A:M Users Groups
Supporting A:M through collaborative study and creation
125 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello - This is my first post on the forum. I am a 2d animater new to A:M (since 12/04) and have been utilizing the vast resources available on the web and in book form to successfully create my first completed model (a cartoonish camel). I am looking for any other A:M users in Nashville, TN that might be able and willing to meet with me to help me get a firmer grasp of this wonderful software. Users of any level would be helpful, but I would really like to meet with an advanced user who could walk me through specific modeling, rigging, and animation issues that arise. I would even be willing to pay for tutoring sessions. Thanks.
Last reply by cribbidaj, -
- 7 replies
MAAMUG Meeting #2 - By John Hubickey Can also be viewed at: http://www.hubukai.com/animationmaster.asp The second Mid Atlantic Animation Master User Group meeting went extremely well and was hosted by Don Davis. We started the meeting between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.. Chris and I arrived at Don's house at approximately two o'clock. There was an abundance of food Don had prepared for the meeting and I think the best part was Don's special chili! After having two or three bowls of chili we went in the living room where Rich was projecting some of his work up on the wall. Rich started off the meeting by showing us some of the detail of the male human character he has b…
Last reply by ZachBG, -
- 3 replies
Are there any recommendations for a low cost, large storage web hosting service? Thanks, Kal
- 11 replies
Would be good to know who's coming on Saturday, if anyone needs additional location info etc etc. Start time is 2pm, meeting place is "pub just behind the Menier Chocolate Factory". So, if you are planning on attending, post below.
Last reply by Steven Cleary, -
London User Group 1 2 3
by Parlo- 129 replies
I don't know if I'll have enough time to get anything organised in the immediate future, but it would be good to see how many of us there are in or around the London area interested in a meet.
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 4 replies
I've totally overlooked this forum until just now... I'm 'beating the bushes' for any Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Port Huron, Northern Michigan, Windsor Ontario, or northern Ohio Animation:Master users... I'm just taking a census to see who we have and where. We'll see where it leads. You can reply in confidence to matt@campbellanimation.com or in public here. Anyone....anyone.......? Buhler?
Last reply by Pengy, -
- 8 replies
It may be a good thing.. or it may be a bad thing. We'd like to identify Users Groups on the Extra CD so that people can easily find other folks in their area with the common interest of Animation:Master. I have several good write ups on users groups and activities that we could add but I have a feeling it might be best to create a page from scratch for each group. Each Usersgroup can put whatever they want on their page (HTML) and we can discuss additional content based on space available. Before putting personal information on a CD that might bring people to your door I would suggest you might want to consider some alternatives. I know some of you h…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
I don't see a moderator listed for the User Group forum. Is there one? If not officially... maybe unofficially? I'd like to coordinate my efforts with someone concerning 1) The upcoming Extra CD 2) Sharing resources for Users groups here in the forum. If you have a lead please drop me an email. Thanks! Rodney
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 33 replies
Hey gang!!! Well it's been a long few months since the last one but shouldn't the Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users Group get together soon. There has been some buzz via email. I felt it was time to put a post on to the list and see what everyone is up to and if a gathering could be in our future. So far it looks like we will be somewhere in Pennsylvania sometime in December. But, as usual, its subject to change depending on all of us members. So if you are a MAAM member, or would like to be, live somewhere between Delaware and New York (or further if you don't mind the drive), would like to improve your AM skills, are looking for a sympathetic ear to liste…
Last reply by Mechadelphia, -
- 3 replies
We tried this a few months back and we had one GREAT meeting. I thought it was time for another go...Are there any Animation Master users in St. Louis MO who would be interested in getting together? If so I would love to hear from you. Den Dotson http://homepage.mac.com/animateden animateden@mac.com
Last reply by animateden, -
- 0 replies
Are there HASH Users in Berlin Germany? Like to group? Greetings Frank
Last reply by frankH, -
- 0 replies
Recordamos a todos los amigos hispanohablantes de A:M que en: http://www.cole3d.net Teneis vuestra casa, con abundante material traducido, trabajos, noticias e incluso nuestra propia lista de correos: http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/cole3d También hemos montado un grupo de trabajo on-line con el que estamos desarrollando nuestro primer corto conjunto, y en definitiva podemos dar cabida a cualquier iniciativa que nos pueda interesar. Venid, unios a nosotros, somos ya unos cien miembros, y cuantos más seamos más útil resultará el grupo... Saludos animados, Gustavo Muñoz
Last reply by GusM, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everybody, That's right! Once again the Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users Group will be assembling for another action packed, fun filled meeting. This will be our first annual (I hope the first of many) Hash Summer BBQ Extravaganza (BBQ like Vikings). The date: Saturday, August 21st at 1 PM You can get all the details (well, at least most of the details) at this link. http://ddldavis.home.comcast.net/MAAM/maam.html I have also posted some directions. If anyone requires more information or would like to contribute to meeting by bringing food or drink just let me know (so we don't end up with 5 cases of beer and no burgers....not that it would be a ba…
Last reply by entity, -
- 0 replies
Yep, Fargo, like in the movies. We have seven active members and some guests now and then. We meet every month during the school year for demos, tutorials, show and tell, and general inspiration. Moorhead is a suburb of Fargo. DanRJ
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 1 reply
Looks like we got removed from the list. Probably an accident when someone was trying to remove the OT post that is still here. Just a reminder. If anyone is going to Dragoncon this year, that would be a great time to gather. We would also have the distinct advantage of having Heath and James there as well. (I assume this is who will be there). Also, they tend to sell a lot of copies of there software at the show so there may be some potential new peeps that we could talk to as well. For those that don't know, Dragoncon is Labor Day weekend. (Sept 3 - 6). Tickets for the whole weekend have gone up this year to 85$ unless you pre-paid. They threaten every year t…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 2 replies
thanks to all those who have put effort into a user group! If you have successfully organized a user group, drop me a line with your shipping address and phone, we'll send you a free HASH polo shirt!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Are there any users out there in the northern New Jersey and NYC area that is interested in a face-to-face user group? I'm based in Hawthorne, New Jersey and can possibly get access to a dedicated classroom in my local library for a meeting place. A train route which goes to Hoboken (with PATH trains back to NYC) is just about 1/4-1/2 mile away from the library. I even have access to a projector for large display demonstrations. At this point I'm pretty much a beginner with Hash. However, in the past I've used SoftImage and 3DS Max, so my 3-d animation knowledge is there. I'm wondering if anyone out there are interested in exchanging their knowledge of Hash in a frie…
Last reply by dborruso, -
- 0 replies
Hi A:M-Users... You can find the German-User-Group at www.am-user.net. We would be pleased to see you. If you cant speak german: Dont hesitate and visit us. There is a english version of the HP... *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
Just wondering if there are any A:M users in Indiana?
Last reply by J. Baker, -
by Frank Silas- 2 replies
Hi guys, there is an Animation Master User Group Los Angeles. We don't meet as often as I'm sure any of us would like. We are all quite busy and most of us are working professionals. All levels of A:M users are welcome at all times and there are no fees nor dues. My name is Frank Silas (http://www.franksilas.com). Beverly Turner , Dr. Eddie and myself are the founders of this group. We usually find a nice place that will host us free of charge. At this point in time we are looking for a new place in the Los Angeles area to host our next meeting. I need to go in for surgery so I don't think we'll be having another meeting until after November of this year. Yo…
Last reply by KenH, -
- 2 replies
The Chicago User's group has been meeting for a few years now. We are always looking for more interested parties. Generally, we meet on the first Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM. Check out our yahoo group for more details. Chicago-Masters
Last reply by UNGLAUBLICHUSA, -
- 3 replies
We have tried to do this a few times in the past... Colin Freeman, Bill Gaylord, James Poulakos, J Griffin, a few others in the Atlanta area. Is anyone still interested in organizing anything locally?
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 6 replies
Thanks Mech. You pointed me in the right direction.... Are you near philly? (MechADELPHIA)? We welcome new group members... next meeting I believe everyone is still deciding on the date-- one of the last two saturdays in August? You game? 1st meeting attendees: Vern Zehr John Hubickey Chris Hover Don Davis Rich Jackson possible attendees: Ed Lynch "omoanime" Zach Brewster-Geisz Mack Chapelle Rodney Baker-(if he ever comes to town)
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Wow a new Room.... and what a view! Anyone in the Denver/Colorado area who might care to get together to discuss A:M and related interests please feel free to post in this thread! There are only a few that I know of in the area... but I have to ask!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Im not meaning to start a user group over here on the small old IOM , i was just wondering is there any AM users that live over here ?
Last reply by -TC-,