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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Alcatraz Project.

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Well after losing all of my Alcatraz Model from my last project I got my an external hard drive and started me another. I rewrote the script for it be in 3d (I'm thinking about it) there one part in there where I have great white shark come out of the water....LOL They won't expect it. I also made me a asset list of everything I need to model it help out a lot who every thought of that ideal thank you. I'll have about 3 choreographic for the San Francisco Bay, The Island and The Prison. One thing about modeling a prison everything just about the same and there a lot of copy and past does that save a lot of time. Fell free to let me know what you think and if I need to change anything.



Alcatraz_3d.pdf alcaraz_prison_assett_list.jpg Alcatraz_3D_1b.jpg Alcatraz_3D_2a.jpg

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  • Hash Fellow

Maybe you are already doing this, but some repetitive items like individual cells could be models themselves, and you could assemble many of them in the chor to make the whole set, then you could turn their "Active" property ON when they are needed on camera and OFF when they are not visible to possibly save on render time.


You can also turn their realtime visibility ON and OFF in the chor to speed up your general working. Whether this is useful depends on how much you need to be working in the whole set.


Sorry you lost your previous work! That new external drive is for backups, I hope?

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Wow- I've never heard of that one... the improper English in the dialogue box suggests it is written by someone using english as a 2nd language... "Filter Keys lets you to ignore...". Also- never heard of the 'Ease of Access Center'... are you sure you are in A:M or maybe a Windows box appeared over A:M...?

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I'm not sure where that "Ease of Access Center" came from looks like a google search tonight to found out who they are I'll let yall know what they say about um .



I'm working on the Island and some of the building think I ought to decal some of the building or just go ahead and draw um ?



Alcatraz_3D_3.jpg Alcatraz_3D_4b.jpg



Think I'll watch escape from Alcatraz with Clint Eastwood for reference :D

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Thank you TheSpleen


Now I'm working on Robert Stroud 1942 version that when he arrive at Alcatraz island, I still tweeking the model, the first ears ever made, need to make the eyes, and teeth then body and paint.



Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_1.jpg Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_2.jpg Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_3.jpg Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_4.jpg






I don't like that front view need to work on it, the moth looks like robot or something....HMMMMMMMMMMM

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I like the 1st Robert Stroud model... this is an interesting project. For your island, there is a cool A:M model MTPeak built called the 'Ocean Rig" which would make you some great wavey water for your SFBay... just a suggestion!




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I'm still working on the island and characters.


John Bigboote : thank you for that link I checked it out that will save a lot of time thank you, and thank you MTPeak for putting the ocean rig up.



Shelton : thank you for the info on the golden gate bridge I'll check it out.

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Why does this Filter Key window keep coming up ?





It's a Windows "feature" - if you keep the shift key down without pressing a key or clicking, it assumed you have one finger & can't press <Shift> and another key simultaneously. "Ease of access" is Microsoft's politically correct way of avoiding reference to the disabled or impaired body functions of its users.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I just about got Robert Stroud this what size he was when he went in prison sure does change a person. I need to tweak the arms or redo the arm I'm not liking the arms for some reason and tweak the body.


Hmmmmm 5 more characters ( Prison Guard) to go and add a few building to the island and I can start putting everything together :D




Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_6.png Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_7.png Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_8.png Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_9.png

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Hello everybody I got some models all most done today The Warden Johnson Boat that trans ported the prisoner back and forward to the island. I need to add a few details and texture won't be to bad it was wood color and back may not add a prop since it's going to be in the water moving. Is there a way to make broken glass cause one of the crows is going to slam in front of window.



Warden_Johnston_3d_Model_boat_1.png Warden_Johnston_3d_Model_boat_2.png



Also got Robert Stroud just about done need add a few thing and tweaks and texture, next going to do the guards and crow, man I wished I saved all that work from the last time.




Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_10.png Robert_Stroud__1942__3d_model_11.png

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Why does this Filter Key window keep coming up ?






The filter keys are a windows function, If you hold down shift for 8 seconds without pressing anything it asks if you want to turn them on. I think it makes it so if you press shift (or ctrl, alt etc) once it stays 'pressed' even if you take your finger off and then becomes 'unpressed' when you hit the key again.


Usually happens to me when i'm selecting CP's I want to group from a largers area and can't find the CP I want right away and I've just been leaning on the button.

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Hello guys thank you for the comments.



I'm working on one of the Choreograph the main building I haven't got it completely set up I'm still tweaking it a little need to add the roof and the lighting.






The other two choreograph is the boat and the island and sea hopefully that wont be that bad...LOL Still got a add texture and make some characters, Once the characters

are done think I can start animating :D



Oh yah here the Thompson 45 caliber model Yall fell free to do what you wont with it and here the pic I went by.





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tbenefi33- It's been a while since I have been in a maximum security prison like Alcatraz , but i like the lighting in this last one. without knowing what if any outside light is coming in ---it does appear to be like that almost dark outside look inside .....when the indoor lights start to actually do something.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello every body how yall doing hope yall had a safe and wonderful holiday.


I was working on the island and doing some texture and I made a transparency decal in gimp but when I bring it into A:M it still has

a white background how can I get the white back ground off in A:M ? When I bring the other decals it's covering up other parts of the

first decal I done. bummer I'm going to have to change the color of top part in the second one.



Island_Texture_1.jpg Rock_Texture_2.jpg

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how can I get the white back ground off in A:M ?


Have you set an alpha channel in your image software? dunno about gimp but that's what I do in photoshop. Then save it as a .png or .tga and when you bring it into A:M it should see the alpha channel and not show the white area.

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  • Hash Fellow
I lost my prison layout image in the choreographie how do I bring it back ? I've tried reset in the help section didn't work. I may have hit a hot key or something.


If you select it in the PWS do you at least get a bounding box showing where it is?

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