sprockets New Radiosity render of 2004 animation. Will Sutton's TAR knocks some heads! Learn to create your own tool bars! Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included
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Change Log


  • Interface: Save before Render:
    saves the project, if it is modified, after hit "OK" in the "Render to File Settings" Dialog can be controlled with the "Save upon Render" checkbox at Tools/Options/Rendering , Default is ON
  • Physic: Bullet Integration into A:M
    added Bullet Constraint for physic simulation with the bullet physics engine Alpha Documentation
  • Modelling: Scale to X=0 option
    Before we do a Copy-Flip-Attach it is good practice to select all the CPs we presume to be on the center Y axis, go to their properties, set their pivot point to X=0, then scale them to 0% in the X axis. It would be a convenience if we could select the CPs and then just RMB>"Scale to X=0" to accomplish this frequent task in one step.
  • Interface: Clear Undostack (menu Edit)
    removes all entries from undo/redo , has also a button
  • Modelling: Fix Internal Patches
    "Remove internal patches" Tries to break internal patches , detach cp's from detected internal patchesand create a named group with this cp's. for 3 and 5 point patches it works only partially depends on the spline layout
  • Interface: Reset Toolbars (menu Help)
    Reset all toolbars to their default layout
  • Particlesystem: Hair
    support for Turbulence on forces
  • Interface Rendersettings
    • [bug]6782[/bug] Render UX 000: Maximize Render Dialog Window
    • [bug]6783[/bug] Render UX 001: Add Render Option to File Menu
    • [bug]6784[/bug] Render UX 002: Allow Render Setting Open/Collapse State to Persist works only in "Advanced mode" Two new buttons here too, "Expand All" and "Collapse All", expand/collapse all possible properties
  • Plugins:
    [bug]6759[/bug] Feature: update .ai importer to accept other vector formats added a plugin for importing the SVG format Plugin to add bullet constraints to multiple models in a chorRMB on choreographie -> "Add Bullet Constraints to multiple models"
  • Interface View:
    • [bug]6720[/bug] Feature suggestion: Birdseye View Queue undoing/redoing for view position have now a seperate undostack has their own buttons and shortcuts
    • shortcut for view undo Shift+Alt+Z
    • shortcut for view redo Shift+Alt+Y
    • If You don't make a new install or "Reset Toolbars" You must manually add the buttons from Tools->Customize->Commands->Standard
  • Choreographie
    [bug]6779[/bug] Feature: Right Click/Duplicate Menu entry "Duplicate" for objects in a chor If the Shift key is hold down , while clicking "Duplicate" keys from the source object are not copied.
  • Interface Timeline
    Constdrivers displaying now their values in the timeline
  • Interface CPweight dialog
    [bug]6772[/bug] Feature Request: Weight Menu Undo
    the weight dialog has now a "Cancel" button , which reverts the changes done in the dialog to the state before the dialog was started. Weighting has now also a general Undo/Redo , if the dialog is exited with the "Done" button.
  • Interface Modelling
    [bug]6773[/bug] Bias Handler Snap to Grid
    New button for this , Tools->Customize->Commands->Manipulator default key Shift+2 act's like "Snap to Grid" Existing installations needs to add this button manually to the toolbar or "Reset Toolsbars" additional: new menu entry for the RMB menu, if a group of cp's is select "Snap Bias To Grid", snaps the in and outbias for the slected cp's to the nearest grid interval
  • Interface Modelling
    [bug]6771[/bug] deleting all "Relationships" new menu entry for models "Remove User Properties" , delete all user properties and relationships for this model avaible only for modelcache, not for instances Warning : This action is not undoable
  • Interface Modelling
    new menu entry for models "Remove unused drivers" , delete all drivers without a key avaible only for modelcache, not for instances
  • Interface Rendersettings
    [bug]6744[/bug] Feature: Save before Render saves the project, if it is modified, after hit "OK" in the "Render to File Settings" Dialog can be controlled with the "Save upon Render" checkbox at Tools/Options/Rendering , Default is ON


  • Plugin: Brick
    • it's now possible to add Bullet Constraints for the instanced model
    • z position can be set
    • models can be imported in userfolders
    • save/restore settings
    • documentation
  • Plugin: Simple_Scatter
    • it's now possible to add Bullet Constraints for the instanced model
    • models are now imported into userfolder
    • documentation
  • SDK
    • added Bullet Constraint (HConstra.h)
    • added Userfolder for chor (hhashobj.h HHashObject::InsertUserFolder) (sample how to use both at HXT/Brick)
    • added OpenView for HChor
    • [bug]6687[/bug] SDK missing method for joining splines? (HModel.h BOOL JoinSpline( HCP *cp1, HCP *cp2))
    • GetObject() is changed to GetHObject due a nameclash with wingdi.h
    • [bug]6689[/bug] No API method for CP detaching (HModel.h void DetachCP( HCP *cp1))
    • added GetPlayRange and SetPlayRange for HChor, HAction and HActionCache
                BOOL CTestPluginApp::OnChor(HChor *chor) {
                TimeRange tt = chor->GetPlayRange();
                tt.m_end.StepFramesBack(5, GetHProject()->GetFPS());
                return TRUE;
  • Help
    AMAindex.txt rebuild ("Display help for current property")
  • Particlesystem: Hair
    • Forces need not longer high magnitudes to affect hair dynamics
    • groom mode
    • selected guidecp's now drawn with the selected cp color
    • added possibility to select more than one hairguide for operations except the "Brush Mode" operation
    • two new buttons
      • "Select Hairguides"
        if You press this button you are now in the selection mode, and can select more than one Hairguide Limitation, it's only possible to select one HairguideCP, for the other selected Hairguides the HairguideCP from the first selected Hairguide is used
      • "Deselect Hairguides"
        deselect all selected Hairguides
  • Distortion Action Objects
    [bug]6686[/bug] Distortion Action Objects Resolution limited to 10 Has now the same resolution as the modeling window (maximum 1000), and use as initial value now the same settings as for the distortion in the modelling window
  • Bake Surface
    [bug]6732[/bug] larger border for Baked Surfaces
  • Plugin: Ai import
    AI import can be find now under "Plugins->Import" (before at "Plugins->Wizards")
  • Interface
    [bug]6777[/bug] Increase size of Info Properties Description and Notes


  • [bug]6755[/bug] computation error for normals
  • [bug]6748[/bug] Space Marines project renders differently than original (tweaked darksimbiont materials)
  • [bug]6749[/bug] Flocking birds does not render correctly in Render Lock Mode
  • [bug]6737[/bug] Animated Material loses animation in saved file
  • Particlesystem: Hair
    • Hair dynamics are not updated, if project fps was set to 25
    • undo/redo now working as expected
    • when some patches hidden , not all hairguides for the visible patches are drawn
  • Distortion Action object
    • changing the resolution for the distort action object after the target is applied works now as expected (distortion box is updated properly)
    • bug fixed , when the Target is set back to the default value (default values for the distortion box was not restored)
  • All Particlesystems redraw error for all Particlesystems fixed , if the model or group is translated,rotated or scaled
  • [bug]6740[/bug] A:M crashes if try to render to file with multipass after reset
  • Decal crash, when a decal has two (or more) images with maptype "Other..." ,the driven properties are the same and one should be deleted
  • [bug]6739[/bug] Hair renders white in netrender
  • Choreographie
    • If a model is scaled and a constraint with transform properties added,scaling is incorrectly
    • chor translate mode broken
  • [bug]6733[/bug] 5-Pointers seem to have a different behaviour for hair particles...
  • [bug]6728[/bug] Bullet Rolling Friction > 1.0 suddenly halts object
  • [bug]6727[/bug] Three-point patches render texture incorrectly
  • [bug]6718[/bug] Mirror Bone not mirroring CP weights correctly
  • [bug]6730[/bug] loading old file causes crash
  • [bug]6729[/bug] Adding CP causes crash
  • [bug]6717[/bug] Slow Paste when DSTS material present
  • [bug]6722[/bug] Smooth Plugin causes crash
  • [bug]6724[/bug] plus key not always working for frame change
  • [bug]6721[/bug] Props view inside-out in shaded-wireframe Note: Normals can be displayed now for Props too
  • [bug]6716[/bug] CP at Bone origin is ignored by Compute Bone weights.
  • [bug]6725[/bug] Using Sweeper on this model brings A:M to a crash
  • [bug]6713[/bug] Changing CPs from Peaked to Smooth doesn't "dirty" PRJ
  • [bug]6714[/bug] PRJ is already "dirty" when loaded
  • [bug]6715[/bug] Can't adjust bias of CPs next to Hooks
  • [bug]6704[/bug] Rotate Manipulator doesn't work on D-box in Action
  • [bug]6712[/bug] Altering hair doesn't add asterisk to PRJ
  • [bug]6711[/bug] Undo not working in Hair Grooming mode
  • [bug]6707[/bug] NetRender ignores Camera Fog Keyframes
  • [bug]6706[/bug] Crash after moving mouse between windows
  • [bug]6703[/bug] Crash after importing Rotoscope...
  • [bug]6710[/bug] "recall view/position" never works the first time.
  • [bug]6708[/bug] STL export doesn't include displacement
  • [bug]6694[/bug] Dragging Groups causes crash
  • [bug]6680[/bug] Crash after dragging Groups
  • [bug]6693[/bug] Dragging Bones causes crash
  • [bug]6679[/bug] ALT for Free Rotate not working on axis
  • [bug]6563[/bug] Add with Shift-Key pressed does not add a new non-continuies spline
  • [bug]6695[/bug] Undo after extrude causes crash
  • [bug]6700[/bug] On-screen renders very slow
  • Bullet
    • if no cp/patch is assigned to a Bone with bullet constraint , crash occured
    • joints hasn't worked correct
    • new behavior, if the constraint is added to a model, which is created from the "Explode Rebuildmodel" plugin.
    • In such a case , bullet constraints are added to each "Explode_" bone
    • with a breaking value off 1,
    • constraint's between the pieces from the model automatic generated
    • most of other settings not avaible in this case
    • see the Fracture example
  • [bug]6691[/bug] Extruder plugin causes crash
  • Force -
    • Type "Cone"
      falloff not handled correct
    • Type "Cylinder"
      false result for Kind "Fan" fixed
    • Type "Box"
      fixed real time view for "Width Softness"
  • [bug]6685[/bug] Decal placement tools do not work correctly in Camera view
  • [bug]6631[/bug] Depth sorting problems in choreography
  • [bug]6643[/bug] Bias-Handler not showing (the line of the bias handlers not visible)
  • Rendering: material on 3 point patches now correct calculated (in some cases a division by zero has occured)
  • [bug]6511[/bug] RMB Menu incomplete with Patch Group Tool
  • [bug]6540[/bug] copy loose decaling on 5 point patch
  • [bug]6645[/bug] Patches render inside-out in shaded mode
  • [bug]6505[/bug] Layers drawn in front
  • Realtime: crash ,when Draw Normals is on, and a other project is loaded , where the shaded mode for a model was not set[/u]
  • [bug]6647[/bug] Grid only shows when an object is selected
  • Interface: deleting RigidBody constraint from popup menu not possible
  • "Constraint to Path" position updated after select a Pathmodel or Spline from combobox or cursorpicker
  • Modelling Chor creating Pathmodel in chor is back now
  • [bug]6657[/bug] Rendering to file: No file saved...
  • [bug]6661[/bug] Screen stops updating after using CTRL-Z
  • [bug]6662[/bug] After closing PRJ and starting New PRJ, crash on drawing new spline.
  • ModellingCrash, when deleting a bunch of cp's and splines, and heavy use of Undo/Redo
  • [bug]6663[/bug] After Deleting a spline, Undo does not restore it.
  • [bug]6664[/bug] Crash upon drawing spline in new PRJ
  • [bug]6666[/bug] Crash after multiple Undos
  • [bug]6667[/bug] Tutorials Splash screen missing background image.
  • [bug]6668[/bug] Axis handles for Scale mode not drawn properly
  • [bug]6660[/bug] Play range do not stick when saving and loading a scene/project
  • [bug]6670[/bug] Patches not completely drawn in in real-time view
  • [bug]6671[/bug] Distortion Box CPs disappear
  • [bug]6672[/bug] Undo doesn't work in Distortion Mode
  • [bug]6673[/bug] Lens flare errors in Net Render
  • [bug]6571[/bug] Net Render slaves cannot load camera from Technocrane
  • [bug]6674[/bug] Prop not visible after Turn
  • [bug]6675[/bug] rop textures not displayed correctly
    Note: For decaltype "Color" the alpha channel is not used in final render, if You need this, change the decaltype in the chor to "CookieCut" (the obj file format doesn't know such a type) in contrast the realtime render use the alpha channel , even the decaltype is "Color", but I will not change this behavior due heavy sideeffects
  • Decal crash , when the decaltype for a prop decal is changed to Bump or Displacement
  • Decal Combobox for decaltypes displaying now only the usable decal types for props
  • Decal Bump and Displacement maps for Props now working properly
  • Modelling false RMB menu displayed , when selecting cp's with holding the Shift or Ctrl key and no group was selected before
  • [bug]6791[/bug] Crash when doing Move or Zoom
  • [bug]6787[/bug] Much longer rendertime compared to previous version,if reflectivity is != 0
  • [bug]6786[/bug] Changing preroll from one particle system affects all other too
  • [bug]6781[/bug] No reflections below reflectivity values of 0.501
  • [bug]6780[/bug] The Modeling Grid turns itself off
  • [bug]6774[/bug] Crash upon Rendering (Texture Size)
  • [bug]6775[/bug] After fresh install, mfc140.dll not found
  • [bug]6776[/bug] Copy/Paste crash
  • [bug]6770[/bug] flockfx model not saved
  • [bug]6741[/bug] shag hair problem rendering
  • [bug]6769[/bug] Channels not displayed properly with N or R
  • [bug]6766[/bug] Unable to correctly select render quality in Net Render
  • [bug]6760[/bug] Snapshot doesn't remember last directory used
  • [bug]6763[/bug](OSX only) JPEGs cannot be loaded into the application
  • [bug]6757[/bug] A:M stops updating display during SimCloth
  • [bug]6753[/bug] Flag does not wave correctly when doing cloth simulation
  • [bug]6756[/bug] SimCloth fails in V19
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I did not get the store moved to the new store yet. It's going to take a but more work than I first thought. I'm going to need some design help at some point. Everything on the moved worked but passwords. So I need to get those working and then I will be asking for some beta tester, and some design help.

Sorry we are still in the old store, the new store will be faster and better.

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Not sure but the diffuse layers in my decal stamps are now set to be reflective? V19 can someone else check this, if i turn that layer to 0% the reflections stop but there is now no diffuse option?

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Very cool – thanks a lot Steffen, Jason and all the Beta testers – very well done :).


One of the new features "Snap Bias Handlers to Grid" is shown in this video-tutorial:



...and another one I covered in a video is "Remove internal patches":



Hope you can see some of the potential of those features... there are a lot more to discover of cause as you can see from that LONG list ;).


Best wishes



PS: Sorry for the heavy accent in the video tutorials... I am not a native speaker ;).

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Hey Steve,


how are you trying to view it? For me it works in Firefox and Edge without a problem. What browser are you using and are you on a Mac, Windows or for instance iOS?


Best wishes


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  • Admin

Gerald the link is not working to the patch video it says its an invalid file



Hey Steve,


how are you trying to view it? For me it works in Firefox and Edge without a problem. What browser are you using and are you on a Mac, Windows or for instance iOS?


Best wishes


The videos play via Chrome.

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  • Admin

  • Interface Timeline

    Constdrivers displaying now their values in the timeline


    Can someone walk us into this one? I can't find any informtion on how to get those values to appear and as usual I'm sure I'm missing something simple.

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Impressive list, great work Steffen! Lots to read here! Happy to see my request:

- 6772: Feature Request: Weight Menu Undo
the weight dialog has now a "Cancel" button , which reverts the changes done in the dialog to the state before the dialog was started. Weighting has now also a general Undo/Redo , if the dialog is exited with the "Done" button.

among the additions.


Got a chance to update today.

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thanks! that's helpful. Not at all.


I looked all over the internet to see what the deal is with SSE4.2 and came up with NOTHING! I called the Mac store and they told me SSE4.2 pertains to solid state drives in some way and my mac was made just before that so they recommended the normal version. Again, is there a V.19 for Mac? The above link says V.18. If you are a mac user, you might find this clarification helpful.



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I eventually had to call the mac store which I will only do if I really can't figure something out. They told me my model does not make use of SSE4.2. I know every time an update of A:M is released, this SSE business is mentioned casually and it has always confused me!




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SSE4 is a set of instructions that were added to the standard PC "Intel" CPU in 2006


SSE4.2 is the above with some additional instructions added.



Adam, do know exactly what CPU you have in your Mac?

In my MAC Pro Tower It has the standard two dual-core Intel Xeon Woodcrest at 2.0, 2.66, from 2006 .

I am fine for now working with an older version of AM.

once I pay for a new subscription

Later ,I will get the lap top or tower (PC or Mac) that matches the appropriate specs for the latest version of AM....and pay again.

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You may want a Macbook Pro for running AM. The others seem to be way underpowered. The Pro's have Intel 540 graphics and higher as well as a descent i5-i7 cpu's (i5 will run AM fine).


I have a little Dell Inspiron 13 2:1 with i5 and 520 graphics and it is able to run FormZ Pro very well and FZ can be a dog on big files. The Macbook Pro seems to be a much beefier machine than my Dell.


I need to subscribe again, debating on a permanent license or the usual sub. Can't run my old version 17 that used the CD since none of my machines have a built in cd drive.

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What Intel-chip did Mac Pros use then? I think it stillis i5 / i7, just an older versions of them.

If we are talking about non-intel-based chips (powermac, etc.) it will not work with newer versions of A:M.


See you


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As of August 2006 Apple announced and sold only intel chips

my laptop has a 2.33 GHZ INTEL CORE DUO

THE MAC PRO TOWER HAS two dual-core Intel Xeon Woodcrest at 2.0, 2.66, from 2006.

My imac has an intel chip from 2008 .

I guess I am looking for a AM version that worked on Mac computers ten years ago

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To see which SSE instruction sets your intel chip Mac has, open Terminal and type or copy/paste the following: sysctl machdep.cpu.features

Thanks . my old 2006 mac pro lap top says

" sysctl machdep.cpu.features

apple-3:~ ew$ sysctl machdep.cpu.features


apple-3:~ ew$



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  • Hash Fellow

In order to use the latest version of AM

I am investing in a new Laptop,15.6", with i7 Quad-Core.CPU 2.2 -3.1GHz, 8GB RAM, 750GB

I just need advise on the best operating system.

Thanks for any advise .


If you haven't bought the computer yet, consider something with a real number pad on it.


The number pad is huge time saver for navigating the views.

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In order to use the latest version of AM

I am investing in a new Laptop,15.6", with i7 Quad-Core.CPU 2.2 -3.1GHz, 8GB RAM, 750GB

I just need advise on the best operating system.

Thanks for any advise .


If you haven't bought the computer yet, consider something with a real number pad on it.


The number pad is huge time saver for navigating the views.


What particular suggestion for a computer do you have in mind ?

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  • Hash Fellow

By "number pad" I mean a numeric keypad like this on the end of the keyboard.





I like your idea of a quad core so you can make use of Netrender. 8GB RAM is probably a safe amount.


Laptops tend to use only low-power Intel graphics which are troublesome for A:M, but laptops that have dedicated Nvidia or AMD graphics tend to be quite expensive.


That is why I just have a desktop.


If you do get a laptop that doesn't have the numeric keypad you could still get a full size USB keyboard for $10 or so and plug that in when you are at home. make sure you have enough USB ports so plug in both a mouse and the keyboard.


You'll probably also want to have a monitor port so you can plug in a larger monitor.

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I appreciate your suggestions.

I hope to hear about details Graphics cards which meet the requirements of this program .

I read on the product page " mid-range gaming card "......any details ?


graphics in desktop is in my next research

I do need a specific on minimum graphics requirements for the current A:M ....more like brands test bench

and details about computer with proper card preinstalled

Sounds like I need a gaming computer ....yes ?


What exactly are you using as a desktop in terms of detailed specs

which interface with Animation Master ?

For desktop and laptop


I looked in the system requirements

" Graphics Card:
"Any mid-range gaming card will do."

Again I am looking for more specifics .


Lastly the portability factor is important but cost has a ceiling .

My conclusion

I seek a potable laptop or desktop with fast gaming graphics and 6-8 gigs of ram ...I think.

Thanks again for your help.

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  • Hash Fellow

I built my PC about 8 years ago so most of it is pretty ancient stuff that isn't made anymore.


Core 2 Quad 6600 2.4 MHz



Nvidia GeForce GT610 graphics card with 1GB RAM
- it was ~$75 when i got it, much less now

-This is definitely lower than mid-level for gaming but it's fine for A:M
-Previously I had an even punier AMD card that was fine until its fan died.

-I like that it has two video outputs so i can run two monitors. I put the Project Workspace on its own monitor.


-My monitors are just 1280x1024 and 1920x1080. If you were going to run two larger monitors maybe 1GB RAM would not be enough.



NVidia has started making graphics chips for laptops ("M" in the chip name for mobile) and many laptops are available that use them. the down side is that they probably still take more power than Intel graphics so your battery time will be less.

I prefer a 4 core to a 2 core CPU but it's hard for a laptop to scream with all four cores for very long because of the heat. They are built to slow down or idle cores if the heat is getting too high. Desktops can have giant fans so it isn't such a problem.


Personally i need several USB ports. Printer, Mouse, Keyboard, cameras that I plug in to download files. My Cintiq monitor needs a USB port too.

Does this answer any of your questions?

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If you are after a desktop, these are my current recommendations:



- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Boxed mit Wraith Spire 8-Kern (Octa Core) CPU mit 3.00 GHz, Boxed mit Lüfter

- GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX 560 Gaming OC 4 GB OC (if you are a gamer too, you might want to get a more powerful GPU here... but for A:M it really is more than enough)

- Mainboard: ASUS PRIME X370-PRO

- RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Schwarz 16GB DDR4 Kit (2x8GB) 3000MHz C15 (the most important thing is the frequency here... the higher the better for Ryzen-CPUs)

- SSD: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250 GB

- Powersupply: Corsaid VS-Series 550W

- Case: Antec Three Hundred Two (this really is not too important... you can use anything you want)

- Cooler: Noctua NH-U14S (only if you want to overclock... which you may want to do... if not, the boxed cooler will do very well)


Best regards


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- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Boxed (Hexa Core), 3.4 GHz

- GPU: Sapphire Nitro Radeon RX 460 4G D5 OC 4 GB OC

- Mainboard: MSI B350M Gaming Pro

- RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Schwarz 16GB DDR4 Kit (2x8GB) 3000MHz C15

- SSD: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250 GB

- Powersupply: Corsaid VS-Series 550W

- Case: Antec Three Hundred Two (this really is not too important... you can use anything you want)

- Cooler: Noctua NH-U14S (only if you want to overclock... which you may want to do... if not, the boxed cooler will do very well)

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If you are after a desktop, these are my current recommendations:



- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Boxed mit Wraith Spire 8-Kern (Octa Core) CPU mit 3.00 GHz, Boxed mit Lüfter

- GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX 560 Gaming OC 4 GB OC

- Mainboard: ASUS PRIME X370-PRO

- RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Schwarz 16GB DDR4 Kit (2x8GB) 3000MHz C15

- SSD: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250 GB

- Powersupply: Corsaid VS-Series 550W

- Case: Antec Three Hundred Two (this really is not too important... you can use anything you want)

- Cooler: Noctua NH-U14S (only if you want to overclock... which you may want to do... if not, the boxed cooler will do very well)


Best regards


Very helpful *Fuchur*

I needed a detailed technical baseline and now I have that



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