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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Thanks, edlundart. :) I've got a few more models to finish for the storyline, then I'll work on the stage.




^^^ Most difficult. Model. Ever. @q@ <---drooling

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You got some awsome model I like the girl and snake can't wait to see then into a action scene keep up the good work :)

Oh yah the rush band one was awsome also I didn't know what song they sang till youtube them the character are right on the money.


Sorry I missed this thread, I mistaken it for something completely different.

Enjoyed the group, sense, well I wont mention how long.

Excellent modeling , man Ill have to study their splineage.

Love the music video animation, Im kinda hooked on them for modeling projects myself.

Thanks for this fine thread and the updates.....

I have seen the light ! and oh, what a RUSH !


Hi everybody,


sorry -- no pictures or video for this update. The project continues. Right now, I'm assembling my storyboards into animatics. Hopefully, they will help my work to rise above the level of a simple, incoherent parade of imagery.


To all who have supported me this far: thank you. Sorry for the shameless bump. :ph34r:


After a bit of rewriting, I made some new models:



No more models to build! Yay. Btw, those models are not in proportion. :P


Project update: storyboards are done. Animatics are 5/9ths done. Planning to finish the animatics tomorrow and begin rough blocking.

  • 2 weeks later...

Project update: after a few setbacks, I've got some new video to show:





(also, a divx version at stage6)





Notes: Alex isn't moving that much aside from guitar fretting and picking. I'll fix that. This video was mainly intended to show off the full drum kit, get an idea of rendering times, and move onto the song's pre-verse. Also, I should have angled the camera better on Neil at times.


Let me know what you think. Sorry if this update wasn't worth the wait.

Awesome! :D


Thank you. :)


Project status: I've decided to put the project on indefinite hiatus. The support and encouragement I initally received was very gratifiying, but I'd be a fool not to notice the polite silence that has followed since then. I'll take the hint and woodshed my animation skills until they are worth commenting on. Sorry for being such a bother.


Thanks again to everyone who provided feedback. Take care.


One piece of advice ' Dont give up now '.


I'll be honest that i never really looked at this thread properly until today as i had never heard of Rush.The work you have done so far has been superb and to stop at this point would be a big shame.The animation you've posted up on youtube shows some real promise so keep going with it even if it's as a secondry project,because lets be honest if you stop here you might never come back to it.You have put a lot of effort into your models and it would be a shame for them to remain static images.


**** Keep going Tai Shan ****




P.s.After looking at your animation on youtube i had a look at Rush's video for 'Far Cry' :o I think i might be listening to this band a bit more in the future.

Project status: I've decided to put the project on indefinite hiatus. The support and encouragement I initally received was very gratifiying, but I'd be a fool not to notice the polite silence that has followed since then. I'll take the hint and woodshed my animation skills until they are worth commenting on. Sorry for being such a bother.


Thanks again to everyone who provided feedback. Take care.



Tai Shan...are you insane?! You've got a very good looking project started. Lack of feedback could mean a lot of things...from me, it means I'm on dial-up, large video files would take forever to download. Feedback is nice, but shouldn't make or break what you're working on. If I based what I do on how many responses I get, I wouldn't do anything.


Yeah, dude. The feedback is nice, but you gotta' do it because you want to do it. I know I've updated my WIPs lots of times without a single peep of a comment. I just keep chuggin' along. :-)






I just now looked at this thread and wish i would have seen it sooner!!!


The drum animation is amazing there is only one thing ive seen (and ive watched most of the vids) is the one on youtube thats 44 seconds i saw the drumsticks go through eachother. (im not great at this stuf so dont get mad at me for pointing it out) You have amazing skill i wish i could do what you do. DONT GIVE UP!!! As i read through the thread i was and still am looking forward to a finished project.





Hey man! smile... you've got to do these type of projects for other reasond then forum members, many lurk, some comment.. thats life...... cool project regardless of its new status. Most all of us know what it is like not to have a comment thrown our way, But there is give and take, have you been commenting on others projects?, I can't say ,I don't know. Do you comment on all or most other posts? If so I feel your pain.. but still do these things for self gratification...


Thank you, everybody.


I look up to you guys. The works posted on this forum both recently and over the years has been phenomenal and inspiring. I love animating. It might be wishful thinking at this point in my life but I want to make a living at it. Because I have no formal training, I rely on feedback to let me know if I'm making progress or if I'm simply deluding myself.


I did reply once on the Chicory and Coffee thread. There I was -- a total newbie -- complimenting somebody's incredible work, acting as if I knew what I was talking about. The experience embarrassed me into silence. I worried that I came off sounding conceited or disrespectful. From then on, I was determined to prove that I knew what I was talking about when I posted regarding somebody else's efforts.


That was about a year ago and I kept my word. Today, I still feel like just a novice with no chance of getting paid to animate... but maybe I'll start commenting anyway. I can't offer much in the way of succinct, insightful feedback but perhaps I can indicate when a work has moved me.



Unfortunately, my project will probably remain on the backburner for a while. I'm currently unemployed and need to focus on changing that. It really hurts to give up on animating, but I see no alternative at this point. Again, thank you everybody for the supportive comments. I may be jobless but you've made me feel like a million dollars. :)




... Yes, I did notice the drumstick collisions. Yesterday, I smoothed out his head/neck motions too. Someday I'll get the drumsticks fixed.

  • Admin

Hang in there!


I was going to quote from your last post but realized I was going to have to quote the whole thing! Very profound words. I think most of us struggle with similar things and have similar aspirations. You certainly have our support.


Like you I feel very awkward when commenting on the work of those obviously more talented than me. Unlike you though I haven't the talent to rise to their level. We all do what we can.


Take care of the priorities and basics of life first. Getting and keeping a good job is important.

Take whatever time time you need to get that done.


Then the animating will be all the more rewarding.




Good to see you back, even if you need to focus more on finding a job, and don't give up hope on animating for a living, one never knows, you do have skills, I sure can see then, Ive been at it as a hobby for a few years now, and I consider your skills are past mine.... and I know what you mean about posting on other threads but sometimes just a keep it up or a looking good goes along way ... good luck with the job hunt, hope you find one you like , or like me, tolerate...


You have your priorities in the right order, Tai Shan. Taking time off from a project doesn't hurt the project, but definitely don't give up on it.


Good luck on the job hunt!

  • 4 weeks later...

Good news: I'm a "Working Man" again!




Note: this pic is not a Final. I'll work on adding some stretch to Geddy's cheeks/jowls. Anyway, enjoy. :D


Thanks, Paul. :D Progress will be slower -- a small price to pay for gainful employment -- but I'll keep posting updates.


I will definitely finish this project. Funny thing is, I'm really starting to enjoy the journey! :lol:


Animation test #5 is up. Another ten seconds done! Only four more minutes to go. :P




To Do:


1. Fix the lip sync and mouth poses so they are more faithful.

2. Get the fret hand fretting notes at least a little bit.


This project has been a great learning experience. Wait -- what am I saying? It still is! :)


Anyway, I hope you enjoy what you see.


John Bigboote,


As work on my project progresses -- and gets progressively more complicated -- I find myself recalling to memory your Rolling Stones "Don't Stop" animation. Keeping track of three characters is challenging enough for me. I can actually get myself dizzy as I shift mental gears from Alex's fingers to Neil's hands to Geddy's pick fingers to Geddy's fretting fingers to Geddy's mouth poses... :wacko:


And yet you animated the Stones performing a song and engaging in some charming hijinx on the side. All I can say is... Bravo. :D

It keeps getting better! This is going to be very good when you're done, Tai Shan.


Thanks, Dave. :D I can't even begin to speculate on a possible finish date but I have a feeling that it will be worth the wait.


And a big thank-you to everybody else who has provided comments or just kept tabs on the project. Like I said before, I have no formal training so the feedback is very much appreciated.


Project Status: preparing for an overhaul!


- Preston Blair mouth poses for Geddy

- hands for Alex and Neil that deform more efficiently (I tested them with Geddy in AT#5)

- a bass drum pedal for Neil

- revamping of the vocal performance, drum performance, and guitar chord fingerings starting from 00:00 to the end of verse 1

  • 2 weeks later...

If you go to you tube and search for guitar / bass or drum lessons for rush and song name you can get a understanding on were the hands should be if that helps?

If you go to you tube and search for guitar / bass or drum lessons for rush and song name you can get a understanding on were the hands should be if that helps?


Thanks for the suggestion. Yep, I've been doing that. Some youtube videos of the song Far Cry give a decent view of the chord fingerings. They might not be exact chord voicings that Alex and Geddy use but it's a start.


For Neil's drumming, I used his instructional video A Work In Progress to lay out his drum kit. The DVD features an album's worth of Neil playing, so I got an idea of his common positions and movements. Studying that video taught me so much that I can watch blurry video footage and know cold what Neil is hitting at most points in the song.


Except when he's playing really fast. Then I'm screwed. :lol:



Project status: Gave Alex eyelids. Gave Ged and Al new hands that are thinner and deform more smoothly. Next, will give Neil new hands too. Then, re-do Ged's mouth poses. Finally, will animate another test of Ged singing.

  • 3 months later...

Hi everybody,


It's time for me to come up for air and post a Progress Update:


* Remodelled Geddy's head. Hopefully, he looks less like the Fonze but just as cool.

* Remodelled a basic hand. Will use that for Geddy and the upcoming versions of Big Al and Neil.


Top 3 on the To-Do list:


* Remodel Alex's and Neil's heads.

* Remodel their bodies with new joints and perhaps new clothes.

* Re-do Ged's mouth poses.




That's all for now. Take care and keep on A:M'ing for the top! :D



  • Admin

Its great to see you back in the game. :)


I haven't done a comparison... going only by memory here...

The new Geddy looks like he'll have more expression available to him in posing.

Its great to see you back in the game. :)


I haven't done a comparison... going only by memory here...

The new Geddy looks like he'll have more expression available to him in posing.


Thanks, Rodney! :)


This project has been my first major crossing of the threshold from modelling to animating in A:M. I took a break for a couple months and let my creative batteries recharge while my mind digested what I had learned so far.


Here is the new Geddy model rigged to play guitar. The actions and poses are temps while I did some R&D. I found a way to animate the complex and repetitive actions of chord fingering without the losing one's sanity. Woo-hoo! :lol:





You're still a class act, Tai Shan. You must finish this one day. :)


Thank you, Paul. :D Something clicked in me recently: enjoying the journey sure adds momentum to the progress.


I regret not having much to contribute to conversations here at the A:M forums. Frankly, in person, I sound like Forrest Gump. At best, I can only pass on the advice I've found that gets me through the day:


Somebody on this forum once emphasized how important it is to finish a project. It's so true. Also, to quote Brad Bird from an anecdote about a director dealing with a choreographer who is unsure how to begin: "Well, do something so we can change it!" :lol:



New clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upJdIAXyTa4



Up next:

* smoother wrist bending and twisting

* fingers that curl more cartoon-like -- think of half of a doughnut


Down the road:

* re-model Al and Neil with more faithful caricatures

* Geddy's mouth poses

* then it's back to animating! :D


Tai Shan your newest video impressed me this looks really promising.

I like the new cartoon like feel you have to these clips.

And also the finger movements are incredibly smooth unlike the last his fingers were moving holding different notes! ^_^


Keep posting

Good Luck


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