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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

v18.0 mascot Contest - It's that time again!

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Mascot Contest rules:

  • All entries must be at least 1440 x 1920 and keep the 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • The winner must summit a rendered image with no background of 480 x 640.
  • All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Maser for promotional material.
  • All entries must be emailed to support@hash.com by midnight pst on 07/31/13
  • No offensive or pornographic material.
  • The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community will be the new splash screen for v18.0.
  • Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time)



This has no bearing on the time frame till v18.0 is release so please lets not go down that path here.



Good Luck All!

Jason Simonds.

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tic tac ... tic tac ...


Oh oh. That's Marcos's challenge to the community!

Muster the forces.

Bring out the big guns!


The suspense is killing me...


tackity tick... tockity kathud...

Will Marcos take the top spot and reign supreme again this year?

Only time and talent will tell...

So get your mascot entries submitted!

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[*]All entries must be at least 1440 x 1920 and keep the 4:3 aspect ratio.

1440 x 1920 is 3:4 aspect ratio, indeed.

Is 4:3 aspect ratio allowed ?

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The one person who can answer that question may be getting ready to take off to San Diego Comic Con.


Any image that is 4:3 can be shoehorned into 3:4 though right? And vice versa?


I think this way .... just to be sure.


3:4 is portrait

4:3 is landscape

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Paul Harris, William Sutton, Nancy Gormezano, Stian Ervik. hmmm...

Predicting a hard contest. I'll have to revise my concept. Good for A:M :)

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I'm pushing my limits...trying to get a cloth Hawaiian shirt to work on PappaBear....first attempt never even made it passed the sim...so tonight I'm back at it. Feeling the pressure of the sands of time though!

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It looks like I need to give my entry one last push to get it into shape.

So... this week my task shall be to make it more mascotty ™. ;)


Good luck A:Mers!


There are a ton of folks who have created cool characters that I know aren't going to enter the contest.

I wish they would because their characters would make ideal mascots.

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the 4:3 is only really needed for the mascot splash screen. I guess the entry can be what any ratio as long as it's over the size listed each way.


...and still works at that format. (you have to be able to find a nice looking part on the image to be used for the splash-screen)


See you


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...and still works at that format. (you have to be able to find a nice looking part on the image to be used for the splash-screen)


...or re-render.


Many of A:M splash-screens have not been the same image as the one submitted for the contest.

After winning, the pose of the character(s) was adjusted/adapted.

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...and still works at that format. (you have to be able to find a nice looking part on the image to be used for the splash-screen)


...or re-render.


Many of A:M splash-screens have not been the same image as the one submitted for the contest.

After winning, the pose of the character(s) was adjusted/adapted.


Yes, can be done too... anyway be sure it will look good or close to what you have submitted. A character, who looks great in an environment that can not be used for the splashscreen but is not looking good on the splash screen is not really a good choice.


See you


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A character, who looks great in an environment that can not be used for the splashscreen but is not looking good on the splash screen is not really a good choice.


See you



Unless it is in a controlled environment... ;)

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Unless it is in a controlled environment... wink.gif


...and fortunately for us computer graphics is the ultimate controlled environment. :)


I was just reviewing some of the earlier contests, like the Losts Worlds contest, and while none of them would have fit very well 'as is' as a splash screen all of them could have been made to work well by using a contour mask/matte. Granted, that mask would be a bit hard to make directly in A:M but with tools like A:M Composite's Exposure or HSE (Hue, Saturation, Exposure) Post Plugins those masks aren't as hard to make as they once would have been.

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how to "stage" my character is what I've been struggling with. What to use for render settings etc to give the most impact but still fit into the ability to reproduce for Hash is proving troublesome to me. I've re-rendered half a dozen times already and still not happy with the results.


Edit: And having just said all that, I made some changes, rendered, liked the results, and sent it in!

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So looking forward to seeing what everybody has done.


It seems like I'm always busy when this comes up, but I decided to take time out and do one this year (first time in six years!)


I've been working on it since Monday and hopefully will have it finished within the next couple of days. I thought it was going to be easier than it's turned out to be. :-)

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So looking forward to seeing what everybody has done.


It seems like I'm always busy when this comes up, but I decided to take time out and do one this year (first time in six years!)


I've been working on it since Monday and hopefully will have it finished within the next couple of days. I thought it was going to be easier than it's turned out to be. :-)


I thought it would be easy too...then I caught myself in an endless loop of tweeks, changes and re-renders. Last night I simply said enough is enough and sent the beast in.

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I thought it would be easy too...then I caught myself in an endless loop of tweeks, changes and re-renders. Last night I simply said enough is enough and sent the beast in.

I rendered first shot and named it mascot_a. The file sent was mascot_q :) common place in contests

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I'm still at the point of modeling/rigging/texturing the pieces. :-)


I'm fairly settled on the framing, though. That was basically settled before I started, so I'd know just what I needed and not have to spend time on stuff that wouldn't be seen.


I'm having fun, though.


BTW: I've set up my shot so that it works either way, but the final file should be


A ) 1440 wide x 1920 tall?




B ) 1920 wide x 1440 tall?


The past years' seem to be more tall than wide.

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I'm still at the point of modeling/rigging/texturing the pieces. :-)


I'm fairly settled on the framing, though. That was basically settled before I started, so I'd know just what I needed and not have to spend time on stuff that wouldn't be seen.


I'm having fun, though.


BTW: I've set up my shot so that it works either way, but the final file should be


A ) 1440 wide x 1920 tall?




B ) 1920 wide x 1440 tall?


The past years' seem to be more tall than wide.


Go tall my son, go tall :rolleyes:

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Hi my friends (even those sometimes cross with me, lol :-( ),


What has never been demonstrated via a 'mascot' (to my knowledge and so perhaps I'm wrong) is what A:M can do in the photo-realistic arena and perhaps this is purposely avoided for some reason. Although this is all that I do, I'm probably not the best (at least, lol, I hope not!) however 'if' I were in a position to do so, I'd make an entry of this type. Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case maybe), I'm in the middle of redoing my facial expression poses and controls plus I have no time right now due to my writing efforts.


Maybe next time (and almost certainly at some point). It would be probably a person in a suit, might be female but it would all depend on which virtual actor looks best. It would not be (at least for several years) a cave man or bikini clad woman as I'm nowhere near doing muscle motion well enough.


BTW, the FANTASTIC amazon (or whatever) woman with the elaborate head dress and giggling breasts and behind (I don't know this superb artist's name) would knock socks off but the skimpiness of her clothes might disqualify her or perhaps she's been used and I missed it during my 'no updates from V14' period.


Can't wait to see the entries! They are always awesome!



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It was a long time i didn't work with A:M. I enjoyed to use patch-based modeling and and participate in this contest. :)



Welcome back Fab! According to the forum... you have not been around much since 06...? I really am happy to see you, maybe the shape of things to come- as in more 'legends' coming out of the woodwork? Have you gotten your hands on the latest versions? The app has really improved a LOT since V14...

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Thanks Matt,


The latest version I used was the v15.0 (web subscription). I imagine A:M v17.0 is better and faster now. For the contest I used my old CD with A:M v14.0c, the rendering time was long !

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welcome back Fabrice !!!! Is good to see you here again.


Brilliant participation of A:M users.


Did someone receive an email confirmation ?

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I am sure a lot of folks like me who do not currently have the skills to make a mascot -------eagerly awaiting to see what all you wonderful folks sent in. Indeed just from who posted here --this is a current hall of fame crew checking in ----- Good vibes for Animation Master indeed!!


Good luck to all you folks !!



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