49 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
It's award season! Oscars, Golden Globes and... the Animation:Master Forum "Prehistoric" Image Contest! Prizes, surprises, voter comments, interviews and more! Fire up your big screen, get your popcorn, everyone is in the show! Congratulations to the medalists... Steve Shelton Dan Skelton Paul Harris Thanks to everyone for entering, it is great to see your A:M work! I'm sorry i took so lonnnnnng to get this out! Don't miss out on the next contest, "Finish the Unfinished"... deadline March 15.
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 19 replies
It's here and I'm clear! The Image Contest award video is now live. Prizes, surprises, the mostly true stories behind the images and... THE BIG SCRATCH OFF! Don't miss it! Call Grandma, round up the kids, circle the dogs and watch it together in glorious 720p HD. Everyone is in the show and you'll enjoy it even if you didn't win anything! But maybe you did? [SPOILER ALERT!] . . . . . . Congratulations to our three medal winners! Dan Skelton (wildsided) Steve Shelton (Shelton) Charles Cronley (chazcron)
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Don't miss out on the new A:M Forum Image Contest! You may have already started... Prizes: Every entrant gets a Texas Lottery Card for The Big Scratch-Off! Fourth thru tenth place finishers will receive a Top Ten certificate so suitable for framing you get a dollar to buy a frame. The prestigious Image Contest Medal is awarded to the top three finishers. Hash Store Gift Credits. $150, $100 and $75 for the top three finishers, two $25 credits randomly awarded among a $25 gift credit for each of the 4th -10th place finishers and two $25 randomly awarded among the remaining entrants. Big thanks to Hash for providing thes…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Don't miss it. Check out the Fall 2018 Image Contest.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Prizes, surprises, and more! Get yourself a root beer float, a bowl of popcorn and watch the Summer Memories Image Contest Awards Congratulations to our very fine winners! Big "Thanks" to Jason for running the contest poll and to Hash. Inc for the gift certificates for our medal winners! The all-new "Summer Memories" medal is my next project! Runner-up prizes will be distributed ASAP. I apologize for taking so long to put this video together. I'm slow! Thanks to everyone who entered. I hope everyone will be back for the next contest!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Voting has concluded, stay tuned for results! Vote now in the Animation:Master Forum "Summer Memories" Image Contest. Remember, you don't have to pick just one... you have to pick three! Anyone can vote, so call Grandma and tell her to give that AOL dial-up one more try! As always, you can click on any image see it in full resolution. This poll will run through next Monday October 23, 2017 Happy voting!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
When do we get to vote on the image contest?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 42 replies
The new A:M Forum Image Contest starts here, starts now! New Deadline: Watch the Contest Announcement: Summer Memories! Summer is here... Show us the fun you're having (or wish you were having)! Entries can be realistic or cartoony, classic or corny... just make sure it's about "Summer!" Contest Rules: 1) All images must be original work, modeled, posed and rendered in Animation:Master. Third-party paint programs may be used for texturing purposes. 1b) WIP threads where you solicit feedback or reveal any or all of your image are allowed. 2) Images may be in any vertical or horizontal format and any aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3, 16:9…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 46 replies
Awards, prizes, surprises, fun facts, winner interviews, and lots of scratching! Get yourself a tall beverage, sit down and watch the show in fabulous 720p HD on YouTube! Animation:Master Insect Image Contest Results
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 22 replies
And the winner are!!! 1st Place Arthur Scheijde: 2nd Place Dusan Kastelic: 3rd Place John Bigboote(Tie): 3rd Place John Bigboote(Tie): Please email for your winnings. This was an awesome contest 1st and 2nd place were only by one vote! I'm going to try to think of another contest soon. Since this went so well. Next weekend when I get the v18.0 Gallery up, I will get the v19.0 up too.
Last reply by CaptBobo, -
- 10 replies
So the V19.0 Mascot contest went so well I was thinking for getting another one going soon, I was thinking a 90day timeline and the topic 'Winter is Coming' since winter is coming not just that show haha. Let me know what you think below on timeline and topic.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Anyone know where the v18 Mascot contest gallery of entries is?
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, V19.0 Mascot contest voting is now live. It will run until 09/28/2016 at midnight pst Spam your friends get them to vote too!
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 11 replies
Here my work for the contest . the textures it was created in 3DCoat and with the plugins Enhance : AM Textures. Here my work for the contest .
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 1 follower
- 42 replies
Mascot Contest rules: All entries must be at least 1440 x 1920 and keep the 3:4 aspect ratio. The winner must summit a rendered image with no background of 480 x 640. All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Maser for promotional material. All entries must be emailed to by midnight pst on 09/05/16 No offensive or pornographic material. The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community will be the new splash screen for v19.0. Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time) Winners: 1st place will get to be the v19.0 mascot, $150.00 gif…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have moved the mascot deadline to 09/05/2016. This will give everyone more time to work on their project. If you have already entered. Feel free to use the time to edit and resubmit your entry. This was based on a few requests by users. Thank you everyone who has entered and good luck anyone still working on it!!!1
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
I thought I was ready to model a realistic insect but there were many details of this struggled with and wish i had done better on. This is actually a combination of a cicada that I had a specimen of to study, a Brazilian Tree Hopper which is known for the elaborate structures that grow on its head and a firefly. One of my aims was to texture it with materials rather than bitmaps.. On my Cicada I noticed that the wings have a cellular pattern that is bunched up where the wing joins the body, then expands to follow the curve of the front edge of the wing and ends perpendicular to the trailing edge of the wing. There is no material that will do that ri…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 24 replies
Do your patch-riotic duty and vote in the Insect Image Contest! Right here... (vote now closed) Can't pick just one image you like? No problem, you have to pick three! Note that there is a tiny check box to the right of each image to make your selections with. Anyone can vote, even your grandmother who doesn't like bugs, as long as she has her own computer to vote on. Voting will be open through Monday August 24!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Here is a wireframe to final gif of my mosquito image contest entry. This image was 100% generated in A:M with NO Photoshopping at all... not even a levels or curves. Image took about 4 hours in all, 2 hours in 2 days... I like to 'come back' to a project with fresh eyes after sleeping on it overnight- that is when I decided to add the hand. A:M's hair was used on the CU arm and on the mosquito- with a little grooming on each to get it to bend in the right directions. Image was rendered with Depth-of-Field ON in multipass with 100 passes, taking about 32 minutes. The part that worked surprisingly well for me was the lines in the wings, I employed 'render as lines' fea…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
Here are the entries I have received, for your perusal. Click on any of them to load the full-size image. Actual voting will be next week. Check to make sure your entry is here! If anyone out there still has an entry they can get to me by Friday... I'll take it! Hey, these look pretty good!
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 19 replies
Final rules and how to submit your image for the "Insect" Image Contest: 1. Your image should be primarily about and show an insect. 2. Your image must be modeled and rendered with Animation:Master. 3. Your image should be 1080 pixels high and can be any width you choose. I will resize images that don't fit that dimension. 4. Submit your image, your email address and your physical mailing address in a PM (private message) via the forum to me, Robert Holmén (AKA robcat2075), by going to my profile and choosing "Send me a message". You can attach the image to a PM in the same way you attach an image to a forum post. 5. Submit your image on or before August 9 2015 (…
Last reply by detbear, -
- 30 replies
INSECT! We are going to have a Summer image contest! The exact details will be firmed up in the near future but here are three things to get you going... 1) Topic: Insect! Your all-A:M-modeled and all-A:M-rendered image should be an insect. It can be realistic or stylized, scary or funny, authentic or fantasy but... it has to be an insect! No spiders, no crustaceans, no myriapods! We want to compare insects to insects. Your image may contain other models. For example, your insect might be sitting on a leaf. However, the insect should be the primary object of attention in your image. Insects are the most numerous and varied life form on earth so you should not be …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
hello, I find it interesting to work on contests. it enables progress, discover software functions. Also, I suggest (even if there is no price) to work on competition. I propose as super heroes characters. could be the first Tor. It can work on hair and fabrics for the cape. which would be very interesting would be to make timelapse or tutorials for anyone who wants to share his technique. what do you think.
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hash, Inc needs new polo work shirts. I though this was something I could do myself but we need your help. Rules/Rewards All Entries can be used all Hash, Inc and Animation Master promotional needs The Deadline is 01/02/15 at midnight If we use your design we will get you a $50.00 Gift Certificate for We may use more then one design so any that we use will get the Gift Certificate too. There is also a chance to see your design on the Hot Girls we bring to trade shows. And just in case you think the guys at Hash, Inc. or the guys we bring to trade shows are hot we will be in them too. What we looking for: a 4-7 color design. The Name Has…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Watch your email for a message from Hash Support so that you may get your fabulous "Wobbling Dead" DVD sent to you, wherever in the world you may be! Sweaty loading dock guys are standing by at Mark Largent Studios International ready to ship them. Don't miss out!
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 12 replies
And the Winners are! 1st Place: largento 2nd Place: Steven Grieve 3rd Place: Gratien Garet Thank You all that entered! Please Email with your email so I can send your rewards!
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
You can vote now.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 6 replies
I can make a QR code so People at Comic Con can Vote
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Here is the contest Test Vote It will go live tomorrow 07/09/2014 at 9pm pst I will be sending out a email at that time too! If anything is missing let me know. I think I got them all tho!
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 50 replies
Here are the rules: All submitted images most be at least 1920×1080 aspect ratio does not matter on this contest as long as the image size is over the size listed. All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Master for promotional material. All entries must be emailed to by midnight pst on 04/30/14 6 July (midnight) No offensive or pornographic material. The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time) Winners: 1st place will get $100.00 gift card. 2nd Place will get $75.00 http://www.has…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 11 replies
This is a continuation of the Open Games event from February
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, Hash, Inc. is looking to make new Postcards and Business cards. I like the ones we used before but this time we are looking for something more simple. Just a few images, a slogans and some other info email, Facebook, fax, links stuff like that I will be following this post so if you need anything form me let me know I will be reordering on march 15th so I can get the in time for ECC For the cards I was thinking 2 sided on the front logo/image on the back useful links like amfilms, youtube, facebook, stills, forums and what not. Here is links to the templates. Cards Post Cards Hash, Inc. Info Hash, Inc. 10411 NE 110th cir Vancouver,…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 83 replies
(This topic is a continuation from an earlier thread. Click Here to read it.) I admit not not having read all the way through this thread but I do have an idea for a collaborative venture if anyone is interested ? The basic setup would be very simple and involve people working with their own model ( or one off the extras DVD ) in their own time, in about 10-15 second sections, and it would then be edited together to make a longer form piece. Basically its a sports day. The original idea was to use the knight model ( in TAO manual tuts ), modified individually, coats of arms/colours/ helmet... and have him do different sports as if competing at the Oly…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 10 replies
Since the vote is over, here is the sketch I used for the character design. Hs0m5r4GxQw
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Great entries everyone it was a close race! 1st Place!NancyGormezano 2nd Place! 3rd Place!robcat2075 If everyone could email your email. I will get the gift cards out to you. The next contest will be sifi, technology, scape. I will get the rules and time frame posted soon. I can not wait to see what you all come up with!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
The Holiday Image Contest Voting is now live! Voting will end 12/20/13 at midnight. Share the link with all your friends!! Thank You; Jason Simonds
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 2 replies
Here are the rules: All submitted images most be at least 1920×1080 aspect ratio does not matter on this contest as long as the image size is over the size listed. All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Master for promotional material. All entries must be emailed to by midnight pst on 12/06/13 No offensive or pornographic material.(for the contest anyways if you want to spice up the support in box with some hot chicks I do not think anyone will mind haha) The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 100 replies
This is me doing a bit of fishing I guess. I'd like feedback on weather the members of the community are interested in doing another feature film? No need to be hostile just some simple feedback is all I'm looking for.
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 22 replies
- 3.9k views First Place! Xtax Second Place! everfresh Third Place! ludo_si Winners Please email your email address so I can email your winnings! The Next Contest will be Holidays I will post more about it late Friday next week. Put I'm think of making the deadline the first week in December. So I can have the votes and everything done by Xmass so for the winners it will be like a Xmass gift. I will also be more on top of getting the voting up, and this time look in to pick the best 4 and showing the images after you have voted.
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 23 replies
Hello, The entries this year are great so picking one will be hard but please everyone cast your vote at voting will close on 08/19/13 at midnight pst. I will be more on top of posting the winners this time too. Well unless work finally kills me. If you go to the page and it lets you vote your vote has not been recorded! I'm sorry this has been a mess I guess I'm more stressed then I thought and having trouble keeping all my checks in place. Best of luck to all that entered! Thanks Again Jason Simonds
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 72 replies
Mascot Contest rules: All entries must be at least 1440 x 1920 and keep the 4:3 aspect ratio. The winner must summit a rendered image with no background of 480 x 640. All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Maser for promotional material. All entries must be emailed to by midnight pst on 07/31/13 No offensive or pornographic material. The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community will be the new splash screen for v18.0. Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time) Winners: 1st place will get to be the v18.0 mascot, $150.00 http://www…
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 13 replies
Thanks to Sebastian with the next contest idea. THEME: Heavy Push In a nut shell, animate a character pushing something heavy. Sounds simple but we shall see. (No Robcat! You cannot enter your video off of youtube. That thing is too awesome) RULES: •All modeling and animation must be done in A:M(after all this contest is sponsored by them ) •Compositing can be done in another program but why, when you can do it in A:M as well. •Final Movie can be rendered in any codex no bigger than 640x480. •No explicit material, as these entries will be viewed by many people of all ages. •If participating, please post in this thread •WIPs and crits are allowed an…
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 26 replies
Here are the entrants in order. Please bear with me as this is the first time I have done this so I'm new to it. I have named each movie after the person who created it to help distinguish each from the other. Please review each entrant and email your vote to Voting will be open until Sunday. Please keep in mind this is a contest on animation. Models, lighting, and sets are not to be considered in choosing the winner. Just the animation. Please be sure the subject line is Contest Vote and the body of the email should have the name of the entrant you are voting for. Thanks David_Hig…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 56 replies
So the last contest wasn't a raging success but it was still fun to see all the entrants. And I know there are more people out there animating. So I want to do another contest. This time instead of choosing a theme I have listed 8 items for the community to vote on. Although 8 doesn't really count So I will run this poll until next Sunday and after that I will have the results and if we have a majority ruling I'll lay down some competition rules
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 5 replies
- 2.6k views Would the first place winner please message me with a link to their amazon wishlist? If you haven't done so, please add The Animator's Survival Guide to your wishlist and I will see that it arrives in your mailbox. Congrats to the winners. If you would be so kind contact Jason at Hash and he'll see about getting those prizes to you.
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
- 4.2k views Voting ends Sunday 05/26/13 The entrants are finished!!! Click the link above to vote. We will run the voting for a week and then the winner will be announced!!! Good luck and thanks to everyone who entered!!!
Last reply by Bruce Del Porte, -
- 63 replies
Careful consideration has been given after listening to everyone who posted here and below are the rules for this contest. I hope the 2 month deadline is enough for everyone who wants to get involved. And in case you are wondering to yourself, "Why pirates?". Everything is cooler with pirates. THEME: A Pirate's Life Any sort of animation that tells the story of a pirate. Any sound clip can be used if necessary, but is not required. We are mainly judging character acting, animation, and story. Deadlines: May 1st - Movies must be uploaded by Midnight est. RULES: •All modeling and animation must be done in A:M(after all this contest is sponsored by them ) …
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 9 replies
It would be sad if Paul Forwood left us this great-looking set... ... and we didn't have FUN with it. So don't be sad, join the"Rear Window" project and have FUN with A:M! You've got three months (until September 30th), even a tiny little gag or blip will be a welcome addition. Hop on over to the Rear Window launch thread where you can download the set and see the instruction video in post #2.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 29 replies
The votes are in and this image contest will be called "Anything Goes" after this ends and Comic Con and Comic Con aftermath is over I will have another. All contest entries must be submitted to by 11:59 pm pst on Sunday July/1/12 to be counted. Voting will run for the week after the contest deadline. Rules: All entries must be modeled and rendered in A:M. Third party paint programs like Photoshop can be used for painting texture decals By submitting your work, you are granting Hash, Inc license to reprint the work, including but not limited to promotional material, cd/dvd covers, splash screens, web sites, and articles Submissions must be subs…
Last reply by Jason Simonds,