sprockets Grey Rabbit with floppy ears Newton Dynamics test with PRJ Animation by Bobby! The New Year is Here! TV Commercial by Matt Campbell Greeting of Christmas Past by Gerry Mooney and Holmes Bryant! Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones.
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. robcat2075


    that looks like a simulation problem different than the choosing of the wrong passes to combine. That looks like something that must be solved by baking the dynamic constraint before rendering.
  2. It's like on "Bewitched" "But Abner... there WAS an ELEPHANT in Mrs. Stephens' back yard! I saw it with my own eyes! It was there five minutes ago..."
  3. Did you change the head control bone? I changed the animation in my video because the original motion was too small to make it obvious if the bones were following. But it does survive saving and reloading.
  4. As far as I can see the constraints are working when I load the PRJ. Here's what I see... RustysConstraints.mov
  5. I'm looking at this now. The empty, unnamed folder under the second character is concerning.
  6. So if I put those three letters in a post () the graphic will be inline with the rest of the sentence. Yes, it does work. It's a bit large...
  7. Happy Birthday to the guy who can solve the problems that leave me stumped!
  8. There is a tech talk... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26015
  9. A good book on the strategy of facial animation is Jason Osipa's "Stop Staring" although I don't think the current version covers A:M and the original version wasn't aware of several relevant features in A:M. He has varying levels of need-to-have Some minimums for the mouth would be open "ah" pose, then the sideways stretched "ee" pose, then the "oo" pose and maybe the slightly curled in "mm/b" pose. Then you might add raising and lowering the corners of the mouth for smile/frown. Note that smiles pull back more than up. You want to be able to raise and lower eyebrows and at various angles. You want to be raise an lower the upper and lower eyelids independently to follow eyes looking up or down. Real eyelids are not rigid shells that rotate up and down, they drape over the pupil and the part where the pupil is is pushed a bit wider. Nostril flares? Cheek puffs? maybe. My own preference is to rig most of the face features with bones. Things like jaws, lips and eyelids tend to move around a center point and bones lend themselves to doing that smoothly whereas poses tend to move in straight line fashion from key to key. I find cheeks maddening to do well, to keep the fleshy look as the lips move around. I resort to smart skin to augment the result of my boned lips and jaw.
  10. I see now that the Camera has an "ignore Fog" switch. I presume that will work on the default background color.
  11. Other possibilities are to render at a higher res and scrunch it in post (basically higher anti-aliasing)
  12. If your "sky" is a background object rather than the default camera background color you can set it to "ignore fog" in its properties.
  13. I'm still trying to track this down. Can you point me to the page? The nearest I can find is "Click on the material in the folder to select it." but that one seems specific.
  14. robcat2075


    I recall a past problem with multipass motion blur where if, say, it was set to 16 passes it was taking the 16th pass from the previous frame and adding that to the first 15 passes from the current frame, so there would be a slight ghost image one frame out of place. If you can reproduce that problem that would be a good AM report.
  15. I should never use "RMB" because I always have to come back and explain that it is short for "Right Mouse Button"
  16. Does a listing for the second rotoscope at least show up under the model in the PWS? It has some properties and you can choose a "front", "left"... view You can also >New>Rotoscope in a window to add a rotoscope instead of dragging one in.
  17. What didn't work in that?
  18. A generic test of constraining a bone in one model to a bone in another model survived being saved and reopened, so we'll need to know more about your case.
  19. As always... If you can post a sample PRJ that does it, that will make it immensely easier than someone trying to reconstruct it from the description.
  20. I didn't reply because I couldn't even think of a crazy unlikely reason for that problem.
  21. I don't recall that one, where is it?
  22. I have animated smoke that varies the emmission rate so I know it can be done. There's a thread with an example PRJ there... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...43&hl=smoke
  23. I have now! I can't tell you how often I've wished you (or anyone else) would have the money to pay to do their rigging.
  24. I wonder if something has changed in Windows to break that? I seem to recall this working in v16 and it doesn't work there either now.
  25. For the moment, use the pdf TechRef. The information is the same in there.
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