of refrigerators instead of a hedge! Then a casket, some empty milk bottles and a roll of toilet paper only with dollar bills...then it would be PERFECT!


EDIT: forgot to add the smiley... :rolleyes:

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We could make it a rocket ship and have a row of refrigerators instead of a hedge! Then a casket, some empty milk bottles and a roll of toilet paper only with dollar bills...then it would be PERFECT!


EDIT: forgot to add the smiley... :rolleyes:

there must be chickens.

How could you forget chickens?

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Here's a question about sequence titles (not sure if I missed any specifics already mentioned).


Will a title for each sequence appear on the bus (ala advertising)?

Should sequence titles appear on screen after the bus departs (rendered into the beginning of the individual sequences)?

Should we have a sequence title at all during the sequences?


To make it easy on the editor it might be best to save the titles for the end credits but not sure what the standard will be.

Perhaps this is something the editor will 'burn in'.


Thoughts, recipes, remedies?

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about the bus,

the reoccurance makes it pretty desirable to have the bus perform/contribute something more than drive in-out. someone said this in the beginning? i agree. the ad-titleing seems somewhat established?

otherwise, after just a few appeareances, as soon as you see the bus you sort of start to want it over and done with and the bus will become a nuisance.


there's probably a need for planning the transitions if the inside of the bus is animatable area.

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Gene's right. And can we work in a monkey or two?


No, that's probably overkill. One monkey should suffice.


A barrel of monkeys...they're full of guaranteed laughs!


I've already got mine in the works. Had one or two ideas for the room set...but I', liking the possibilities of straight character animation..good practice. Let's all get with it and start telling some stories.

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about the bus,


If we want to use the bus as titling, we could whip up a chor. with the bus in it, and each animator could decorate the bus if they desire, render it with an alpha channel, and send it to the editor to use as the title before his scene. That put's the least burden on the editor. if the individual doesn't want to decorate the bus, they don't have to...


...or, as a secondary project, people could just decorate buses. They could be used as transitions between scenes (with no titles) to give a little variety. So the buses could be their own contribution, instead of *just* a transition. And if some people are texture artists more than animators they could contribute, too. A single image would suffice for the bus, so they wouldn't take long to render at all.

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  • Hash Fellow

My expectation is that these segments will be brief enough that no inter-titling is needed.


"Bus Stop" is really the *the title*.


I might super each individual's name at the lower corner as I did in the Stereoscopic Anijam.

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The bus transition does not have to be at the speed of an actual bus. It can be a 2 second 'wipe' that breaks-up the scenes (that is why I suggested just a layer object). That way the entire focus is on the character animation

a quick wipe yes.

Stops only for opening titles and end credits.

never stops just flies by.

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The problem with the park bench is that the scene needs to be totally vacated between each person's segment.

I am thinking the bus picks the last ones up and dumps the next persons characters off.

so that would nullify the no stopping comment I made one reply earlier.

although the stops could still be fast.

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Two suggestions for the bus: First, the lettering on the tires should come out, so the illusion that they're turning is preserved; and second, It doesn't *really* need to stop each time, does it? Can't it just roll by since this is merely a bridging device? Having it stop for a realistic span of time between each segment would get tiresome. The segments will be more like blackout sketches so the stopping isn't a necessity IMO, or maybe rolling in, stopping and rolling out in just a second or two.

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