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Let me know what you think of this as far as timing and mass goes. No secondary animation yet. Sorry for the small size. ps. Any ideas on how to render a larger size but keep the MB usage down??? Thanks, Sean http://us.share.geocities.com/santino080402/test12.mov
Last reply by SeanC., -
- 15 replies
Need suggestion with my Character Cloth or Design ...colour...etc. My Webpage Lee Thailand
Last reply by CyberSpark, -
- 11 replies
Hello, everybody. Here is a model I am working on. I hope to receive your comment (specially about body balance). Thanks. takahiro http://www2.ttcn.ne.jp/~takahirotakahash/i...031111front.jpg http://www2.ttcn.ne.jp/~takahirotakahash/i...o031111back.jpg
Last reply by takahiro, -
- 1 reply
We have a need for an animator on a project basis who is proficient in medical animation. You must be able to design and animate a throbbing human heart, blood flow etc. Prefer it if you live near or in NJ. Please send reel to MediaMix 315 Route 17 South, Paramus, NJ 07652 Please include your hourly or day rate. JJV
Last reply by starving4rtist, -
- 10 replies
I hope this isn't a double post. My post on the mail list doesn't seem to want to go through. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at "Rusty" the steam roller. Thanks to all of you who have helped during the past few months. http://www.briancarabee.com/animation.htm Thanks, Brian
Last reply by Nosferatu, -
- 17 replies
Sup guys! Well I'm back at it again, this time I'm building a Subaru Impreza.
Last reply by gra4mac, -
- 4 replies
Sorry to post the question in here but for some reason i cant post in the FAQ section. Anyways, i have a problem. Everytime i render something other than as a Final render i get a black screen. Why???? I've been trying to figure this out but i cant. Thanks for any help you can give me and, once again, sorry to post a question in the WIP. Thanks, Sean
Last reply by animaster, -
- 9 replies
Hi all, My name is Sean and i've been using AM for about 6 months now. Im mostly interested in character animation and so thats what im concentrating on. Anyeays, starting a new animation with my "turn-o-the-century" style character who looks like high society material, but likes to do silly things. In this animation he sees a pesky fly and decides to get rid of it via kung fu. Just start it the past month and i havent gotten very far what with school and all (18 credits, yuck). Anyways, let me know what you folks think. Thanks alot. Sean PS. Before i can post it though, what do i do if it's larger than 1 MB? Answer that and then i can post it for you. I ha…
Last reply by natess44, -
- 0 replies
I wanted to work out how to make a body deform when it hit itself. For example if a hand went into a belly. I have attached my test project if anyone is interested. Open the action and move the last bone in the "arm" chain or just play the animation. When it touches the "belly", it deforms so that there is no intersection. How it was done: There is a bone rooted to the belly area that points towards a null which is a child of the hand. "aim to reach" is set to "on". I made a realtionship for the z scale of that bone then moved a pose slider which deforms the belly and pressed the button to stop making a relationship. I then opened up the chann…
Last reply by John Keates, -
- 6 replies
Made this animation day ago... Its very simple... Thought it's only my second attempt to animate something, so don't be cruel I'm going to make second part as well! I think it will be more complex!!! p.s. sorry if there are english mistakes!
Last reply by Grubber, -
Here is my first try at modelling one of my own concepts. It's supposed to be quite stylised which is why it looks a little like a rat with small ears. I need a little advice on the best way to model a mouth into my head. I have tried modelling the lower jaw separately and then joining it but I end up with some nasty peaks. I don't want to play around with the gammas too much as it will eventually be a dancing bear (that sings a little) and i don't want any unpredictable motion. Anyway, I know that it's not much so far, but here it is.
Last reply by wombat359, -
- 5 replies
Just a quick run cycle. Very quick, in fact. (Picture musical accompaniment by pots and pans.) Comments always welcome. http://www.hash.com/users/zachbg/abox.html Thanks, all. Zach
Last reply by wombat359, -
- 4 replies
I just wanted to test my model, so made this Model test Don't pay a lot of attention to animation. My animating skills are very poor. As always, comments are welcome.
Last reply by Grubber, -
- 2 replies
Well, that topic was quite ambiguous.. I hope you get it in the 3D matters... This is my first female model in AM. I modeled the body and now the head, which was much more difficult than men IMO. Not that she's ready for a beauty contest... but at least she's very smart What do you think? Here are some links Chica 01 Chica 02 Chica 03 Note that in this image I drew her eyebrows in photoshop, since the poor girl has none yet. Emilio Le Roux
Last reply by Francois, -
- 0 replies
Hi A:M freaks. I'm Pablo and I'm living in Switzerland/Europe. This year I'm finishing school and there I have to do a "diploma project". My topic was animation, and here is my result! I'm finishing cutting the scenes, I hope I can add later on some english subtitel... I hope it goes online in a few days, here some nice screenshots cheers
Last reply by pabloschmid, -
- 0 replies
Hi all Just to illustrate the tree trunk material thread I rendered this. These are old 8.5 trees. They render really quickly but after playing with the AM11 fur for leaves their time is limited The models and textures are part of the bonus collection you get with Skycast
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
- 20 replies
http://www.zandoria.com/castaway/X202.mov This is the take-off from the beach, after everyone has boarded. I will post some other clips too. Here is the shaded wireframe of the UFO landing: http://www.zandoria.com/castaway/X200-shaded.mov
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm new to the forums. I've been on the mailing list, but I've never posted much, because i've never really like the mailing list setup. But now that there is a Forum... I Figure I will just point you all over to my website, where you can see some of my work done with A:M 8.5 - Wonderful software! www.direentech.com/jdgraphics Feel free to comment on anything you see there, I love feedback and will take it good or bad. Oh, and just to get a show of hands (figuritively speaking) how many of you are members of the 10secondclub?
Last reply by JBarrett, -
- 15 replies
Well, I had a moment to sit and work on another set piece for my animation. It is, as the subject indicates, a coat rack (or hat rack if you prefer). The textures are not final. I just threw them on there. Comments, questions and general observations about life are welcome.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 4 replies
I hate to leave something half done, but it'll be a while before I get a chance to get back to this. It was started for some Skycast tests and tutorials. There has to be a better way to build a car.
Last reply by pabloschmid, -
- 6 replies
A little mechanical exercise that I have been working on.
Last reply by dreamin3d, -
A 32lb carronade to be exact. As would have been found on a 17th/18th century sailing vessel. Specifically the USS Constitution. This is truly my first solid attempt at modelling, animating, skinning etc. I have played around some with 3ds max but never really gotten into it. Because of the all encompasing nature of this software, it makes it more fun. The model is not quite compete, there is an elevation screw which adjusts the elevation +/-10 degrees, and a carriage of sorts that belongs on the back which allows a limited amount of horizontal motion. Plus some small details. I need some feedback. I know my materials are horrid and the bevelling leaves …
Last reply by dreamin3d, -
- 4 replies
Now that I've finally finished a character I figured I might as well try this animating thing that I've been hearing so much about. I guess this could technically be my first animation not done by following a tutorial. SwingingSword link (.44mb on2 mov) running time ~3seconds C&C more than welcome. -Drakk
Last reply by Dagooos, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, Been a while since I posted, been busy with other things but thought I'd post some small changes to my female body model... Nudity is present, so avert yer eyes if you need to. FemBody, Three Point Lighting FemBody, Skylights Comments/criticisms, please - and yes, I do know she's only got a leg to stand on... Mike K.
Last reply by Grubber, -
- 3 replies
Using v105n On several occasions when I've tried to hook a spline, it shoots past the target spline and attaches itself to another spline, sometimes with a hook and sometimes with a CP. In the past I've been eventually able to get it hooked where I need it, but this time no matter what I do it just keeps attaching itself to another hooked spline further on. I've included a couple of screenshots showing where it's supposed to go and where it actually ended up. I had even locked and hidden all the CP's outside of the area shown in the first image, yet it still attached itself to the same hooked spline. Can anyone tell me how to get around this, or why it's happeni…
Last reply by John Keates, -
- 1 reply
Heres the screen of my PWS relating to my trouble with streaks as posted in the general forum.
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 5 replies
I'm mostly just trying out this message board for the first time, but here's a model I started in V.8.5 but I found it too time consuming to work out all the smartskin issues(eg.- how the heck do you get the cheek to deform properly when the shoulder is "shrugged" at the same time?) Would the newest version of AM for Mac make it much easier?-but I mean in actual practice, not just in theory. Does anybody know of a good example of this sort of pudgy biped that has been animated successfully in AM? Please click here Thanks. Paul
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 1 reply
A saver I created is being featured on the Axialis Homepage: (www.axialis.com) It's in the News section - under Featured Screen Saver. The sprites were modeled & animated in v10.5. The (exe) file will install and uninstall the saver. File size is 2.1 mb. Best viewed at 1024x768. If you get a chance, check it out.
Last reply by Grubber, -
- 7 replies
Hello again. This forum is very good. I have learn so much in here. Last message I told that I'm doing mini movie. So here is one character from the movie. It's not complete yet. I have to do better eyes and mount, more cartoon way. Now there's only sphere. I used alpha version to made fur to squirrel and to mee it's looks good....Please let me know what you think.
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 11 replies
Here is another rocket model I did. It is the rocket from the old Tintin comic books by Hegre. I have to thank John Ashton-Keller(Headless Bill) for the inspiration. Please let me know what you all think. modome Marc J. Odden
Last reply by mike meyer, -
- 11 replies
All these fantastic BMW models in progress reminded me that I hadn't finished my Formula 1 car model. It isn't too far away from being finished. It still needs wheel hubs and brakes, camera housings and a bit of work on the rear diffuser. Other than that, I'm quite happy with it. I will add panel lines using image maps. The driver model is close to being finished too. Can't quite get the helmet shape right. I like really dirty images ;-) so the final textures will probably reflect a car that has gone a race distance. No showroom shines for this puppy! What I would really love to do though is a wet weather shot. Puddles, reflections, rain, particle sp…
Last reply by Emotive Images, -
- 17 replies
Well.... This short is pretty much done. Since I'm kind of tired waiting for the music to come in (which at this rate, might be "never"), I'm going ahead and posting what I've got. Ebin & May: Something to Remember Boy, I learned at lot in doing this short....
Last reply by mediaho, -
- 13 replies
i just finished 2 animations for a sports related event. one is just a background loop for other things on stage, the one i'm showing here is going to be used as filler and trailer. http://www.kci-group.com/z/images/sportivo/running.mpg (1.2 MB)
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 5 replies
Thought I'd move Maggie over to the WIP so I don't spend so much list time. Warning: graphics overload (4 shots). She's become very soft, almost cartoony now. I'd kind of like to try and push her back to a little more realism. I've tried using specular highlight to get the glint in her eyes to become alive, but it's not really working. I'm going to try a clear overlayer tomorrow to see how that works. Any other hints would be welcome. I did move the decal a bit and it does improve the look. She's got an extra ring on the lips now, and the upper half of the jumpsuit is modelled as you can see. The arm is attrociously dense, but …
Last reply by OdinsEye2k, -
Hullo I've been modelling a BMW Z4. The front is almost done. I'm rather excited because this is the first time I've been able to actually model something that looks like it is supposed to! **creases in the middle because its just a copy/flip job (Im using the Rooftop Mayhem scene because i like the lighting and i'm lazy.) (ignore the stuff inside the headlight hole) Here's a reference picture i'm using: Any comments?
Last reply by lazarter, -
- 6 replies
These are based on some leaked CAD renders and spy pictures http://www.bradbarnett.net/upload/
Last reply by chazcron, -
- 6 replies
Hi hashers, Here is a concept fish am working on for my animation..... I have a few more to model...... comments are welcome....... here are the other fishes I created already........ http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1187
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
Here's my question. I've been modeling a quick-n-dirty cartoon character, of which I am still working on the head. I've learned from experience and tried to make the character with absolutely no creases. So far I think I've acheived my goal. The problem is that the head seems to change color in the back (due to shadows). If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this please tell me.
Last reply by NTense, -
- 5 replies
IDL stood for Interactive Distance Learning. This is an opening I made to start off training broadcasts we used to do back when Nortel was somewhat richer than it is today. It was meant to represent the Distance Learning concept of people from various locations gathering "virtually" (a real happening word at the time) to hear from a remote instructor. I did everything except the video montage near the end. I think I was using A:M v5 at the time for the 3D, Strata MediaPaint for the fireballs and Adobe After Effects to tie it all together. The music is from a library we licensed. Links you can right-click on to download in QT or WMV appear on: http:…
Last reply by natess44, -
- 8 replies
I was playing with lines today
Last reply by modome, -
Rocket WIP
by modome- 9 replies
I was wathcing the Quick Start CD and got to the 5 point patch demo and statred playing around with the basic geometry of the grid with a cylinder and this kind of evolved from that. Would love any comments. Still really havent learned how to texture or apply materials to models yet. Thanks, modome
Last reply by modome, -
- 12 replies
Couldn't attach this in my other forum, so here it is. Any criticism would be great! And I'll give a nickel to anyone who can tell me how to render the wireframe of it. Still no eyes. Or arms. Working on that. -Andrew
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 15 replies
For those of you who remember, I've been working on a personal project involving a clock - a clock which I'd ideally like to have fully animated inner workings. Following the honed wisdom of Vernon "I make paper clocks" Zehr I've bought a working cardboard kit clock and have begun constructing it with the intention of duplicating the mechanics in A:M. Now in the mean time, whilst waiting for glue to dry, I've build a very simple facade for the clock in A:M. This has also given me the opportunity to play with some of the new render features of 10.5 - namely mulitpass ray width shadows and multipass DOF. Here's a 32 pass test - There are no materials yet and just…
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 3 replies
for those of you who didn't see it on the mailing list (i only got 1 or 2 replies)
Last reply by modome, -
- 5 replies
This is a quick render of the Holed-Cube primitive with the Enhance AM_EdgeGlow applied...
Last reply by Sevenar, -
- 2 replies
When I was 8-11 years old, I used to purchase Sonic the Hedgehog comic books every month. I picked one of them up recently, and realized that even though 99% of the comic was extremely dorky, there was one character that stood out. In a certain issue, Sonic was Mechanized by the evil Doctor Robotnik, and this new Mecha-Sonic actually looked pretty badass. Has anyone else seen this guy? I decided to start building him, but I'm having troubles with his head - those strange big pokey things on the back are inconsistent in almost every frame, yet they seem to have some order to them. I can't quite figure them out. Here's what I got so far: It…
Last reply by Hsdhman, -
Hello! I'm from Finland and I just love doing wire-models on animation:master. This is my first complete model. I'm also doinging mini movie but it takes couple mounths to finish it.
Last reply by Mike Lium, -
- 1 reply
Check this out. I made this crappy model and material and rendered it w/ radiosity.
Last reply by gudi3d, -
Hi Hashers : Bonito Resort .... it will be located in one of the beautiful places in the world Bonito/MS/Brazil ( look for it in google ) AP1 AP2 POOL1 POOL2 Please .. copy link and paste it in browser comments are welcome .. Cheers Xtaz
Last reply by gudi3d, -
- 22 replies
Hi hashers, I have updated my still life scene....... comments are welcome... http://www.deviantart.com/view/3370719/ thanks for viewing.
Last reply by DarkLimit,