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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

My Characters


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Cute, creative models, Jirad! Very gracious of you to offer them for others to get inspiration from. Did you ever animate any of them?


I tried to animate all of them but I never seem to be able to find the time to take advantage of all the software has to offer or the principles of proper animation.

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I tried to animate all of them but I never seem to be able to find the time to take advantage of all the software has to offer or the principles of proper animation.

Your animation doesn't have to be "good," Jirad... When we got started on TWO, I thought I'd crawl into a hole and die - it seemed everyone was getting better than me (most did) but it's still better than nothing?

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Hey Jirard! Really cool what you're doing, but I am disappointed to hear that you seem to be dropping the project. I was really looking forward to this.


I actually think a stop-motion type, herky-jerky animation would work great with the look of your characters. They have such a cool claymation-like look.


Maybe a music video?

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Hey Jirard! Really cool what you're doing, but I am disappointed to hear that you seem to be dropping the project. I was really looking forward to this.


I actually think a stop-motion type, herky-jerky animation would work great with the look of your characters. They have such a cool claymation-like look.


Maybe a music video?


I remember watching an animated movie when I was a kid that was stop motion. I cant remember the name it was something like Monster Mash or something like that. I wanted to make them move like that (and Tim Burtons stuff also).






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One thing I've noticed looking over one of your models (the skater) is that you don't have enough splines for the joints. Typically you want three spline rings at a joint (like at the elbow.) That way the two outer spline rings can hold the shapes of the upper and lower arm when the elbow is bent. Think of it like bending a straw. These extra rings are easily added and would help with making your models more animate-able.

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These are outstanding resources.

Anyone that downloads your models and studies how they are put together will learn a lot.


I tried to animate all of them but I never seem to be able to find the time to take advantage of all the software has to offer or the principles of proper animation.


You can't fool us. You've just been pacing yourself. ;)

Looks like you are already on the move to the next stage.


Thanks for sharing your work with us.

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Thanks again

Martin i will put something together for A:M stills

Steve that model looks pretty cool. Here is one That Lee Anderson did using the same model prior to leaving on his mission.




I started out making a caricature of one of my nephews and just kept making characters. I never really got further than that.




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Thanks Paul

I never really thought of a comic strip. I suppose until i learned to animate the way I want to I could focus on that.

Here is one I started working on last night. I am about 5 hours into it. I wont upload this one cuz I have not really finished it. I used Sir Nigels jacket and a hat and hands I had made previously. Oh and all the realistic ears were made by William Gaylord. thanks. I hate making ears!




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Your designs are incredible - very strong style. You draw like this too?

Consistently impressive work.


A few life drawing classes at an art school and books on character design helped but the truth is I dont draw as well as I model. I have better control of construction lines using a computer. I do have a classic drawing book in pdf by Andrew Loomis that has been out of print for quite a while. If you want I can e-mail it to you.

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I'm going to try to pry some more info out of you about these characters and your work.

More than a few of us are very obviously interested in whats going on in your creative mind. :)


How long does it take you to do one of these caricatures?

Whats your general thought process with regard to identifying a person (for example your nephew) and translating them into 3D?

Do you just find a face/personality you like and model them?

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I'm going to try to pry some more info out of you about these characters and your work.

More than a few of us are very obviously interested in whats going on in your creative mind. :)


How long does it take you to do one of these caricatures?

Whats your general thought process with regard to identifying a person (for example your nephew) and translating them into 3D?

Do you just find a face/personality you like and model them?

Hi Rodney

The first model i ever finished is this one.


It took me a couple of weeks to finish her from start to finish. I didnt really catch on to modeling in A:M until I did the exercises in T.A.O. and checked out this model by member macb for its splinemanship and low patchwork.



and this model by member darklimit for 1: Its organic/mechanical design and 2: The proper way to use extrusions. After studying both of these models along with the exercises everything just clicked.


Prior to that I couldnt even make an eyeball (seriously!)

Now I feel I can make a character that is a lot better thought out with more appeal in maybe a day or 2.

I usually need to look at someone else s work to get the creative juices flowing. Here are a few i check out

This guy has a nice stylized look

I this one for the urban design and tribal twist.

This one is a great caricature artist also check out the links.

I never have really tried to model anyone except my nephew and even then I was surprised it looked like him. Everytime I start a model about half way through I feel like giving up cuz it seems like things start to get away from me and I dont know if I can pull it all back together.

Edit: Lee Anderson also gave me weekly tutorials before he left.

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Decided to add this one too. This will be the last one (There are more in some of my other post). I plan on reading all the tutorials that Homeslice has put on the board (thanks) for awhile so I can better understand all the features the software has.

Steve392 I like what your doin with that head model. Its nice to see this stuff in action



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Your work has inspired me today.

I even did some quick rigging! (which is saying something as I can't remember the last time I rigged anything!)


Over the years I've often drawn caricatures of co-workers and classmates and inevitably the focus of my attention falls on those that are moving on to a new installation or retiring from service. While I have used A:M to augment some of the going away presents from time to time, I have never attempted a 3D caricature of the individual. That won't change today either... but... one of your characters looks so much like my intended victim that I thought I should give it a try instead of stick to the 2D treatment.


The Chief is a running machine. (My commander calls him a freak of nature)


This character is a combination of two of your models with David Simmon's images from his eye pupil tutorial for the eyes.

As a quick proof of concept it turned out okay I think.


The final image will most likely combine him as a 3D character with photo background and 2D elements designed to trigger memories every time he sees the plaque.


Thanks Jirard for making this even more fun than usual.


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Just a question, jirard - do stories occur to you? When you make these models, do you have a story line in mind? Do the models inspire stories? Have you ever tried writing a script, or showing these to someone you know who has scriptwriting talent?


Or, on another track, have you ever envisioned yourself as a cartoonist? Are you naturally funny? Could you come up with a wry observation a week, or seven of them? Given the personality and attitude you build into your models, I bet it wouldn't be a stretch.


Wouldn't that be cool, a nationally syndicated comic strip featuring these characters in toon shading. Or, come to think of it, not in toon shading. Yours would be the first real 3D strip. And you wouldn't have to animate, just pose. Mr. Jirard, the rich and famous cartoonist.


Have you considered posing these kids, getting a print shop to do hi-res posters, and having a show?


I'm serious. You use physical form to tell a story like few people I've ever seen. I really don't think you are aware of the potential of what you've got here.

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Thanks Phatso

It looks like Martin gave me a Topic in the Special Projects section so I will give it a go.

Looks good Rodney although I think you may have to flip the normals on the hand if your going to use sss.


This is the last one I will be posting. I wanna get started on the project.


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Looks good Rodney although I think you may have to flip the normals on the hand if your going to use sss.


I had a feeling some would think that was a rendering issue.

Truth is he likes to run with black gloves.


Go figure.


That last image... thats intense!

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Looks good Rodney although I think you may have to flip the normals on the hand if your going to use sss.


I had a feeling some would think that was a rendering issue.

Truth is he likes to run with black gloves.


Go figure.



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I hope you don't mind me posting this here. As this little project of mine is using a few of your characters combined together I thought it might be okay. I can move it to another location if you prefer.


Here is something of a proof of concept for that going away gift.

The idea is to follow some of those images you see hanging all over the place at corporate headquarters etc.

You know the type. The ones like "LOYALTY"... and they go on to quote some inspirational saying.

In this case I added a few words which I thought might be appropriate from a military leader.


There is much I would like to do with this image but I don't I'll have the time to devote to it before he leaves.

For instance, the mountain he's running around the top of is Mt. Fuji.

I'd like to make that a little more realistic.

I'd also like to add a hint of a second trail desending into the clouds.

The trail disappear into the clouds just this side of a Torii gate. (lower left of the image).

The Chief himself is in the same pose multiple times around the epicenter.

I'd like to make that look cyclic... like those zoetropes that have been mentioned.


Thats about all I'd add to this except some detail in the Chief's running gear.

That and perhaps make the character look just a little bit more like him.


...and of course! It'd be great fun to animate the whole thing with him running all the way up and around the top of Mt Fuji.

But for this little project I think that'd be bit much. Don't you think?


At any rate... wanted to say thanks again for the inspiration Jirard.

I should try to be a little more prepared next time someone leaves. ;)


Edit: Updated the attachment to reflect newer more imperative wording.


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Oh I think the monstery one is graet ,got a real nasty streak in him,good modeling

btw been emailing you trying to send you something


Hi Steve

Try e-mailing me at jirard_freeman@yahoo.com.

Thanks Spleen

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